Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2812 Stabbing in the Back

Martial Arts Square, a white stone platform for martial arts performances.

More than 200,000 four-star students are engaged in a full-scale melee, and there are millions of instructors in the audience, cheering and shouting excitedly.

Most of the teaching staff of the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy gathered on the martial arts field. This is a rare grand occasion for the entire academy!

The most exciting thing on the martial arts stage should be the battle between the new students and the team led by Tian Chan, a veteran student.

In order to deal with Du Long, a new student, Tian Chan and other veteran students shamelessly joined forces to perform the Eighteen Arhats Battle Formation!

According to the unwritten rules of the Academy, you can choose to join forces with your friends in a melee like this, but there has never been a situation where a joint battle formation has been shamelessly used like this.

Precisely because it had not appeared before, none of the referees in charge of the battle said anything to stop it. Some people could only look at the Bodhi Palace Master, hoping to get his instructions before making a decision.

"Don't worry about them!" Probably seeing the hesitation of the deputy palace masters around him, the Bodhi Palace Master smiled lightly and said: "This is just a hurdle within the academy. I hope Du Long can successfully overcome it!"

With him having such a final say, it would be hard for others to say anything more. If the master wants to train his disciples, it would be hard for outsiders to interfere.

On the pure white martial arts stage, Du Long turned into illusory afterimages, running and moving on the stage at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

He has found the weakness of the Eighteen Arhats' battle formation, but he still needs to rely on his extremely fast movement speed to find the weakness and launch an all-out counterattack.

During this process, more than a dozen Eighteen Arhat battle formations began to slowly shrink their encirclement, which also compressed the distance between Du Long and the new students into a smaller and smaller area.

‘This is it now! ’ While running and moving at full speed again, Du Long finally found a defensive loophole in one of the Arhat battle formations, secretly shouting excitedly in his heart and took action.

The all-out attack on the third level of the multi-dimensional attack, combined with the Chi You Poison Dragon Drill combat skill that he had never used, Du Long instantly turned into a high-speed rotating poison dragon!


Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond instantly penetrated the void and suddenly bombarded the weak point of an Eighteen Arhat battle formation. The originally indestructible Arhat battle formation collapsed instantly.

Puffy. . .

Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond continued to rush through the eighteen enemies unabated, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he would die if he touched them, and he would be injured if he was rubbed against them.

Wherever Chi You's poisonous dragon drill passed, it instantly turned into a bloody road, and those students who blocked the way were directly crushed into pieces of flesh and blood.

At this point, Du Long finally succeeded in breaking through one of the Eighteen Arhat battle formations, and returned to his previous state of running and moving at high speed, while trying his best to find loopholes in the Arhat battle formation.

And he was also compressed by more than a dozen Arhat battle formations, constantly narrowing the range of movement, and the gap between him and the group of new students was constantly narrowing.

Just when he was focusing almost all his attention on the battle formations of the Eighteen Arhats, several deadly attacks suddenly appeared as he passed by the group of freshmen students, and launched attacks from all directions towards him!

Due to the suddenness of the incident, and the fact that Du Long didn't know that someone among the new students would actually attack him, even though he was still in a fighting form with three heads and a thousand arms, he still couldn't react in time.

In the three-headed and thousand-armed combat form, his arms facing the new students could only respond hastily, and he didn't even have time to use the secret multi-dimensional attack and killing skills.

Clang clang clang. . .

The sounds of gold and iron clashing resounded throughout the world. After a hasty response, the new students Du Long faced were not weak in strength, and each one of them displayed the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power just like him.

Parts of his arms were blasted away, and then several attacks fell on him. In addition to physical attacks, these attacks actually contained two fatal soul attacks!

Among them, the most deadly soul attack was unleashed by the Second Prince Nanfeng. Not only did he want to eliminate Du Long, he also had the intention to severely injure or even kill him.

As the second prince of the Four Saints Dynasty, Nanfeng was once the most outstanding genius in the entire Four Saints Dynasty. Ever since he came to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy, he has been overshadowed by Du Long and others.

The habit of being looked up to by others was broken, and Tao Tian's jealousy naturally grew in his heart, and he was relatively good at tolerating it. It was not until today that he finally encouraged a few freshmen students to do something together, and he dared to go all out against Du. The dragon strikes a fatal blow!

