Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2831 Xumizi

Time flies!

On this day, there were only about three hundred epochs left before Du Long and others left the Xumi Secret Realm, and Du Long stood on the last step of the Nine Stars Xumi Mountain.

As long as he takes the last step again, he will be able to successfully climb to the top of the Nine-Star Sumeru Mountain in front of him. However, this last step is like a natural chasm!

In front of everyone, Du Long's legs were shaking violently, as if his whole body might be crushed at any time, which was frightening to watch.

But he just stood there tremblingly for a long time, with golden energy blooming all over his body, still trying his best to resist the terrifying pressure that was going to crush him!

Inside Du Long's body, the six world vortices distributed in the limbs, abdomen and head are rotating at a terrifying speed.

There are now more than nine trillion worlds in its body, and it is still slowly increasing, because there is still several times the gap from the thirty-plus trillion in Du Long's mind.

According to his understanding of the limit of the number of physical and soul origins at the four-star peak, it should reach four-tenths of the total body cells of 70 to 80 trillion, that is, more than 30 trillion is what the four-star peak can achieve. limit!

And when he climbed to the last step, he was still far away from more than 30 trillion. It was precisely because of this that he was in an extremely dangerous state when he stood on the last step.

He no longer relied solely on his physical strength to resist the terrifying pressure. In addition to his physical strength, he also relied on the power of the world generated by the rotation of the six world vortexes in his body to jointly resist the terrifying force that wanted to kill him.

But even so, Du Long, who was standing on the last step, was still not out of danger. As long as he relaxed a little, he might fall into an irreversible situation.

Whoop, whoop, whoop. . .

Standing on the last step, Du Long's chest was heaving violently!

It can be seen that the muscles all over his body are trembling, and the exposed body is covered with fine beads of sweat. How can the strength of the peak four-star realm be reduced to such a state? !

You know, since his cultivation reached the realm of creation, he has never been like an ordinary person like today, needing to breathe heavily to maintain his strength!

Inside the constantly vibrating muscles, body cells are constantly transforming into clones of their original cells, and the first cells are evolving towards a more complex physical structure.

Every time a cell origin clone is added and a small immortal world is thrown into the world vortex, it can relieve Du Long from the pressure of terrifying coercion!

As time goes by, the number of original clones of cells in his body is constantly approaching ten trillion, and the closer it gets to ten trillion, the harder it becomes.

One day, when the total number of cell origin clones in his body was just short of reaching ten trillion, an abnormal feeling from the physical body reaching its limit surged into his heart.

'not good! Du Long, who felt that his physical body had reached its current limit and could no longer increase the number of cell origin clones in his body, suddenly felt a thump in his heart: "The physical body has reached its limit and he could no longer increase the number of cell origin clones. Do we want to stop at this last step?" Did you take the steps? ! ’

After years of hard training, Du Long's physical strength has been continuously strengthened all the time, but now it has still reached its limit, which makes him feel very unwilling in his heart.

He looked up at the last step in front of him. As long as he took this last step, he would be able to reach the top successfully. No one would be willing to back down after reaching this step, right? !

‘It doesn’t matter so much! Now that the physical body has reached its limit. . . Then fight! Even if you climb, you have to climb to the top of the mountain. . . Fight for the chance to inherit the mountain top! ’

Du Long quickly gritted his teeth and made the final decision. Then, under the astonishment of many eyes, he walked towards the steps in front of him, and then used his hands and feet to climb up!

The steps on Mount Xumi are not high enough to be climbed by normal steps. Each step is about one meter and two meters long. Each step requires sufficient strength to climb up in one step.

Now, Du Long placed his upper body on the top of the steps, then used all his strength to lift his left leg up first, almost using his hands and feet to climb to the top of Mount Sumeru!

Under everyone's astonished gaze, he climbed to the top of Mount Sumeru in embarrassment, almost lying on the ground on the top of the mountain.

