Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2725 Farewell again

"Congratulations to little friend Du Long, congratulations to little friend Du Long! You have successfully broken through to the sixth level of Wanxiang Archery!"

At the foot of the Elephant God Mountain, the Emperor of the Vientiane Empire and a group of royal elders arrived one after another, congratulating Du Long who was coming down the mountain.

"It's just a small breakthrough in cultivation, but Du Long is really ashamed to bother His Majesty and all the elders to come here in person!" As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling man. Faced with the warm congratulations from the senior officials of the Wanxiang Royal Family, Du Long You can only be polite to the other party.


On the inheritance ladder representing the first to third levels of the Vientiane Arrow Path, Fairy Qingling seemed to be impatient and rushed to the foot of the mountain, flying directly in front of Du Long and others.

"Brother Du Long! You are really amazing! You actually broke through and reached the sixth great perfection of the Vientiane Archery Path so quickly?!" Fairy Qingling reported to Du Long with envy and a little unwillingness in her eyes.

Du Long and the senior officials of the Wanxiang Royal Family all turned their heads and looked at Fairy Qingling with a smile as she approached. The eyes of those from the Wanxiang Royal Family looking at Fairy Qingling seemed somewhat meaningful.

"You should be stuck at the final bottleneck of the third level of the Wanxiang Arrow Path?!" Du Long looked at Fairy Qingling with a smile and said: "This bottleneck cannot be broken through just by practicing hard. You are still It lacks some experience!”

"Lack of experience?!" Fairy Qingling actually wanted to ask Du Long for advice. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to tell her before she asked. She was a little surprised and said: "But just now, Brother Du Long was breaking through the Wanxiang Archery Path. At the sixth level, didn’t you also work hard and then break through like this?!”

"Haha!" Du Long was a little amused by Fairy Qingling. He looked at each other helplessly with the emperor Hou Xuan and others beside him, and then continued to explain: "This is different... you only saw me in the elephant. When I was immersed in hard training in Shenshan, I knew that in the outside world, I had to go through life and death countless times to achieve what I am today?!"


Fairy Qingling was choked on the spot and didn't know how to retort for a moment. The emperor Hou Xuan and others next to her had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

"Little friend Du Long! Is the outside world... also full of dangers and killings?!" Emperor Hou Xuan finally couldn't help but ask insinuatingly.

"That's natural!" Du Long shook his head and smiled bitterly: "As long as there are people, there will be all kinds of interest entanglements, and there will be all kinds of bloody killings. In comparison, Jiuyang World is already a paradise! "

Faced with Du Long's reply, everyone at the scene showed thoughtful expressions on their faces, showing both yearning for the outside world and awe of the unknown world outside.

"Um...little friend Du Long should have reached the realm of creation, right?! Aren't strong men who can create a big world on their own invincible?! Why are they still fighting each other to the death?!" Wanxiang The Supreme Elder couldn't help but ask.

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head again and smiled bitterly, obviously confused by the Great Elder's question: "There are so many creation gods out there. Once strangers in the world meet, they will devour each other to the death, not you. If I die, I will live. Do you want to kill me with all your strength?!"

"Between strange worlds...they will devour each other as soon as they meet?! What...what does this mean?!" The Supreme Elder continued to ask with astonishment on his face.

"What do you mean?!" Du Long shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It is impossible for the vast majority of creators to understand all the mysteries of heaven. Only by devouring the world created by each other can the other's understanding of the mysteries of heaven be understood. For your own sake, do you think that if we encounter each other, we will break out into a life-and-death fight?!"

Everyone at the scene looked at each other with disbelief and astonishment on their faces. They seemed to be unable to accept the answer given by Du Long.

"Alas!" In the end, the Supreme Elder sighed softly: "Everyone in the world thinks... After ascending and leaving the Nine Suns world, you will definitely go to a carefree heaven and holy land. Who would have thought... . Listening to what little friend Du Long said, wouldn’t it be like falling into the Abi Hell Realm?!”

"To say that the outside world is Abi Hell would be a bit much..." Du Long obviously couldn't agree with the great elder's adjective, and immediately retorted: "The outside world is just a world of survival of the fittest, like... Fairy Qingling. A monk with such a simple character... I'm afraid it would be extremely difficult for him to adapt to the way of survival in the outside world!"

