Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2827 Live Gambling

"This... this four-star number one from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy is simply too strong?! He can actually kill the four-star number one from the Xumi Academy with one move?!"

"Yes! They are both No. 1 with four stars. Why is there such a huge gap in strength between the two?! Is the ability of Xumi Academy to teach students too poor?!"

"It's a completely one-sided instant kill. It seems that I have to let my son sign up to join Bodhi Academy in the future, instead of wasting time by entering Xumi Academy!"


The entire Yanwu Square was buzzing with discussions. Many people were shocked by Du Long's extremely powerful strength, and they all discussed the matter there.

In the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas, due to the relationship between the two major colleges, competition between each other is almost everywhere. Every star ranking competition makes this competition public.

This is not only an opportunity for the two major colleges to compete for star rankings, but also an opportunity to show the quality of teaching to all parties.

Even if Bodhi and Sumeru are the most powerful ancient Buddhas, they will still have some ordinary thoughts at this time.

"Alas!" On the rostrum, Ancient Buddha Kasyapa couldn't help but sigh softly in the depressing atmosphere: "I didn't expect... Even Nirol couldn't let Du Long show his full strength. It seems that this The child should be able to achieve top ten results in the star ranking competition in the entire advanced civilization world, right?!"

"Hmph!" Ancient Buddha Xumi, who had long been filled with anger, snorted coldly and interjected with disdain: "I admit that this kid is stronger than Nellore, but with this strength, he wants to win the Advanced Civilization World Competition. Four-star top ten...I think it’s still far from it!”

"Isn't that far?!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi continued expressionlessly: "I can guarantee that Du Long can get the top five of four stars in the Advanced Civilization World Competition, Sumeru! Do you dare to take a bet with me?! "

"The top five four-stars in the advanced civilization world?!" Xumi's gray eyebrows suddenly raised, and then he smiled coldly and said: "Bodhi! You really dare to put gold on your face! Tell me! How do you want to bet? ?!”

"It's very simple!" Ancient Bodhi Buddha's face was still as deep as water, and he said in an indifferent tone: "If I lose, I will give you ten old Bodhi leaves. If you lose...then give me ten Dacheng Xumizi. !”


As Bodhi Buddha announced the bet, there was an uproar immediately on the podium, and many people lamented that Bodhi Buddha made such a generous bet.

You know, the two treasures in the bet are things that many people can't even ask for.

First of all, let’s talk about the ten old Bodhi leaves. They are the sparse leaves on the old Bodhi tree on the top of the Bodhi Mountain. According to legend, they have a miraculous effect on monks’ understanding of various mysteries of heaven!

The second is the so-called Dacheng Sumeru. This treasure is produced in the Sumeru world. Its importance is no less than that of the Bodhi leaves. It has a miraculous effect on monks to strengthen their physical bodies.

To put it simply, Bodhi leaves have a strengthening effect on the origin of the soul, while Sumeru seeds have a miraculous effect on strengthening the physical body!

At the beginning, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm placed the two secret realms of Ten Thousand Buddhas and Sumeru in the two great worlds of Bodhi and Sumeru respectively. The most important reason was related to this aspect.

"Okay! Deal! In front of so many people today, I hope you will keep your word!" Ancient Buddha Xumi just pondered for a moment, and then solemnly agreed.

"Don't worry! My reputation has always been much better than yours!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi half promised and half sarcastically said to Ancient Buddha Sumeru, and a faint chuckle immediately sounded on the scene.

Just as Bodhi Buddha said, Bodhi Buddha has always been extremely honest in his dealings with others. As for Sumeru Buddha, he is not dishonest, but he always likes to make small moves in the process of fulfilling his promises.

And Ancient Buddha Bodhi is not afraid of any small tricks made by the other party. No matter how Ancient Buddha Xumi makes small tricks, he will still keep his face and fulfill his promise in the end!

On the martial arts stage, after Du Long killed the powerful enemy Nile with one move, there were still several games to play, but there was no suspense anymore.

With the defeat of the first four-star contestant from Xumi Academy in his hands, other opponents could no longer pose any threat.

Apart from wasting a little time waiting in line for other opponents, Du Long can always defeat all enemies with a crushing attitude!

On the other side, Nellore, who had restored his body, was also involved in the unfinished game.

