Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2867 Three pillars


In a secret world in the Yanling World, a low shout suddenly sounded in the blue-white circular hall, immediately suppressing all kinds of noisy discussions in the hall.

In the blue-white circular hall, hundreds of figures are gathering at this moment. Everyone exudes a terrifying aura, and they are all powerful men who have reached the nine-star realm.

Lingxi, the ancestor of the Yanling clan, sat on the main throne, surrounded by hundreds of figures in a circle, including the Bodhi Ancient Buddha from the Buddhist sect and the Hunyuan Taoist ancestor from the Taoist sect.

The one who just opened his mouth to shout quietly was none other than Sun Tong, the nine-star peak god from the Monster Clan!

Many nine-star powerhouses from various forces at the scene were originally discussing the feasibility of forming an alliance. Most of them were very concerned about how to deal with the attacks and revenge of the Adventure Alliance Guild in the future.

"Let me answer your questions!" After seeing the noisy hall gradually quieting down, Ancient Buddha Bodhi said calmly: "As for the alliance against the Adventure Alliance Guild, we have discussed it before inviting you to come. Now that we have a preliminary alliance plan, let’s discuss it in depth with everyone here!”

"In fact, this alliance method is not to completely tie all the forces here together, but to form an alliance that is fair, just, respectful, and supportive!"

"In peacetime, alliance forces do not interfere in each other's internal affairs. Only when alliance members are invaded by foreign enemies, alliance members need to dispatch troops and generals to support!"


Ancient Bodhi Buddha sat there cross-legged and explained the preliminary plan for forming an alliance one by one. All the nine-star powers in the hall sat there quietly and listened carefully.

After Bodhi Buddha's narration, everyone finally understood what kind of alliance they were planning to form, and most of the questions in their hearts were answered.

According to the alliance plan proposed by Bodhi Ancient Buddha, it has essentially transcended the scope of forming an alliance group. There is a vague tendency to include the entire advanced civilized world into this alliance.

For example, it is specifically mentioned in the alliance plan that although all parties that join the alliance have a high degree of independence, they still need to abide by the various rules and regulations of the alliance.

Those systems are not to interfere in the internal affairs of each alliance force, but to ensure fairness and justice among the various forces within the alliance. They will not blindly protect a certain alliance force just because it is stronger, etc.

According to this alliance plan, all alliance members are like citizens living in a country. They need to abide by various laws of the country and also have many rights and obligations as citizens of the country.

In order to maintain the majesty of the alliance's rules and regulations, it is necessary to elect a certain number of managers from all parties.

These managers will be responsible for the research and formulation of the alliance's rules and regulations. After they are successfully formulated, they need to ensure that these rules and regulations can be implemented.

All in all, although Bodhi Ancient Buddha only proposed a preliminary alliance plan, the content involved made everyone at the scene brighten their eyes.

Everyone here is a powerful person with a strength of nine stars or above. Those who can cultivate to this level of super power are naturally extremely intelligent and terrifying beings.

They can see a trend from this, that is, the rules of conduct of the entire advanced civilized world may have to change accordingly. By then, forces that do not join this alliance will probably find it difficult to move forward!

Subsequently, many nine-star powerful men at the scene began to have in-depth discussions around this preliminary alliance plan.

They no longer need to consider how to retaliate against the Adventure Alliance Guild, but rather how to establish this alliance as soon as possible.

Only if this alliance relationship is established quickly can the weaker forces have no worries and fully cooperate in the subsequent six-star ranking competition.

Time flies by like this day by day, and the ten-day rest period flies by quickly, and soon it is time to reach the last game of the Star Ranking Competition - the Six-Star Ranking Competition!

Boom, boom, boom. . .

Over the huge martial arts arena, melodious bells continued to ring, announcing to everyone in Yanling City that the Six-Star Ranking Competition was officially underway.

The martial arts arena was buzzing with people at the moment, and the excited chatter of hundreds of millions of spectators was like a tsunami, surging through the huge martial arts arena with a radius of thousands of miles.

Everyone knows that this is the last star competition, and it is also the most anticipated six-star ranking competition. It is the most powerful competition among the star competitions.

