Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2870 Circle of Friends

"First of all, I would like to solemnly state one thing here, that is, the alliance led by the Buddhist and Taoist Alliance is not deliberately targeting any force!"

"Secondly, the original intention of establishing this alliance is to establish a world alliance with rules and regulations in the increasingly chaotic Xuantian Chaos World!"

"In short, the outer realm of the advanced civilized world is already dangerous enough. I hope the inner realm can gradually evolve into a paradise of civilized world!"

"Of course, some people may think this is too idealistic. We do not deny that it will be very difficult to achieve this goal, but we still feel it is necessary to form such an alliance!"

In front of the rostrum, Bodhi Buddha stood there and talked, briefly explaining the original intention of forming such a super alliance.

"Then according to what you said, does it mean that... our Adventure Alliance Guild can also apply to join this alliance?!" After listening to Bodhi Ancient Buddha's explanation, Odins immediately asked with disbelief.

"Of course!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi nodded without hesitation and replied: "Any force, big or small, in the entire advanced civilization world can apply to join this alliance family!"

"Only by allowing as many forces as possible to join in can this alliance truly evolve into a highly civilized world alliance!"


As the conversation between the nine-star powers of the two top forces spread throughout the martial arts arena, the originally silent scene immediately became an uproar, and the atmosphere reached its peak in an instant!

Through the dialogue between the two nine-star gods, the originally tense atmosphere immediately relaxed, and people realized the original intention of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism to form a super alliance.

As Bodhi Buddha just said at the beginning, the formation of such a super alliance is not to target any particular force. It is actually just to provide a rule-based protection for some weak forces!

In short, that is the promise of Buddhism and Taoism before it is realized!

They want to provide a platform that can protect them from all the various forces, large and small, that are allied with them in the Star Competition to jointly fight against the Adventure Alliance Guild camp!

Led by the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism, at the closing ceremony of the Star Competition, they proposed to form a super alliance. Directly through the virtual network live broadcast, it instantly spread to all forces in the entire advanced civilized world.

This news made many weak forces' eyes suddenly light up, and it also gave them a glimmer of hope, that is, the hope that they don't have to live in fear all day long!

The star competition selects a large number of contestants from the entire advanced civilized world. The forces or casual cultivators who can participate in the star competition only occupy a very small number in the entire world.

There are endless forces, large and small, all over the world of this advanced civilization, but none of my disciples are qualified to participate in this star competition.

During the closing ceremony of the Star Competition, Buddhist and Taoist players announced the formation of a super alliance. The main reason was to let countless forces in the advanced civilized world who were unable to participate see the news.

The host of this competition, the Yanling clan, is also one of the founding members of the soon-to-be-established super alliance. Naturally, they are very happy to be able to announce this shocking news that can shock the world on this rare platform!

"Quiet! Please keep quiet!!"

Facing the uproar in the martial arts arena, Bodhi Buddha pressed down with his hands, and his voice was directly transmitted to the ears of countless spectators at the scene, which silenced the noise at the scene.

"The poor monk has one more thing to solemnly declare here! In order to facilitate the rapid establishment of this alliance, the alliance headquarters will be temporarily located in the world of Yanling!"

"As we all know, the Yanling World where the Yanling Clan is located is located in the center of the entire advanced civilized world, and the Yanling Clan is also one of the first founding members of the alliance!"

"Therefore, temporarily placing the alliance headquarters in Yanling World will facilitate the early application of all forces to join the alliance. We hope that all forces who want to join the alliance will send missions to Yanling World as soon as possible to discuss joining. Various matters related to the alliance!”


As Bodhi Buddha's words fell again, waves of discussion resounded at the scene. It could be seen that most of the Yanling tribe members in the audience were cheering excitedly at this moment.

As we all know, the Yan Ling clan has been invaded and eaten away by the Zerg in recent years, and they have also been looking for help from outside forces!

Now it seems that the Yan Ling clan has not only found external help, but also found the help of a super powerful force. Next, the Zerg will probably have to carefully consider the strategy against the Yan Ling clan.

After announcing the last news, Ancient Buddha Bodhi and Hunyuan Daozu looked at each other, and then returned to their respective seats without hesitation.

