Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2677 Rush to the Acropolis

At the top of the Elephant Mountain, two figures, an old man and a young man, stood side by side on the last step!

Hundreds of thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye, but Du Long still failed to break through the last step of the third level of the Vientiane Arrow Path, which affected his state of mind to some extent.

At this moment, in addition to the old man and the young man, there are four older generation archery experts from the Vientiane Royal Family who can stand on the third level. This also represents the first time that a total of six people have broken through the Vientiane Archery Path. Second level realm.

"Du Shaoshen!" Just when Du Long's mind was a little confused, the elder of the Wanxiang Royal Family next to him finally slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile: "You are already immersed in pain on this last step. After cultivating for hundreds of thousands of years, do you always feel like you are just short of the last step but can’t break through no matter what?!”

Although Du Long has not yet been able to break through the last step of the third level of the Wanxiang Archery Path, he has already broken through the third level of the ordinary Archery Path. His cultivation realm has reached the Shao Shen Realm in the Jiuyang World, which is equivalent to the supreme being in the outside world. Initial state!

"Yes!" Du Long had actually wanted to ask this great elder for a long time, but he saw that the other party had been practicing with his eyes closed and was too embarrassed to disturb him. When he saw that the other party finally had time to talk to him, he nodded and replied: "Please give me some advice from the great elder! "

This time, the conversation between the two people was not conducted through spiritual sound transmission. People on the Elephant God Mountain could hear it as long as they were willing to listen, including Hou Jian who was still trapped on the last step of the first floor. their conversation.

‘The Supreme Elder! Do you want to teach him, an outsider with unknown origins? ! Don't! ’ Hou Jian’s spiritual consciousness could not extend to the top of the mountain of Elephant God, so he could only cry secretly and urgently from the bottom of his heart.

He is almost crazy because he has been unable to break through the first level of the Vientiane Archery Path. Du Long's failure to break through is the only result he can accept at the moment. Naturally, he does not want to see the Royal Grand Elder helping Du Long break through the last step.

It's a pity that the great elder of the royal family on the top of the Elephant God Mountain Mountain couldn't hear the cry in his heart. Even if he heard it, he might not be disturbed by him, a junior of the royal family, and then change his plan to make friends with the tester of the external inheritance!

"Haha!" The great elder nodded with a smile, then stroked his pale beard and said: "The final bottleneck of the third level of the Vientiane Archery Path is definitely not something that can be broken through by working hard!"

"Oh?!" Du Long raised his brows slightly and asked thoughtfully: "There is indeed some truth in the fact that the final bottleneck cannot be broken through hard work... I wonder if the Great Elder has any good suggestions?!"

"Hmm!" The Great Elder of Wanxiang nodded gently and said: "The opportunity will appear soon. Du Shaoshen will wait for a while... Then you will understand what the opportunity is!"


Du Long frowned slightly and murmured softly. After seeing the great elder close his eyes again, he re-entered the cultivation state thoughtfully, thinking about the conversation between the two while practicing.

In the imperial study, Emperor Hou Xuan was looking through an urgent report from the front that had just been received with an ugly expression.

"How long has it been? Has the Hugang Empire already reached the Acropolis, the last survival base in the southwest?!" Emperor Hou Xuan said with almost gritted teeth, holding the frontline emergency report tightly in his hand .

Due to the special climate environment of the Jiuyang World, the most important survival base of each empire is the Acropolis. Most areas outside them are called endless wilderness.

The endless wilderness will face the Nine Sun Burning World disaster every other epoch, and it will definitely be burned to the ground!

Therefore, the most important thing for every country is the Acropolis, the survival base covered by the magic circle. As for the other so-called land area, it is simply worthless!

"Your Majesty! As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army but only a moment. The empire allows disciples from various immortal sects to enter the Elephant God Mountain and receive the inheritance of the Wanxiang Archery Technique. It is time for them to contribute to the Wanxiang Empire!"

"That's right! The last survival base Acropolis in the southwest must not be lost. Once lost, it will be difficult to get it back!"

"Wei Chen seconded the proposal!"

Today, there are two important military and military officials standing in the imperial study room. It seems that Emperor Hou Xuan is also preparing to solve the urgent situation facing the front line.