The Xuantian Creation God, who is at the peak of the six-star realm, is also called the peak of the intermediate Xuantian realm. As long as they go one step further, they can break through and reach the seven-star realm.

The peak realm of seven to nine stars is known as the high-level Xuantian Creation realm, and its strength is vastly different from those below six stars!

Many people spend their entire lives unable to break through to reach a strength of seven stars or above, and countless people are trapped at the peak of six stars and fail to break through. This is enough to show the huge gap between the middle and high levels of Xuantian Creation Realm!

Under the gaze of everyone, a group of nine-star powers descended on the rostrum. It can be seen that there is a clear dividing line between these nine-star powers.

Originally, these nine-star powers were divided into three groups, led by the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism, led by the Adventure Alliance, and three major groups composed of neutral forces.

During the previous on-site star competition, among the three groups, the neutral group still had the largest number of people. Now, the force that still remains neutral has become the party with the smallest number of people.

Among the three major groups, the number of groups headed by the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism has increased dramatically, and they have already occupied nearly two-thirds of the number!

From this detail alone, many discerning people can see some clues. It is obvious that after the five-star ranking competition, there should have been changes that ordinary people are not well aware of.

It is obvious that in this process of change, the groups headed by Buddhism and Taoism have the absolute upper hand!

On the rostrum, Odins, the Lord of the Soul Palace, was cold and cold throughout the whole process, and his expression could only be described as gloomy.

Of course, behind his extremely ugly expression, the faint murderous intent that flashed in his eyes from time to time also explained many problems. The Adventure Alliance Guild obviously did not intend to give up on its own initiative.

No matter what results the Adventure Alliance Guild can achieve in the next six-star ranking competition, they will definitely use thunderous means afterwards to make certain forces pay a heavy price for their choices today!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Emperor Lingyin of the Yanling Clan came to the stage again, and the originally noisy martial arts arena gradually became quiet.

"Time flies so fast! In the blink of an eye, we have arrived at the final six-star qualifying match of the Star Competition! I want to represent the Yanling clan here..."

After some polite words, Emperor Lingyin suddenly changed the subject, and his expression became extremely serious.

"Of course! During this Star Competition, some unpleasant things also happened. The competition system that has not changed for many years is now questioned by some people!"

"Here, I would like to solemnly state one thing, that is, according to the rules of the Star Competition, this competition will continue to use the previous competition system. As for how the competition system will be revised later, that is another matter!"

"As the organizer of this competition, we are also happy to see some problems in the competition system discovered during the competition, and we also hope that the competition organizing committee can make more fair and reasonable corrections after the competition."

"Okay! According to the progress of this star competition, I hereby announce that the six-star competition is about to begin. All six-star contestants are requested to enter the arena immediately and prepare to participate!"

After a speech, Emperor Lingyin immediately announced that the six-star ranking competition would continue, and all the six-star contestants entered the huge martial arts stage one after another.

It can be seen that the number of six-star contestants has decreased by about 10% to 20%, leaving only less than 180,000 people. As soon as they entered the venue, two huge confrontation camps formed.

One side is a large camp composed of nearly 120,000 people, the other side is a camp of less than 30,000 people, and the remaining is a neutral casual cultivator team of more than 30,000 people.

Something unexpected happened to everyone at the scene. More than 30,000 neutral contestants gathered together as soon as they entered the martial arts stage.

Only a few of them looked confused. Finally, they seemed to hear the call. Some people joined the Buddhist and Taoist camps, while others joined the neutral and casual cultivator camps.

At this point, the six-star audition competition has not officially begun, and three huge camps have gathered on the martial arts stage!

In front of everyone, in the neutral camp that was unexpected by many people, there was a strong figure with the head of a dragon, and he shouted in a deep voice: "We have no intention of becoming enemies of the two camps, but we are also unwilling to be slaughtered by others. !”

"From now on, we will not interfere in the battle between your two camps, but if either side dares to take the lead in launching an attack on us, we will join the other camp to attack you with all our strength!!"


