Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2650 All parties gather

"Uncle Chengshou Buddha?!"

On the sixteenth peak, Du Long looked at the familiar figure in the square with some surprise. The other person was a great Buddha from Buddhism and a senior brother of Sakyamuni.

"Du Long?!" Chenghead Buddha naturally saw Du Long on the 16th peak at the first time, and subconsciously sent a message to ask: "How did you come to the residence of King Li?! What kind of space is this place? ?!”

"This is the body-forging space inside King Kong Qiong's mansion!" Du Long smiled and said to the Buddha: "Have you seen those eighty-one peaks?! They each represent the forging of the physical body. The inheritance of the Eighty-one Forging technique!"

"The inheritance of the Kung Fu that has reached the eighty-first level of the physical body?!" The Buddha's eyes lit up on the spot: "Little Junior Nephew Du Long, hurry up and introduce the situation here to my uncle!"

He has seen some figures on other peaks. In addition to Xiao Xiao on the seventeenth peak, there are also more than a thousand strong people from the force clan on the first peak.

Because Chengshou Buddha didn't know Xiao En, he also regarded him as a strong person from the Force Clan. This also had a lot to do with the fact that he followed the path of strength.

Du Long immediately gave a general introduction to the situation here. Since they were communicating through spiritual sound transmission, it didn't take much time to explain the situation clearly.

"That guy is a strong man who came from a high-level civilized world outside the territory?! There are nearly a thousand strong men in the realm of the Great God hidden in his cave world?!" The face of the Buddha's face changed wildly, and he looked at it in disbelief. Sean on Peak 17.

"That's right!" Du Long replied directly: "This guy also possesses an attack and killing magic weapon that has reached the Xuantian Creation Realm. Master Chengshou must be careful!"

"Hmm!" Chengshou Buddha nodded slightly and said, "Uncle, I did not enter this place alone this time, but led two thousand Buddhist supremes. Don't worry!"


As he finished speaking, two thousand figures appeared out of thin air beside the Buddha, which immediately made the empty square become more lively.

You can see that Chengshou Buddha is constantly transmitting and introducing, and he should be telling many Buddhist supremes about the situation of the forged body space. There are Buddhist supremes in the crowd who know Du Long, and naturally they have to be polite to Du Long.

"Little Junior Nephew Du Long!" After dealing with a group of Buddhist supremes, Cheng Shou Buddha continued to speak: "Master Uncle originally led the team into the Dragon Secret Realm jointly with Ziwei Tianzun of the Taoist Sect. In the end, we were divided into several groups. Each team went to look for opportunities, but we didn’t expect that we would find King Li’s forged body inheritance space!”

"Master, just lead the Buddhist masters and uncles to the mountain to accept the body-forging inheritance!" Du Long said with a faint smile: "If there are people who have entered the secret realm of the soul forest and accepted the body-forging inheritance, it is best to put their physical bodies in front of them. Jiu Xuan practices again!"

"Okay!" Chengshou Buddha seemed to be unable to hold back and wanted to accept the body-forging inheritance. He immediately nodded and replied: "Then the master will lead the team to the first peak to receive the body-forging inheritance!"

A total of two thousand Buddhist supremes rushed to the first peak together, almost scaring the Li clan team on the first peak half to death. When they saw that the Buddhist team did not seem to have any intention of starting a war with them, they all secretly relaxed. Take a breath.

The eighty-one body-forging inheritance peaks are extremely tall. Each peak can easily accommodate millions of people receiving the inheritance at the same time. Currently, there are only more than 3,000 people receiving the body-forging inheritance on it, which still seems very empty.

The Buddhist and Li clan teams are distributed in two different directions. The two sides can temporarily put aside their past grudges and accept the body-forging inheritance as the most important task at present.

With the arrival of the Buddhist team, the situation in the entire forging space immediately became more complicated. Sean on the Seventeenth Peak was paying attention to every move of the Buddhist team.

He was able to discover through some subtle changes that this new Buddhist team should be related to the Xuantian Dragon Lord Du Long whom he hated the most.

Although Du Long and the Buddhist team communicated secretly through spiritual sound transmission throughout the whole process, a clue can still be seen from the changes in the expressions between them.

On the other hand, when the Buddhist team climbed to the first peak, everyone in the Li clan was obviously hostile. From this point, it can also be seen that the Buddhist team and the Li clan team are not friendly forces.

On the seventeenth peak, Sean was distracted and fully accepting the inheritance of the body-forging technique, while thinking about the situation he would face next, waiting for his reinforcements to arrive here to deal with it in the best way.