"No!" Seeing that most of the military, civil and military ministers supported this decision, Emperor Hou Xuan nodded symbolically and responded: "I also have the same intention. This time, our Wanxiang Empire regains the secret of the Wanxiang Archery inheritance. , several elders have also broken through the second level of the Wanxiang Arrow Path one after another, it’s time to let those bastards from the Hugang Empire know what will happen if they invade the Wanxiang Empire!"

"Your Majesty is wise! I vow to make those invaders from the Hugang Empire pay with their blood!!"

"Come here! Send people to the Elephant God Mountain immediately. From now on, the Elephant God Mountain will be temporarily closed, and everyone who is hiding on the mountain will be invited to the Tai'an Palace to discuss matters!" Emperor Hou Xuan shouted in a deep voice.

Then he heard Eunuch Li coming out to take orders, and immediately sent one of his deputies to lead the Imperial Army squad and flew straight to the Elephant God Mountain.

Emperor Hou Xuan led a group of civil, military and military ministers to leave the Imperial Study Room and walked quickly towards the Tai'an Palace, where a large number of civil and military officials were already waiting.

On the Elephant God Mountain, a high-pitched voice resounded at the foot of the mountain.

"Your Majesty has a decree! From now on, Xiang Shen Mountain will be temporarily closed, and the immortal disciples from all the immortal sects on the mountain will be invited to Tai'an Hall to discuss matters!"

A similar decree was also conveyed to Juxian Garden early in the morning, and the disciples from various Xianmen sects staying there had already taken the lead and rushed to Tai'an Palace.

"Great Elder! Is this the opportunity you mentioned?!" Du Long asked thoughtfully as the Great Elder, who was practicing with his eyes closed, also opened his eyes.

"Of course!" The great elder smiled slightly and said: "Do you still remember the agreement you made with the Vientiane Royal Family?! Now it is time to implement the agreement!"

After saying this, he paused for a moment. Seeing that Du Long still didn't understand, the great elder added: "Compared to Du Shaoshen, this is an important opportunity for you to break through the third level of the Wanxiang Arrow Path. Compared with other For the disciples of the Immortal Sects from all over the world, your harvest is definitely the greatest!"

Du Long nodded, and then followed the great elder of the Vientiane Royal Family to retreat down the Elephant God Mountain. During this process, he also passed by Hou Jian who was standing stupidly on the last step of the first floor.

"Why are you so dazed here?! Why don't we all gather together at Tai'an Hall?!"

The great elder threw these words to Hou Jian without looking back, and then continued to fly down the Elephant God Mountain with Du Long, and flew towards Tai'an Palace with a group of immortal gods.

Vientiane Palace, Tai'an Palace!

Emperor Hou Xuan was sitting high on the dragon chair in the center, and there were several lower thrones on the side. After the elder entered the hall, he immediately sat on one of the thrones near the dragon chair without hesitation.

"Du Shaoshen! You can sit in this position next to me!" The great elder directly pointed to the throne beside him and invited Du Long.

Inside the entire hall, all the civil and military officials, as well as disciples from various immortal sects, were standing there. After hearing the great elder's words, everyone subconsciously turned to look at Du Long.

Being stared at by so many people, Du Long felt a little embarrassed and touched the tip of his nose, then walked to the seat next to the great elder without saying a word and sat down.

Just as he was sitting down, several royal elders were sitting in other positions, and now there was no longer a single seat in the entire Tai'an Hall.


On the dragon chair, Emperor Hou Xuan glanced at Du Long with a smile, then coughed lightly and gathered all the eyes in the hall.

You can see dissatisfaction in the eyes of many disciples of the Immortal Sect. They are obviously somewhat resistant to the fact that Du Long, a foreign monk, can sit side by side with the elders of the Wanxiang Royal Family.

In the crowd, Hou Jian's eyes fell on Du Long as if he wanted to kill someone. His resentment towards Du Long was almost crazy, and naturally he could not accept the supreme courtesy Du Long was receiving at this moment.

"That..." Emperor Hou Xuan naturally understood that he could not allow the dissatisfaction of the various immortal sects to develop, and immediately said: "I think many people will find it strange why this strange young monk can compete with me, the elders of the Wanxiang Royal Family. Let’s sit side by side?!”

There was silence in the Tai'an Palace. Everyone looked at Du Long curiously and at the same time pricked up their ears to hear what Emperor Wanxiang would explain.

Even among the many white-clothed fairies in Qingyu Immortal Palace, Fairy Qingling and others looked curious. Although they knew Du Long, they were completely confused about his identity and origin.