As the man with the dragon's head finished speaking, an uproar immediately broke out on the scene, and many people were stunned by the sudden change.

"Haha! There's something fun to watch now! I didn't expect... that neutral force that was originally just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, now turns around and becomes the party that is likely to gain from it!"

"That's right! This six-star audition competition has indeed become more interesting. It is no longer like the previous five-star audition competition, which was a one-sided massacre!"

"This is true to the saying that rabbits will jump up and bite people when they are anxious. What's more, those on the field are all the proud ones of every star level. Naturally, they cannot tolerate the consequences of letting people eat like meat!"

"I know the man with the body of a dragon, but he is Kong You, the dark and illusory dragon in the world of Illusory Nether Sea. I heard that he is also a six-star peak powerhouse who ranks among the top five!"

"No wonder he wants to stand up and resist. The Dark Illusion Dragon has never made friends with other forces. They have always followed the clan rules of neutrality and non-alignment!"


In the martial arts arena, various discussions arose one after another, and Du Long and many other people also got some information from it, and had a preliminary understanding of the sturdy dragon-headed man who had just stood up to speak.

On the rostrum, Bodhi Buddha and others were also a little dumbfounded. After looking at each other for a few times, all of them had helpless smiles on their faces.

Only then did they understand why they had encountered huge resistance when trying to win over these people. They were unwilling to be slaughtered by the lovers. They were planning to unite to share a piece of the pie with the other two camps!

‘Thunder Leopard! Ancient Buddha Bodhi just pondered for a moment, and immediately secretly sent a message to Lei Bao, the first among the six stars in Buddhism, and said: "Secretly communicate with Kong You and tell him that our main target is another camp. When we get that After the camp is cleared, we are willing to conduct fair auditions with contestants from neutral forces! ’

Lei Bao, who was on the martial arts stage, didn't know what to do at first. After hearing the secret transmission from the ancient Bodhi Buddha, he immediately nodded. He then secretly communicated with the leaders of his own team before starting the transmission. To Kong You.

After receiving the secret transmission from Lei Bao, Kong You quickly had a reply: ‘Haha! Just now, the Adventure Alliance has secretly sent messages to win over us, but they hope that we can join the other side's camp to deal with you. ’

‘I’m glad that Brother Lei Bao didn’t forcefully ask us to join your camp, but is also willing to give us the opportunity to participate in a fair audition competition. Here we unanimously decide to follow your suggestion! ’

‘Because we people must resolutely maintain neutrality, we must not help either camp before the battle between you two has concluded! ’

'Kong can only express his deep apologies here. I hope Brother Lei Bao can tell the team members of your camp and hope to get your understanding! ’

‘We can understand your desire to remain neutral! ’ Lei Bao quickly replied: ‘I also hope that the star audition competition can be fair and just. Unfortunately, if you want a fair and just star competition environment, you must eliminate some forces that undermine fairness all year round! ’

‘Once they are completely eliminated, we will be able to accept all contestants to compete fairly together! ’

'Thank you so much! ’ Kong You showed a smile of gratitude and admiration on his face and said: ‘It really deserves to be the Buddhist and Taoist alliance that is admired by the world, to be honest. . . We just obey the request of the forces behind us and must remain neutral, but in my heart, I have always been biased towards your camp! ’

‘Thank you Brother Kong You for your recognition! hehe! After the Six-Star Competition is over, I hope to have the opportunity to have a drink and chat with Brother Kong You! ’ Lei Bao sent out the invitation with a smile.

'must! ’ Kong You immediately nodded in response, and then said with some hesitation: ‘That. . . Brother Lei Bao must be careful. Based on my understanding of the people in the Adventure Alliance guild, they will never be willing to accept failure and will definitely use some extraordinary means in the six-star audition field! ’

‘Unconventional means? ! ’ Lei Bao frowned slightly and said solemnly: ‘Thank you Brother Kong You for reminding me, I will remind others to be more careful! ’

In this way, the three camps had completed exchanges and communications in secret before the war officially started.

It has to be said that with the alliance of neutral forces, they have really achieved their goal and no longer need to be a lamb to be slaughtered like in the previous five-star competition!

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