Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2737 Polite Rejection

Soul-forging space, on the God-nurturing Pyramid.

At this moment, there are two people standing on the inheritance ladder on the second side of the pyramid, silently accepting the inheritance of the skills from the fourth to sixth levels of Soul Calming!

On this soul-forged inheritance ladder, besides Du Long is Moni, the inner disciple from the Soul Palace, who arrived here from the body-forged inheritance space early in the morning.

On the entire Shen Yang Pyramid, there are at least 30,000 monks receiving the soul-forging inheritance, but they are the only two monks who can come to this side of the inheritance ladder.

It can be seen that both body and soul forging are extremely difficult, and monks like Du Long who can break through and advance easily and steadily are extremely rare.

‘Du Long! 'On the same inheritance ladder, Moni had just received a very important news. He immediately raised his head and looked at Du Long Chuanchuan above with a half-smile and said: 'As an indigenous monk, he can have such a demonic talent for cultivation. I feel very admired! ’

Du Long, who was practicing hard with his head closed, raised his eyebrows slightly, slowly opened his eyes, turned his head and glanced at the figure below him, with an undisguised look of confusion on his face.

'hehe! ’ Seeming to see the trace of doubt on his face, Moni smiled again and said as kindly as possible: ‘What I mean is very simple, I hope you can join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild! ’

‘Join the forces behind you? ! ’ Du Long finally understood the other party’s intention, smiled lightly and said: ‘Why should I join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild? ! What obligations and rights do you have after joining? ! ’

‘First of all, the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild is the top force in the advanced civilized world. Secondly, as long as you are willing to join, you no longer have to worry about being bullied when venturing around the Xuantian Chaos World! ’ Seeing that there seemed to be something going on, Moni immediately introduced it enthusiastically.

‘To put it simply, you join the forces behind you. From now on, when you venture around the Xuantian Chaos World, you can only bully others, and you don’t have to worry about being bullied by others! ’ Du Long looked at Moni and said teasingly.

‘You can think so too! ’ Moni straightened his back and showed a conceited expression on his face, as if the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild was the best in the world of advanced civilization.

‘To be honest, there is also an adventure alliance in my hometown Xuantian World. . . It also has a deep connection with me, but it is completely different from the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild behind you! ’ Du Long looked at Moni with a half-smile, and said such incomprehensible words.

'completely different? ! ’ Some of Moni’s monks asked confusedly: ‘I wonder what meaning you want to express? ! ’

'hehe! It doesn’t have any special meaning, it’s just something I feel! Du Long shook his head. He didn't want to say nonsense that one was a villain and the other was a decent person. He directly changed the subject and said: "I heard that you have reinforcements coming here. Do you want to change the relationship between me and me so that we don't interfere with each other?" Is there an agreement? ! ’

Moni didn't expect Du Long to be so direct. He didn't know how to respond for a moment. After thinking for a long time, he said in a deep voice: 'I can only say. . . Naturally, the soul oath we made with you cannot be broken, but. . . If our new supporting adventure team wants to cause trouble for you, it will not be within the scope of the oath! ’

‘I understand! ’ Du Long didn’t seem surprised at all, and immediately nodded and replied with a smile: ‘So, sending you as a lobbyist can be regarded as giving a carrot first? ! As long as I don't agree to your request, will I be followed by a big stick? ! ’

‘You can think so! 'Moni simply nodded this time and admitted: 'This time we invite Senior Brother Blinken, a core disciple of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild. His talent in cultivation is definitely countless times stronger than yours, and he should be able to easily do it. Defeat you! ’

'oh? ! ’ Du Long didn’t show the slightest displeasure at being underestimated by his opponent. He still asked with a faint smile on his face: ‘The core disciple of the alliance? ! What is the gap between you and the inner disciples of this alliance? ! ’

‘The gap is huge! ’ Moni showed an expression of great yearning and replied somewhat exaggeratedly: ‘Within our Xuantian Adventure Alliance guild, the disciples are divided into three categories: outer sect, inner sect and core disciples! ’

‘Among them, the outer disciples have the lowest status, followed by the inner disciples, and the core disciples have the highest status! ’

'Under the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild, an unlimited number of outer disciples will be recruited every epoch year. As for the inner disciples, they will only recruit 90,000 people every 100 epoch year, while the core disciples will only recruit 90 people every 100 epoch year. ! ’

‘Among them, the ninety people were evenly distributed among the nine halls under the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild. Each hall can only be allocated a mere ten places. This shows how difficult it is to become a core disciple of the alliance, right? ! ’

After listening to Moni's explanation, Du Long also had some understanding of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild's threshold for recruiting disciples, and was also slightly curious about the so-called core disciples.

