Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2717 Breaking the shackles

Time flies, and millions of years pass quietly in the blink of an eye!

The millions of years accelerated by millions of times in the Forged Body inheritance space are only equivalent to a few years spent in the outside world. But compared to those monks in the Forged Body inheritance space, they still spent a lot of time. A longer time.

‘Brother Moni! Could it be that Gu Li guy is afraid to come down? ! He has been at the top of the Fifty-fourth Peak for nearly ten million years, but it seems that there is no movement at all? ! ’ Sean’s voice resounded in the minds of Xuantian’s creation masters.

You can see other people opening their eyes one after another, and then looking up at the figure above the peak with complicated expressions, with a trace of irritation in their eyes.

Since they didn't know when Du Long would break through the final bottleneck of the fifty-four body forging, they could only stay at the foot of the mountain and wait silently. If they had known it would take such a long time, it would be better to practice and wait on the peak of the body forging.

'After all, that is the final bottleneck of the fifty-four forging of the physical body. Many people spend their entire lives unable to break through this last step. It only takes nearly tens of millions of years under the acceleration of time a million times. It is normal for him to be unable to break through! ’ Moni sighed and replied after a long silence.

‘Brother Moni is right! ’ Katie interrupted at the right time: ‘Fifty-four forged bodies are not a state that anyone can break through. I also hope that guy with bone strength will never be able to break through! ’

The others nodded thoughtfully, obviously agreeing with Katie's words. If Du Long can break through and reach the perfection of the fifty-four forged body, his personal strength will definitely undergo some transformation and enhancement.

'That. . . ’ Sean was at a loss and said again: ‘Are we going to continue to wait foolishly like this? ! This wastes a lot of time. . . Is there something wrong? ! ’

His words immediately resonated with everyone. Since they don’t know when the ‘bone power’ will be able to break through, they might as well go to other forged body inheritance peaks to practice.

‘Don’t you want to wait here any longer? ! ’ Moni turned to look at the people on the side. After seeing their strange expressions, he could only ask through a message.

‘It’s okay not to spend too long here and wait slowly. . . ’ Katie was the first to answer: ‘The Fifty-Four Peaks are, after all, the last step of the sixth level of body-forging inheritance. No one knows how long that guy with bone strength will waste here! ’

‘That’s right! ' Sean nodded sharply and said, 'Even if he succeeds in breaking through, he probably won't go down the mountain and leave immediately. . . It doesn't matter if he climbs to the 55th Peak. We can just wait at the bottom of the 55th Peak! ’

‘Sean is right! ’ Katie took over the conversation again and said: ‘After all, the fifty-five-year-old physical body is a small realm. Presumably Du Long will be able to break through the final bottleneck very quickly there, right? ! ’

Moni looked helplessly at Katie and Sean. They were both disciples of the Alliance Guild's Strength Hall, and were much more enthusiastic about the body-forging inheritance than himself, a disciple of the Soul Hall.

‘No matter! ’ Faced with many expectant eyes, Moni could only helplessly shake his head and make a decision: ‘Then let’s evacuate this place first, and everyone should temporarily disperse to the corresponding Forged Body Heritage Mountain Peak! ’

In this way, the thirty-two Xuantian Creation Gods who were originally guarding the fifty-four peaks all retreated to the forged body inheritance peaks.

Their unusual movements naturally attracted the attention of everyone, including Du Long. Many people thought that this group of Xuantian Creation Masters under the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild should have given up hunting Bone Power, a direct descendant of the Norman family.

At the top of the fifty-fourth peak, Du Long didn't bother to turn his head to look at the people below. He only used his spiritual consciousness to detect each other's movements until he saw the group of people dispersed to the inheritance peaks.

'These guys. . . Are you ready to give up? . . Are you tired of waiting? ! ’ Du Long divided his mind to be on guard and muttered indecisively.

