Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2767 Multidimensional Creation

In the vast and chaotic void of the sky!

Dangerous substances naturally formed by various chaotic source energies continue to emerge in the boundless chaotic void, turning this chaotic void into a restricted area for ordinary creatures.

A huge skull is moving forward at high speed in the chaotic void that is full of dangers. It can avoid dangerous airspace everywhere in advance and continue to advance in the depths of the chaotic void with no risk.

In the blink of an eye, Du Long has traveled through the chaotic void of Xuantian for millions of years, and is flying towards a remote chaotic airspace that few people have explored according to the original plan.

For millions of years in real time, he spent a million times longer in the space where he accepted various inheritances inside the Dragon Secret Realm.

In the secret realm of Genlong inheritance, Du Long has left a clone for a long time to receive the inheritance of various heavenly mysteries!

After millions of epochs of time, he has comprehended and practiced various mysteries of heaven, but he has only reached the seventh level, which is infinitely close to the Great Perfection.


On this day, Du Long's multi-dimensional creation avatar in the secret realm of Genlong inheritance finally stopped practicing, and then naturally exhaled a breath of turbidity out of habit!

After millions of years of hard work, he had never worked hard for as long as this time. However, the results of his practice did not satisfy him.

"Alas!" He sighed with a faint look in his eyes: "Sure enough, as Blinken said, even if you have the secret realm of the Dragon's inheritance in hand, if you want to break through the final bottleneck of various heavenly ways, you can only rely on The efficiency of studying hard is too low!"

I think back then, although it took him a long time to practice hard, he was able to improve step by step to reach the sixth level of perfection of all the mysteries of heaven.

Nowadays, it takes longer than before to go from the first to the sixth floor, but even the final bottleneck of the seventh floor has not been broken through.

There are tens of thousands of various heavenly mysteries, among which only about 90% of the heavenly mysteries have broken through to the seventh level of Dzogchen, but there are still about 10% of the heavenly mysteries that are stuck at the final bottleneck point of the seventh level and cannot achieve a breakthrough!

"No! Such a low cultivation efficiency... it will only waste your time!" After thinking for a while, Du Long immediately decided to change the direction of his clone's cultivation.

"Since the final bottleneck of the seventh level of various heavenly mysteries is so difficult to break through, it would be better... to let this clone of mine improve other aspects!"

He made a decision quickly. Seeing that there were still millions of years of real time left before the target was located in the Xuantian Chaos Airspace, it was really unwise to continue to waste a lot of time on this practice.

"Since the multi-dimensional creation clone has only reached the realm of immortal creation, it can only reach the sixth level in terms of soul and body forging. This clone can only choose two directions for cultivation at most!"

"The first is to find a way to break through and reach the multi-dimensional Xuantian Creation Realm; the second is to continue to increase the number of cell origin clones in the body!"

"These two aspects are two different directions, but in fact they are closely related and interfere with each other. Once the number of original clones of cells in the body exceeds the limit, the physical strength will reach the limit!"

"On the contrary, if we start to create multi-dimensional time and space now, it will also squeeze the number of cell origin clones that the physical body can bear!"


After deciding to change the direction of cultivation of the multi-dimensional creation clone, Du Long began to get entangled again. For a while, he didn't know which direction of cultivation should be better.

In the process of devouring the two Xuantian worlds, the Yin and Yang clones previously transferred part of the Xuantian world's energy and spirit to the multi-dimensional creation clones, which also increased the physical strength of the multi-dimensional creation clones to the level of the Immortal Creation Realm. reach the extreme.

It is precisely because of this that he can consider the path he will choose next, otherwise his physical body would have been trained to the current limit!

"Wait! No matter how many worlds of immortality and mortal are inside the body, the only way is to create the world of Xuantian in the body first. This has been verified by the previous creation process of Yin and Yang Xuantian!"

"Therefore, I should not pursue the total amount of the immortal world in my body now, but should find a way to create a multi-dimensional Xuantian world first. That is the right choice!"

