Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2782 Run away

In the great world of frost, most of the stars in the sky are flashing with azure light!

Du Long, who had transformed into an ordinary Xuantian Creation Realm monk, was quietly watching the azure world in front of him. The triangular flying magic weapon he was riding was slowly advancing in the frost world.

Looking at the world galaxy in front of him with sharp eyes, the stars in the sky are constantly shining with a blue halo, making people feel a little bit cold involuntarily.

‘In the Frost World, there is only one cross-star teleportation array located inside the Frost Xuantian World, but there are eight cross-galaxy level teleportation arrays, each located in the core of the eight major galaxies in the Frost World! ’

Du Long carefully looked at the frost world in front of him. In addition to the starry sky of a world galaxy that he could see in front of him, he could also vaguely see several other light blue galaxies deep in the chaotic void.

Eight galaxies are slowly rotating around the Frost Core World Galaxy, and this has also formed the so-called Frost World Force, which is a buffer zone between the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas and other powerful forces!

‘According to the original plan, before heading to the Xuantian world with the teleportation array, we need to find a place to stay and make some preliminary preparations! ’

While muttering, Du Long locked his eyes on one of the Xuantian Worlds, and then ordered the triangular flying magic weapon to fly towards there.

"Welcome to the great world of Ice Wolf Xuantian! Please identify yourself and explain your purpose of coming!"

A slightly low voice sounded in Du Long's ears. It was the Xuantian Great World Formation Spirit in front of him who was actively contacting him. This could also be regarded as a routine check when entering a certain world.

"I am from the great world of Mer, and my name is Hexin! I have just returned from my adventure in the Xuantian Chaos Void, and I want to enter your world to rest for some time!" Du Longdang reported the identity he had prepared early in the morning.

During the tens of thousands of years of traveling in the chaotic void, it was not all smooth sailing. During this period, he also encountered some star thieves disguised as ordinary adventure teams. While Du Long successfully eliminated those star thieves who blocked his way, he also selected several targets for use. its reasonable identity.

Including the triangular flying magic weapon he is riding on now, it is also one of the trophies harvested before!

"Welcome Hexin from the world of Mel to the Ice Wolf Xuantian World. I hope you can abide by the rules of this world, otherwise you will be included in the blacklist of the entire Frost World. I wish you a happy future in the Ice Wolf World. Happy life inside!”

After some courtesy, the triangular flying magic weapon was finally released and successfully entered the Ice Wolf Xuantian world!

There are hundreds of living planets open to the public in the entire Ice Wolf Xuantian world, and Du Long randomly selected one of them to land on.

This is a planet where most of the area is under extreme cold. Du Long originally thought that there would be relatively few residents on this planet, but he had never wanted to board this planet before he was shocked to find that this place was actually overcrowded.

Walking on the icy streets, everything you see is ice-cold buildings with cold tones. The armors worn by many monks are not thick, but they give people a very cool feeling.

'Sure enough, most of the monks here take the path of yin attributes. The colder the life planet, the more attractive they are. On the contrary, those life planets that are hotter or have alternating seasons are inhabited by those with weaker strength. Ordinary monk! ’

Du Long soon had a certain understanding of this living planet. The entire planet was only a few hundred thousand miles in radius, and it was only about ten times larger than the earth at most.

His consciousness can easily cover the surface of the entire planet. On this living planet, there is the most powerful Snow Kingdom. The leader of the Snow Kingdom is also the most powerful being on this living planet. However, his strength is only Reach the supreme pinnacle!

Du Long is an invincible existence on this planet, but this planet is just an ordinary life planet under the great world of Ice Wolf Xuantian. Du Long's every move here cannot escape the creation of Ice Wolf Xuantian. Exploration!

Of course, the Ice Wolf Xuantian Creator will not always pay attention to and investigate Du Long's every move for no reason. Only when he commits illegal acts of destruction in the Ice Wolf World will the Ice Wolf Xuantian Creator pay attention. he.