‘I guess you don’t want to waste too much time down there, right? ! hehe! This is a good thing. After they successfully break through the final bottleneck of the fifty-four physical forgings, there will be no need to stay in this forging inheritance space. It will be too late for them to regret it! ’

'only. . . The 100 millionth immortal world inside my body, after continuous creation for nearly tens of millions of years, is still unable to reach the final state of perfection? ! ’

‘When the physical body has reached its current limit, the otherworldly world of immortality has obviously begun. . . They are unable to complete the creation process, and even after wasting so long, they are unable to break through the final bottleneck of the fifty-four forged bodies. What should we do? ! ’

After tens of millions of years, Du Long still couldn't break through and reach the Fifty-Fourth Perfection of the physical body, which made him feel a little bit of pressure in his heart.

‘Xin’er! In desperation, he could only send a voice message to Princess Xin, who carried the cave world with him, and asked: "I have spent nearly tens of millions of years, but I have never been able to break through the fifty-fourth realm of Dzogchen in the physical body. I wonder if you have any good suggestions for this? ! ’

"Brother Du!" Princess Xin, who was practicing with her eyes closed, opened her eyes and pondered for a moment before replying: "If you want to reach the fifty-fourth level of the physical body, everyone has different physiques and faces different difficulties. ..."

"For example, Brother Du took the path of creation that created a large number of clones in his body at the same time, and he also took the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation. He had successfully passed through the nine-death passage before!"

"Therefore, Brother Du's physique is definitely the best among monks of the same level. It should be very simple to break through and reach the Great Perfection of the Fifty-Fourth Physical Body!"

"But Brother Du is still stuck at this bottleneck for so long. This also shows that your physique is different from ordinary people. If you want to break through and reach the fifty-fourth level of the physical body... maybe what you lack is not the physical strength. ..but it’s a matter of using the wrong method!”

"The wrong way to break through the fifty-four forging of the physical body?!" Du Long immediately grasped the key point of her words, but he was a little confused about what it meant.

"Brother Du! Many monks' physical bodies are not as good as yours, but they can still break through and reach the fifty-fourth level of the physical body. This means that the problems you encountered should not have much to do with the physical body!" Princess Xin continued to explain. said.

"As for the wrong way to break through the fifty-four forged body, this is just Xin'er's speculation. Specifically, how can you practice to break through... Xin'er doesn't know, after all, Xin'er doesn't know the situation inside Brother Du's body. He only has a partial understanding of this, and Brother Du needs to find a solution by himself!"

"I see!"

Du Long quickly ended the conversation with Princess Xin. His mind withdrew from the cave world he carried with him and began to devote most of his mind to the analysis of this problem.

Although Princess Xin said that she did not know how to solve the problems faced by Du Long, she had actually pointed out the right direction to solve the problems, and Du Long needed to face the rest by himself.

While continuing to practice the fifty-four-year-old body, Du Long began to observe the world inside his body. There were 100 million immortal worlds distributed in every corner of his body.

Among these hundreds of millions of immortal worlds, there is one immortal world that is still in a state of incompleteness. It can be regarded as an immortal world that has not yet been fully formed.

There are a total of 100 million immortal worlds, each of which is countless times larger than Du Long's hometown, the Small Immortal World, and is comparable to the Great Immortal World in Pangu World.

There are also three thousand immortal worlds among them, but they are nine times larger than the great immortal world inside Pangu World!

To put it simply, there are three thousand large immortal worlds and hundreds of millions of small immortal worlds in Du Long's body!

It's just that the small immortal world in his body is equivalent to the large immortal world in Pangu world, but the large immortal world in his body is about nine times larger than the large immortal world in Pangu world!

Du Long himself didn't understand why this happened. He only knew that during the creation process, those worlds of all sizes naturally reached this size.

‘Three thousand large immortal worlds and nearly 100 million small immortal worlds? ! This has reached the limit of his current physical body. Unless he can break the current limit, he may not be able to break through and reach the fifty-fourth level of his physical body, right? ! ’

‘But what should I do? . . How can we break the current limitations of the physical body? ! Do I need to practice the nine-death technique again? ! ’

When such a possibility flashed in his mind, Du Long could not help but feel a chill deep in his heart, and then he thought of the terrible pain he had endured when he practiced the Nine-Death Technique.