In whispers, Du Long quickly made the final decision. Now that he had made the final decision, he immediately stopped hesitating and began to implement the decision directly.


He teleported directly to the space of the secret realm of creation inheritance. Then he flashed directly into the secret realm of multi-dimensional creation inheritance and began to study all the tens of thousands of various multi-dimensional creation examples again.

Then he stopped looking at other people's examples of multi-dimensional space-time creation, and began to sit cross-legged in a secret realm where time accelerated a million times, quietly thinking about how he should create a multi-dimensional space-time Xuantian!

As he sat like this, hundreds of millions of years passed quietly between his fingers. With hundreds of millions of distractions, he secretly demonstrated countless methods of creating multi-dimensional time and space in his heart.

Du Long is like a supercomputer with billions of cores, simulating various multi-dimensional Xuantian creation processes, and then looking for the best multi-dimensional space-time creation path.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed in the secret realm, but only about a hundred years have passed in the outside world, and Du Long finally decided how to create the multi-dimensional Xuantian!

"Currently, there is a three-dimensional world of immortality and mortal size inside my body!"

"If you want to create a multi-dimensional space-time Xuantian world, you don't have to blindly expand the size of the main multi-dimensional space-time immortal world..."

"Rather, we should upgrade the three-dimensional world of immortals to four dimensions, so that we can naturally create a four-dimensional Xuantian world inside the main Dantian!"

"From three dimensions to four dimensions... it is not simply the so-called mystery of the fluctuations of eleven-dimensional space and time that I have understood in the Genlong Secret Realm before. It is just the mystery of the fluctuation and change rules of multi-dimensional space and time!"

"The true three-dimensional world has advanced to four dimensions. The mystery of the eleven-dimensional space-time fluctuation rules is just the foundation. It is like the bricks and tiles of a building!"

"And the four-dimensional Xuantian world is built on this brick-by-brick basis, eventually forming a complete four-dimensional Xuantian world!!"

As he murmured, Du Long's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he had a very clear understanding of the creation process of Xuantian in multi-dimensional time and space!

His main mind began to sink into the main Dantian world in his body, silently staring at the three-dimensional multi-angular world in front of him, secretly simulating how to create a multi-dimensional space-time Xuantian on it!

"If you want to advance to the realm of Xuantian's creation without increasing the volume of this three-dimensional space-time, you must create endless... folding multi-dimensional space-time within a space-time body of similar size!"

"And folding multi-dimensional space-time... happens to require the use of this special three-dimensional angular space-time body. Only in this way can it better carry countless... multi-dimensional space-time!"

With constant deductions in his mind, Du Long's understanding of the creation of Xuantian in multi-dimensional time and space became clearer and clearer, and he did not start to act until he had no more doubts.

Rumble. . .

The three-dimensional space-time body of the immortal world that was originally just suspended there quietly began to tremble violently at this moment, and the edges and corners of the three-dimensional space-time body became more and more dazzling.

In the two-dimensional creation stage, these angular edges were formed by the convergence of all the energy in Du Long's body, which contained extremely terrifying and powerful energy.

At this moment, the angular edges burst out with energy comparable to Xuantian's creation flame level, as if it could split the barriers of time and space, and began to continuously absorb and refine a large amount of chaotic source energy.

The endless source energy of chaos is absorbed and refined, and then converted into pure energy of heaven and earth and injected into the angular edges, and those angular edges become more and more dazzling.

It was as if a blazing sun appeared inside the main Dantian world. This extremely powerful energy made Du Long feel tremendous pressure. If he didn't guide it as soon as possible, it would be the same as setting himself on fire.

Resisting the terrifying pressure, Du Long continued to absorb and refine the power of the source of chaos, making the blazing sun inside his main dantian world become more and more blazing!

"Time, space...the law of fluctuations in eleven-dimensional space-time..."

Seeing that the main Dantian world was about to reach the limit it could bear, Du Long muttered these words silently, and then began to guide the entire three-dimensional space-time body of the immortal world to undergo four-dimensional fluctuations.

