Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2743 Golden Dragon and Blue Dragon

"It's time to start refining a Xuantian Creation Divine Weapon!"

After gathering his mind, Du Long looked at the Yin and Yang realms inside the main Dantian world, and could see that the Yin and Yang realms were filled with the extremely pure metallic energy left over from Xuantian's creation.


It was as if a breeze blew through the Yin and Yang realms, and the metallic energy scattered in the two realms began to be gathered into two large groups, and finally condensed into two metal balls suspended there.

One ball is hot and the other is cold. They are two metal balls with different attributes, coming from the underworld and the yang world respectively.

"Should pure metals with two attributes, one yin and one yang, be fused into one to refine one creation weapon...or should they be separately refined into two creation weapons, one yin and one yang?!"

Quietly staring at the two metal balls with different properties in front of him, Du Long once again faced a dilemma, but he only made a decision after pondering for a moment.

He saw two metal balls being thrown into the Xuanhuang and Hanzhou creation flames respectively. He had obviously decided to refine two Xuantian Creation Divine Weapons respectively.

According to legend, each creation power can only refine one creation weapon. Now it seems that this is not absolutely true. For example, Du Long, a being who takes the yin and yang path of creation, can refine two creation weapons. Opportunity for the World Divine Weapon.

Hoo, ho!

Inside the two creation flames, the flames were blazingly roasting the two huge metal balls. The metal balls quickly melted into molten metal, and then began to boil desperately.

Just kidding, it is a creation flame that can burn through the barriers of time and space. No matter how hard two metal balls are, they are not enough to burn them.

Under the blazing flames, the molten metal is constantly boiling, and the bubbles bursting every time can always release a large amount of impurities.

No matter how pure the texture of the two metal balls is, there are still some impurities inside, and they are being cleaned away by the flames of creation at this moment.

It can be seen that the two masses of molten metal are shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. As more and more impurities are removed, the texture of the molten metal becomes more and more pure, and the volume will naturally shrink accordingly.

Gulu, Gulu. . .

Gradually, although the two masses of molten metal continued to squirm, no bubbles burst. Du Long knew that they had reached the best state for refining weapons.


He gave the command of the condenser without hesitation, and saw that the two masses of molten metal began to change shapes almost at the same time, and soon condensed into the shape of two simple war knives.

Looking at the shape of the two swords, it is clear that they are the swords that Du Long has liked to use since he was a child. They are also the styles that he is most comfortable with!

Immediately afterwards, he began to continuously carve on the surfaces of the two liquid swords. In the blink of an eye, nine magic circles necessary for weapon refining were carved on the surface of the swords.


As the last magic circle was successfully carved, a dazzling brilliance began to shine on the surface of the two swords, as if the two dead objects suddenly came to life.

Inside the two creation flames, the two swords were filled with brilliance, just like two sword dragons soaring freely inside the creation flames!

Du Long smiled and looked at the two Xuantian swords in front of him, and he understood in his heart that the last critical step in refining the weapons was to quench them!

With a thought, a group of gas containing the energy of the black and yellow flames was moved out, and another group of gas containing the energy of the cold universe flame was also moved out.

Immediately afterwards, the two sword dragons were instantly moved into the two masses of flame gas with different attributes!

Hey, hey!

One yin attribute sword was thrown into the extremely hot black and yellow gas, and the other yang attribute sword was thrown into the extremely cold cold gas, instantly forming a reverse quenching reaction!

The sword that was originally in a liquid state instantly began to solidify and turned into a solid sword. However, the quenching process did not seem to end immediately. The two swords were still making strange noises!

As the creator and controller of Xuantian Yin and Yang World, Du Long has the highest control over everything inside this world. Naturally, he can easily detect the internal status of the two swords from the quenching process of the two swords.

Under his in-depth investigation, he could see that the solidification process inside the two swords was slower than the surface, and he was paying close attention to the quenching changes of the swords at all times.

Time continued to pass second after second. Under Du Long's in-depth exploration, the internal quenching and solidification degree of the sword was moving towards the optimal state, until at a certain moment, the two swords reached the optimal quenching value almost at the same time.


Du Long immediately moved away the two gases of Xuanhuang and Hanzhou, and the two swords that were still quenching were instantly revealed. One was a golden yellow and the other was a dark blue simple sword.

