Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2795 Cross-level combat

"The Mahayana Thousand Hands Magical Power?! He is at least a Buddhist monk, and he will never allow the Xuantian Adventure Alliance to continue to run wild in his own territory!"

Somewhere in the Jiashi Star Territory, the Jiashi Creation God immediately made a decision after seeing the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power displayed by Du Long!

If Du Long was not a Buddhist monk, he could still sit back and watch the people from the Xuantian Adventure Alliance guild act mischievously, but on the contrary, he would have to fight for the face of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm.


In the teleportation square of the main city of Jiashi, the God of Jiashi Creation appeared directly beside Du Long out of thin air. He had already made a choice with his own actions.

"That's enough!" Jia Shi Chuangshi God glared angrily at the figures surrounding Du Long and said, "This is the realm of ten thousand Buddhas. You members of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild dare to deal with Buddhist disciples in public. This is disrespectful. This is a serious provocation from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm. I have already reported this matter to the top management of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm. If you understand, get out of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm territory immediately!"

Facing the Jiashi Creation Buddha who was forcefully intervening and preparing to join the battle, Oulon's movements that he was about to take action were slightly stagnant. After seeing Du Long displaying the Thousand Hands of Buddhism and Mahayana, he could only secretly send a message to the fifth elder Yuan Tianze. Ask for instructions.

The fifth elder, Yuan Tianze, soon received the latest information and learned that Du Long had actually used the Mahayana Thousand-Hand Magical Power in public, and that the original Buddha of Jashi Creation had intervened in the battle.

'Could it be that. . . The guy in front of me who claims to be the core disciple of Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy is actually an origin clone of the indigenous monk named Dulong? ! ’

'anyway! We must try our best to capture the origin of this child's soul before the Ten Thousand Buddha Realm can react. Only in this way can we understand the relationship between the natives and the bone power! ’

Under the pressure of time, Yuan Tianze quickly made a crazy choice. The Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild did not hesitate to pay the corresponding price for this, and was not afraid of bearing the pressure from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm afterwards.

After all, similar situations have happened before. At worst, they will argue with each other for a while in the future. I believe that the Ten Thousand Buddhas World will not dare to declare a full-scale war on the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild because of this!

When Oulon received the latest order from the fifth elder, his face became extremely ugly. It was obvious that he was under great pressure from Yuan Tianze's crazy decision.

But he did not dare to disobey this order. As a four-star peak expert in the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild, the consequences of disobeying the order would be very tragic.

"Since Jashi Creation Buddha has chosen to intervene in this matter, don't blame us for not giving him face, Qiao Di! It's up to you to compete with Jashi Creation Buddha!" ​​Oulon directly asked a four-star mid-level strength The team member ordered.

"Yes! Boss!" As a member of Oulon's adventure team, Qiao Di carried out this order without hesitation.

"Wait!" the voice of Jiashi Creation Buddha suddenly sounded: "Since this battle is unavoidable, then everyone should go fight outside the world of Jiashi! Oulon! If you dare to destroy the main city of Jiashi, The World of Ten Thousand Buddhas will definitely make you people pay a heavy price of annihilation!"

Seeing that the war is unavoidable, Jia Shi Creation Buddha can only do the next best thing. This is also Du Long's secret message request, so as not to cause huge damage to the battle here and also destroy the teleportation array in Jia Shi's main city. Destroy it.

By then, his multi-dimensional creation clone will not be able to arrive here in a short time, and he will have to rely on his own strength to compete with the four-star peak powerhouse Oulon!

"Okay!" Oulon pondered for a moment before replying: "After all, we don't really want to be enemies with the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas. We just received instructions to hunt down the suspect in front of us who is pretending to be a core disciple of Buddhism!"


An invisible force directly acted on everyone at the scene. Jiashi Creation Buddha was too lazy to talk nonsense with Oulon and directly moved everyone at the scene out of the Xuantian world he created!

Outside the huge world of Jia Shi, several figures appeared out of thin air in the chaotic void of Xuantian. Not far away was the huge world of Jia Shi Xuantian, surrounded by countless stars in the sky.

"Kashi Creation Buddha! Please don't cause trouble here. Let's go to the side to discuss and learn from each other!" Qiao Di looked at Kashi Buddha with a smile.

