Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2819 Three-dimensional face-to-face killing

"Shameless! This Tianchan is so shameless! He actually used so many Buddhist magic weapons with combat power bonus effects in the qualifying match?!" Fatty Liu's indignant curses suddenly rang out from the audience.

"It's indeed shameless!" Su Lei also said with an angry face: "First, I designed it so that Senior Brother Du Long could not use the Mahayana Thousand Hands Divine Power, and then shamelessly used a large number of illegal magic weapons. Why didn't the high-level officials on the rostrum come out? To be fair?!”

"Alas!" Miaoshan Buddha Girl sighed softly: "Although the other party's methods are a bit shameless, they can only be regarded as a marginal goal. They are on the verge of a foul or not. Presumably the Bodhi Palace Master cannot express his strong feelings. Are you against it?!"

"Are you just going to look at your direct disciple and let that shameless person bully you?!" Fatty Liu still yelled with resentment.

"Hehe!" The new student Tiannu Buddha who was sitting not far away said with a cold smile: "Don't always use the word shameless to describe Senior Brother Tianchan. If you want to blame him, you can only blame that boy for being too arrogant and daring to promise not to do anything in public. Use the Mahayana Thousand Hands Divine Power!"

"So what about Zen using an illegal magic weapon that day?!" Fatty Liu looked at Tiannu with a livid face and asked: "If all the contestants are like him, how can the Academy's star ranking competition determine the true winner? The strong one?!"

"Whether a magic weapon violates regulations or not is not something a freshman like you can define!"

Tiannu looked at Fatty Liu with disdain and said: "To define whether a certain magic weapon violates the rules or not, the key is to have the final say from the senior officials on the rostrum. As for you... go wherever you feel cool, so don't embarrass yourself here. Got it!"

Discussions like this were very widespread in the audience, and many people expressed their opinions on Tianchan's use of a suspected illegal magic weapon.

Most of them expressed disdain for Tianchan's actions. Of course, some people believed that Du Long had abandoned his martial arts first and could only pay for his arrogance!

On the martial arts stage, Du Long did not pay attention to other people's comments, but waved the giant ax in his hand to block the bombardment of those golden light beams with all his strength.

The giant ax was half the size of his body. It was very effective in defending against the bombardment of those golden beams of light, and this also gave Du Long a chance to breathe.

'Can not be done! There is only a giant axe, which is almost reduced to a tool to block the opponent's golden light beam bombardment. There is no way to calm down to fight, comprehend and practice! ’

After this continued for a period of time, Du Long immediately discovered such a problem and had to start rethinking how to deal with it.

He is not a rigid person, he just makes a decision after thinking for a moment, and in the process of dodging, he suddenly transforms into a three-headed and six-armed fighting form.

"Du Long! Are you going to break your promise?! If you don't keep the promise you made... Aren't you afraid of losing the face of Master Bodhi Palace?!" After seeing Du Long transform into a man with three heads and six arms, At the moment of fighting, Tianchan, as his opponent, couldn't help but refuted it in public.

"I did not break my promise!" Du Long replied with a smile: "At the beginning, I only promised not to use the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power to fight, but I did not promise not to use similar magical powers with three heads and six arms to compete!"

In the fighting form of three heads and six arms, Du Long held six huge battle axes in his hands and charged towards Tianchan with murderous intent.

His answer immediately choked Tian Chan, and he couldn't find a suitable reason to refute it. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and launch a counterattack.

As Du Long entered the fighting form with three heads and six arms, the situation on the scene was directly reversed. No matter how Tian Chan used the golden beam bombardment, he could never hit Du Long's body.

On the contrary, Du Long successfully entered a state of combat awareness!

If he is distracted and used frequently, he can perfectly control six giant axes in battle. He only needs to use two giant axes to block the opponent's attack, and the remaining giant axes are used for combat insights!

Facing Du Long in his fighting form with three heads and six arms, even if Tianchan used the Mahayana Thousand Hands Magical Technique, it would be of no use. The total combat power output of a single target was still unable to break through Du Long's defense!