‘Uncle Chengshou! How many Buddhist disciples did you bring in total this time? ! If possible, it would be best to contact other sect members and ask them to rush to Prince Li's residence to receive the body-forging inheritance! ’ Seeing the Buddha leading everyone into the body-forging cultivation state, Du Long secretly transmitted the message.

‘There are indeed many people from our Buddhist and Taoist sects coming this time! ’ Chengshou Buddha replied with a smile: ‘I can send text messages to contact several other teams. As for whether they can find this place, it all depends on their own opportunities! ’

It can be seen that Cheng Shou Buddha is very satisfied with the space of forged body inheritance. For Buddhist disciples, similar body forging inheritance is very important and can greatly enhance the power of various Buddhist magical powers.

While standing there accepting the body-forging inheritance, he sent out brief messages one by one. Cheng Shou Buddha quickly sent these brief messages to other teams in accordance with Du Long's request.

After sending the brief message, Chengshou Buddha continued to be multi-purpose, secretly communicating with Du Long about their respective current situations.

Time also continued to pass day by day. The Buddhist disciples led by Cheng Shou Buddha climbed the first peak at an extremely fast speed, and soon surpassed the Li clan team who had arrived at the body training space earlier than them.

It is obvious that the two thousand Buddhist supreme beings led by Chengshou Buddha have all received the inheritance of the Nine Forges of the Soul Body in the Soul Forest Secret Realm, and each of them has at least reached the ninth level of cultivation in terms of body forgings.

This time following Du Long's suggestion to rebuild the Nine Forges of the physical body, the speed will naturally be countless times faster than that of the Li clan!

Seeing the Buddhist team quickly surpassing themselves, everyone in the Li clan looked extremely ugly, and they could not hide the look of envy and hatred in their eyes.

They were not surprised at all. Everyone in the Li clan had heard about Du Long's openness to the entire Pangu World camp about the inheritance of Soul Forest Secret Realm skills.

'Ha ha! ’ After leading many Buddhist supremes to successfully surpass the Li Clan team, the Buddha couldn’t hide the joy on his face and sent a message to Du Long with a loud laugh: ‘Have you seen the faces of those Li Clan bastards? ! Look at them and make them envious and jealous. . . ’

Du Long smiled as he looked at the Buddha who was enjoying his misfortune. He did not expect that this uncle had such a human side. From this, it could be seen that he did not really regard Du Long as a junior.

'correct! ’ Seeing that Du Long didn’t respond, Buddha Chengdu changed the subject and said: ‘During the process of rebuilding the first forge of the physical body, my uncle did feel that there were some differences from the previous first forge. Could it be said? . . Are these differences important? ! ’

‘Very important indeed! ’ Du Long said in a solemn voice: ‘We should wait until Uncle Cheng Shou successfully rebuilds the front nine forging, and then we can discuss this issue again. The discussion now is not very clear! ’

'All right! ’ The Buddha could only nod in agreement and said: ‘Then we will discuss this issue after the first nine forks of the physical body have been rebuilt. I wonder what young nephew Du Long thinks of the inheritance of King Li Kong Qiong? ! Are we just going to let the Li clan and those outside forces continue to interfere? ! ’

‘The Dragon Secret Realm will appear near our Pangu World camp, and it is looking for a suitable successor! ’ Du Long immediately sent a message and responded: ‘People from any force may obtain the inheritance of Genlong. This is not something we can control! ’

‘As for these people in front of me. . . When I have stronger strength, I will definitely find a way to kill them with all my strength. What if I let them continue to receive the body-forging inheritance for the time being? ! ’

‘Kill them all? ! ’ Chengshou Buddha suddenly raised his brows and said, ‘Do you have a way to deal with the Xuantian Creation Realm attack and kill magic weapon? ! ’

‘There are some ways. It’s not like I haven’t killed opponents with Xuantian Creation Realm attack and killing magic weapons before! ’ Du Long replied with a smile: ‘I just want to do it but need the most suitable opportunity. My most important task now is to improve my cultivation as soon as possible! ’

‘Improve your cultivation level as soon as possible? ! ’ The Buddha swept his eyes across the eighty-one peaks in front of him and said, ‘Do you want to cultivate your physical body to the twenty-seventh level of perfection? ! ’

'Yes! Du Long would not hide this information and said: "The soul of my clone has reached the Twenty-Seventh Perfection. As long as the physical body also reaches the Twenty-seventh Perfection, when the time comes, they will merge into one body." Can easily kill these young people in front of me! ’

‘The twenty-seven forging of the soul body is already the limit that can be achieved in the supreme realm. . . According to legend, in this realm, there is a chance of merging souls and bodies with each other. . . Almost infinitely close to zero! ’ As a Buddhist supreme being who has been a Buddha for many years, Chengshou Buddha has also heard of the terrifying difficulty of forging and merging twenty-seven souls.