Everyone turned to look at Fairy Qingling, and saw that her cheeks turned red instantly. In the end, they could only look at Du Long with a look of resentment and said: "Brother Du Long! Do you want to scare Qing Ling so that Qing Ling can be frightened?" Have you given up the idea of ​​leaving Jiuyang World?!"

"Everything I said is true, and I didn't mean to scare Fairy Qingling. Even ordinary Creation Realm experts in the outside world are just cannon fodder. It's really not suitable for a little fairy like you to go on adventures. ..." Du Long persuaded with a serious expression.


Everyone at the scene seemed to be silently digesting the information brought by Du Long. The atmosphere became a little quiet for a while, and finally Emperor Hou Xuan spoke to break the silence.

"Little friend Du Long! Are you going to continue to climb... the seventh level of the inheritance ladder of the Wanxiang Archery Path... and continue to accept the inheritance of the seventh level of the Wanxiang Archery Path?!"

After being brought back to the topic by Emperor Hou Xuan, everyone looked at Du Long again, wanting to know what his next plan was.

"No!" Du Long's answer made everyone a little surprised. He actually shook his head and denied: "My mission of coming here to accept the Wanxiang Archery has been successfully completed. If there is an opportunity in the future, I may come in to accept the high-level Wanxiang." Archery inheritance!”

"This... is little friend Du Long planning to leave the Jiuyang world again?!" Emperor Hou Xuan asked with astonishment on his face.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded simply and replied: "When things happen here, I will naturally leave here. I still have many things to deal with outside, and I can't waste time in Jiuyang World."

"Brother Du Long is leaving again so soon?!" Fairy Qingling seemed a little anxious: "Why don't you continue to understand and practice the higher-level inheritance of all things archery?!"

This time, no one in the Wanxiang Royal Family laughed at Fairy Qingling's gaffe. They all waited quietly for Du Long's reply. The foreign inheritor in front of them hid too many secrets that they wanted to know.

"I just said that I have my own training mission. The goal of coming to Jiuyang World this time is to practice the Vientiane Archery to the sixth level of perfection. Now that the mission has been successfully completed, it is time to leave Jiuyang World!" Facing Fairy Qingling who was losing her temper, Du Long could only reply again.

After Fairy Qingling heard the same answer, she seemed to realize that her question was a bit redundant. After all, everyone has their own training plan, and not all plans can be revealed to others casually.

"I'm sorry! Brother Du Long! Qing Ling is just a little reluctant to let you leave the Jiuyang world so soon..."

"It doesn't matter!" Du Long rubbed her little head helplessly and said: "There is always a banquet in the world, and you are lucky to be able to grow up in the Jiuyang world. At least you don't have to face all kinds of killing and fighting in the outside world! "

"Okay! Before I leave, I can demonstrate to you the secrets of the third level of the Vientiane Arrow Path. As for how much you can understand from it...it depends on your own understanding!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Long dodged directly to the top of the third level of the Vientiane Arrow Path, then bent his bow to condense a beam of Vientiane Arrow light, aimed at the illusory blazing sun in the sky, and shot it out.


An arrow light representing the secret of the third level of the Vientiane Arrow Path shot out, instantly blasting away the illusory sun in the sky. The seemingly dazzling scene became a bit dull in the eyes of everyone. .

Compared with the terrifying arrow that Du Long used at the sixth level of the Vientiane Archery Path before, the arrow now used at the third level of the Vientiane Archery Path has become a bit bland.

"Do you see it clearly?! It's up to you to understand it next. If you still can't understand it in the end, I suggest you venture into some dangerous places in the Jiuyang World. That should help you understand this arrow. Helps!”

After successfully casting the third level arrow of the Vientiane Archery Path, Du Long ducked to the foot of the mountain again, gave a final explanation to Fairy Qingling, and then led everyone out of the scope of the Elephant God Mountain Array.

"His Majesty the Emperor, elders of the Wanxiang Royal Family!" Du Long saluted the senior members of the Wanxiang Royal Family: "Du Long wants to say goodbye to you again. I don't know how many years it will be before I come here next time... "

"Haha!" Emperor Hou Xuan responded with a hearty laugh: "Young friend Du Long, you're welcome. We, the Wanxiang Royal Family, have always been friends with you foreign inheritors. The door of the Wanxiang Royal Palace is always open to my friends!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor, and the Wanxiang Royal Family for your help!" Du Long said his thanks again politely, and at the same time glanced at Fairy Qingling who was reluctant to leave, and said: "Please, for the sake of Du Long, if you can give Qingling Spirit Fairy can climb to the Elephant God Mountain at any time to accept the inheritance of the All-Seeing Archery."