‘Multi-dimensional attack and kill, the essence of one-dimensional attack and kill is point kill, the essence of two-dimensional attack and kill is line kill, and the essence of three-dimensional attack and kill is naturally face-to-face kill! ’

‘But how should we understand this kind of face-to-face killing? ! Do you want to use the giant ax in your hand as a fly swatter? ! Can't you hit your opponent with a giant axe? ! ’

'No! If so. . . The giant ax will lose its own meaning of existence. The essence of three-dimensional attack and killing is definitely not this attack method! ’

‘But if it weren’t for this slapping method, how could we embody the essence of face-to-face killing? ! How can I achieve the effect of a face-to-face kill with the giant axe? ! ’

‘Point, line, surface. . . Lines are composed of endless points, and surfaces are naturally composed of endless lines. If you want to understand the essence of three-dimensional attack and killing skills, you must find a way to make the giant ax chop during the process. . . First realize the two-dimensional line killing. . . Realize three-dimensional face-to-face killing again? ! ’

After successfully entering the state of combat awareness, Du Long, who was distracted and multi-purpose, thought about the key points of three-dimensional attack and killing while fighting, and he gradually found the key points to achieve face-to-face killing.

Immediately afterwards, he began to use the giant ax to chop again and again, trying to find the actual key points of a two-dimensional line kill. This process was equivalent to using a sword to achieve a two-dimensional line kill!

After having the experience of achieving a two-dimensional line kill with a battle knife, he thought it would be much easier to achieve a line kill with a tomahawk. After all, tomahawks and battle knives actually have something in common!

Hoo ho ho. . .

The light of the ax continued to cut through the void, causing waves of thick air-piercing wind, which continued to resound on this martial arts stage!

Along with the sound of the giant ax breaking through the air, there will also be the roar of gold and iron clashing from time to time. Du Long will naturally have to constantly collide with the opponent's attacks in actual combat.

In Tianchan's hand, he not only had a long-range golden light beam attack magic weapon, but also had all kinds of magical weapons to attack and kill. Naturally, he would constantly collide head-on with Du Long's giant axe.

After repeated head-on collisions, Tianchan finally realized how powerful Du Long was in terms of total combat power output of a single target, and had to use as many magical weapons as possible to block the frontal bombardment of those powerful and heavy giant axes!

‘The power of the battle ax in this guy’s hand seems to be increasing all the time? ! Could it be that. . . Is he using his own hands to hone some secret attack and killing skills? ! ’

‘What kind of secret attack and killing technique is it? ! How could this boy's strength continuously improve and grow in such a short period of time? ! ’

‘How much of a perverted monster is this guy in front of me? ! With his cultivation reaching the peak of four stars, he was still able to obtain a huge improvement in strength through combat insights in such a short period of time? ! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

As Du Long's opponent, Tian Chan also began to have random thoughts involuntarily due to distractions. Most of them were frightened by Du Long's terrifying talent!

It is also the peak level of four-star strength. Tianchan understands very well that after the strength reaches this level, it will be extremely difficult to obtain any improvement.

But this kind of existence, which is extremely difficult for a genius like him, has become so simple and easy for Du Long. How can this not cause a heavy blow to his self-confidence? !

A feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred began to accumulate in Tianchan's heart, which also made his resentment towards Du Long become stronger and stronger.

He secretly resented Du Long's appearance for taking away the four-star championship that should have been his, causing him to waste a lot of time and energy staying at the four-star realm!

As his opponent, Du Long didn't know this guy's dark thoughts, but devoted most of his attention to combat perception and training, and he soon found the essence of using a battle ax to perform a two-dimensional attack and kill secret technique of line killing. !

Whoops, whoops. . .

The huge battle ax continuously sliced ​​open the void, forming a series of sharp roars, and then erupted with terrifying power in the head-on collision with Tianchan!

At this time, Tian Chan felt miserable in his heart. The feeling of facing the two-dimensional linear killing essence unleashed by the giant ax was as painful as being hit head-on by mountains one after another.

As time went by, after Du Long successfully mastered the essence of two-dimensional attack and killing with the giant axe, he actually began to study how to use the giant ax to display the essence of three-dimensional surface killing.

His idea is very simple. It roughly means that in the process of cutting with an axe, countless two-dimensional line killing combinations become three-dimensional area killing.

This tactic is very simple to say, but it is as difficult as reaching the sky to achieve it!

Even if Du Long could distract himself from hundreds of millions of distractions to comprehend the battle, even if the origin of his soul was extremely powerful, he would still be faced with many difficulties!