‘Only so few people are recruited every century? ! The strength of those core disciples should be very strong, right? ! ’ Du Long’s question was obviously a cliché.

The smile on Moni's face remained. In order to intimidate Du Long, he did not hide these non-confidential issues. He patiently explained: 'The strength of the core disciples of the alliance is definitely beyond your imagination! ’

‘Can you give me an example? ! Those so-called core disciples. . . Which aspect is more powerful? ! Everyone is a strong person in the Xuantian Creation Realm. Logically speaking, their respective strengths should not be much different, right? ! ’ Du Long was not satisfied with Moni’s ambiguous answer and immediately asked again.

Moni looked at Du Long with a meaningful smile and said: 'It seems that you don't know much about the strength of Xuantian's creation realm, right? ! ’

‘Before I explain how powerful the alliance’s core disciples are, let me first educate you on the huge difference in strength in the Xuantian Creation Realm! ’

‘First of all, the Xuantian world created by the Xuantian Creation Realm is divided into nine different large levels, and each large level is divided into nine different small levels! ’

When he said this, Moni deliberately let it slip and glanced at Du Long. When he saw a puzzled look in his eyes, he immediately understood that this kid really didn't know anything about this most basic common sense.

Thinking of this, a hint of disdain appeared on Moni's lips. He was truly worthy of being an indigenous monk who only knew how to practice. He didn't even know such basic common sense that he would definitely take many detours in the future.

'that. . . ’ Seeing that Moni paused in the middle of his words, Du Long couldn’t help but ask: ‘I wonder if brother Moni has ever seen the great world of Pangu Xuantian? ! You take it as an example. . . What level can the great world of Pangu Xuantian reach? ! ’

‘I have seen the great world of Pangu aborigines! Moni nodded immediately, and still used the word "indigenous" habitually in his words: "It can only be regarded as the middle stage of the first level at most. If you want to be more detailed, it should be the fourth small level of the first level." peak! ’

‘The Great World of Pangu Xuantian. . . Is it just the first level? ! Which is the weakest level? ! ’ Du Long seemed a little unable to believe this answer, thinking that the other party was deliberately belittling Pangu World.

'Do you think it's necessary for me to deceive you about this? ! ’ Seeing Du Long’s disbelieving look on his face, Moni said slightly displeased: ‘As far as I know, there are only nine avenues in this Pangu indigenous world, right? ! Do you think the mystery of a unified heaven is so rare, how high a level can it reach? ! ’

Du Long was immediately choked by the other party's answer, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute it. After all, he knew very little about this issue.

'that. . . Dare I ask, what level does the Xuantian world you created reach? ! ’ Since we can’t refute it, we can only settle for the next best thing.

‘My Xuantian world? ! ’ Moni looked at Du Long above with a half-smile and said: ‘It’s okay to tell you that the Xuantian world I created has only reached the early stage of its second level! ’

‘Early stage of second level? ! Four or five smaller levels higher than Pangu World? ! How big is the strength gap between the two? ! ’ Du Long raised this question again.

It has to be said that he had completely ignored the difference in strength between Xuantian's creation realm before. Now that a fool was sent to help him solve his doubts, there was no need to be polite to him.

Du Long also secretly decided to ask the Gen Long Formation Spirit for advice on this issue when he had the opportunity. After all, the Gen Long World was once a super powerful force, and he should be very clear about such basic information.

‘To put it simply, for each small level difference in Xuantian World, its diameter will approximately double! ’ Moni smiled faintly and explained patiently again: ‘You must be able to easily calculate the difference between each small level, right? ! ’

‘Double the diameter? ! Then the volume of Xuantian World has increased by about eight times? ! ’ Du Long instantly calculated the volume change between the two.

