Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2804 Master-disciple dialogue

Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy, Bodhi Mountain.

The clouds and mist that originally dispersed because Du Long successfully climbed to the top once again covered the most mysterious mountain peak inside the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy!

The disciples from the academy who were watching Du Long climb the mountain to become his disciples dispersed, leaving only a few figures standing there, all staring at the mountain peak that was once again shrouded in clouds and mist with complicated expressions.

On the top of the Bodhi Mountain, Du Long sat cross-legged on a stone seat next to the ancient Bodhi Buddha, respectfully chatting with the legendary top ancient Buddha in front of him.

"Child!" The white-haired Ancient Buddha Bodhi had kind eyes and smiled at the disciple who had just bowed before him: "You hide a lot of secrets!"

Du Long was slightly startled. He obviously did not expect that the ancient Buddha Bodhi would say such a thing as soon as he opened his mouth. Did he already see through everything before he even opened his mouth to confess? !

"Haha!" As if sensing his surprise, Ancient Buddha Bodhi smiled lightly and said: "Not only did you embark on the rare path of multi-dimensional time and space creation, but you actually chose to create the world within your body!"


Du Long suddenly felt his head buzzing. The secret of creation in his body was deeply hidden. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be seen through by outsiders, right? !

"My master has a pair of magical eyes that can penetrate most time and space barriers. It is not surprising that he wants to see through this little secret in you. In the entire advanced civilized world, there are at least ten people who can see through the secret of creation in your body! ” Ancient Buddha Bodhi spoke again and explained.

"Therefore, if your multi-dimensional creation avatar wants to leave the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy in the future, you must come and tell your master. At that time, your master will prepare a magic weapon for you that can completely hide your secrets!"

"Thank you for your trouble, Master!" Only at this moment did Du Long wake up from the shock and immediately bowed to express his gratitude.

"Hmm!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi responded nonchalantly, and then continued: "My teacher has been observing you for a long time, and I can see that your cultivation in the creation of multi-dimensional time and space is still in a relatively chaotic state. "

"Master, please help me clarify my doubts. I do have many puzzles about the creation of multi-dimensional space and time. I have never been able to study the creation of multi-dimensional space and time in a systematic way!" Du Long said with expectation.

All this time, the main reason why my avatar was able to embark on the path of creation in multi-dimensional time and space was due to the opportunities and inspirations I got inside the Dragon Secret Realm.

It is a pity that there is no systematic inheritance of multi-dimensional space-time creation within the Dragon Secret Realm, which also led to many detours on the road to multi-dimensional space-time creation.

Now, I am worshiping at the door of Bodhi Ancient Buddha.

The ancient Buddha in front of him possesses a clone of the origin of multi-dimensional space-time creation, which must be of great help to him in multi-dimensional space-time creation.

"Child!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi's slightly older voice said again: "Do you know why so few people are willing to practice the creation of multi-dimensional space and time?!"

"This..." Du Long was speechless for a moment. He really didn't know how to answer this question. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and replied: "Is it because... it is too difficult to understand?!"

"Haha!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi was a little amused. He shook his head again and chuckled: "Your answer is right... but it is not quite right!"

"My master indeed has an origin clone who is on the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation. Because of this, there will be a multi-dimensional creation diamond throne under the ancient Bodhi tree in that academy!"

"And you also practiced on the multi-dimensional Creation Diamond Throne not long ago, so you must have gained a lot, right?!"

"Yes!" Du Long nodded and agreed: "The disciple has learned from it the systematic process of multi-dimensional space-time creation. This is of great help to the disciple!"

"Yeah!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi nodded slightly and said, "But that is only based on the creation outside the body, and it is still very limited in terms of help for your practice of creation inside the body!"

"Child! I can only give you some help in the mysteries of multi-dimensional time, space and heaven. But when it comes to creating the multi-dimensional world of Xuantian in your body, you can only rely on yourself to explore... I am here. I don’t have any experience in this area!”

"May I ask, Master, what kind of state can you achieve when you create a world in multi-dimensional time and space?!" Du Long asked a little embarrassedly after listening to the explanation of the ancient Bodhi Buddha.