"Hmph!" Kashi Buddha snorted coldly, and saw him swaying and two Kashi Buddhas immediately appeared on the scene: "Just you alone is not enough! I have two clones participating in the battle!!"

Qiao Di's face changed slightly, and he could only look helplessly at Ou Long, waiting for Ou Long to make new arrangements.

Monks like them who go out on adventures often only let one origin clone go out, instead of having two origin clones stay in their hometown like the Great Buddha Kashi because they are fighting locally.

"Feili! Then let's go and spar with the Buddha Kashi!" Oulon didn't hesitate for too long, and growled through gritted teeth.

He knew very well in his heart that the Great Buddha Kashi was distracting his own strength and buying time for Du Long to reduce the pressure, but he had no way to change this.

"Haha! Then let's go to the side to discuss and learn from each other! Little brother... you can only rely on yourself for the rest!" Buddha Kashi laughed slightly, but did not forget to remind Du Dragon Road.

"Thank you very much, Kashi Buddha!" ​​Du Long immediately bowed his hands to Kashi Buddha in gratitude and said.

Buddha Jashi nodded slightly, and then the two clones left the scene with their opponents, found a piece of void not far away, and started fighting directly.

Along with the roars of gold and iron clashing in this side of Xuantian's chaotic void, the battle on Du Long and others' side also started. After the two people were taken away by Jiashi Buddha, there were still five people fighting against Du Long. The dragon launched a siege.

The first is naturally the confrontation with the power of the world. Du Long relies on the numerous large and small worlds in his body to jointly release the power of the world. Although he is still at a disadvantage when facing Oulon and others, he does not even have the strength to fight back. Push it out.

In the three-headed and thousand-armed fighting form, hundreds of bloody battle bows appeared in his hands, and he used the omnipresent arrow paths and lightning arcs to mix in the hundreds of arrow lights without hesitation.

There was a crackle, the thunder and lightning on the surface of the hundreds of omnipresent arrows flickered, and the terrifying energy fluctuations converged and took shape. The tips of the hundreds of energy arrows were all aimed at the five figures in all directions.

‘Is this the all-encompassing arrow path mentioned by the fifth elder? ! This guy should be an origin clone of the indigenous monk the elder mentioned? ! ’ The moment Oulon saw the light of all the arrows, he was shocked and made a judgment in his heart.

‘Everyone, pay attention to all-out defense! What this child uses is the ultimate all-encompassing arrow path. You must not be careless and lose your life. . . 'Oulon immediately sent a message to remind the other four team members around him.


Almost as soon as Ou Long's secret reminder sounded, the hundreds of all-encompassing arrows that had condensed in Du Long's hand shot out in all directions, shooting towards the five figures surrounding him.

The rays of all-encompassing arrows merged with the light of thunder and lightning and shone in the sky, instantly turning into phantoms of giant elephants and shooting towards the five people, not giving them any chance to dodge.

Under Oulon's warning in advance, the five people used their magical powers to fight, and the five attack energies exploded with all their strength, hoping to compete and defend against the all-encompassing arrow light through attacks.

No matter how many arrows there are, there are only those targets that are attacked. Oulon and others can hide behind the energy they actively attack.

However, they obviously still underestimated Du Long's cultivation level in the Vientiane Arrow Path. On average, each person was assigned to about twenty Vientiane Arrows, and the power that exploded was absolutely terrifying!

The first target who bore the brunt of the attack only had four-star initial strength. The attack energy he released was crushed and exploded in an instant, while Du Long's twenty or so all-encompassing arrows fell on him unabated.

ah! !

The guy could only let out a scream, and his whole body was engulfed by the all-encompassing arrow light containing the lightning electrode path. He was instantly shattered by the explosion and was wiped out under the continuous wash of the all-encompassing arrow light!

With the peak combat power of three stars, he was able to instantly kill one of the early four-star opponents under the siege of five four-star experts. This scene shocked everyone at the scene.

It's a long story. There was another unlucky guy at the scene who was an early four-star player and had no time to react, so he followed in the footsteps of his last teammate amidst the screams.