‘That’s right! 'Moni nodded slightly and replied with a smile: 'The difference in the size of Xuantian World represents the difference in the basic combat power of each Xuantian Creation God. On this basis, it depends on how much their magical powers and techniques can increase. ! ’

'I see! ’ Du Long nodded suddenly, and then changed the topic: ‘May I ask what level the Xuantian World created by Blinken, the core disciple of the alliance, has reached? ! ’

‘Brother Blinken is so awesome! According to legend. . . The Xuantian world he created has reached the early stage of the third level. It is unknown which stage it has reached in the early stage! ’ Moni murmured in reply with a look of awe.

‘The early days of the third level? ! There is a gap of more than ten small levels from the peak of the first, middle and fourth levels? ! ’ Du Long frowned, obviously very surprised by this result.

'hehe! ’ Moni smiled confidently and said: ‘With a difference of more than a dozen minor levels, how huge will the gap in basic combat power be? ! You know now that it would be easy for Brother Blinken to deal with you, right? ! ’

'still have a question! ’ Faced with such an obvious threat from Moni, Du Long continued to ask without taking it seriously: ‘That’s it. . . At what level have you reached the integration of heaven and earth? ! What level does Blinken reach? ! ’

‘Integrating heaven and earth? ! ’ Moni was stunned for a moment, then he looked up and down at Du Long with curiosity and said, ‘I didn’t expect that you, a mere indigenous monk, actually know the level of cultivation that can integrate the world and the world? ! ’

‘It’s okay to tell you the truth. I’m trying to integrate heaven and earth. . . It has only reached the sixth level of integrating heaven and earth. As for Senior Brother Blinken. . . It must have reached at least the ninth level or above! ’

‘Above the ninth level? ! ’ Du Long frowned and asked, ‘Isn’t there an accurate answer? ! Is it the ninth level or the tenth level? ! ’

‘I don’t know this! 'Perhaps Moni opened up his chatterbox, and in order to intimidate Du Long, he simply said everything as long as it was not related to the core secrets: 'I only know that the first condition for becoming a core disciple of the alliance is to understand all the ways of heaven. The mysterious third realm, and then you must reach the ninth great perfection of integrating heaven and earth before breaking through to the Xuantian Creation Realm! ’

‘Senior Brother Blinken has been a core disciple for a long time. Who knows if he has made any breakthroughs in integrating heaven and earth during this time? ! ’

'I see! ’ Du Long suddenly smiled and said: ‘As for whether to join the Adventure Alliance guild, I still need to think about it for a while before I can decide! ’

Du Long did not say anything to death, but he politely refused to join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild, and did not agree as readily as 'Gu Li' did.

I used the identity of Gu Li to make a soul oath before. After all, I used a false identity to make the oath, so I don’t have to worry about it coming true. There are many loopholes in the oath that can be exploited.

Now if he decides to join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild, he will have to swear a soul oath with his true identity. This is the main reason why Du Long is unwilling to accept it easily.

Upon hearing his reply, the smile on Moni's face instantly froze and was replaced by a look of embarrassment and anger.

In order to get Du Long to join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild, Moni had just spent all his smiles and wasted a long time talking, but Du Long actually gave such a reply in the end? !

‘Du Long! Don't be shameless! Do you know that one of your wrong decisions will have devastating consequences for you and even the people behind you? ! ’ Since good words and persuasion were no longer effective, Moni changed his face without hesitation.

Faced with his threatening words, Du Long's face became extremely ugly. In the end, he could only try to squeeze out a stiff smile and said: "If I join the Xuantian Adventure Alliance guild now, I'm afraid I can only He is considered an inner disciple, right? ! ’

'This is not what I want. I still hope to reach the sixth level of perfection in the soul-forging inheritance training first, and strive to win a place to become a core disciple of the Xuantian Adventure Alliance! ’

‘What are the quotas for core disciples of the alliance? ! ’ Moni’s expression softened a little, and then he said with a straight face: ‘You saw that we gave Guli a quota to compete for core disciples, and do you also want an equal opportunity? ! ’

‘That’s right! At this point, Du Long could only bite the bullet and nod his head pretending to be ambitious: "With my cultivation talent, I am very confident that I can win a place as a core disciple. Before that, I have to forge the soul first." Only when you reach the sixth level of Dzogchen in cultivation can you talk about other issues! ’

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