Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2647 Someone from the Li Clan is coming

The second peak and the third peak. . . The ninth peak!

As time went by, probably on this day after tens of thousands of years, Du Long finally arrived at the top of the Ninth Peak and was receiving the inheritance of the Ninth Body Forging Technique.

In the inheritance space of Pianli Palace's body-forging skills, it is obvious that it is also a space-time with a million times acceleration of time. Tens of thousands of years are only a month long compared to real time.

As Du Long set foot on the body-forging inheritance peak, the group of silver-armored warriors from outside the territory no longer dared to accept the body-forging inheritance on the first nine peaks unscrupulously.

Only on the tenth to sixteenth peaks are there scattered silver figures, and only by standing on the higher forged body heritage peaks can those silver-armored warriors feel a little safer.

As for those silver-armored warriors who failed to complete the Nine Forges of their bodies, they had no choice but to enter the cave world that Sean carried with him, and only by staying there could they be protected!

Standing on the top of the ninth peak, Du Long, with three heads and a thousand arms, closed his eyes tightly and put most of his mind into body training!

He is working hard to re-forge his body, following the forging method left by King Kong Qiong, and trying his best to make it more powerful!


At a certain moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body, and golden light seemed to come out from all over his body, as if he was shedding his mortal body.

Du Long's eyes that had been closed slowly opened, and he could see the excitement radiating from his eyes unconsciously. He was secretly surprised by the huge changes brought about by the reincarnation of the Nine Forgings in his body.

‘Sure enough, he is worthy of being the body-forging inheritance of the King of Power who once served in the Dragon World! Just the first nine of the most basic body forgings have such a huge effect. If you continue to practice higher levels of body forging inheritance, won't your physical body be against the heavens in the future? ! ’

Looking at his palms full of infinite explosive power with bright eyes, Du Long clenched his fists subconsciously, and could vaguely hear the muffled sound of bursts of air being compressed.

‘The physical body has been re-forged for nine times and reached the ultimate state of Dzogchen. Now I can finally accept the inheritance of the ten-forged physical body! ’ Nodding secretly, Du Long finally left the ninth peak and set foot on the tenth peak under the attention of Sean and others.


As Du Long stepped onto the first step of the tenth peak, a terrifying gravity fell on him, causing his legs to bend slightly unconsciously.

While secretly taking a breath of cold air, Du Long began to work hard to overcome the terrifying gravity's oppression on his body, and then gradually entered the tenth level of the physical body's cultivation state.

In contrast, when I accepted the inheritance of the first nine forks of the physical body, I only needed to use spatial fluctuation changes to transform the strength of the physical body. However, as I entered the tenth forge of the physical body, there seemed to be an added gravity pressure!

This kind of terrifying gravity pressure can even bend the legs of a strong man like Du Long. Its terrifying pressure is definitely far beyond the gravity level of those black holes in the universe!

Stars like the earth and the sun will be compressed and collapsed instantly once they fall into it. In the end, they will definitely be compressed into high-density objects smaller than a matchbox!

Under such terrifying gravity pressure, Du Long quickly entered a state of body-forging cultivation, and began to temper his already very powerful body through some mysterious space fluctuations, plus the terrifying gravity changes and fluctuations that pressed on his body.

‘This kind of gravity pressure seems to be in a relatively stable range, but in fact it still has extremely subtle fluctuations. And this kind of gravity fluctuations should be the key to the physical body! ’

Standing on the first step of the tenth peak, Du Long worked hard to enter the body-forging cultivation state, while studying the differences between the current body-forging inheritance and the previous ones, trying not to waste too much time on the wrong path.

As time went by, he was forging his physical body through two different laws of change, and the feeling of increasing physical strength came back.

Feeling that the strength of his physical body is getting stronger day by day, this also proves that his cultivation method is correct. This continues until some days when the physical body can hardly improve and become stronger.

In this way, Du Long continued to climb up step by step. The body-forging inheritance left by King Kong Qiong did not seem to hide any key elements.

It probably took more than 30,000 years to successfully climb to the top of the Tenth Peak. On average, each step took about three years, and it also took 30,000 years to break through the final bottleneck at the peak.

