Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2713 Undercurrent surges

ah! !

Accompanied by a shrill scream, the body of another Xuantian Creation Master suddenly trembled, and then he fell to the ground quietly and exhausted, unable to sense any life breath at all.

In the blink of an eye, the original situation where the eleven Xuantian Creation Gods joined forces to besiege Du Long turned out to be the result of two dead and three being captured alive!

Only the last six Xuantian Creation Gods were lucky enough to be alive at the scene. They were all scared to death and didn't know whether to continue fighting or run for their lives.

‘Everyone must not panic! Let’s defend with all our strength while retreating towards a certain Forged Body Heritage Peak. As long as we successfully climb the Heritage Peak, we will be able to save our lives! ’ A rushing voice resounded in the minds of the six people, once again giving the best choice.

‘The eight of us just couldn’t withstand it, and now I’m afraid only the last six are left. . . ’ One of the people said in a panic, and you could hear the tremor in his voice.

'Fool! That kid just launched a powerful soul attack. It is normal for the soul guards the two of them had before to be too low-level and died. As long as we have higher-level soul guards, it should be enough to withstand these soul attacks and evacuate to a safe area! ’

Several other people were almost collapsed. After hearing this explanation, some hope rekindled on their faces, but one guy still couldn't help but said through a message: 'My soul guardian level is not high. . . I'm afraid I can't withstand that boy's spirit attack! ’

‘My soul guardian level is not high either. . . ’

Among the remaining six Xuantian Creation Gods, two said that their soul protection was not high enough, and you could hear that there was a cry in their voices.

'The six people were divided into six directions, and the two of you were mixed in. The rest depends on your luck. I think that guy Gu Li will definitely retreat on his own if he cannot break through the soul guard defense once or twice in a row. Bar! ’ The same voice continued to explain, vaguely lacking in confidence.

'alright! Let’s do this everyone! Keep in mind that if you go all out for each other, there may still be a chance of survival, otherwise you will just wait for death! ’

After the six people secretly transmitted a few words with their spiritual consciousness, they immediately moved towards the nearest inheritance mountain while fully vigilant and defensive. Du Long's third wave of soul sand attacks also quietly arrived.


A ball of soul sand looked extremely strange and spewed straight towards one of the Xuantian Creation Gods. The remaining six Xuantian Creation Gods released their respective soul attack methods with all their strength.

Although this kind of soul attack method is relatively weak, it will more or less cause a certain amount of damage to the soul sand. Although the help will not be too great, it is still better than nothing!

Chi chi chi. . .

When several different divine soul attacks collided with the soul sand, they successfully melted away a small part of the soul sand energy. Then the ball of soul sand rushed into the Xuantian Creation Master who bore the brunt, and instantly invaded the opponent's body. internal.

The soul sand entered the body. Whether it was Du Long who launched the attack or the others on the side, they were all nervously watching the final result, wondering whether this attack could destroy another Xuantian Creator God? !

Inside the soul space of the Xuantian Creator God who was under attack, a fierce soul attack and defense battle was taking place at this moment. A large amount of soul sand was like a swarm of bees flying across the sky onto the energy film formed by the soul guard.

A large amount of soul sand completely wrapped the entire soul guarding energy membrane, and then found a relatively weak point on it to launch an all-out attack. The endless soul sand particles were constantly invading a certain point of the soul guarding membrane.

You can see that at the point where the soul guardian film is being eroded, the guardian energy film is being eroded and melted away. The soul guardian energy in other directions is desperately rushing towards that point, and is going all out to repair it. Locations subject to erosion.

It all sounds like a long story, but in fact it was over in just an instant. All the soul sand was consumed, and a deep depression was formed on the surface of the soul protective film. It was almost conquered. .


As the person who suffered the attack, the Xuantian Creator Master breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes while he began to repair the damaged soul guarding energy membrane with all his strength.

"Haha! Did you successfully carry it down?" A Xuantian Creator God asked excitedly at the side.

"Yeah! I managed to survive it. As long as the soul guardian is high enough, there is no need to worry about the origin of the soul being breached!"