"This... definitely!" Emperor Hou Xuan only hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "Since little friend Du Long has spoken, I must give him this face!"

"Thank you again!" Du Long handed over his hand again, then looked at Fairy Qingling and said: "Fairy Qingling! It is fate that you and I can meet each other. The next step will depend on your own efforts! See you soon!"

"Thank you, Brother Du Long..." Fairy Qingling had tears in her beautiful eyes, but she still reluctantly wanted to stay and said, "Can't you stay for a few more days before leaving?!"

"No more!" Du Long waved his hand and refused: "The situation outside is not very good. I must get out as soon as possible and say goodbye!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Du Long disappeared without a trace, no longer seeming to fly away like when he left.

"So... left?!" The great elder looked around with some surprise, and also searched for it through his own spiritual consciousness. Then he shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "He really left... and left like this. Urgent, it seems that the situation outside may not be optimistic!"

Emperor Hou Xuan smiled and looked at the clouds in the sky thoughtfully. He seemed not to be reluctant to leave Du Long at all, but actually looked forward to his early departure.

'Finally left. . . Next up! Except for Fairy Qingling in front of me, the monks sent by other forces to the Vientiane Palace can see off their guests! ’ Emperor Hou Xuan secretly sent a message to the great elder.

'Um! This Fairy Qingling really cannot be driven away. Little friend Du Long must be given face. Otherwise, if he enters the Jiuyang world again in the future, it may be difficult for him to explain! ’ The great elder immediately sent a message to support Emperor Hou Xuan’s decision.


Du Long flashed and appeared in a void far away from Jiuyang World. When he looked back, he saw that Jiuyang World had turned into a green star, hanging far away in the void.

"Senior Arrow King! May I ask what is happening to my other five clones now?! Have any of them successfully accepted the inheritance of the Sixth Level of Ultimate?!" Standing in the void, Du Long shouted directly into the void.

"Your avatars that entered the two extreme inheritance spaces of Jidao Thunder and Lightning and Jidao Ruifeng have come out. Your avatar that accepted the inheritance of all things archery is the third one!" The voice of Arrow King Houpi sounded, and anyone who could hear it could hear it. He didn't seem too happy.

Although several Jidao Saint Kings are just memory energy bodies, they are also secretly competing with each other, hoping that Du Long can accept his Jidao inheritance as quickly as possible.

Obviously, Du Long's talent in thunder and lightning and sharp wind is higher than his talent in all things archery. Some clues can be seen from the speed at which his avatar accepts the inheritance.

"May I ask Senior Arrow King, where are my two clones now?!" Du Long asked again. Only by figuring out where the other two clones have gone can he decide where to teleport to.

"They all went to your clone who is following the Yin-Yang path of creation. That clone is accepting the inheritance of various heavenly secret realms. That's where your clone should go!" Arrow King Houpi's answer surprised Du Long. .

"Then please, Senior Arrow King, please teleport this clone there too!" Although he felt a little surprised, he still chose to go there without hesitation.

An invisible energy enveloped Du Long in an instant, and then his figure disappeared without a trace, reappearing at the core of the inheritance of the Eternal Dragon Secret Realm.

Looking at the inheritance place of the Genlong Secret Realm in front of him, Du Long immediately understood why his other clones chose to rush here.

It is said that there are countless avenues of heaven and earth, and the land of inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm in front of you almost includes all the inheritance of the secret realm of the avenues of heaven and earth, but it just distinguishes the various kinds of avenues of heaven and earth.

For example, the secret realm of the five elements of heaven, the secret realm of yin and yang, the secret realm of reincarnation, the secret realm of time and space, etc.

Among them, just within the Five Elements Secret Realm of Heaven, there is the largest number of various types of Five Elements Mysteries of Heaven. There are tens of thousands of types of Five Elements Mysteries of Heaven alone.

You know, these are not the thousands of small paths under the Five Elements Avenue, but the thousands of avenues under the Five Elements Avenue!

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