Boom, boom!

Inside the world of Yin Yang Xuantian, two divine thunders suddenly crashed down. One of the divine thunders was golden yellow, and the other was light blue. They struck two swords respectively.

These two divine thunders were not deliberately controlled by Du Long, but were naturally triggered by the laws of heaven in the great world of Yin and Yang Xuantian. The sudden falling of these two divine thunders really shocked Du Long.

Only then did he realize that although he was the creator and controller of the Yin-Yang Xuantian world, he did not fully grasp the laws of heaven in this Yin-Yang Xuantian world? !

Just such a thought flashed through his heart, and Du Long's attention was immediately attracted by the two swords!

I saw two swords, one golden and one blue. After the divine thunder bombardment, there was a faint mark of thunder dragon on the surface of the sword, which also made the two swords more spiritual.

"Okay! What a great sword! These two swords attracted thunder dragon bombardment, so let's name them as golden dragon and blue dragon swords!! Haha..."

Looking excitedly at the two creation swords that he had just refined, Du Long immediately gave them a simple name, using the dragon name in front of the color to distinguish them.

Buzz, buzz!

The two Creation Divine Weapon swords seemed to be able to respond to Du Long's words, and the blades began to tremble and tremble, and then they actually began to turn into two sword dragons and fly freely within the great world of Yin Yang Xuantian.

With a faint smile on his lips, Du Long quietly watched the two sword dragons, one golden and one blue, flying freely in the void. He knew in his heart that these two swords would be his most powerful main battle weapons!


After completing the creation process of Xuantian in his body and successfully refining two Xuantian Divine Weapon swords that he was extremely satisfied with, Du Long slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbidity out of habit.

In order to create the great world of Xuantian within his body, he had been sitting in this secret realm of Yin-Yang life and death inheritance for an incomparably long time, and today he was finally able to successfully complete all tasks.

"Du Long! You finally woke up!" After seeing him finally open his eyes, the voice of the Dragon Formation Spirit immediately sounded in the secret realm of time and space: "That Moni inside the Soul Forging inheritance space has just broken through the Forging Soul The sixth level of soul, Dzogchen, is currently searching for your whereabouts on the top of the Yangshen Pyramid!"

"Has he found the pool of spirit-nourishing liquid?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows suddenly and asked nervously: "We must not let that kid get the benefits of the spirit-nourishing liquid!"

"Naturally, the spirit-nourishing liquid cannot be easily taken advantage of by outsiders. Without the permission of me and Sister Soul King Yu Ji, those people will never be able to find that pool of spirit-nourishing liquid even if they climb to the top of the God-nurturing Pyramid!" Eternal Dragon Formation Spirit said with some pride. He hummed.

"That's good!" Du Long breathed a sigh of relief and said, "In that case, just teleport me there! It's time to meet those bastards from the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild!"

The soul-forging space, the top of the spiritual pyramid.

Moni was walking around in the mist, calling out Du Long's name from time to time. His face looked extremely ugly, and he probably suspected that Du Long had left the soul-forging space through some unknown method early in the morning.

"Du Long! Are you still on top of the Yangshen Pyramid?! If you don't answer me, I will report this matter. Then you will wait for the Pangu indigenous world to be destroyed!!"

After turning around for a few more times, there was still no trace of Du Long. Moni looked up to the sky again and let out a roar. Judging from his posture, he must have been unable to bear it anymore.


A figure appeared out of thin air not too far away from Moni. As soon as Du Long appeared, he heard Moni's roar. He immediately grinned with a meaningful sneer and dodged directly towards the direction of the sound. .

"Why are you making such a fuss?! Don't you know it's rude to wake others up?!" The moment he saw Moni, Du Long immediately yelled angrily with a straight face.

Moni paused slightly, then turned to look at Du Long with an angry look on his face. A look of doubt and inquiry flashed in his eyes and he said: "Where were you hiding before?! Why couldn't I find it even after searching for a long time on the top of this mountain? you?!"

"Ah!" Du Long opened his mouth and let out a long yawn, then deliberately rubbed his sleepy eyes and said: "There is a small pool over there. It was very comfortable to lie in it and fell asleep. After that, I was moved by you. The noise woke me up!"