Issues like this are relatively sensitive and involve personal privacy. Especially a top-level powerful person like Bodhi Buddha cannot easily reveal the cultivation level of a certain origin clone.

"It should be considered the late nine-star stage!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi answered directly: "The mysteries of multi-dimensional time and space and heaven are independent of thousands of other heaven and earth avenues. Do you know the reason behind this?!"

Du Long suddenly remembered that he had received tens of thousands of heavenly inheritances in the Genlong Secret Realm, but among them, he only lacked the inheritance for multi-dimensional time and space.

He has always felt that the inheritance of the Heavenly Way within the Dragon Secret Realm is a collection of all the mysteries of the Heavenly Way. Now that Bodhi Ancient Buddha talked about it, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

If those heavenly mysteries in the Dragon Secret Realm represent the inheritance of all heavenly mysteries, then what does the multi-dimensional time and space mean? !

"Haha!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi shook his head again and chuckled, and then continued to explain: "Whether it is the Yin and Yang world, the creation of the five elements of time and space, the creation of the devouring world, etc., they are actually created by other than the multidimensional time and space avenue. It is based on the many mysteries of heaven outside!"

"Among the many types of creation, only multi-dimensional space-time creation is relatively different. It is a creation process based on the mystery of the multi-dimensional space-time avenue as the main foundation, and other various heavenly secrets as the secondary foundation!"

"In short, multi-dimensional space-time creation can be regarded as a new path of creation. The level of achievement that can be achieved depends primarily on the creator's level of understanding on the multi-dimensional space-time avenue!"

"And this kind of new creation process, once it can grow to a higher level, it will be almost invincible among the same level!"

"Invincible existence?!" Du Long finally grasped the key point and was shocked: "Master means...for existences like disciples who have reached the peak of four stars, enemies of the same level as long as they are not multi-dimensional creations are Wouldn’t he be my disciple’s opponent?!”

"That's right!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi nodded confidently and replied: "There is another premise here, that is, you have to learn how to integrate the advantages of multi-dimensional creation into actual combat, and this is what a teacher should teach you. Another focus of yours!”

The confident words of Ancient Buddha Bodhi were like a shot of cardiotonic injection into Du Long's heart. His mind immediately thought of the broken multi-dimensional space-time area inside the Dragon Secret Realm!

According to the explanation of the Eternal Dragon Formation Spirit, that place is the chaotic time and space left behind after a top powerhouse in multi-dimensional creation took action!

Just attacking by hand can create such a large area of ​​chaotic time and space, generate a large number of multi-dimensional space-time fragments, and there are countless multi-dimensional worlds inside the fragments.

It can be seen that once the multi-dimensional space-time avenue can be successfully integrated into an attack, the power it can generate will be extremely terrifying.

Even the extremely stable time and space of the Dragon Palace was shattered. Once this kind of attack fell on someone, it would definitely be a terrifying end without any bones left.

"Master!" After thinking of the chaotic multi-dimensional time and space inside the Genlong Secret Realm, Du Long finally couldn't help but said: "Do you know that in the entire advanced civilized world, there is a multi-dimensional Xuantian Creation God who has reached the realm of nine stars or above? How many people are there?!”

"Only a handful! No more than ten people at most!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi replied directly, and then looked at Du Long thoughtfully: "Is there any special reason behind you suddenly asking this question?!"

"Yes!" After getting along for a while, Du Long gradually developed a great trust in the ancient Buddha Bodhi in his heart, and immediately replied: "The reason why the original avatar of the disciple is able to embark on the path of multi-dimensional time and space creation is mainly because he has received An opportunity from the Dragon Secret Realm!"

"Eternal Dragon Secret Realm?!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi was stunned for a moment and then immediately reacted: "Could it be a secret realm left over after the former Eternal Dragon World was destroyed?!"

"That's right!" Du Long immediately nodded and explained: "It is the Great Dragon World that once existed in the world of advanced civilization. May I ask Master, how much does Master know about the secrets behind the destruction of the Great Dragon World?!"

"Alas!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi sighed, and said with a slightly sad tone: "Everything has its cause and effect cycle, especially when we, Buddhas, practice a path that pays more attention to cause and effect!"

