Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2727 Yin and Yang Realms

Rumble. . .

Inside the vast Dantian world, the Yin and Yang Qi are expanding crazily like a balloon!

The entire Dantian world is still centered on the two creation flames, which are desperately absorbing and refining massive amounts of chaotic original energy, and then transforming it into yin and yang energy and injecting it into the Dantian world.

As time goes by, the volume of the Yin and Yang air masses continues to expand, but Du Long has not spent much effort on how much the Yin and Yang air masses can grow.

As long as the yin and yang qi have not grown to reach the limit of the Dantian world, then it will not stop, but will continue continuously!

Therefore, Du Long only set aside a small part of his mind to continue absorbing and refining the original energy of chaos, while most of the other minds were immersed in the understanding and cultivation of Yin and Yang's path of life and death.

Of all the heavenly mysteries in the entire inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm, there is only one bottleneck that has not yet been broken through. He must find a way to go all out to break through this bottleneck.

The reason why I didn’t wait until the breakthrough was completed before starting creation was because I wanted to use the creation process to find opportunities for breakthrough, instead of just immersing myself in enlightenment and hard work.

Time is passing by, and the time flow rate inside the Yin-Yang Heritage Secret Realm has reached a million times. Du Long does not have to worry about it taking too long.

However, as time went by, he was unable to find an opportunity for a breakthrough. Seeing that the yin and yang qi in the Dantian world gradually began to feel full, it would be strange to say that he was not anxious at all!

‘The yin and yang path of life and death. . . How can we break through this last bottleneck? ! ’

'Throughout my life, I have seen all kinds of yin and yang separated by life and death, and I have also seen a lot of examples of yin and yang creation. But how can I break through the final bottleneck of yin and yang's life and death? ! ’

Muttering secretly in his heart, Du Long couldn't help but open his eyes and look at the secret realm of Yin and Yang inheritance in front of him. He had also stayed in this secret realm of inheritance for an extremely long time.

'This is the secret realm that represents the inheritance of Yin-Yang Heavenly Dao. This world contains rich mysteries of Yin-Yang Heavenly Dao. In addition to the first three mysteries of Yin-Yang Heavenly Dao that I have successfully understood, it also contains the fourth to ninth layers of Yin-Yang that I have not been able to comprehend. The secret of heaven! ’

‘Is it because of the intertwining of the nine layers of Yin and Yang Heavenly Dao that my understanding and practice have been affected, and that is why I have been unable to break through the last step of the third layer of Yin and Yang Heavenly Dao? ! ’

All kinds of doubts flashed in his mind, and Du Long's eyes fell on the core of this secret realm, where there was a yin and yang realm that looked like a yin and yang Tai Chi pattern.

It was a completely simulated world of yin and yang, and Du Long visualized and comprehended it in the distant airspace, and then gradually understood the secrets of the yin and yang heavenly paths.

‘Yin Yang Tai Chi Diagram, I have seen similar patterns inside Pangu World. I thought before that this might be left by a certain powerful person in Pangu World, but now it seems. . . It should be the product of the civilization spread from the Xuantian world to the Pangu world! ’

'Chaos first opened to separate Yin and Yang, and Qian and Kun began to stabilize the two rituals. I practiced the Xuantian Jue technique. . . It seems to be inextricably linked to the Yin and Yang Yang Yang Tai Chi Diagram. . . ’

‘The Xuantian Jue Technique is a legendary incomplete technique that can achieve eternal and perfect creation. It is this set of techniques that I practice, and the next step is to create the world based on it! ’

‘Yin and Yang are two rituals, Yin and Yang are the way of life and death. . . What is the connection between the two? ! ’

‘Tai Chi Yin and Yang, two rituals, four images and eight trigrams. . . The seemingly simple yin-yang path of life and death contains the mystery of the entire yin-yang and tai chi movement. The path of life and death follows nature. . . ’


Just as Du Long entered into selfless meditation, a feeling of extreme filling from the Dantian world came to his heart, naturally interrupting his thousands of thoughts.