Compared to Du Long's relaxed and freehand attitude, Nirol's whole person exuded the aura of being kept away from strangers, and his eyes were always spitting out malicious glances. It was obvious that he had not been able to get over the shadow of being killed by Du Long.

Nirol's remaining opponents were in dire straits. This guy vented all his anger and resentment for losing to Du Long on them, and soon two or three contestants were brutally killed.

Even though these people were able to repair their injured bodies quickly, the psychological shadow of being tortured and killed still lingered.

Nirol seemed to find pleasure in this process. Instead of weakening, the malicious light in his eyes showed signs of becoming more and more crazy.

"Hmph!" On the rostrum, cold snorts suddenly sounded, and it was the ancient Buddha Bodhi who mocked with disdain: "Before, some people were still mocking Du Long for his lack of virtue, but now it seems... The behavior of some academy disciples is truly immoral!"

In the process of saying these words, Bodhi Buddha's eyes were locked on Nirol the whole time, and the big guys on the podium naturally understood the deep meaning behind his words in an instant.

For a moment, all the big guys looked at Ancient Buddha Xumi with half-smiling faces, wondering how he would respond to this matter.

"Hmph!" He snorted with a nonchalant look on his face: "The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. I can't control whether all the millions of students in the academy are morally bad, but I can When you discipline your direct disciples, you must not be immoral!"

He was putting aside the relationship between himself and Nirol, which meant that Nirol was not his direct disciple, and it had nothing to do with him whether his moral character was deficient or not.

In response to his shameless reply, Ancient Buddha Bodhi had never been particularly eloquent, so he could only shake his head and give up and did not continue to dwell on such a trivial matter.

The results of the four-star qualifying competition came out quickly. Dulong won the first place in the four-star ranking with nineteen victories, while Nellore ended up in second place due to one defeat. .

I have to say that although this guy's character is not very good, his personal strength is indeed pretty good. It's a pity that Du Long, a dark horse, appeared in this four-star qualifying competition!

After the four-star competition, the next step is the five-star qualifying competition. Ten players from each of the two major colleges will participate. The rules of the competition are exactly the same as those of the four-star competition.

Everyone has to play 19 games, and then they are ranked according to their respective scores. It is absolutely fair and impartial and there is no trace of water.

The results of the five-star qualifying competition came out soon, and the first place winner was still a disciple from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy. His name was Zhang Tianxuan, and he was a direct disciple of the Tarot Vajra Ancient Buddha from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy.

The six-star qualifying competition soon started. Lei Bao, a contestant from Xumi Academy, showed extremely strong personal strength in the competition, and finally passed the test and became the first place in the six-star competition.

This guy finally regained some face for Xumi Academy, and he was also a direct disciple of Ancient Buddha Xumi. This also made Ancient Buddha Xumi's gloomy face finally light up with a smile!

"Haha!" Just when Lei Bao won the first place with six stars, Ancient Buddha Xumi immediately laughed triumphantly and said: "Bodhi! Even if your academy is lucky enough to win the first place with two stars this time, so what?! On behalf of the students, The number one with the strongest strength among the six stars... finally fell into the hands of Xumi Academy! Hahaha..."

As we all know, once the strength of students in major colleges reaches seven stars, they must graduate.

Because of this, it is not an exaggeration to say that the first place in the six-star qualifying competition is the strongest student of the two academies. This is why Ancient Buddha Xumi made the statement just now.

"Haha!" Facing the proud Ancient Buddha Xumi, Ancient Buddha Bodhi couldn't help but smile lightly and said: "If it weren't for the fact that there are several outstanding six-star disciples in this session of Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy who all broke through and reached seven stars, how would you have any chance? Winning the first place in six stars?!"

"Bodhi! If you lose, lose. Don't look like you can't afford to lose and still make excuses. This will only make people look down on you!" As if he had expected Bodhi Buddha to say this, Sumeru Buddha immediately smiled and said He retorted sarcastically.

"So what if I get the first six stars in both houses?!" Bodhi couldn't help but said again: "I'm afraid I won't even be able to enter the top ten of the Advanced Civilization World Competition?! By then, it won't be the same as losing two thousand Buddhas. The face of a graduate school?!”

For some reason, Bodhi Buddha, who has always been mature and stable and doesn't like to argue with each other, can't help but want to fight with Xumi, his old enemy.