Speaking of this, Du Long also deliberately pretended to be unhappy and glared at Moni, as if a person who was angry about getting out of bed was woken up, which also made Moni very speechless.

"Is there a small pool?!" Moni questioned with some disbelief: "I walked around the top of this mountain several times, but I didn't see any small pool at all. You are obviously lying!"

"Exactly!" Du Long said indifferently when faced with the questioning: "Then it can only mean that you are not lucky enough. If you are not lucky, please don't say that I am lying, okay?!"

"Hmph!" Moni stared at Du Long with sharp eyes and snorted coldly: "Since you said there is a small pool over there, do you dare to take me there to see whether it is true or not?"

"It's a trivial matter. If you want to see it, then come with me!"

Waving his hand indifferently, Du Long immediately turned around and walked towards the soul-nourishing liquid pool.

He had already absorbed and refined the spiritual liquid in it before, and there was not much regeneration after this period of time. He had asked the Eternal Dragon Formation Spirit to collect the spirit-nourishing liquid before he came.

Soon the two of them came to the edge of the soul-nourishing liquid pool, and saw that there was only a shallow pool of soul-nourishing liquid left in the pool. Moni's eyes went straight when he saw it.

"It's actually a pool of spirit-nourishing liquid?! It seems that the legend is true... Damn it! Du Long... How dare you consume a whole pool of spirit-nourishing liquid?!"

Moni was overjoyed with surprise at first, and then his surprise turned into anger. He pointed at Du Long and cursed angrily.

Du Long reached out and clasped his ears nonchalantly, looked at Moni who was a little hysterical with a smile and said: "I'm just going to sleep in there. There isn't much soul-nourishing liquid left in it. You are so cruel." very?!"

"Could it be that... Gu Li had absorbed most of the spirit-nourishing liquid inside before?!" Moni immediately thought of a possibility, and immediately rushed towards the spirit-nourishing liquid pool as soon as he finished speaking.

Even if there is only a small pool of soul-nourishing liquid left in the pool, to him, it is still a small piece of meat, which will be of some benefit to the origin of his soul.


As a result, when he rushed to the edge of the soul-nourishing liquid pool, he bumped into an invisible energy barrier, and his whole body stuck to it in a large font shape.


Du Long couldn't help laughing on the spot, obviously amused by Moni's funny look, and just watched him slide off the energy shield.

"Why?! Why can't I enter the soul-nourishing liquid pool?! Du Long! Is it your fault?!" Old Moni's face turned red as he fell to the ground, and in the end he blamed Du Long.

"What did I do?! This is the top of the Soul-Calming Pyramid of the Soul Forging Space. How can I do such a thing?! It's obviously because your character is not good, okay?!" Du Long naturally wouldn't admit it, so he immediately retort back.

"You..." Du Long scolded him for his bad character, but Moni had no way to refute it. In the end, he could only give up the small pool of spirit-nourishing liquid and said: "That's it! Just such a small amount of spirit-nourishing liquid doesn't have much effect. I guess you can only enter it when the spirit-nourishing liquid reaches a certain amount?!"

"It makes sense!" Du Long said with a thumbs up in an exaggerated manner: "As expected, he is worthy of being an inner disciple of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild. This kind of eyesight is really not comparable to that of an indigenous monk like me!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Moni shouted with some embarrassment: "Let's get back to the topic, since you have successfully broken through to the sixth level of soul forging, then you must fulfill your promise and join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild, right?!"

"Join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild?! I didn't promise that I would join if I successfully broke through to the sixth level of Soul Forging. I just said that I would consider it after I break through!" Du Long said with an exasperated smile.

"You..." Moni was indeed irritated again. She pointed at him with a livid face and said, "Are you planning to refuse to join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance?! Do you know that doing this will... Will the entire Pangu World camp bring devastating consequences?!"

"Just because you are a bunch of trash?! You also want to destroy the Pangu World camp?!" Du Long smiled with disdain and replied: "Money! You think too highly of your own bunch of trash?!"

"Okay! Very good!" Moni gritted his teeth and smiled angrily: "In that case...then don't blame us for being rude!!"

"You're welcome?!" Du Long still had a smile on his lips, but there was a hint of cold murderous intent in his smile: "In that case, I won't be polite to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took one step forward, and then under Moni's horrified gaze, a palm suddenly hit his chest.

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