‘Although there are some teleportation arrays here, unfortunately they are all interstellar teleportation arrays that are used to teleport to other life planets in this world. They cannot be teleported to other Xuantian worlds at all! ’

‘According to the original plan, I still have to obtain a legal identity. Only in this way can I try to avoid being exposed during the cross-world star field transmission! ’

'Even if this place is located in the airspace near the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas, no matter how long the tentacles of Xuantian Adventure Alliance are, they can only extend to those worlds with inter-galactic star field teleportation formations. It should not be able to connect to such ordinary Xuantian. Small world is also covered, right? ! ’

While walking aimlessly, Du Long had various thoughts in his mind, obviously thinking about what he should do to avoid showing off his tricks again.

However, what he didn't know was that the Xuantian Adventure Alliance had already thought of various possibilities and notified all of the buffering and large spheres of influence around the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm.

Under the coercion and inducement using the powerful strength of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance, all the forces of different sizes had no choice but to succumb and were willing to issue arrest warrants to subordinate Xuantian worlds for Xuantian Adventure.

This instruction shows that there is a monk who is good at changing various appearances and soul auras, and it is very likely that he can register reasonable identity information through some inconspicuous Xuantian world.

Similar information must be reported, and suspicious targets must be tracked and investigated. Once verified, you can get a sky-high reward from the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild!

Ice Wolf Xuantian's Great God of Creation also received this order to assist in the investigation, so after Du Long entered the Xuantian world he created, he immediately launched a real-time investigation and attention to him.

As the creator god of the Ice Wolf Xuantian world, he does not need to follow Du Long's every move through spiritual detection. Everything that happens inside the Ice Wolf Xuantian world cannot escape him, the creator god. Sight.

‘Sister Gen Ling! I always feel like a pair of eyes are watching me, but I can't feel the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness? ! ’ While wandering around carelessly, Du Long was able to secretly communicate with the Dragon Array Spirit while being distracted.

‘This means that you are being paid real-time attention by the Creator God of this world! ’ The voice of the Dragon Formation Spirit sounded at the right time: ‘Only the Great God of Creation, Xuantian, can launch a silent and secret investigation of you without alerting you! ’

‘Isn’t it? ! ’ Du Long said depressedly: ‘Is that guy full and has nothing to do? ! What do you want to do when you keep watching my every move? ! ’

‘It’s very simple! ’ The Dragon Array Lingjiao responded with a smile: ‘The first is that there is a wanted order for you here, and the second is that you are a strong person in the Xuantian Creation Realm, and the other party will always pay attention to your every move because they are afraid! ’

‘So, is my current strength still too strong? ! But. . . As a member of the Xuantian Adventure Team, it would be unjustifiable if his strength did not reach the Xuantian Creation Realm! ’ Du Long shook his head and sighed helplessly.

‘Looks like the previous plan is going to change a little! After thinking for a moment, Du Long made a new decision and said: "You must live in the Frost World for more time and slowly open up some of your reputation here. Only in this way can you reduce the opposition of all parties to you." Attention! ’

With this plan in mind, Du Long no longer rushed to prepare various means to leave. Instead, he regarded himself as a monk who had returned from a real adventure and began to wander around the frost world.

While wandering around seemingly aimlessly, while purchasing some unique local specialties, materials, materials and treasures, Du Long acted as if he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a small fortune.

As time went by, the great creation gods of Xuantian paid less and less attention to him, and Du Long, as the person involved, felt it even more clearly.

‘It seems it’s time to prepare to leave the Frost World. . . But since the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild’s wanted list for him is still at its most severe period, it’s best not to teleport directly to the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas! ’

In the blink of an eye, Du Long had stayed in the Frost World for nearly a thousand years. On this day, he finally decided to leave this place where he had lived for many years, and then directly chose to teleport to the Frost Xuantian World openly!

The entire Frost World force has only one Frost Xuantian World. It is also the core Xuantian World of this force. It is the only one with a teleportation array capable of teleporting across star fields!


Frost Xuantian World, Frost Imperial City Teleport Square.

As a teleportation array lighted up, Du Long, who transformed into an ordinary monk Hexin, appeared out of thin air. Then he walked down from the teleportation array with a smile and walked slowly towards a street inside the imperial city.