"Have you finally reached the limit of the Dantian world?! This time has passed a little too long, right?! I don't know how big the Yin and Yang Qi groups are now?!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he closed them again. His mind sank directly into the world of Dantian, and he began to see to what extent the Yin and Yang Qi would grow and grow if he did not pay careful attention to it.

Rumble. . .

Inside the Dantian world, a huge gas cloud composed of yin and yang qi lay across there. It became a little restless because it had reached the limit of the Dantian world.

The entire yin and yang air mass seemed to be trembling faintly, as if it was about to transform into a real world at any time before it would return to peace.

"Isn't this...too exaggerated?!"

Du Long stared at the huge yin and yang gas ball in front of him, and was immediately shocked by its huge size. His eyes widened in astonishment and he exclaimed softly.

"I'm afraid this is twice as big as the Pangu Xuantian World?! Is this still... the immortal world?! Is my body enough to accommodate a side of the Xuantian World?!"

Because he just wanted to create a world of immortality within his body, Du Long never had much hope for it, so he did not pay attention to the growth and development of Yin and Yang.

Who would have thought that the yin and yang air masses inside the Dantian world in front of him would eventually exceed Du Long's imagination and actually grow to about twice the diameter of the Pangu Xuantian world!


After taking a long breath, Du Long accepted the scene he saw in front of him and began to think about what to do next.

Originally, according to his plan, he planned to wait until the Yin and Yang air masses reached the limit of Dantian, then pause and wait for the final bottleneck of the third level of Yin and Yang's path of life and death to break through before starting the real creation process.

But after seeing the huge and unstable yin and yang energy group in front of him, he knew that there was not much time left for him to create the world. If he continued to wait like this, the yin and yang energy group might lose control at any time.

Once out of control, the result is - explosion and death!

At that time, I am afraid that I will become the first unlucky person in history to create the Xuantian world in his body, and finally explode and die, right? !

‘Yin and Yang are life and death. . . Tao follows nature! That being the case. . . Then just start creating the world by yourself, as to what kind of world you can create. . . Just leave it to fate! ! ’

Du Long did not hesitate for too long, and quickly made a final decision, and then began to completely sink almost all his mind into the world of Dantian.

Not only the avatar that is creating the world in Yin and Yang, but also the other avatar that has been staying next to it and is walking the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation are not idle.

He always feels that this creation process is extremely important. Even the clone who takes the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation will eventually benefit immensely!

Therefore, the avatar that takes the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation will always stay here and never leave.

Be prepared to jointly comprehend the various mysteries of heaven that continue to emerge during the creation of Yin and Yang.

Om Peng!

After all preparations were made, the creation process of Yin and Yang started, and the originally restless Yin and Yang Qi began to boil.

Du Long did not control the changes of Yin and Yang Qi too deliberately, but allowed them to change naturally. The Tai Chi cycle formed by Yin and Yang Qi was extremely mysterious.

From a distance, this is a Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in operation.

But the Tai Chi diagram we know is just a plan view, while the Tai Chi movement in front of us is a huge sphere, and the inside is not as simple as seen from the plan view.

The range of the entire Yin and Yang air mass is extremely wide and boundless. You must know that this is a terrifying existence equivalent to twice the diameter of Pangu World!

Rumble. . .

Waves of thunderous sounds resounded throughout the world of Dantian. Due to their huge size, the Yin and Yang air masses did not move very fast at first.

But as time went by, its running speed began to become faster and faster, and the yin and yang energy contained inside also began to undergo changes.

Whether inside the Yin Qi mass or within the Yang Qi mass, some substances that are not Yin and Yang are beginning to be born, such as the five elements energy of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

However, the water inside the yin air mass is a kind of existence similar to weak water, while the water energy born inside the yang air mass is the water vapor we see in daily life.

One yin and one yang both have the five elements of energy including metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, but they are just material energies belonging to different attributes of yin and yang.

