Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2653 Physical Limits


At the top of the sixteenth peak, a powerful aura suddenly spread, and many practitioners who sensed this powerful aura looked up curiously.

Then he saw the figure with three heads and a thousand arms at the top of the Sixteenth Peak. There seemed to be countless golden light patterns blooming all over his body, and he could also hear soft sounds like muffled thunder roaring from his body.

It was as if there was an extremely violent thundercloud in his body. The violent physical transformation made many people hesitate. Especially Sean, who had reached the top of the Seventeenth Peak, was more shocked than the others. .

You must know that when he successfully broke through the sixteenth forging of the physical body, there was no drastic and exaggerated abnormal change in his body like Du Long.

‘What’s going on with this guy’s physical body? ! Why does just breaking through the 16th Forge produce such a violent reaction? ! Could it be that. . . Is he a being who has the opportunity to be physically sanctified? ! ' All kinds of speculations popped up in Sean's mind, and his face became more and more solemn.

In contrast, as a life-and-death enemy, the last thing Sean wants to see is Du Long growing too fast, which will only bring great resistance to their fight for Gen Long's inheritance.

After all, there is only one Genlong inheritance. After any party obtains the Genlong inheritance, other forces will lose their chance.

'no! We absolutely cannot allow this kid to continue to grow without any hindrance. The three teams of reinforcements must arrive here as soon as possible. . . ’ Sean, feeling the tremendous pressure, immediately sent several more text messages to the outside world.

At the 16th peak, Du Long didn't know that the violent changes caused by his breakthrough had already made Sean fearful in his heart, so he actually sent a message to ask reinforcements to rush here.

At this moment, Du Long was immersed in the wonderful changes brought about by the body-forging breakthrough. The wonderful feeling that all the body cells in his body were undergoing rapid transformation could not be described clearly in words.

He could see very clearly that the cell origin clones had all benefited tremendously from this breakthrough, and each of the cell origin clones was constantly transforming and growing.


After a long time, his body gradually returned to normal, and Du Long finally became accustomed to exhaling a breath naturally, and then excitedly opened his eyes to look at his real arms.

Feeling the terrifying power coming from his arms, Du Long couldn't help but look towards Sean and the Li clan's team, feeling an urge to kill the enemy in his heart.

It's a pity that Sean is not at the position he can reach now when he stands on the top of the Seventeenth Peak. The force clan still has some use value for the time being. In addition, from the previous memory sharing, he learned that it is best not to rush the enemy for the time being. Only then did he have to forcefully suppress the urge to take action.

Gently tutting his tongue, Du Long looked back with some regret. For the time being, he still had to focus on accepting the body-forging inheritance. It was not the most appropriate time to take action.


With a flash of thought in his mind, he dashed down to the 16th peak. Soon he reached the 17th peak and climbed the first step without hesitation, and began to accept the inheritance of the skills of the 17th physical body.

At the top of the Seventeenth Peak, the corner of Sean's mouth, which had been paying attention to him, twitched slightly. Du Long's arrival at the Seventeenth Peak put great psychological pressure on him.

He knew one thing very well, that is, once he was equaled or surpassed by Du Long, he might be attacked by the opponent at any time!

At that time, in order not to be successfully attacked by sneak attacks, he can only continuously create space fluctuations and shocks to prevent Du Long from launching a fatal surprise attack on him through multi-dimensional time and space teleportation!

Sean could only hope that reinforcements would arrive as soon as possible, and that he could break through the final bottleneck of the Seventeenth Forge of the Physical Body as soon as possible, and then once again widen the distance between him and Du Long.

At the bottom of the Seventeenth Peak, Du Long didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao En's thoughts and directly devoted most of his attention to body training.

Time continued to pass by, watching Du Long climb up to the seventeenth peak step by step, but Xiao En still failed to break through the final bottleneck of the seventeenth forged body.


In the calm square, distortions and deformations appeared over time, and thousands of shining silver figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

When all parties saw the team clearly, everyone had different expressions on their faces. Only Sean, who was at the top of the Seventeenth Peak, had an expression of ecstasy on his face.