The conversation between the two people was not transmitted through spiritual consciousness, so everyone at the scene, including Du Long, heard it, and the reactions of each party were different.

‘It seems that although the attack power of soul sand is powerful, it is not invincible. Facing opponents with high-level soul protection magic weapons, it may not be able to break through their soul defense! ’ Du Long sighed secretly in his heart, and he also had a certain understanding of the attack power of soul sand.

But he was actually very satisfied in his heart. Compared to Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond version of the Soul Sword's attack method, which was more rampant, the Soul Sand Secret Technique was more inclined to the dripping water through stone style of Soul Sword attack method.

If the soul power version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill is used in public, one's true identity will be revealed. The soul sand secret skill can maintain one's 'bone power' false identity.

On the square, Du Long continued to launch a fierce attack around the six Xuantian Creation Gods, forcing the six opponents to defend with all their strength while retreating towards a certain inheritance peak.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the six Xuantian Creation Gods are planning to retreat and want to retreat to the Heritage Mountain to seek shelter!

During the retreat, another unlucky guy suffered a disaster. After being successfully wrapped and invaded by the soul sand, he eventually had to die because he did not have a higher-level soul to protect him.

At this point, only the five remaining people had successfully retreated into the inheritance peak, and Du Long did not continue to chase them. He ducked directly to the 43rd Peak and began to accept the inheritance of the skills of the 43rd Body.

Seeing Du Long swaggeringly climbing to the 43rd Peak, all the monks from the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild looked very ugly.

Eleven Xuantian Creation Gods were sent to cause trouble for the opponent, but in the end, only five of them escaped by chance, while three were captured and their lives are unknown, and another three died on the spot.

‘How abominable! ’ Sean’s voice resounded in Katie’s mind: ‘How dare you kill six of our Xuantian Creation Masters in public? This guy is simply looking for death! ’

'snort! Katie snorted expressionlessly: "According to Moni, he has successfully cultivated his soul to the 54th Perfection, and now there is great hope that he can also improve his physical body. This son Do you really want to cultivate your entire soul body to reach the second major level of Dzogchen? ! ’

‘We must not let this guy continue to grow, otherwise. . . Our failure to report the Dragon Secret Realm during this adventure is a big sin in itself. If that guy from Bone Strength succeeds in taking over the Dragon Secret Realm, we will have no choice but to die to apologize! ’ Sean gritted his teeth.

‘That’s right! This kid must not be allowed to receive the inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm and continue to wait for the support of others. When the time comes, he must die without a place to bury him! ’

Katie and Sean were discussing the matter there, and several other forces were not idle either. They were all discussing the matter in secret. 'Bone Power' killed many Xuantian creations one after another with its own power. Da Liu's incident has aroused the attention of all parties.

‘Let’s all analyze, what kind of adverse impact will this strong young man from the Norman family have on us once he grows up? ! ’ The voice of Emperor Li’s clone sounded in the minds of the clones of other emperors.

‘What other adverse effects could there be? ! Once this guy grows up, he will have a great possibility to obtain the inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm in the future. . . ’ Soul Emperor Wei’s clone took the lead and sighed.

‘The inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm must not fall into the hands of other forces. How much price did we pay for this? ! Even if you risk your life, you have to get it back! ’ The Blood Emperor was the first to shout.

'It's not just that we don't want to see that guy with bone strength win the inheritance of the dragon, the Xuantian Adventure Alliance guild must be even more nervous than us. They will definitely do their best to stop it, if even they can't do anything , then even if we take action, it won’t work! ’ The Soul Emperor sighed again.

‘You have to take action even if it doesn’t work! You can't just watch the inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm fall into the hands of others, right? ! ’ Even the Corpse Emperor couldn’t help but express his opinions angrily.

‘You have to watch the timing of your move! ’ The Soul Emperor explained again: ‘First of all, let the Xuantian Adventure Alliance fight with Gu Li to the death. It is best to have a lose-lose situation. Then we can have a greater chance of winning if we take action again! ’

‘That’s right! Let’s all listen to the Soul Emperor! Now is indeed not the best time to take action. Taking action now will only make it easier for other forces! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

The top leaders of the Five Tribes Alliance also talked for a long time, but in the end they still wanted to be the one who benefited from the situation, and were not prepared to take advantage of other forces too early.