What needs to be said has been said, and what needs to be explained has been done. What is left is all the details of forming a super alliance. There is no need to waste too much time on this occasion!

Then, with the loud announcement from Emperor Lingyin of the Yanling Tribe, this star competition finally came to a successful conclusion!

Still in Tianlingshan Palace, a celebration feast was held again, and this time there were many people participating.

The first batch of forces to join the Super Alliance have been invited. This is not only a reward for the good results of the contestants, but also a celebration of the formation of the Super Alliance.

For this reason, the Yanling clan also sent invitations to some neutral forces on behalf of the alliance, inviting some nine-star gods from neutral forces to come and participate in the feast.

In the No. 1 Tianling Shan Palace, the main hall that could accommodate tens of thousands of guests was finally full at this moment. It was no longer as empty as the celebration banquet when Du Long won the first place with four stars. Got it!

In the banquet hall, various dance music continued to sound, and people were divided into various circles, taking the opportunity to meet new and old friends of the same level as themselves.

As the organizer of this banquet, the great god Lingxi traveled among the nine-star great gods of all forces, and did not leave out the distinguished guests of any force.

These Nine-Star Gods are most concerned about the topic of the Super Alliance, and have been discussing various issues regarding the formation of this Super Alliance throughout the process. Among them, the most concerned about this are the Nine-Star Gods who are neutral forces.

As Bodhi Ancient Buddha and Hunyuan Daozu announced their original intention to form this super force in the martial arts arena, those forces that originally insisted on remaining neutral were no longer calm.

The reason why these neutral forces chose to take the neutral route is simply that they do not want to form an alliance to confront other forces, and they also want to survive as long as possible in this dangerous world of Xuantian Chaos.

But now they see something different from this super power. It is clearly a super alliance that protects weak forces, and it is also an alliance that does not interfere in the internal affairs of various large and small forces.

Many neutral forces are often weak in strength, and it is precisely because of their weakness that they have to choose neutrality, and then they have to submit to the various major forces and live a frustrating life every day depending on people's faces.

The emergence of this new super alliance gives them hope of getting out of their current predicament, which is also the main reason why they are willing to take a serious look at this alliance.

According to Buddhist and Taoist explanations, this super alliance is not so much an alliance as it is an organization similar to the United Nations of Earth.

The status of top forces such as Buddhism and Taoism, Yao Clan, and Yanling Clan is similar to that of the United Nations Security Council. Especially the first batch of alliance founding members of these top forces, it is estimated that they will also have members similar to the permanent members of the Security Council. Super treatment!

According to their plan, no matter how powerful the Adventure Alliance Guild is, they will only be given the authority and treatment of a Security Council member at most, and the Adventure Alliance Guild will never be allowed to receive the super treatment of a permanent member of the Security Council.

Only if the other party agrees to this condition will they have the opportunity to join this super alliance. Otherwise, let them slowly apply to join!

It would be best for the Adventure Alliance Guild to delay the application for membership for a longer period of time. When this super alliance truly grows to the point where people look up to it, it will be even more difficult for them to interfere deeply with the alliance's policies.

In the Tianzi No. 1 banquet hall, the older generation of nine-star powerful men gathered there to discuss alliance matters, while many of the younger generation's disciples were busy building their own circles of friends.

After the previous star competitions, some banquets will be held between relatively good friends, and the young generation will take the opportunity to form their own personal circles.

Just like Manimo and others before, they made friends with each other after a certain star competition, and then grew up along the way and finally formed a stable circle of friends of the eight-star gods.

"Senior Brother Du Long! I am Joanna from the Elf clan. I am very happy to meet a true four-star genius like you in this star competition!" A beauty from the Elf clan took the initiative to come to Du Long with a glass of wine. In front of the dragon.

"I'm also very happy to meet such a beautiful elf princess like you in this competition!" Du Long raised his glass and touched Joanna politely, his eyes full of admiration for this beautiful lady from the elf race.

This is a beautiful elf with long erect ears, a slender and well-proportioned figure with sexy curves, and a noble and noble temperament in a blue and white dress. From his appearance and bearing, he can tell that he has a high status among the elves.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Du Long for the compliment!" Joanna seemed very happy with Du Long's compliment, grinning and revealing her cute little tiger teeth, which also added a bit of coquettishness to her noble temperament.

