Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2809 Ranking Competition

On the top of the Bodhi Mountain shrouded in clouds, two figures, an old man and a young man, sit opposite each other.

"Child...you have successfully cultivated the secret skills of multi-dimensional attack and killing to the fourth level of perfection, right?!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi looked a little confused, and finally asked the doubt in his heart.

"Yes!" Du Long secretly thought that this was indeed the case, and immediately nodded in agreement: "This disciple has indeed successfully cultivated to the fourth level of Great Perfection!"

"That..." The puzzled look on the face of Ancient Buddha Bodhi did not weaken much, and he continued to ask tangledly: "When you spent so much time on the first level of cultivation without success, why did you get faster the more you practice to the later levels? What’s up?!”

"Haha!" Du Long said with a slight smile: "The disciple discovered that the first level of the multi-dimensional attack and killing secret technique is suitable for merging with the mystery of one-dimensional time and space, and the second level is suitable for two-dimensional time and space..."

Du Long immediately told the truth about his discovery, but there was also a trace of doubt in his eyes when he looked at the Ancient Bodhi Buddha. He was somewhat confused as to why the Ancient Bodhi Buddha asked such a question.

Could it be that. . . Doesn't his old man know this? !

Wasn't the multi-dimensional attack and killing secret technique taught to him created by his master himself? !

Ancient Buddha Bodhi did not answer this question immediately. Instead, he closed his eyes and calculated silently in his heart. Then he suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Is there really such a rule? It's ridiculous that I have never discovered such an easy-to-see rule. exist?!"

After the murmur fell, Bodhi Ancient Buddha saw Du Long's puzzled face, immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Child! This set of multi-dimensional attack and killing secret skills was not created by the master, but was obtained accidentally by the master back then. An opportunity!”

"I feel ashamed to say it... When I was practicing this multi-dimensional attack and killing secret technique, I really took a long detour! Although I succeeded in the end, it was far from the method you practiced. !”

"How did Master master this multi-dimensional attack and killing secret technique?!" Du Long asked in confusion.

"My master did not practice one by one. Instead, when he reached several star realms, he directly practiced each level of the multi-dimensional attack secret technique on this basis!" Bodhi Ancient Buddha answered truthfully.

"That means... Now that I have reached the four-star realm, I will integrate all the first to fourth levels of the multi-dimensional attack and killing secret skills into actual combat?!" Du Long suddenly understood that the ancient Bodhi Buddha's approach was just like his own It was no different at first.

"That's right!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi's face turned red for a rare moment, and then he nodded helplessly and sighed softly: "Being a teacher has taken a detour, but fortunately all roads lead to the origin. Although being a teacher cost a lot of time, it was a blessing in disguise. , the understanding of multi-dimensional space and time has also reached a new level!"

"Yes!" Du Long nodded thoughtfully and replied: "This disciple also practiced like the master before, and it took hundreds of epoch-years. After discovering that law, the cultivation efficiency immediately increased countless times. !”

"Now that I think about it carefully, I realize that it was precisely because of the detour I took before that when I reacted later, my cultivation speed became extremely fast!"

"Yes!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi deeply felt the same, and then changed the topic: "After this matter, I discovered a problem for my teacher. I hope to be able to enter the secret realm of the Dragon and go to that multi-dimensional space with chaotic space. I hope to be able to Find information that will be helpful to you as a teacher!”

"No problem!" Du Long agreed without hesitation: "Master can enter the Gen Long Secret Realm anytime and anywhere. The disciple has placed the Gen Long Secret Realm in the secret cultivation realm in another courtyard!"

"Okay!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi said, and then he changed the subject again and said: "Child! Since you have successfully cultivated to the fourth level of multi-dimensional attack and killing secret skills, you also have the opportunity to sign up for the four-star student ranking. It is necessary to participate in the competition, I hope you can go and sign up to participate immediately!"

"Four-star student nomination competition?!" Du Long asked in confusion: "What kind of competition is this?!"