It took a total of 60,000 to 70,000 years before Du Long successfully completed the inheritance of the tenth level of the physical body!

Immediately afterwards came the inheritance and cultivation of body forging on the eleventh peak. It took nearly 160,000 years to forge the eleventh body, and then spent a quarter of a million years on the twelve forging the body. . .

It was obvious that more and more time was being spent as we got to the back, but Du Long was completely immersed in the body-forging inheritance practice and didn't pay attention to the passage of time at all.


One day when Du Long arrived at the top of the 15th Peak, a group of silver figures suddenly appeared in the square not far away. Because the opponents were all wearing standard silver armor, Du Long mistakenly thought they were from Sean's side. Reinforcements arrived.

"It's actually people from the Li clan who have arrived here?!" After careful identification, Du Long muttered to himself in surprise: "On one side is the Force Palace force under the Adventure Alliance Guild, and on the other side is the force force of the Five Clans Alliance. Clan... It seems they are all here for the inheritance of King Kong Qiong, right?!"

In the square, a sturdy brown-haired man carried a giant ax on his back and looked at the eighty-one peaks around the square with bright eyes.

"Haha!" I heard him laughing excitedly and saying: "The legendary residence of Prince Li in the Dragon World really has the high-level body-forging inheritance of Prince Li Kong Qiong left here!!"

"Lord Kucheng! We can make a huge contribution now. The inheritance of the advanced forging body of King Kong Qiong should belong to our Li clan!"

"That's right! As long as we report this matter, I believe everyone in our team will be able to reap the benefits of Po Tian!"


A group of strong men from the Li clan were discussing unscrupulously in the square. They only saw a large number of figures accepting inheritance on the mountain peak, and naturally they did not pay attention to those people on the peak.

If Sean releases all his subordinates in the cave world, then this force clan team will never dare to be so presumptuous!

"Hmph!" Halfway up the mountainside of the Seventeenth Peak, Sean, who was originally unhappy because he was quickly chased by Du Long, finally found a way to vent his anger: "You guys are so crooked that you still want to seize power." The inheritance left by Wang Kongqiong?!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't bother to talk nonsense with the Hearing Clan people. He waved his hand towards the square and released about two hundred silver-armored figures. As soon as these silver-armored warriors appeared, they immediately surrounded the group of powerful people from the Force Clan. .

More than two hundred silver-armored warriors suddenly appeared in the square, which immediately startled the group of powerful people from the force clan. None of them obviously expected that there were still people hiding in the dark.

"What kind of force are you?!" Ku Cheng, a strong man from the Li Clan, shouted with a solemn expression: "Are you going to compete with our Li Clan for the inheritance left by Li King Kong Qiong?!"

"Hmph!" On the Seventeenth Peak, Sean snorted with disdain: "Even the entrance to the Dragon Secret Realm has been blocked by us. Don't you know where we come from? ?!”

"It turns out it's you, a group of forces from outside the territory!" Kucheng's face changed wildly, and then he immediately secretly sent a brief message to the outside world. Then he regained some composure and said: "What can you do even if it's you?! We are not just the only ones. These people have arrived at Prince Li’s residence!”

"Oh?!" Sean's face changed slightly, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said: "As many people as you want, call over, but before that you can go and die! Kill! Kill without mercy!"

The two hundred silver-armored warriors who received the order immediately rushed towards the group of people from the Li clan with great momentum. It could be seen that their entire formation was not scattered in any way during the charge.

As expected, they are worthy of being a team of the Adventure Alliance Guild Hall that has been adventuring and fighting all year round. These two hundred silver-armored warriors vaguely formed a joint attack formation. With equal strength, it is almost impossible to find the weakness of this formation!

"Work together to block the opponent! As long as you persist for a moment, reinforcements will arrive!!" Ku Cheng's voice suddenly sounded, obviously knowing that this battle is inevitable.

If no reinforcements arrive within a short period of time, he will never dare to go head-to-head with an opponent several times his own. He is obviously full of confidence now.

