Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2776 Changing Image

Silver plate flying magic weapon, in the main control hall!

Du Long's eyes fell sharply on the blue-haired beauty Kelly, until he saw her whole body shivering, as if she was being targeted by an ancient ferocious beast.

"Kelly!" Seeing that the time was almost up, Du Long said faintly: "Look how scared you are...such a beautiful woman was so scared that she peed?!"

"Bone... Bone Strength! Don't kill me... As long as you don't kill me... I am willing to agree to all your requests!" Kelly swallowed hard, then stammered and begged.

"Kill you?!" Du Long smiled faintly, and then continued in an extremely gentle voice: "Killing a beautiful woman like you like this... wouldn't that be a waste of natural resources?!"

"Yes, yes! Thank you for not killing! Bone strength! How did you become so powerful?! Even Ai Rui, a core disciple of the alliance, has no power to fight back in front of you?!" Seeing Du Long's attitude Gentle, Kelly immediately put on a flattering smile and asked, half-compliment and half-test.

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and smiled lightly: "What's a mere Ai Rui?! Before that, I had wiped out the adventure team led by Blinken, the core disciple of your alliance!"

"The team was wiped out...the adventure team led by Brother Blinken?!" Kelly was shocked again: "Could it be that this is the reason why the alliance's high-level officials issued orders to track the skull's flying magic weapon?!"

"Tracking the skull flying magic weapon?!" Du Long looked slightly startled, then smiled with relief and said: "That should be it! By the way! Can you elaborate on the instructions issued by the senior leaders of your alliance?!"

"It's very simple!" Kaili was half intimidated by Du Long's lewd power, and the other half didn't think it was a secret. She immediately replied: "The fifth elder Yuan Tianze, the top leader of the alliance, personally issued an order to let everyone in Xuantian's chaotic void All alliance teams adventuring, once discovered..."

"That's it!" Du Long smiled faintly and finally understood everything from Kelly: "If you report your discovery, you will be rewarded with one million alliance points. If you track and guide the alliance reinforcements to contain the target, you can get tens of millions of alliance points?!"

"Let's do this! Beauty Kelly, report it to the senior management of your alliance now, saying that I have killed all the adventure team led by Ai Rui. It is because of your beauty that you can survive!"

"Ah?!" Kelly's beautiful eyes widened in shock, as if she couldn't understand why Du Long asked her to do this. Could it be that he was trying to test that if he made a mistake, he would be silenced immediately? !

"I'm not joking with you, nor am I testing your intentions!" Du Long instantly understood everything from her eyes, and immediately said with a straight face: "Just take it as my order and execute it immediately. !”

"This..." Kelly still couldn't accept all this, and asked again in deep thought: "Bone strength! Are you sure you want me to send this information to the alliance?!"

"Very sure! Please execute it immediately!" Du Long nodded solemnly with a straight face.

Kelly nodded helplessly, and then began to send a message to the outside world, directly transmitting a message requested by Du Long.

In order to make Du Long believe that she had not added any other content, Kaili's message transmission process was directly opened to Du Long, so that he could intuitively see the content of the brief message he sent.

Du Long was extremely satisfied with her performance. It took only a moment for Kaili's message formation stone to receive a reply, and Du Long could read the content of the letter even if she didn't deliberately hide it.

‘Kelly! Please send back the coordinates of the incident location. No matter whether your clone is alive or dead, the alliance will reward your clone that remains in the alliance with one million points! ’

"Bone strength! A reply came from the alliance... How should I reply?!" Kelly looked at Du Long with some anxiety, and actually asked him for his opinion very obediently.

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded slightly, thought for a while and then said in deep thought: "Then just report a coordinate point far away from this airspace to them... This will not only allow your clone in the alliance to get rewards, but also be able to Your alliance’s attention has been diverted!”


Kelly nodded in agreement and immediately compiled a brief message and displayed it in front of Du Long, and then sent it out in front of him.