'fine! I have confidence! ’ Faced with the reminder from the Buddha, Du Long’s answer was only a few simple words, and his words were full of confidence.

‘It’s a good thing for young people to have confidence! ’ The Buddha was startled for a moment, then he smiled with relief and said, ‘Uncle Master will support your decision no matter what! ’

‘Thank you, uncle! ’ Du Long’s heart moved slightly and he said: ‘During the process of forging the body, I need a lot of resources that can increase the energy of the Dantian. I really need the full support of my uncle in this regard! ’

‘Resources that can increase the energy of Dantian? ! ’ The Buddha murmured with some confusion: ‘Didn’t you reach the supreme state of Dzogchen a long time ago? ! Why do we still need resources that can enhance the energy of Dantian at this time? ! ’

'this. . . Du Long didn't know how to answer for a while. He didn't want to reveal the secret that he had a large number of original clones yet. He pondered for a while before answering ambiguously: "This clone of mine is taking the road of multi-dimensional space-time creation. The forging process requires the use of a large amount of resources. . . ’

'I see! Seeing Du Long's hesitant look, Cheng Shou Buddha immediately saw that he had a secret that he couldn't tell. He immediately nodded and smiled very understandingly and replied: "I don't know how much improvement my nephew needs." A resource for Dantian energy? ! ’

‘The more the merrier! ’ Du Long couldn’t give an accurate answer at all, so he could only reply: ‘It’s best if you can give me all the resources of the Buddhist masters and uncles! ’

'All right! ’ Chengshou Buddha raised his eyebrows again, obviously not expecting that Du Long’s demand would be so great: ‘Just leave this matter to me! ’

Chengshou Buddha began to secretly convey Du Long's request to everyone. The Buddhist supremes owed Du Long a great favor as early as when they accepted the inheritance of the Nine Forged Soul Body in the secret realm of the Soul Forest.

Now that they knew that Du Long wanted something from him, they all naturally chose to give it to him without any hesitation.

Compared with people like them who have all reached the Supreme Dzogchen realm, the resources and treasures that enhance the energy of Dantian have long been of little use. In this case, it is better to use them to repay Du Long's kindness.

Soon, all the resources of all the Buddhist disciples were concentrated into a space ring. In the end, Du Long teleported directly to Chengshou Buddha and took it away personally.

In this way, Sean was completely sure of the relationship between this Buddhist team and Du Long. This relationship was not a big secret. Du Long didn't care about Sean's opinion.

Time continued to pass, and the Buddhist team quickly completed the reconstruction of the first forge of the physical body and began to rebuild the second and third forge.

However, the force team is still slowly moving forward on the first peak. In order to take care of the training progress of the entire team, their overall speed will definitely be greatly affected.

Because Du Long was watching eagerly not far away and could teleport over at any time to launch a surprise attack, the Li Clan team did not dare to disperse the team at all.

On the sixteenth peak, Du Long continued to climb upward at a steady speed, and the number of original clones in his body increased exponentially as time went by.

In order to get as much benefit as possible from the last step of the sixteenth forging of the physical body, he no longer deliberately controls the growth rate of the number of original clones, and just throws in all the resources he has in his hands!

One day after hundreds of thousands of years passed, the time and space in the square once again distorted and changed, revealing figures. Sean's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw someone entering the body-forging space. After that, he could clearly see the identity of the person. The light in his eyes immediately dimmed.

This time, a team from both Buddhist and Taoist schools came in. The team was led by the Great Light Buddha and the Three Treasures Heavenly Lord. They were the first team to separate from Cheng Shou Buddha and others in order to pursue opportunities.

After they came in, they naturally had another conversation through voice transmission. Finally, they followed Du Long's suggestion and went to the First Peak to receive the inheritance of the First Forging technique.

After their team, there will always be other teams entering the forging space every once in a while, including not only teams from the Buddhist and Taoist sects, but also teams from the Five Tribes Alliance.

On the contrary, the reinforcements that Sean had been looking forward to had not arrived, which made his face become more and more ugly. With more and more people in the Pangu World camp and the Five Tribes Alliance camp, he didn't even know what he was doing. Will the reinforcements still have overwhelming strength after they arrive here?

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