"In order to grow and expand, the Great Dragon World devoured a large number of hostile worlds along the way, and finally found a path that swallowed up the creation of almost eternal perfection!"

"However, if you drink and peck, the cycle of karma will bring you unsatisfactory retribution. Genlong World will end up like that in the end. On the surface, it seems that there is a black hand behind it, but in fact, it has already been doomed!"

Du Long listened quietly to the narration of the ancient Buddha Bodhi, and sat there cross-legged and nodded secretly. It seemed that the Buddhist cultivator did not agree with the path of devouring creation.

Devouring the path of creation is like the star-absorbing method in secular novels, which is defined by righteous people as a kind of evil evil power.

As for the Buddhist cultivators in the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas, it can definitely be regarded as a famous and righteous path, so naturally they don't like forces like the Great Dragon World that take the path of swallowing up the creation of the world.

"Well... with your status as Master, do you know the truth about the destruction of the Dragon World back then?! Which force within the advanced civilized world was responsible for this?!" Although he no longer held out much hope, Du Long couldn't help but ask.

“The case of the destruction of the Dragon World shocked the entire advanced civilized world back then, but... it is still an unsolved case, and no one knows which force it was... or which forces jointly committed it! "Bodhi Ancient Buddha shook his head and gave an answer that was not beyond Du Long's expectation.

"Child! The destruction of the Great Dragon World is just like the destruction and devouring of many other worlds back then. With your current strength, you are simply not qualified to investigate this matter. I hope you will not be foolish enough to investigate after you leave this place as a teacher!"

Seeing that Du Long didn't seem to realize the danger of this matter, Bodhi Ancient Buddha couldn't help but solemnly remind him in the end.

When the Dragon World was destroyed, all forces were alarmed. Of course, many forces close to the Dragon World were frantically investigating the truth behind it.

However, many years have passed but there has been no answer. This shows that the forces that destroyed the world of Genlong are definitely very powerful and cannot be easily provoked by Du Long.

"Disciple, thank you Master for reminding me! I will not easily pursue the destruction of the Dragon World in the future!"

Facing the solemn Bodhi Buddha, Du Long naturally did not dare to disobey him. He could only keep the matter deep in his heart for the time being and wait until there is a suitable opportunity in the future to talk about it.

On Bodhi Mountain, Du Long chatted with Ancient Buddha Bodhi for a long time. Ancient Buddha Bodhi taught him a set of systematic exercises on how to integrate the power of the multi-dimensional world into actual combat.

According to Bodhi Ancient Buddha, it is as difficult to practice this kind of technique to reach the Mahayana realm as to ascend to heaven. He has divided the entire set of techniques into eleven levels, allowing Du Long to slowly practice and understand the mysteries.

Afterwards, Ancient Bodhi Buddha gave two more greeting gifts, one of which was an identity token engraved with an ancient Bodhi tree, which was the identity certificate of the direct disciple of Ancient Bodhi Buddha.

The other gift is a purple golden bowl, which is a higher-level magic weapon in the Xuantian Creation Realm and has extremely powerful life-saving capabilities.

The meaning of Bodhi Ancient Buddha is very clear, that is, he has nothing to say about Du Long's cultivation talent, and hopes that he can grow up safely in this cruel world.

The only way is to truly grow into the most powerful person. Otherwise, no matter how good your talent is, you will have nothing when you die.

"Child!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi couldn't help but remind him again when Du Long was about to leave: "Swallowing the road to creation will often lead to endless lives being devoured by it. I hope that all of your clones will be destroyed." Taking the path of Devouring Creation is also the most basic requirement for accepting a disciple as a master!"

Du Long naturally agreed wholeheartedly. His three clones did not want to take the path of devouring creation, so there was no need to worry about it.

"One more thing!" Ancient Buddha Bodhi reminded again and again: "Don't think that just because you have three original clones, you can put one of them in danger!"

"You know, there are still powerful people in this world who can kill all the original clones at the same time through one of the original clones!"

After hearing this reminder, Du Long's entire scalp went numb!

This is obviously the first time he has heard of such a terrifying ability. There is actually a strong person who can kill all the other origin clones that are not at the scene by killing one origin clone? !

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