"Very good!" Du Long nodded and praised with great satisfaction, and then asked with a half-smile: "Kelly! Since you still have your original clone in your alliance, why are you still like this...Are you afraid of death? !”

At this point, his eyes seemed to fall on the light yellow liquid on the surface of Kelly's fair thighs intentionally or unintentionally, which also made Kelly's entire face turn red.

"Disgusting!" Kelly may have lost her fear of Du Long in her heart, but she actually dared to act coquettishly while leaning against him and said: "Don't you know that the clones have been separated for a long time, and they are like brothers born from the egg? Are they the same as sisters?!”

Du Long raised his brows slightly, and thought to himself that he had a similar feeling. Although his three original clones seemed to be one body, they gradually felt like they had the same origin and different souls.

It's just that the three avatars perform their respective duties on weekdays and spend most of their time immersed in cultivation, so they have never thought about such issues.

Feeling a burst of softness on his arm, Du Long suddenly woke up and immediately saw that Kelly, a woman who once hated "bone strength", was now pressed against him.

As expected, in the world of cultivation, the strong are respected, and the so-called disgust will only affect the weak. Once your strength reaches the point where people look up to you, the so-called disgust will disappear!

"Give me the communication formation stone you use to communicate with the outside world!" Du Long straightened his face again, looked down at the blue-haired beauty who was close to him and said: "You kind of communication formation stone... ."

The next words were just halfway spoken when they were immediately swallowed back into Du Long's stomach.

He originally wanted to ask for some information about this kind of communication formation stone, but then he thought about it. If the direct descendants of his noble Norman family didn't even understand such basic questions, wouldn't it be exposed? !

Kelly didn't think too much, knowing in her heart that Du Long still didn't believe in her, which was not beyond her expectation!

"Here you go!" Kelly took out her communication formation stone very simply, and then handed it directly to Du Long and said: "I am willing to swear on my soul that I only have this ultra-long-range communication formation stone. After all, this Similar communication formation stones are extremely expensive to make and cannot be purchased in large quantities like other ordinary communication formation stones!"

Du Long reached out and took the inheritance formation stone. Hearing Kelly swear the soul oath so wisely made him feel more relieved about the woman in front of him.

"You're wise! If that's the case, then I won't kill your original clone, but... for the time being, I have to place you in the cave world that I carry with me. I hope you can stay safe in it!"

"Don't worry! I will definitely stay safe! It's just... Occasionally, I may feel lonely... I hope you can take more time to accompany others!" Kelly was immediately excited when she heard that she could save her life. And he spoke expectantly.


Du Long put the other party away without comment and did not respond to her ambiguous request. He had no good impression of this blue-haired beauty who had no limits.

The reason why he didn't kill her at first was mainly because he wanted to learn from her the reason why the other party was following him, and also to use her hand to send a message to the Xuantian Adventure Alliance.

Since killing a core disciple of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild by yourself can't provoke a war between them and the Norman family, then kill another adventure team led by a core disciple.

If it doesn't work once, do it twice. If it doesn't work, you can do it a third time if there is a chance. In short, his goal is to provoke a war between the two hostile camps!

"Sister Gen Ling!" After putting Kaili away, Du Long held the communication formation stone in his hand and said directly: "Do you recognize this super communication formation stone?! Do you know its function?!"

"This is just a higher-level communication formation stone in an advanced civilized world!" The voice of the Dragon Formation Spirit soon rang out: "Compared to ordinary people like Kaili, this may be a A relatively expensive messenger treasure, but compared to the former Dragon World, it is just a gadget!"

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly and he said, "Can you briefly explain to me its transmission distance and its ability to transmit messages to the outside world within some Xuantian secret realms?!"

"It's a piece of cake!" The Eternal Dragon Formation Spirit did not show off on such a trivial issue, and immediately explained: "Such a communication formation stone can only transmit some simple text messages. Its principle is somewhat similar to what you did Kill some creatures to send the message!"

"And it uses a similar principle, but it doesn't need to kill a large number of creatures to deliver the corresponding information. It is much simpler than the method you used before!"