Bodhi Ancient Buddha raised his white eyebrows slightly, and when he saw Du Long's confused look, he immediately knew that he really didn't know about this. This kid had been practicing hard all day long, almost to the point of not hearing what was going on outside the window.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy will hold a qualifying competition for four to six-star students every one hundred epoch years. The top ten of each star level will compete with the top ten of the same level from Xumi Academy!" Bodhi Gufo immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"Finally, the top ten with four to six stars in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm will be determined. A total of thirty people will have the opportunity to participate in the genius competition in the entire advanced civilization world!"

"Only held once every 100 epochs?! And it's a grand competition involving the entire advanced civilization world?!" Du Long was obviously shocked by the news he just heard.

"That's right!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi gently stroked his white beard and said with a faint smile: "Originally, as a teacher, I thought you would miss this competition, but I never thought that you would be able to successfully master the secret skills of multi-dimensional attack and killing to the level before the competition started. The fourth level of Dzogchen!”

"This is a competition that covers the entire advanced civilized world!" Du Long said with some lack of confidence: "Master, isn't he afraid that his disciples will do poorly and lose your face?!"

"Haha!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi was directly amused by Du Long's answer. He actually laughed on the spot and said: "The ranking is not the most important. Being able to compete with the talented disciples from all over the advanced civilization world will definitely be of great benefit to you. Great help, that’s the most important thing!”

"What's more... I have told you before that as a teacher, as long as you practice the multi-dimensional creation to the extreme, you will be able to have invincible strength at the same level. I naturally believe that you can get good results in the competition and help my teacher improve." Blushing!"

"Are you invincible at the same level?!" Du Long's eyes suddenly glowed with confidence, and the fighting spirit that had been suppressed was also inspired: "Then the disciple will listen to the master's instructions and compete with the geniuses from all forces. !”

After the master and disciple ended their conversation, the Ancient Bodhi Buddha entered the secret realm of Genlong and was directly teleported to the area of ​​the broken multi-dimensional void by Du Long.

After seeing the broken multi-dimensional time and space, the entire face of Ancient Buddha Bodhi became extremely serious, and there was a faint light flashing in his eyes.

Afterwards, he didn't say any more nonsense to Du Long. He stepped directly into the broken space and began to study the fragments of time and space representing various dimensions according to Du Long's previous introduction.

Du Long did not pay attention to the ancient Bodhi Buddha who entered the secret territory of Genlong. Instead, he rushed to an office area of ​​​​Wanfo Academy alone, where there was an area specifically responsible for registration and competition.

The flow of people in the registration area was obviously much larger than that in other places. Du Long's appearance immediately attracted a lot of attention. After recognizing that he was the new disciple of Bodhi Ancient Buddha, the registration area immediately started to buzz with buzzing comments. Voice.

"Senior Brother Du Long?! Are you planning to sign up for the competition...or are you here to take a look at the excitement?!" A crisp voice suddenly sounded, and Princess Su Lei walked out from a group of female disciples and greeted her directly. Du Long.

"I'm going to sign up for the four-star ranking competition!" Facing Princess Su Lei, who had always been friendly to him, Du Long immediately grinned with a faint smile.

"Haha! A new student who has just broken through to four stars, how long has he just joined the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy?! He actually competes with the veteran students who signed up for the competition and in the academy?! This is simply arrogant!! "

Before Su Lei could answer the question, an undisguised mocking sound rang out not far away. Du Long looked coldly and it turned out to be that annoying guy from Hua Hong again.

"More than just arrogance?!" Prince Nanfeng's voice sounded shortly after: "It will take thousands of epochs for this prince to break through and reach the four-star realm. Although he signed up, he didn't hold out much hope. , does this guy really think that he is invincible because he is ranked first in the freshman class?!"

"Haha!" Hua Hong's mocking laughter rang out again: "I'm not afraid of getting a good ranking in the rankings, nor are I afraid that I will lose the face of Lord Bodhi Palace if I am eliminated!"

This was a bit heart-wrenching, meaning that Du Long didn't care whether he could get a good ranking or whether he would embarrass Master Bodhi.

With this big hat off his back, Du Long will either be a coward and dare not sign up for the competition again, or else he must get a good ranking after signing up for the competition.

Otherwise, he will be a bastard who bullies his master and betrays his ancestors, and will surely be spurned by all his fellow disciples!

In front of everyone, Du Long looked coldly at the living treasure among the pair of princes. In the end, he was too lazy to pay attention to them and directly explained his attitude with actions.