As the saying goes, the law does not punish the public. Since there are those new students who are taking action with him, even if the academy wants to punish him afterwards, the guilt will be relatively lighter!

And he never told the new students this secret, so they were stupidly used by him and became his shield to excuse his crimes!


Du Long was first blasted away by those physical attacks, and then watched helplessly as two fatal soul attacks rushed into his body and went straight to the main soul space of his head.


At the critical moment, he unleashed the Zhenyuan Tower without hesitation, and at the same time activated the soul defense of the Dragon Lord Ring to the maximum, hoping to defend against the two divine soul attacks with all his strength.

One of the two divine soul attacks was a soul snake that seemed to be materialized. It was a fatal blow released by Nanfeng through the blessing of a certain divine soul attack treasure.

The other divine soul attack is something similar to a soul blade. Its principle is very similar to the liquid soul power sword released by Du Long, but it is stronger than the liquid soul power sword dispersed into thousands and tens of thousands.


Two divine soul attacks instantly bombarded the Zhenyuan Tower. The Zhenyuan Tower, which was condensed with huge soul power, protected Du Longzhou's entire body.

Facing two powerful soul attacks, Zhenyuan Tower erupted with dazzling soul light, continuously condensing the power of the soul to consume the two soul attacks.

When the two soul attacks were quickly consumed, the soul snake attack suddenly opened its bloody mouth and bit hard on the energy membrane of the Zhenyuan Tower.


Just like a bag of bubbles being bitten, Zhenyuan Tower failed to block the two soul attacks in the end. The two found a breakthrough and immediately rushed in excitedly.

This scene not only fell into the eyes of Du Long, but also fell into the eyes of Nanfeng and the two people who used the soul attack. The two parties involved could clearly see the scene of the attack and defense of the soul.

While Du Long's expression changed slightly, the faces of Nanfeng and the other two showed expressions of ecstasy. They seemed to think that they should be able to succeed.

The two soul attacks continued to rush towards the main space of the soul on Du Long's head, and finally hit the golden soul membrane defense line established by the Dragon Lord Ring.


The two divine soul attacks suddenly erupted with astonishing soul energy, exploding directly on the surface of the golden soul membrane. Although they failed to explode the soul protective membrane formed by the Dragon Lord Ring, they still caused it to vibrate crazily.

Under the violent vibration of the soul protective membrane, Du Long suddenly felt dizzy for a while. If he hadn't dispersed most of the soul sources into the original clones of each cell in the body, he would have been stunned at this moment!

But even so, the extremely uncomfortable feeling still made him feel angry. The feeling of being betrayed and stabbed by his teammates around him made Du Long's heart burn with anger.

"Damn it!! You bastards deserve to die!!"

Du Long's mouth was bleeding. The Mahayana Thousand Hands Divine Power temporarily collapsed due to the destruction of many arms. Under the two physical and spiritual attacks one after another, his current situation seemed extremely embarrassing.

"Nanfeng! What on earth are you bastards doing?! Why are you attacking your teammates?!" Princess Sulei's scolding voice finally sounded, and she was glaring angrily at the teammates who had just attacked Du Long.

Even Miaoshan Buddha Girl, Lingchanzi and others stared at those people in shock and anger. They didn't expect why these teammates would launch a surprise attack on their own teammates so shamelessly? !

According to their agreement, they will only disband the team when the critical moment comes to determine the final thirty-two after the vast majority of the teams in the entire martial arts arena have been cleared. At that time, each will compete for a higher ranking based on their abilities. .

But now, when the entire martial arts stage is still overcrowded, they stabbed one of their own people regardless of the agreement? !

"Hmph!" Nanfeng snorted with disdain on his face: "If you want to blame it, blame that bastard who loves to cause trouble! If he hadn't provoked those veteran students, how could we have fallen into such a passive situation?!"

After throwing away this sophistry, Nanfeng immediately looked at Tian Chan who was among a dozen Arhat battle formations and said: "Brother Tian Chan! We have successfully severely damaged Du Long. You can strike while the iron is hot and eliminate him. I hope you can Let a few of us leave the encirclement of the battle formation!!"