In full view of everyone, Du Long continued to grit his teeth and crawl forward with all his strength. Only after he climbed out of the range of the steps did his whole body tremble suddenly and he lay down straight on the ground.

Whoop, whoop, whoop. . .

Just when everyone was secretly guessing whether he was alive or dead, they saw his chest rising and falling violently. Only then did people realize that he was still alive and had successfully climbed to the top of Mount Sumeru, the peak of the Nine Stars, alive!

Du Long lay there on his back, breathing in the fresh air that was no longer mixed with terrifying pressure, as if a person trapped in the deep sea had successfully returned to the shore. That comfortable feeling was difficult to use. Words to describe.

After lying there for half a quarter of an hour, Du Long stood up unsteadily, turned his head and glanced at the stairs behind him with lingering fear, and at the same time looked meaningfully at the various looks directed at him from all directions.

He didn't say any more nonsense to anyone, but walked directly to a golden-domed hall on the top of the mountain, wanting to see what opportunity and inheritance he had left for him.

Under the gaze of many envious, jealous and hateful eyes, Du Long stepped into the golden-domed hall without hesitation. The moment he entered the hall, any detection from the outside world was blocked.

This is a triangular-shaped hall. The internal space is not particularly large. It is only about tens of meters in diameter at most!

In the middle of the hall is a triangular altar. There is a desk above the altar. Du Long did not look at the treasures on the desk because his eyes were attracted by a ball of light suspended on the desk. past.

It was a light ball the size of a table tennis ball, with an extremely soft golden light emitting from its surface. When Du Long saw it for the first time, he immediately couldn't look away.

Because the moment he saw this ball of light, all the cells in his body seemed to start trembling with excitement, just like a disaster victim who had been hungry for countless years and saw a big meat bag. The feeling could only be felt but not expressed in words.

Having just tried his best on the steps, Du Long's physical body seemed to have been greatly strengthened on the surface, but in fact it had exhausted all his strength and was now in a state of extreme hunger.


Du Long allowed himself to be driven by his heart and rushed towards the golden ball of light suspended above the table. He reached out to grab it and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation.

The golden ball of light turns into a rolling torrent at the entrance and pours into the abdomen, and then instantly turns into endless energy and is injected into the cells of various parts of the body.

At this moment, Du Long was like a clay Bodhisattva, and this torrent was rushing to all parts of his body at a terrifying speed, making his dry body instantly moisturized.

Du Long sat cross-legged on the floor of the altar without hesitation, and began to rotate the world vortex in his body, allowing the cells of his physical body to absorb and refine this endless torrent faster.

During this period, Du Long was also carefully observing the impact of the torrent on the body's cells. Through a microscopic perspective, he could clearly see the huge changes in the cells in his body.

It is like a piece of rotten wood that is about to wither. After being nourished by the water of life, the rotten wood begins to emit endless vitality in the spring.

Du Long can clearly feel that the limit of his physical body is disappearing, which also means that he can continue to increase the number of cell origin clones in his body and continue to move towards the four-star peak limit of more than 300,000!

In this case, he no longer wastes time. While continuing to absorb the rolling torrent of refining, he continues to increase the number of cell origin clones in his body.

Time continued to pass minute by minute, and the number of cell origin clones in Du Long's body also continued to increase sharply, quickly breaking through the ten trillion mark, then twenty trillion, and thirty trillion. . .

When the number of cell origin clones in his body reached a shocking thirty-plus trillion, he finally reached the limit of the four-star peak basic realm, and could no longer add another cell origin clone!


Until this moment, Du Long finally slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a long breath. Undisguised excitement could be seen flashing in his eyes.

"I finally succeeded in cultivating my physical body to the limit that can be reached by the four-star peak, and my soul origin has also reached the limit of the four-star peak. I don't know how many people in this world can achieve the level like me?!"