After living in various galaxies in the Frost World for nearly a thousand years, this was not the first time that Du Long teleported to the Frost Imperial City in the Frost Xuantian World.

He still remembers that when he first teleported here, even though many spiritual probes fell on him, it was just because he had not contacted the inter-galactic teleportation business that the attention to him gradually faded. Come down.

This time, when Du Long just appeared on the teleportation array, a divine consciousness probe fell on him, but it disappeared immediately after his identity was determined.

As he teleported to the Frost Imperial City many times, the intensity of the investigation of him gradually weakened, and this was the main reason why he was preparing to leave in the near future!

"Haha! Brother Hesing! You are finally here!"

In a large and magnificent restaurant, a hearty laugh rang out. A rich middle-aged man stood up with a group of men and women dressed like businessmen to greet Du Long who had just stepped into the private room.

"Brother Qian and everyone have been waiting for a long time!" Du Long said politely to everyone: "To express my apology, today's meal is my fault! Let's think of it as my punishment for being late!"

"Haha! If that's the case, you're welcome! It's not easy to meet such a generous brother like Hesing in the Frost World. I hope we can meet again in the future!!" The rich middle-aged man surnamed Qian was immediately welcome. The ground laughed and responded.

The atmosphere was extremely lively even before a group of people were seated, not to mention after several rounds of drinks, a banquet with ulterior motives for Du Long ended in a great time for both the guests and the host.

In the past thousand years, while Du Long was purchasing various local specialties from all over the Frost World, he showed to outsiders a generous and generous image.

I used this to selectively get to know the caravans from all parties, and finally selected the middle-aged man named Qian in front of me to focus on cultivating feelings, in order to catch a ride with him leaving the Frost World today!

Frost Imperial City, in the teleportation square.

The middle-aged man surnamed Qian still had a hint of flush on his face after drinking. He came to the teleportation square leisurely, then turned over his hand and took out a teleportation number plate, and directly joined a team that was preparing to teleport away.

It can be seen that the middle-aged man named Qian is very popular. He actually made many acquaintances in the teleportation team. He spent the whole process greeting and exchanging polite words with those acquaintances.

Soon it was their turn for the teleportation business. A middleman immediately collected them all and then teleported them away directly through the teleportation array.

The target of this transmission is the Xuanming Star Territory, which is the closest to the Frost World. The Xuanming Star Territory is the sphere of influence of a sect called the Xuanming Sect!

After arriving in the Xuanming Star Territory, the middle-aged man named Qian had already arrived at his destination. He directly released Du Long and his friends who were hitching a ride, and after saying goodbye to each other, they went their separate ways.

In Xuanming City, Du Long felt that there were many strands of divine consciousness detection falling on him. He did not dare to do too many abnormal actions, but began to sell some specialties purchased from the Frost World in Xuanming City.

This has reduced the number of spiritual probes monitoring him, but there are still one or two spiritual probes that fall on him from time to time, obviously intending to monitor his every move for a longer period of time.

'hateful! They have all teleported out of the world galaxy far away from the edge, and these guys haven't let down their guard yet? ! ’ Du Long cursed secretly in his heart with some depression.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do except scold him secretly. Even if he had the strength to eliminate the target who was monitoring him, it would only be to arouse the enemy.

Within the Xuanming World, Du Long once again returned to his old business and began to acquire various local special materials, and time continued to pass year after year.

‘Finally no one is watching my every move anymore! ’ On this day, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Du Long’s mouth, who was inside a certain ordinary Xuantian world: ‘Even the creator god of this world is too lazy to pay attention to me, that’s why. . . It’s time to find yourself a new friend who can give you a ride! ’

The unparalleled powerful spiritual consciousness was released, directly covering the life planet under his feet. Du Long began to practice while exploring some caravans that were moving around.

‘It’s you! He will leave the Xuanming World and go to the Benlei World in one month. . . I can completely transfer through Fenlei World and then teleport to the northwest airspace of the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas! ’

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