Suddenly, with the giant ax slashing out, Du Long successfully triggered two two-dimensional lines of killing essence, and he could see two thin lines appearing in the void!

Immediately afterwards, the ax hit the six-star magic weapon in Tian Chan's hand, and actually shocked the six-star magic weapon in the opponent's hand and threw it away. Finally, it hit the energy guard on the edge of the martial arts stage hard before it fell off. ground.

Tian Chan was frightened by such a terrifying blow and was a little confused. In addition to resentment, the look he looked at Du Long was also mixed with obvious fear.

'no! I can't continue to be a grindstone for this damn guy! ! ’

After a brief moment of daze, Tian Chan roared secretly in his heart, and then he rolled his eyes and made an immediate decision.

"I give up!!" He suddenly stepped back, and when Du Long was about to follow up, he suddenly shouted: "Since you don't even keep your promise, then I can only regretfully choose to give up!"

This guy even had to find a high-sounding excuse for himself to admit defeat, and put the blame for his own defeat on Du Long. He thought it was Du Long's failure to keep his promise that forced him to admit defeat? !

‘Bad boy! Want to learn and practice certain combat skills through fighting with me? ! What a beautiful thought! It's a pity that I won't act like a free sparring partner for you, so I won't accept it! ’

Tianchan did not forget to send a message to Du Long secretly, and his words were full of sarcasm. He was clearly trying to disgust Du Long after admitting defeat!

"Childish!" Du Long shook his head speechlessly and said: "I still want to thank you... Although you didn't let me completely perfect the secret attack and killing skills, you still allowed me to successfully find the direction of breakthrough. The next step is just It will take a certain amount of time, and sooner or later you will be able to completely perfect this secret attack and killing technique!"

There was not a single curse word in Du Long's words, but he still managed to hit Tianchan. His face looked as ugly as if he had accidentally swallowed a cockroach.

In the end, he could only glare at Du Long angrily before he dodged and left the martial arts stage. At this point, Du Long successfully defeated Tian Chan and won the final chance to compete for the four-star championship!

Another four-star semi-final ended the battle first, and the person who successfully advanced to the final was Zhao En, who had finished second in the four-star audition.

Zhao En was the last player to stay with Du Long in the Four-Star Sea Selection, but in the end he chose to admit defeat without hesitation and never faced Du Long head-on.

Soon, the final championship finals for four to six stars, and the qualifying rounds for three to eight stars also began.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy has never left the contestants with too much rest time in the star ranking competition. After their strength reaches the realm of Xuantian's Creation God, some ordinary physical injuries can often be repaired in a short time.

And this is also the key to the continuous progress of the qualifying competition. If it is a martial arts competition for ordinary people, once the injury is too serious during the competition, it will be difficult to recover in a short time.

On the martial arts stage, Du Long looked at his opponent Zhao En with a smile, and Zhao En also looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Senior Brother Du Long! We finally met in the four-star finals!" Zhao En was the first to break the silence and said: "I will not give in easily today, even if I can only be reduced to senior brother's sparring partner in the end... Willingly!"


Du Long nodded and thanked, and the battle representing the final of the four-star championship began. Zhao En directly entered the three-headed and thousand-armed fighting form, while Du Long entered the three-headed and six-armed fighting form.

Because of his previous battle with Tianchan, he knew that the three-headed and six-armed fighting form was the best fighting form to understand the essence of the secret technique of three-dimensional face-to-face killing!

Clang clang clang. . .

The war was about to break out, and Du Long and Zhao En instantly broke out into the fiercest battle. It must be said that Zhao En was able to stand out from many contestants, and his personal combat power should not be underestimated!

His strength is on par with Tianchan, and he can put a certain amount of pressure on Du Long, which is of vital help to his understanding of combat!

As time went by, Du Long gradually found the feeling of swinging an ax to form two lines of killing. After mastering the method of exerting force, he immediately began to find the feeling of swinging an ax to form three lines of killing.

During this process, Du Long also experienced firsthand how difficult it is to upgrade from a two-dimensional line kill to a three-dimensional face-to-face kill. It is estimated that if he wants to achieve it through the finals with Zhao En, the possibility of success is almost zero!

If you want to truly master the essence of three-dimensional face-to-face killing, it is estimated that it will take tens of millions or billions of years to achieve final success, right? !

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