What just appeared in the square was a team of 5,000 people. It could be seen that the leader of the team was Hai Lin, whom Du Long knew. He had killed one of Hai Lin's original clones in the spiritual space.

‘She actually led the team here again? ! Could it be that he was planning to take revenge on himself? ! ’ After Du Long saw Hai Lin surrounded by the crowd, such an idea immediately flashed in his mind.

He saw Hai Lin, who was wearing silver armor and had blond hair and blue eyes, looking at him fiercely with her beautiful eyes wide open. She looked so angry that she seemed to want to rush forward and tear herself alive.

Du Long couldn't help but grinned at the other party with a playful smile. When Hailin saw that smile, it immediately turned into a deliberate provocation, which also made the anger in her heart boil again.

Facing this angry-faced blonde beauty, Du Long had no plans to fight with her for the time being, lest he alert the enemy and completely anger these guys from advanced civilizations outside the territory.

Once the other party recklessly seeks help from the forces behind it, the Pangu World camp may be in danger. No one knows how many Xuantian Creation Realm experts will be sent by the Xuantian Adventure Alliance Guild to support!

After all, this is the Dragon Secret Realm that makes countless powerful forces jealous. Once the news of the appearance of the Dragon Secret Realm is leaked, it will definitely make the entire advanced civilized world go crazy!

With such a concern in his heart, Du Long did not launch any more surprise attacks on the enemies outside the territory, and there was no sign of a war breaking out inside the body-forging space for the time being.

Sean and Hailin didn't want to start a war with Du Long too early. They had to wait until the other two supporting troops arrived. Only when they had an overwhelming advantage would they consider whether to start a war.

‘Boss Sean! ’ Hailin’s eyes fell on the figure on the top of the Seventeenth Peak, and she secretly said: ‘What’s going on with the tens of thousands of people on the Forged Body Heritage Peak? ! ’

Because she had been in contact through text messages before, Hailin did not know enough about the situation inside the forged body space. She only asked this question after seeing tens of thousands of unfamiliar figures.

‘In addition to the hundreds of people from the Norman family led by Gu Li, there are also teams from two hostile indigenous forces. They are all guys who have been coming over recently to compete for the inheritance of King Kong Qiong! ’ Sean gave a brief introduction.

Hailin's eyes turned to "Gu Li", and she could see a trace of disgust in her eyes, as if she was not interested in this legendary young master who was a direct descendant of the Norman family.

In fact, the Norman family is a cultivator of the skeleton clan and is not accepted by human cultivators.

It is only out of recognition of the strength of the Norman family that they reluctantly accept their appearance on the stage of the advanced civilized world, but it will still inevitably make many human practitioners feel disgust from the bottom of their hearts towards the skeleton family.

Du Long, who had transformed into a bone-like form, could naturally clearly feel the unhidden disgust in Hailin's gaze, which also made him feel a little funny secretly in his heart.

In order to disgust this blond beauty, Du Long deliberately showed his face to her and exposed two rows of white teeth. Hailin turned her head away with a look of disgust, as if she was really disgusted.

‘Boss Sean! Why are there so many skeleton warriors of the Norman family? ! ’ Hailin didn’t even bother to ask Du Long about this, but directly sent a message to Sean.

Sean immediately recounted the conversation he had just had with Du Long in detail, and then reminded him: 'Hailin! I know that you hate the skeleton clan in your heart, but before we deal with those indigenous forces, I hope you will try not to conflict with the skeleton force! ’

'I see! ’ Hailin nodded directly and replied: ‘I can still distinguish the importance of this. Since there is nothing else for the time being, I will also start to practice body training! ’

After finishing the voice conversation with Sean, Hailin led the five thousand soul palace silver-armored warriors to the first peak and began to receive the inheritance of body-forging techniques.

Practitioners like them who come from advanced civilized worlds have more or less received the inheritance of soul-forging and body-forging techniques, but like Du Long, they still choose to rebuild the first nine forgings of the physical body.

The body-forging inheritance circulated within various forces in the advanced civilized world are more or less different. Faced with the body-forging inheritance left by King Kong Qiong, smart people know how to choose.

Time continued to pass. Perhaps because Hai Lin arrived with the team, Sean felt a little more confident, and his state of mind changed subtly when he accepted the body-forging inheritance.