He had previously bet with Xumi that Du Long would be in the top five of four stars, but now he said with disdain that Lei Bao could not be in the top ten, which was clearly a slap in his face in public.

"It's just in the top ten!" Ancient Buddha Xumi yelled a little unwillingly: "Thunder Leopard can naturally enter easily, and there is still a chance to get a relatively high ranking!"

"Are you relying on your words to get into the top ten?! It's useless to talk more. If you have the guts, just make another big bet with me. I used to bet on my direct disciple Du Long, so now I'll bet on your direct disciple. No Do you know if you dare?!"

"Of course... If you don't even have confidence in that kid Lei Bao, then just pretend that I didn't mention this bet!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi proposed the bet first, and when he saw that Ancient Buddha Xumi showed signs of shrinking, he immediately added added.

These seemingly good words for the other party actually blocked Xumi's escape route. Unless he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of all the big guys, he would have no choice but to agree to the bet proposed by Ancient Buddha Bodhi.

"Who says I don't have confidence in Lei Bao?!" Ancient Buddha Xumi knew clearly that this was a way to provoke the general and a clear plan! But he could only reply helplessly: "Since you want to take a gamble again, then I will accompany you to the end!"

"Sure enough, you are brave!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi pretended to compliment, and then continued with a half-smile: "Before, I made a bet with my personal disciple Du Long that he could break into the top five in the competition, so this round is for fair..."

"Stop!" Before Ancient Buddha Bodhi could finish speaking, Ancient Buddha Xumi couldn't help shouting: "That's not what you just said. It was obviously based on whether Lei Bao could enter the top ten in the competition. Come and set up a bet in your name!"

"Haha!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi was not unhappy because of the other party's rebuttal. He chuckled meaningfully and said: "Forget it! Then let's bet on whether Lei Bao can enter the top ten of the competition! I bet that he won't win the competition. The top ten are still ten Bodhi leaves, so your bet is still ten Sumeru seeds?!"

"Deal!" Ancient Buddha Xumi nodded and agreed without thinking this time: "Everyone present can testify. I hope you won't break your promise!"

"Why are you always worried that I will break my promise?! In that case, let's first hand over the two bets to Kasyapa for safekeeping. I believe Kasyapa will treat this bet fairly and justly, right?!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi followed suit If the other party makes such a request.

To be honest, as the number of bets increased, he really began to worry that the other party would not admit easily after losing. If he dragged it on for endless years, he couldn't really break up with him, right? !

"There is no need to hand over the bet to others for safekeeping in advance, right?!" Sure enough, Ancient Buddha Xumi replied with some reluctance: "I still believe in the status of you and me, and I will never do anything bad! "

"It's true that you won't default on your debt!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi said with a half-smile: "But the possibility of finding various reasons to delay time still exists. Some people have learned from past mistakes! I still think that the bet should be handed over to a reliable third party. It’s best kept, don’t you trust Kasyapa?!”

"Don't say this nonsense... That's all! These are twenty Dacheng Sumeru Sons, which are temporarily handed over to Kassapa for safekeeping!" Ancient Buddha Sumeru could only hand over a space ring to Kassapa with some heartache. In the hands of ancient Buddha.

Ancient Buddha Kassapa immersed his mind into it and explored it, and soon nodded to Bodhi with a smile and said: "There are indeed twenty Dacheng Sumeru Sons here!"

"Yes!" Ancient Bodhi Buddha nodded with satisfaction, then casually sent a space ring to Kasyapa and said, "Here are twenty old Bodhi leaves!"

Kasyapa was not polite and directly took the space ring into his hand, and immediately put his mind into it to explore it.

"There are indeed twenty old Bodhi leaves in here! Bodhi, Xumi! You two are really speechless! It would be extremely difficult to get a piece from you on weekdays, but now they are easily separated for a bet. Take out twenty copies?!" Kasyapa put away the two space rings, shook his head and said with a smile.


Amid bursts of laughter, the atmosphere on the rostrum immediately became lively. All the big guys were there to discuss the huge bet between the two masters.

On the martial arts field, the star ranking match between the two major colleges representing the Ten Thousand Buddhas World ended like this. The results of this star ranking match quickly spread to all parties.

And Du Long's name also spread to the eyes of various forces with this competition, including Wu Tianze, the fifth elder of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild.

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