At this point, the two early-stage four-star team members led by Ou Long have all died, and the only ones left on the scene are at least strong men who have reached the mid-term four-star level or above.

Everyone, including Oulon, all struggled to deal with the terrifying light of all-powerful arrows. In the end, two of the four-star mid-level experts were able to survive only with the help of shields.

That's right!

The all-encompassing arrow light finally broke through their attack, and then landed on their last defensive shield. The powerful force threw them away along with their shields.

At the scene, only Oulon, a four-star peak level expert, could stand up to the twenty or so all-encompassing arrows with his own strength. He was only knocked back a short distance by the powerful force.

"How is this possible?! Have you reached the sixth level of the All-Seeing Archery?! You are only a three-star peak cultivation level... but you can understand the secrets of heaven that have reached the sixth level of the Ultimate Way?!" Ou Long was filled with disbelief. Unbelievable exclamations followed.

"How do you think I, the young master, got my identity as a core disciple of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy?!" Du Long smiled coldly and said: "Oulong! You dare to take action against the core disciples of Buddhism and Taoism in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Academy. You are really going to eat it. You are so bold and brave!"

"Stop talking nonsense here! If you can take out the core disciple token, I will immediately turn around and retreat from this place. Otherwise, don't blame my men for being ruthless!" Oulon has no intention of giving in.

"It's really ridiculous!" Du Long shook his head and smiled coldly: "When the core disciples of your Xuantian Adventure Alliance guild go out on adventures, all of them carry core disciple tokens with them?!"

"That's natural!" Oulon said with a stiff neck, "Since you don't carry the core disciple token with you, then just follow me and return to the alliance to regain your life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he had offset the counter-shock force on his body and rushed towards Du Long again in a flash.

He was obviously not prepared to give Du Long another chance to gather all the arrow light. He wanted to resolve the current battle quickly and did not want to waste too much time on the territory of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Just as he started to take action, Du Long was not idle and directly released streams of liquid soul power, converging into three types of soul power weapons: swords, axes and swords in mid-air.

The three soul power weapons rotated at high speed and instantly turned into a soul power version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond, shooting straight towards Oulon.

Du Long himself was not idle either. A large number of swords and axes appeared in his hands, and he also displayed the physical attack version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill.

Two Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond combat skills with different attributes were fired at Oulong one after another. This was also the result of Oulong not waiting for his teammates to arrive and launching an attack on Dulong alone.

He was too confident in his four-star peak combat power, so naturally he didn't want to waste time waiting for the other two teammates to return, and he also paid the price for underestimating the enemy.

Oulon himself is a member of the Power Palace, and his weakness is in soul attack and killing, but he has a higher-level soul guard, so he is not too frightened when faced with the attack and kill of the liquid soul power sword.

He waved his hand and released a ball of soul attack energy. Then he ignored the soul attack released by Du Long. Instead, he waved a heavy battle sword in his hand with all his strength and fiercely attacked Chiyou Poison Dragon. The drilled Du Long was blasted away.


The first was the collision and interweaving of soul power attacks. The soul power energy group released by Ou Long was instantly torn into pieces, and the soul power version of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond blasted towards Ou Long unabated.

After seeing his soul power energy group being torn apart in an instant, Ou Long was slightly shocked. He obviously did not expect that Du Long's soul power attack and killing methods would be so powerful.

He was only slightly startled for a moment when the soul version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond fell hard on him. His physical attacks were unable to withstand it and were penetrated directly.


The powerful soul version of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond suddenly bombarded a layer of soul protective film in Oulon's body. It could be seen that the soul protective film seemed to be sharply denting inward, and there were signs of being drilled at any time.

However, Du Long's Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond ultimately failed to break through this soul defense line, and only had a slight impact on Oulon's soul origin.

‘The other party actually has such a high-level soul guard in his hands? ! It is worthy of being an advanced civilized world. Is soul protection so popular? ! ’ Such a thought immediately flashed through Du Long’s mind.

At the same time that this thought flashed through his mind, the physical attacks between the two finally collided head-on!

Du Long felt as if his Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond was plunging into a mountain peak. An unparalleled force caused the energy and blood in his body to surge, and he almost had a mouthful of old blood spurting out!

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