On this day, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from Sean at the top of the Seventeenth Peak, which also meant that he finally broke through the final bottleneck of the Seventeenth Calm of the physical body!

At the middle and lower part of the Seventeenth Peak, Du Long looked up at the figure at the top of the peak. He could see that there was no strong strange appearance on Sean. He could only sense a strong aura from him.

‘Could it be that the body changes when breaking through the body-forging realm are different? ! Then why did there be such a violent change when I broke through before? ! Will presenting it in front of opponents like this cause some trouble? ! ’ Du Long’s alert mind immediately flashed a few thoughts.

‘Congratulations to Sean! Naturally, Hailin discovered Sean's anomaly at the first time and immediately sent a message to him to congratulate him: "You are indeed worthy of being an inner disciple trained by the force hall. You have reached the Seventeenth Perfection of the Physical Body so quickly." ! ’

Faced with Hailin's compliments, Sean's lips showed a hint of self-satisfaction unconsciously, but he still said a few words of pretentious self-effacement.

'hey-hey! Thanks to the body-forging inheritance left by Li Wang Kong Qiong, this inheritance is many times more detailed than the body-forging inheritance in our Lidian branch, and cultivation is also more efficient with half the effort! ’

After a few more polite exchanges with Hai Lin in secret, Sean lowered his head and glanced at Du Long below the Seventeenth Peak, and then flew towards the Eighteenth Peak.

The eighteenth peak also represents the eighteenth forging of the physical body. If each nine forgings is calculated as a different stage, the significance of the eighteenth forging of the physical body is obviously much more special.

Du Long, who was in the form of three heads and a thousand arms, naturally saw Sean descending the mountain from the other side and then ascending to the 18th peak, but he had no intention of stopping him during the whole process.

Regardless of the Xuantian Creation Realm attack and killing magic weapon that Sean has been holding tightly in his hands, Du Long has no intention of fighting to the death with this force from outside the territory. In this case, let's let the two sides coexist peacefully for the time being!

Time continued to pass, and on this day Du Long finally came to the top of the Seventeenth Peak again and began the final breakthrough training of the Seventeenth Body.

'Can not be done! My own cultivation resources have been exhausted. Just by absorbing and refining the energy between heaven and earth, the speed of increasing the cell origin clones is a bit slow! ’

While he was immersed in hard training, Du Long was also secretly anxious. Every time he broke through the bottleneck of forging the body, he would get a lot of benefits. Naturally, he hoped to cultivate as many cell origin clones as possible.

With such an anxious mood, his eyes began to scan the crowds on the mountain peaks. When he was considering whether to use the force clan to fight for resources, his eyes fell on the clone that had transformed into bone power.

The souls of the two clones belong to the same origin, so they can naturally understand the thoughts in their hearts. They immediately thought that the Bone Power clone still has a lot of training resources, most of which are trophies harvested by this clone from killing enemies in the past.

The bone power clone immediately concentrated a large amount of cultivation resources into a space ring, and then directly placed the space ring in the portable cave world.


As two clones with the same soul origin, they can naturally explore each other's portable cave worlds and take out certain items remotely.

The space ring filled with a large amount of cultivation resources disappeared out of thin air in the portable cave world, and reappeared in the hands of Du Longyuan's clone at the top of the Seventeenth Peak.

After having a large amount of training resources, Du Long immediately began to accelerate the cultivation of cell origin clones, allowing more cell origin clones to increase their strength to the limit of the divine realm!

From the initial five million, it has increased to more than four million, reaching the terrifying level of close to ten million original clones, but Du Long still does not feel that his body has reached the limit of endurance!

‘We haven’t reached the limit of what our body can bear. . . In this way, the benefits that can be obtained by breaking through the seventeen forgings of the physical body cannot be maximized. We must continue to find ways to increase the number of cell origin clones! ’

'correct! Although the cultivation resources in his hands have been exhausted again, if he only increases the number of cell origin clones in the Heavenly Emperor realm, then he no longer needs to rush to find a large amount of cultivation resources, but can he still reach the limit that his physical body can bear? ! ’

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