"Haha!" Tian Chan laughed strangely, then looked at Du Long with strange eyes and said: "Have you tasted the feeling of being betrayed by your teammates?! I will make you betray your relatives first and then slowly deal with you!!"

"Nanfeng! You guys can leave... As for the others! As long as you are willing to attack Du Long with all your strength, I can let you leave the encirclement!"

Nanfeng and others immediately looked at each other excitedly, and then hurriedly turned away from Du Long and prepared to leave, not daring to go in the direction where he was staying.

"I want to leave after the sneak attack?! In that case... then I'll give you a ride!!"

How could Du Long, who had been furious for a long time, let Nan Feng and others leave? His voice just rang in the ears of Nan Feng and others, and he rushed over in a flash.

"Haha! Stop this kid quickly and give Nanfeng and the others a chance to leave the encirclement!" Even if Tian Chan wanted to make Du Long sick, he didn't want him to vent his anger so quickly.

Under his command, two Arhat battle formations immediately surrounded them, hoping to block Du Long's pursuit for Nanfeng and others.

However, how could Du Long be easily intercepted by the opponent? With the rapid changes of his footwork, he instantly avoided the two Arhat battle formations and appeared on the side of Nanfeng and others in an instant.

The Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Step was activated with all its strength, and phantoms passed by those figures like a strong wind, and screams immediately rang out from the scene.

The traitors, including Nanfeng, were turned into pieces of flesh and blood, and were finally moved away by the power of the magic circle on the martial arts stage. However, the origins of these people's souls were severely damaged by Du Long's deliberate attack!

Du Long had no time to care about the removed pieces of flesh and blood. While he was strangling Nanfeng and others with all his strength, several Arhat battle formations were about to completely squeeze him into a very small range where he could not perform.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Du Long once again used his Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Footwork with all his strength. This time he did not run on the ground, but rose through the air and appeared under the defense cover of the martial arts platform.

Then he ran back and forth in this area and quickly broke out of the encirclement of the Eighteen Arhats battle formation!

"I'll quit the team temporarily! To avoid causing trouble for everyone!" Du Long directly greeted Su Lei and others.

What he said was also meant for Tian Chan, which means that every injustice has its own owner, and every debt has its own owner. If you want to deal with me, then come and do it! As long as you don't bother other people!

Dashing out of the encirclement of the Eighteen Arhat Battle Formation, Du Long rushed directly into the crowd who had followed Tianchan before. This group of people seemed not suitable to form the Arhat Battle Formation and could only fight the autumn wind around the periphery.

Puffy. . .

Facing this group of four-star students who had no battle formation to rely on, Du Long could only describe his attack and killing efficiency as the autumn wind sweeping down the wind.

In the three-headed and thousand-armed fighting form, his entire body almost turned into a deadly tornado that could not be seen, and the targeted students wherever he passed were blasted into pieces of flesh and blood.

"Damn it! Let's completely surround him from top to bottom. Today I am trying my best not to compete for rankings, but to eliminate this kid first!!" Tianchan's angry roar resounded on the martial arts stage.

Under his leadership, the dozens of Arhat battle formations began to move at high speed, dispersed from a large area with great experience, and then slowly surrounded Du Long.

A faint sneer appeared at the corner of Du Long's mouth, and his figure began to run and move at high speed, passing by the edges of the Arhat battle formations again and again, and occasionally hitting the Arhat battle formations a few times.

It seems that he is avoiding a head-on confrontation with Luohan's battle formation, but in fact he continues to look for loopholes in the battle formation. Once a loophole is discovered, he will immediately give a fatal blow without hesitation!

‘This is the opportunity! ’

Suddenly, he once again found a loophole in a certain Arhat battle formation. He roared in his heart and launched Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond battle skill with all his strength without hesitation.


Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond broke through the limitations of time and space in an instant and slammed in along the loopholes in the Arhat's battle formation. It was like an evil dragon tearing open a hole in the Arhat's battle formation on the spot.

The result of the Arhat Battle Formation being broken was the end of the eighteen students of the Arhat Battle Formation. Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond ruthlessly rampaged among them, killing this group of people and eliminating them in an instant!

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