As the creation process unfolded, Du Long once again became the hands-off boss, no longer deliberately controlling the formation process of the entire Yin and Yang world, but allowing the Yin and Yang world to be gradually born from scratch.

During this process, he was distracted by billions of ways and began to fully understand the evolution of various heavenly ways in the process of creation. The creation process was also the period when various heavenly mysteries were most frequently manifested.

During the creation process, when various heavenly ways frequently manifest themselves, it is also an excellent opportunity for enlightenment and practice!

Not only the avatar who followed the path of Yin-Yang creation was fully engaged in enlightenment and cultivation, but also the avatar who followed the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation was no exception, putting almost all his heart and soul into it.

The billions of minds of the two clones are simultaneously engaged in understanding and practicing the manifestations of various heavenly ways.

All the minds scientifically and rationally carry out division of labor and cooperation, and are each responsible for understanding and practicing the mysteries of a certain heavenly way. The efficiency of such practice has reached an astonishing level.

Time continues to pass day by day, and the yin and yang between heaven and earth are becoming thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye, but correspondingly, various kinds of energy of heaven and earth are produced.

A Yin and Yang world composed of countless types of material energy gases gradually took shape. As time continued to pass, various physical energy gases began to converge and take shape.

Between the sky and the earth, the sun, moon, and stars began to condense and form, and countless celestial bodies such as nebulae, black holes, and galaxies began to condense and form. . .

This process is extremely slow, but with a million times acceleration, the time spent is still within the acceptable range!

After spending about 15,000 years in real time and 15 billion years accelerated by a million times, an extremely huge Yin and Yang world was born.


With the birth of the Yin and Yang world, a mysterious realization came to Du Long's heart. Most of his attention was instantly attracted and he began to explore the Yin and Yang world that he created with all his strength.

The boundless Dantian world is divided into two areas. These two areas are not fixed, but are constantly rotating along the yin and yang trajectory of Tai Chi!

"Is this... the two realms of yin and yang?! It turns out that the two realms of yin and yang are actually one... It's just that if they weren't the master between the two, it would be almost impossible for ordinary monks to cross the world barrier between the yin and yang realms. Not too possible!"

"It seems that there is no barrier between the Yin and Yang realms...just a void of nothingness! However...there is an invisible energy barrier between the Yin and Yang realms!"

"This energy barrier... is actually the manifestation of the power of Tai Chi's yin and yang worlds. Only I, the master... or a creation god who is more powerful than myself, can overcome the barriers between yin and yang worlds. A force field barrier, right?!”

"The creation of the world in Dantian... did not form a world wall such as the Pangu world... Could it be said that when the Xuantian world was created in the Xuantian chaotic airspace, the world wall formed was just to defend Xuantian chaos Erosion of original energy?!"

"And the big world in my body... Since it will not be eroded by Xuantian's chaotic source energy, Taoism naturally does not need to form that world wall?!"

"It's just a world wall, but it wastes a lot of the energy of heaven and earth in the entire Xuantian world. Creating this world within the Dantian world is equivalent to completely integrating the energy of heaven and earth that should have been wasted into one's own body. Have you gone into the great world of Yin and Yang?!"


Because a new big world was created, Du Long began to study this world continuously, trying to find the differences between it and other different worlds.

Pangu world, an isolated island at the top of Xuantian.

"Is that guy Du Long creating the world?! Those two creation flames have disappeared for more than 15,000 years. Calculating the energy absorbed during this period...at least it has the huge amount required by Xuantian to create the world. Alright?!"

"Absorbing a massive amount of chaotic source energy from Xuantian's chaotic airspace, but in the end did not create the Xuantian world. What kind of creation path are we taking?! This is simply unheard of!"


A group of Xuantian creation gods who belong to the Pangu world still discuss the issue of Du Long's creation there from time to time, but they still have not been able to find the real answer.

Even Ancient Ancestor Pan was confused about this matter. Even if he asked Du Long's clone at home about the matter, he could not get an accurate answer. In the end, he only got an answer that was difficult to explain due to the warning of the original heavenly law!

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