As the undercurrents of all forces surged, the entire body-forging inheritance space once again entered a state of relative balance, while Du Long turned a deaf ear to world affairs and continued to accept higher-level body-forging inheritance there.

Time continued to pass year by year, and the peaceful days lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and several figures were seen coming to the forging space again.

Among the visitors were Moni, whom Du Long had known early in the morning, and five other unfamiliar guys. As soon as they came to the inheritance space to refine their bodies, they climbed directly to a certain inheritance peak, and then started to make breakthroughs directly on the inheritance peak. Xuantian’s realm of creation.

Rumble. . .

In the entire Forged Body inheritance space, more and more people are beginning to choose to break through to the Xuantian Creation realm. Not only are many people from the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild starting to break through, but also the Pangu World Camp and the Five Clans Alliance Camp. Some people are starting to choose to break through.

As more and more people begin to break through to the Xuantian Creation Realm, all forces begin to feel the pressure. If no one on their side breaks through to the Xuantian Creation Realm, then it will be difficult to stay in the Genlong Secret Realm. Fight for the best interests.

The Xuantian Creation Realm is two realms higher than the Supreme Realm. Any Xuantian Creation Great God can easily fight against a supreme army of ten thousand people.

Outside the secret realm of Genlong, within the airspace of Xuantian Chaos World where Pangu World and the headquarters of the Five Clans Alliance are located, one Xuantian World is being opened up one after another.

On the isolated island, a group of Xuantian creation masters from the Pangu World camp were all paying solemn attention to the sprouts of the Xuantian World that were springing up around them like bamboo shoots after a rain.

It can be seen that the number of Xuantian Great Worlds created in the airspace on the side of the Pangu World camp is relatively small, while the number of Xuantian Great Worlds on the side of the Five Tribes Alliance camp is about double.

"Old Ancestor! Are we going to watch the hostile forces in the Xuantian World explode like this, but we can only watch from the sidelines?!" Old Taoist Lu Ya shouted with an extremely ugly face.

The others didn't speak. They all looked at Ancestor Pan, quietly waiting for his answer.

"Alas!" In front of everyone, Pangu Ancestor could only sigh: "It seems that the battle within the Dragon Secret Realm has reached a fever pitch, and a new round of world-destroying war is expected to begin again. This round of world-destroying war is expected to begin again. After that... I don’t know how many Xuantian Creator Gods will fall!”

As the founder of the Pangu world, he has experienced two world-destroying wars. After each world-destroying war, countless creatures were often destroyed.

"Yes!" The Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng couldn't help but nodded and sighed: "Thinking back to those days... How many Xuantian Creation Realm great gods did our Pangu World camp have?! How many Xuantian Great Worlds were there? In this chaotic time and space?!"

Speaking of this, the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng looked deeply into the void above the island, as if he could see the Xuantian worlds suspended in the void.

"In order to obtain the inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm, the Alliance of Five Clans will definitely try their best this time. On our side... if we want to save the death of Xuantian's great creation god and destroy the Xuantian world... It would be best to create as few Xuantian worlds as possible!" Ancient Ancestor Pan said again with emotion.

"But..." Old Taoist Lu Ya asked, still puzzled: "More and more Xuantian worlds are being created by the enemy. If we continue to be patient, one will ebb and flow in the end... I'm afraid we will die even worse... There will be a risk of complete destruction!"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Pangu Ancestor waved his hands, with a faint smile on his face and said: "In the final world-destroying battle, the number of powerful people who have just created the Xuantian World may not be the key to deciding the outcome. No matter how many more The great gods in the early stage of the Xuantian Creation Realm are nothing more than a pile of cannon fodder!"

"Old Ancestor! Could it be that you have always calculated something wrong?!" Old Master Lu Ya's old eyes suddenly lit up.

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