As the four-star champion of the Star Competition and a direct disciple of the two ancient Buddhas of Buddhism, Bodhi and Xumi, Du Long naturally became the person that everyone wanted to make friends with.

Du Long knew very well in his heart that he was a native from a remote foreign land. What he lacked most was the connections in the advanced civilized world. At the banquet, he did not have any airs of being the first four-star, and treated everyone who wanted to come. The people I met were very polite.

As long as he stayed there quietly, four to six-star contestants would constantly come forward to make friends with him. This scene lasted for a long time before it stopped, and finally he was surrounded by a group of young heroes of comparable strength and status.

Princess Lingshan from the Yanling Clan, Little Taoist Sister Miaoling from the Taoist Clan, Sun Xiaosheng from the Demon Clan's six-eared monkey, Zhang Jing from the Zhang Family of the Human Clan, Che Ya from the Qilin Dragon Beast Clan, and Goren from the Stone Human Clan.

In addition, there are Princess Joanna from the Elf clan, Ge Xiaotian from the Wood Fairy clan, Huo Beilei from the Fire Spirit clan, Ouni from the Dwarf clan, etc.

Most of these people's backgrounds belong to the top powers, and they all achieved good results within the top thirty during the four-star competition. Only then are they qualified to stand together with Du Long and make friends with each other.

Of course, this qualification was not created deliberately by Du Long, but was a spontaneous act of these people. Those who were not confident enough would not have the nerve to come forward.

"Brother Du Long! You said before that you have a friend who was born as a stone monkey?! I wonder if you can introduce him to me?!" Seeing that the star competition was over, the six-eared monkey Sun Xiaosheng couldn't help but ask Du Long again Bring this up.

"No problem!" Du Long was just stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered that he had indeed agreed to this, and immediately secretly communicated with Sun Wukong in the secret realm of Genlong.

Since leaving the Xuantian Chaos Airspace where the Pangu World camp is located, Du Long has taken many people away from the Pangu World, including the fighting saint Sun Wukong who belongs to Buddhism.

Sun Wukong's strength has always been stuck there, unable to improve. He seems to be only interested in fighting, and has never been interested in other mysteries of heaven.

Because of this, he has only reached the early stage of the divine realm. Even if Du Long sends him to the Dragon Secret Realm to receive various inheritances, his progress will not be particularly great.

After all, the understanding of various mysteries of heaven is the cornerstone. If you can't break through the basics, it will be difficult to improve your cultivation level.

Sun Wukong, who was immersed in hard training, heard that Du Long wanted to introduce him to a certain four-star Xuantian Creation Realm monkey friend from outside, he immediately agreed.

Since someone from the same race wants to see him, I guess it won't be a bad thing.

"Little Saint Brother! Are you going to meet him here...or do you want to meet him in my portable cave world?!" After communicating with Sun Wukong, Du Long looked up at Sun Xiaosheng.

"Well! Then let's meet in your portable cave world!" Sun Xiaosheng just pondered for a moment before making a decision.

Du Long stopped talking nonsense and directly waved his hand and took it into the cave world that he carried with him, allowing him to meet Sun Wukong there instead of placing the meeting place in the Dragon Secret Realm.

To this day, the news that he obtained the Dragon Secret Realm has not been leaked out. Even Yuan Tianze, the fifth elder in charge of the matter in the Adventure Alliance Guild, still feels that the Dragon Secret Realm fell into the hands of Guli, a direct descendant of the Norman family.

"Brother Little Saint, who are you going to meet?! You don't want to meet here... but choose to meet him in private?!" Princess Lingshan blinked her beautiful big eyes, which were full of gossip and curiosity. .

"Nothing! It's just a monkey tribe member I knew before!" Du Long waved his hands and didn't want to talk about this issue in depth. He vaguely found some clues from Sun Xiaosheng's attitude.

As a friend of Sun Wukong, he did not pretend to be a gentleman and chose not to listen to the conversation between the two people. Instead, he watched what the two talked about throughout the whole process.

Du Long must keep a check on Sun Wukong and don't want him to have any accidents in the advanced civilized world. Even he himself thinks that the benefits of this meeting should outweigh the disadvantages!

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