I walked directly to the registration office, found one of the male instructors in charge of registration, and reported my name and request to participate in the four-star competition.

The male instructor looked at him with a complicated expression, then signed him up without any nonsense and handed a competition number plate to his hand.

Du Long glanced at the number 19688 on the number plate and couldn't help but grin with a helpless smile. This number showed that there were at least nearly 20,000 disciples who signed up to participate in the four-star qualifying competition this time!

Putting away his competition number, Du Long asked the male instructor: "Teacher! On which day will the qualifying competition start?! What issues should I pay attention to before that?!"

"The qualifying competition will begin in half a year. First there will be four-star auditions, then five-star and six-star auditions, and the top 32 of each star will be selected!" the male instructor said patiently. Explain it.

"After the auditions, there will be the final ranking finals. At that time, the top 32 rankings of four to six stars will be ranked. The top 32 will be rewarded with certain points!"

"As for the preparations before the start of the game...then there is nothing to prepare. Even if the time is accelerated a million times in just half a year, it will not be of much help in improving the strength, right?!"

"Thank you, teacher!" After listening to the male instructor's explanation, Du Long bowed his hands politely, then turned and left the registration point.

"Princess Sulei!" Du Long looked helplessly at the beautiful princess who had been following him and said: "There is still half a year until the start of the competition. I need to go back to practice in seclusion for a while!"

"Okay!" Princess Su Lei nodded simply and agreed: "Then I will go find senior brother on the morning of the competition, so that senior brother will not miss the competition!"

"Thank you!" Du Long thanked Su Lei with his hands, and then walked in the direction of his own courtyard without looking back.

In the end, he did not return directly to the other courtyard. Instead, he suddenly thought of something on the way and turned around and rushed to the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy.

In the creation paradigm inheritance space in the Sutra Pavilion, the two original avatars met and shared their memories with each other. Only then did Du Long's multidimensional creation avatar return to his own separate courtyard.

In the martial arts arena of the other courtyard, Du Long sat cross-legged on the futon with his eyes closed, quietly filtering the huge memory information that had just been shared, trying to find content that would be helpful to him.

In fact, the original avatar in the Creation Paradigm inheritance space has already sorted out various creation paradigms, and sorted out which ones are suitable for multi-dimensional creation avatars to study carefully.

However, Du Long is not in a hurry to break through the four-star realm and reach the five-star realm. Naturally, he is not in a hurry to thoroughly study various creation examples. Instead, he wants to find some information that is useful to him at present.

"Now, my basic combat power has reached the four-star peak. I have reached the three-star peak in the integration of heaven and earth and have not been able to break through. In terms of secret attack and killing skills, I have multi-dimensional attack and kill secret skills. Other ordinary attack and kill methods include the Mahayana Thousand Hands Divine Power, Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond, Soul Sand and other divine soul attack and killing methods!"

"In terms of personal defense, there is a set of three-star armor for physical defense, Zhenyuan Tower for soul defense, and a Dragon Lord Ring for soul protection!"

"In the end, there is still less than half a year left. If time is accelerated by a million times, it will be less than half an era. Which aspect of strength should I focus on improving so that I can help in the subsequent qualifying competition?!"

Various thoughts were constantly flashing through his mind, and it didn't take long for Du Long to make a decision after being distracted by millions of distractions.

That is to find ways to improve the realm of cultivation that integrates heaven and earth, and to fully enhance the strength of the physical body and improve the speed of movement!

Now that he has made a decision, he will start to use more distractions and start practicing with all his strength from several aspects, striving to make some breakthroughs before the start of the competition.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

On the martial arts field, the terrifying gravity shrouded Du Long. He was practicing his movement speed under this terrifying pressure, and at the same time, he was constantly improving his physical strength.

During this period, he was distracted to understand the mystery of the fusion of heaven and earth, so that his attacks could be integrated into as much of the mystery of heaven and earth as possible, inducing the power of heaven and earth to form a combat power bonus.

Time continues to pass like this year after year, and the time of half an era continues to pass, and Du Long is also adapting to his current strength again.

In the blink of an eye, half a year of real time has passed quietly, and the ranking competition within the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy has finally arrived!

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