Fairy Qingling is no exception. She has a good impression of Du Long from the bottom of her heart, but she doesn't know his identity. Naturally, she hopes to get some information from Emperor Wanxiang.

"First of all, let me introduce to you that this is an outstanding disciple from a mysterious and powerful superpower. His name is Du Long!"

"Secondly, it has only been a few years since he came to the Wanxiang Empire, and he has already broken through the realm of Shao Xian, Supreme Immortal, and even the current Shao God!" In order to make Du Long sit there more legitimately, Emperor Hou Xuan actually went so far as to make Du Long sit there in public. Just a big compliment.


Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the entire Tai'an Palace was immediately in an uproar. People were shocked that Du Long had broken through three major realms in just a few years.

It was only then that the monks from all walks of life who had practiced with Du Long on the Elephant God Mountain were shocked to discover the astonishing fact that he had broken through three major realms in a short period of time!


Emperor Hou Xuan waited until it became a little quieter, then coughed lightly and said: "I want to tell you one more thing. The Du Shaoshen in front of you not only broke through the three realms, he also broke through the all-encompassing arrow path. The first two levels are the last step before we can break through the third level of the Vientiane Arrow Path!"

The hall was once again in an uproar. As a senior member of the Wanxiang Empire, almost everyone present did not know the meaning of breaking through the Wanxiang arrow path.

As we all know, if you just break through to the third level of ordinary archery, it can only be regarded as a Shaogen realm cultivation at best.

But if you can break through the third level of the Wanxiang Arrow Path, it represents the powerful cultivation of the peak realm of God, which is equivalent to the supreme peak realm of the outside world!

All in all, in this Jiuyang world, the highest level of cultivation can only reach the peak state of the gods.

As far as Du Long has now broken through and reached the second level of the Vientiane Archery Path, his strength has reached the middle stage of the Supreme. But in this world, there is no such thing as an immortal or a god. Before becoming a god, he was still in the realm of a young god!

"In view of Du Shaoshen's own powerful strength, plus the powerful hidden super sect power behind him, he is naturally qualified to sit with us, the elders of the Vientiane Royal Family. I believe everyone present will have no objections in their hearts, right?!" Emperor Hou Xuan finally came up with a magical finishing blow.

Having said this, he paused deliberately, and then looked at the disciples of the Xianmen sects from all sides in the hall with a smile. He could see that the trace of dissatisfaction in each other's eyes had long since disappeared.

When the immortal sects from all over the world came to the realm of the Young God, the strongest person in the Wanxiang Empire, and they were still at the elementary level of the Young God realm, they naturally had no shame to stand up and oppose them.

After successfully appeasing the disciples from all forces in the palace, Emperor Hou Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This matter seemed to be a small matter, but if it was not handled well, it would definitely be a major matter that affected the morale and combat effectiveness of the army.

"Okay! Let's get down to business now!" Emperor Hou Xuan then brought the topic back on track: "You must be wondering why I ordered the temporary closure of Xiang Shen Mountain and summoned everyone to Tai'an Palace?!"

"I also want to buy more time for you to receive the inheritance of archery in Xiangshen Mountain, but unfortunately time is running out! The Hugang Empire's army has already reached the last acropolis in the southwest of Vientiane Capital City!"

"In order to prevent the Hugang Empire from continuing to invade the Wanxiang Empire and causing irreversible consequences, I have to order the termination of the archery inheritance and invite you all here!"

"I am willing to guarantee here that as long as you all can work together to help our Wanxiang Empire repel the Hugang invading army, I will definitely allocate more time to enter the Elephant God Mountain to receive the inheritance of arrows according to your merit value!"


In the main hall, Emperor Hou Xuan kept talking endlessly. It must be said that his method of handling problems was very sophisticated, which was able to pinch the hearts of many people and make people have to work hard for the Wanxiang Empire.

After a long speech, the capital of the Vientiane Empire dispatched an elite team of 500,000 men, and then together with a group of monks with strength above the immortal level, went straight to the acropolis in the southwest for reinforcements.

Du Long accompanied the Great Elder Wanxiang and flew in the sky, overlooking the spectacular sight of thousands of horses galloping below from time to time, and had a new experience of the war between the Nine Yang World Empires.

He had personally experienced this kind of war involving millions of legions as early as his childhood. Now that he saw the scene of such a large legion running on the ground again, he couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

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