"So that's it!" Du Long suddenly nodded and replied: "You can actually imitate the principle similar to the soul's death and create this kind of message formation stone to send simple messages?!"

"I don't know the specific principle. I only know that it communicates with the source of heaven through certain magic formations, and finally uses the ubiquitous source of heaven to transmit some simple information!" Eternal Dragon Array Spirit explained again.

"Understood!" Du Long nodded again: "So, this kind of super communication formation stone should be able to freely transmit simple messages in various mysterious realms of Xuantian!"

"That's right!"

After receiving the affirmative reply from the Eternal Dragon Formation Spirit, Du Long silently thought about the matter in his heart.

The reason why he pays so much attention to a mere communication formation stone is because he knows himself and his enemy so that he can make as few stupid mistakes as possible in the future.

"That's right!" After thinking briefly for a moment, he put the matter down, then changed the topic and continued to ask: "Sister Gen Ling! You said before that you have successfully controlled this silver plate flying magic weapon?! Do you mean the current situation? This silver plate is already completely under our control, will it no longer be controlled by the Xuantian Adventure Alliance?!"

"That's natural!" The Dragon Formation Spirit said with a little complacency: "Auntie, I will personally take action. If I can't even control a flying magic weapon that has lost its owner, how can I have the qualifications to control the entire Dragon Secret Realm?!"

"Very good!" Du Long breathed a sigh of relief and pondered for a moment before transforming directly into the image of Sean: "In that case, from now on I will take this ship as Sean. Let’s continue to explore the chaotic void of Xuantian with the Silver Plate Flying Magical Artifact!”

Because the skull flying magic weapon has been wanted by the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild, it will no longer be safe to continue to use it to travel through the chaotic void of Xuantian, and it may be discovered and tracked at any time.


The huge silver plate began to accelerate through the chaotic void of Xuantian, and continued to fly along a changing and tortuous passage towards the coordinates of the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

In the main control hall inside the Silver Plate Flying Magic Artifact, Du Long only left a cell origin clone sitting there to deal with various unknown emergencies.

As for Du Long's three main clones, they have all entered the Genlong Secret Realm, and are receiving the inheritance they need, while time continues to pass.

At the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild Headquarters, the fifth elder Yuan Tian continuously dispatched troops to a certain Xuantian coordinate direction, asking many strong men to rush to that coordinate position.

This coordinate position was exactly where Kaili teleported back, and Yuan Tian dispatched a large number of forces that could be dispatched within his authority to form a dragnet.

Although there are many loopholes in this dragnet, there is a certain probability that the target will slip through, but there is also a high probability that the target can be discovered.

Xuantian's chaotic void is boundless, and no force on either side can achieve a watertight and complete blockade in the vast void, unless they are only blocking a small area of ​​chaotic airspace!

Because the coordinates of the airspace they blocked this time were wrong, the probability of meeting Du Long was almost zero. Unfortunately, Yuan Tianze had no idea at all.

Although he subsequently sent letters to Kelly to ask some questions, unfortunately, those messages were lost in the ocean and he never received any reply.

Yuan Tianze also summoned Kaili's original clone who stayed in the alliance and learned that her original clone had not died. This reminded him of what Kaili said in the message.

Kelly had said at the time that Gu Li coveted her beauty and was the only reason why he spared her life. From this point of view, it seems that she was most likely seduced by that "Gu Li" who had hidden her beauty in the golden house, and also confiscated the Super Communication Formation Stone!

The fifth elder Yuan Tianze also considered whether to take action to destroy the Norman family. In the end, he resisted and did not do it. It was not because he was afraid that destroying the Norman family would suffer backlash, but because he wanted to use the Norman family as bait to fish. Bring out the big fish of 'Gu Li'!

During his advance, Du Long also received some brief letters from the Norman family, and then he was very disappointed to learn that the Norman family was not exterminated.

Time continued to pass by, and the silver-plate flying magic weapon he was riding on also continued to move closer to the location of the Great World of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

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