I saw those angular edges begin to tremble and fluctuate along mysterious trajectories. Under the precise control of Dulong's millions of distractions, the frequency of the trembling fluctuations of these edges gradually matched the fluctuations of multi-dimensional space-time.

Until a certain moment, the fluctuations between the two reached a complete consistency, and the originally extremely stable main dantian space instantly became distorted and deformed!

In an instant, there was originally only one three-dimensional space-time body of the immortal world. As the main Dantian space was distorted and deformed, two identical three-dimensional space-time body of the immortal world were directly transformed.

These two three-dimensional space-time immortal worlds are like overlapping phantoms produced when a person's eyes are dizzy. The main Dantian space occupied by the two has not doubled, but only increased by a very small part.

"Successful?!" When the two overlapping three-dimensional immortal worlds appeared, Du Long immediately exclaimed excitedly in his heart: "Sure enough... The law of multi-dimensional space-time fluctuations is the foundation, which can make the three-dimensional space-time world Interfering with the main Dantian space and then distorting the space to form a parallel time and space?!"

After excitedly telling the results of his observations, Du Long did not stop the creation of multi-dimensional Xuantian, but continued to create the world according to the same method.

The two three-dimensional immortal worlds located in parallel time and space continue to break through the world barriers through angular edges, and then fully absorb and refine the massive chaos source energy.

When they absorb the refining energy and reach the limit, they immediately follow the previous steps to fluctuate and oscillate in four-dimensional space-time, and then when they reach a consistent state, they distort space-time again to form parallel space-time, and at the same time form two three-dimensional worlds located inside parallel space-time!

First it changes from one to two, and then from two to four. While the multi-dimensional space-time of the main Dantian increases in a vector, the number of parallel time-spaces inside the Dantian space also increases in a vector.

"Haha! Three large worlds have been added to the body, but the impact on the physical body's ability to withstand is extremely subtle. This is the true multi-dimensional space-time Xuantian creation path!"

After successfully creating four almost identical worlds within the main Dantian, Du Long laughed excitedly after a brief observation. Apparently, he was more confident in this multi-dimensional space-time Xuantian creation path.

As we all know, if you want to create Xuantian in the body, the biggest problem is the limit that the physical body can withstand. If this shackle is not broken, you will never succeed.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Du Long continued to enter the unfinished multi-dimensional Xuantian creation process, advancing from four three-dimensional worlds to eight, then sixteen, and thirty-two. . .

Each advancement is doubled and increased upwards. This creation process is still very slow in the early stage, but in the later stages, the speed and efficiency become faster and faster.

It was also at this moment that Du Long devoted his attention to observation and research, and finally understood why the original three-dimensional space-time body was composed of multiple hexagonal shapes plus multiple pentagonal planes, similar to that of a football!

It is precisely because of this non-absolute spherical shape that it can best fit into parallel space-times, and those planes are the best fitting surfaces for parallel space-times!

Parallel space-time requires Du Long to master the fluctuation laws of eleven-dimensional space-time, so that he can control the fluctuations and oscillations of the edges of the three-dimensional space-time body, and finally distort space-time to form a parallel space-time that matches each other.

All this is not a coincidence, multi-dimensional time and space should be like this, but Du Long studied and deduced all this by himself without receiving guidance from relevant parties!

Time is constantly passing. In real time, nearly ten thousand years have passed, while in the secret space, nearly ten thousand epoch-years have passed.

After doubling again this day, Du Long finally felt that the multidimensional world in his main dantian space had reached its limit.

"Have you finally reached the limit?! It has reached more than one billion and seventy million parallel time and spaces, with more than one billion and seventy million three-dimensional worlds, and this also constitutes a... four-dimensional Xuantian world? !”

Du Long stared sharply at the interior of the main Dantian world, the four-dimensional Xuantian world that looked like layers of double images. If he had poor eyesight, he would really treat them as an immortal world.

"This is just the beginning and is not the end... On the basis of the main Dantian multi-dimensional Xuantian world, the other three thousand three-dimensional immortal worlds should be able to undergo an upgrade, right?!"

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