"What kind of treasure is that golden ball of light?! Why can it increase the strength of one's body so quickly? Tanruo has such a treasure all the time... Why should I suffer so much on that step?!"

While Du Long was excited that his physical body had reached the peak of four stars, he was guessing what kind of treasure the golden ball of light was, when a strange chuckle suddenly came from his ears.

"Haha! If you hadn't suffered on that step, even if I gave you a Dacheng Sumizu, your physical body wouldn't be able to break through and reach the peak of four stars!"

"Who?!" Du Long was suddenly startled, and then he looked around in confusion and said, "Who are you?! Why do you stay here?!"

"Haha!" The strange voice sounded again, and a middle-aged monk made of golden energy appeared in mid-air: "To be precise, I am not a human being, I am just a memory mark left here by this deity! "

"Memory imprint?!" Du Long looked at the energy figure in mid-air in surprise and said: "Your true self is the master of this nine-star peak Sumeru Mountain?! Dare I ask what I call my senior?!"

"I am the ancient Buddha Lanni!" the middle-aged monk replied with a complex expression: "After so many years, I almost don't even remember my name!"

"It turns out to be Senior Moni Gufo!" Du Long bowed and said, "This junior is the direct disciple of Bodhi Buddha, the current master of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy. His lay name is Du Long!"

"Hmm!" Monique Buddha nodded slightly and said, "It turns out that he is the direct disciple of the current master of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy. No wonder he has such an amazing talent!"

"Thank you for the compliment, senior!" Du Long bowed humbly: "May I ask, senior, what is the treasure of the golden ball of light that the junior swallowed before?! What kind of effect does it have?!"

"I just said that it is the Dacheng Sumeru Son!" Moni shook his head and chuckled: "Only the nine-star peak Sumeru Son can be called the Dacheng Sumeru Son. This thing has a miraculous effect on enhancing the physical strength of the monks!"

"Of course, as I said just now, its effectiveness may be great or small. If you fail to successfully accept the test and reach the top, the effectiveness will be much smaller!"

"Each monk can only swallow one Sumeru seed per star. Swallowing more will only waste such a treasure and will not contribute to the strength of the physical body!"

"Therefore, if you fail to increase the physical strength to the peak limit of the current star level when you swallow the next Dacheng Sumeru, then you will have to work hard to achieve the rest!"

"Once you reach that point, if you want to reach the peak limit of the corresponding star level through hard work, the time required will be beyond the reach of many monks!"

"So that's it!" Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was secretly glad that when he took Dacheng Xumizi, his physical strength reached the peak limit of four stars.

"Senior! Being able to successfully climb Mount Sumeru in the four-star realm, does this junior have any other benefits besides the Dacheng Sumeru just now?!"

"Haha! It seems that after you entered this hall, you only had the Dacheng Sumeru in your eyes, and you didn't put anything else in your eyes at all!" Lenny Gufo shook his head in confusion.

It was only then that Du Long turned his attention to the desk. He had indeed only seen Dacheng Xumizi suspended above the desk, and had not noticed a few other things on the desk.

One of them is a golden book with five ancient seals of the Powerful Vajra Palm printed on it. It is obviously a book of secret attack and killing techniques of the palm!

The other thing is a small magic awl about half a foot long. I don’t know what level of creation weapon it is. Since it can be placed here, it shouldn’t be too bad.

In addition, there is a crystal lying there quietly, and these three items are placed on the entire table. They should all be treasures to reward Du Long for successfully climbing to the top.

Du Long reached out and took out the crystal, and in front of Lanni Gufo's memory, he immersed himself in it, wanting to see what kind of treasure it was.

The moment his mind sank into the crystal, he could immediately see the massive information stored inside the crystal, which was all the various cultivation experiences and experiences of Lenny Gufo throughout his life.

Du Long just browsed it briefly and then quit. The amount of information inside the crystal was too huge. It would not be too late for him to slowly participate in the research if he had time in the future.

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