‘Nine Death Cultivation Technique? ! I have already practiced it myself. . . Do we need to rebuild it again? ! ’

‘Apart from this, don’t I have any other options? ! ’

‘Break the shackles of the physical body’s limits. . . What I practice is the path of multi-dimensional time and space creation. I have hundreds of millions of immortal worlds in my body. Isn't it possible to connect these hundreds of millions of immortal worlds through some mysterious technique? Get up and break the shackles of the physical body's limits? ! ’

With hundreds of millions of distractions, various thoughts kept flashing through Du Long's mind. Finally, he would put together the more reasonable and important ideas and focus on conducting more in-depth analysis and research on them.

‘Optimize the structural system of the immortal world within the body. . . This should be a good way to change the strength of the physical body, but how should I optimize the structural system of the immortal world within my body? ! ’

Du Long finally locked the solution to the problem in this direction. As for the idea of ​​re-cultivating the nine-death technique, he was temporarily suppressed. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he was really unwilling to go through that painful experience again.

Now that he had determined the direction to solve the problem, he immediately devoted most of his attention to it without hesitation and began to study how to redistribute and optimize the immortal world in his body, so that his physical body could transform and ascend!

In the world inside the body, Du Long has tens of trillions of cells!

Among them, there are only 100 million original clones of cells that have cultivated the world of immortals and mortals, which is one hundred thousandth of the tens of trillions of cells in the world inside the body. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a drop in the bucket.

At this moment, the 100 million immortal and mortal worlds are extremely scattered. Du Long did not make a reasonable plan when creating the world in his body, but just randomly selected targets in various parts of his body.

Looking at the immortal world that was like a plate of loose sand, Du Long vaguely understood in his heart why he had reached the limit of his physical body. In the face of this messy immortal world in his body, his body could only withstand 100 million immortal worlds. Very cool!

'well! This is the result of not having the guidance of a famous teacher. The hundreds of millions of immortal worlds inside the body are like a pile of loose sand. Thank God that the body did not explode and die! ’

‘Fortunately, the original clones of cells in your body can change their original positions. It’s not too late to make up for it, but how should you distribute these clones of cells? ! ’

Du Long was secretly grateful, but also had a headache. Although he felt that he had found the right direction, without the guidance of a famous teacher, he was still confused about how to distribute the world inside his body.

‘There are hundreds of millions of immortal and mortal worlds. . . Among them, there is a large immortal world of the true form of the deity, three thousand large immortal worlds, and nearly 100 million small immortal worlds of the original clones of cells. . . ’

‘My physical body is divided into three parts: limbs, chest and head. . . Then build a large galaxy of immortal worlds with the super-large world of immortals in the chest dantian world as the core. . . Then fifteen small world galaxies extend to the limbs, including the head. . . ’

In his mind, a relatively standardized and perfect world system gradually took shape, and Du Long quickly calculated the best plan through hundreds of millions of distractions.

In the nearly ten thousand years that followed, he was never in a hurry to implement this plan. Instead, he constantly calculated the advantages and disadvantages of this plan and then improved it!

On this day, he finally finalized the optimization plan for the world system inside his body, and immediately began to optimize the world system inside his body.

The first is the super-large fairy world galaxy with the abdomen Dantian as the core. One super-large fairy world, 512 big fairy worlds, and more than 16 million small fairy worlds are combined into one fairy world galaxy. .

Many immortal worlds, large and small, are slowly rotating around the super-large immortal world. It looks like a galaxy, and its operating rules are similar to those of galaxies.

In addition, a small fairy world galaxy vortex is built on its palms, small arms and big arms respectively on its limbs. A total of twelve fairy world galaxy vortexes are built on its limbs.

Finally, there is the medium-sized galaxy vortex on the head, completely surrounding the entire head!

Between the fifteen galaxy world vortices inside the entire body, there are a large number of densely packed immortal worlds cascading together. Not only does it have more perfect control, but it can also quickly provide the power of the world to each part!


At this moment, when the fifteen fairy world galaxy vortexes in Du Long's body were completely cascaded together, the entire world inside the body instantly erupted with a violent oscillation like a landslide and tsunami.

His body suddenly trembled wildly, and the shackles of physical limits that had made him feel uncomfortable earlier disappeared, and a mysterious feeling of infinite potential within his body came to his mind.

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