At the top of the fifteenth peak, Du Long took a small part of his mind to be on guard, and naturally saw the scene happening in the square.

In fact, as early as when the people from the Li clan appeared, he was considering whether to clear them all, but before he could take action, someone was even more impatient to take action.

In this case, he naturally does not need to waste any more energy. He can accept the body-forging inheritance at the top of the mountain while relaxingly watching the wonderful show that is about to be performed below.

Rumble. . .

Above the square, a dazzling mushroom cloud rose into the sky. In order to prevent the two hundred silver-armored warriors from approaching, the team led by Ku Cheng directly used force field energy shock waves under his instructions.

Du Long had seen this kind of long-range and large-scale attack method countless times. The force field energy shock wave directly collided head-on with the long-range attack launched by two hundred silver-armored warriors.

The terrifying impact that could easily destroy a large star field in the immortal world did not even crack the ground in the square inside the Forged Body Space of the Power Palace, which was extremely stable in time and space.

The terrifying shock wave erupted from the violent collision of the two energies bloomed like a dazzling firework, but in the end it was not able to harm anyone on either side of the enemy.

"Since they like long-range attacks, use long-range attacks to destroy them all!" Sean gave another instruction with an indifferent expression.

In the square, after receiving the order, the two hundred silver-armored warriors immediately began to join forces to prepare for a wave of long-range attacks.

Two hundred terrifying auras at the peak level of the Great Lord God suddenly erupted in the square, and then converged into a powerful wave of energy, which directly bombarded the team of people from the Li clan.

The same walking power, long-range attack methods are very similar to those of the Li Clan, but they are much more powerful and pure than those of the Li Clan.

An invisible energy field dragon instantly broke through the limitations of time and space and flew straight towards the force clan team.

"Fight back with all your strength!!"

As if feeling a strong danger, Ku Cheng gave the attack order in an almost roaring tone. He knew very well that when there was a slight disparity in strength, the defense would definitely not be able to hold on. The best defense is to attack with all your strength!

Under the leadership of Ku Cheng, everyone in the Li clan used all their strength in order to save their lives.

An invisible force field energy shock wave shot out, and went straight towards the force field dragon that was about to destroy the world. It could be judged that the force clan's attack was weaker just by relying on the two power fluctuations. Big cut.


The two forces violently collided together again. In addition to the violent energy fluctuations that broke out, the force field dragon, although it was buffered and weakened a lot, still broke through the force field shock wave and blasted towards everyone in the force clan.

This was a powerful blow from two hundred peak master gods. Even though it was much weakened by the bombardment, it was still enough for everyone in the Li clan to drink a pot.


At the critical moment, a hemispherical force field guard suddenly rose above the force team. This was also a life-saving measure that Ku Cheng had prepared in advance in anticipation of this step.

The force field dragon suddenly bombarded this layer of force field shield, and instantly burst out another wave of extremely violent energy light. The entire force field shield was also shaking violently, as if it was about to be exploded at any time. .

The force field dragon has a sharp horn, which directly pushes the force field shield inward and sharply dents it. This is also the most common method of breaking through the physical defense shield.

It's a pity that this force field dragon doesn't know how to rotate at high speed to break the formation. Although it looked like the shield was about to break, it was still firmly protected by it in the end.

"Damn it! Blow it up!!"

Seeing that the force field dragon's attack power began to weaken from strong to strong, a cold shout suddenly came from among the two hundred silver-armored warriors, and the weakening force field dragon exploded directly in the air.

Rumble. . .

The terrifying force field energy suddenly exploded, and the force field shield that was already on the verge of collapse was finally overwhelmed, and exploded with a loud noise.

Within the protective cover of the force field, the group of strong men from the force clan looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood. They were obviously seriously injured by the explosion of this terrifying power.

Among them, five or six unlucky strong men from the force clan were the first to be hit by the shock wave of the terrifying energy explosion, and were instantly blasted into pieces of flesh and blood that flew away in all directions.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

At this moment, time and space in a certain location in the square continued to distort and deform, and figures appeared one after another. It was the reinforcements from the Li clan that finally arrived.

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