Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 28 Entering the Palace 2

"I used to attend the New Year's party with my father when I was young, and I still know a little bit about the rules! Did you forget that officials above the fifth rank can bring their direct family members to the meeting? Back then, my father was a senior official of the fourth rank!" Xia Qinglian replied in an elegant voice. road.

By the candlelight, Du Long could clearly see the change of expression on her face. When Xia Qinglian mentioned the past, although Xia Qinglian appeared very plain on the surface, there was a faint sadness in her eyes, but she couldn't escape his observation.

"Hehe, that's how it is!" Du Long pretended not to notice anything unusual, and naturally changed the subject: "Qinglian...sister, you are my god-sister now, and it's fine to leave it to the servants to take care of the washing. Can you do it yourself?"

"In Qinglian's heart, you can't repay your kindness for saving your life. I hope you don't dislike me. Qinglian is willing to serve you by your side all the time. Even if you serve you all your life, you can't repay your kindness!" Qinglian said calmly at the same time. , rubbing the towel gently with jade hands in the basin, then wringing it out and handing it to Du Long.

Reaching out to take the warm towel, he could smell a faint fragrance emanating from it. Du Long was very familiar with this smell. He had smelled this fragrance when he rode with Qinglian not long ago. It was obviously from his daughter's body. Unique aroma!

Covering the face with the towel, the scent was more clearly discernible, Du Long couldn't help sighing: "Oh, Qinglian, the towel you rub is so fragrant!"

Being praised by Du Long for such nonsense, Xia Qinglian blushed on the spot, and secretly looked at Du Long who was covering her face with a towel, the affection in her eyes was fully revealed!

Under Xia Qinglian's service, Du Long quickly washed and combed neatly. He could not dress casually for the New Year's party. Even if Du Long had a personality, he had to wear a bunch of clothing accessories that were more symbolic than practical according to the rules.

Wearing a purple red robe, wearing a flat sky crown in a bun, the clan badge representing the Du family is embroidered on the chest, and there are two green leaves under the badge representing the sons of the second-rank officials. This kind of clothing is only worn on grand festivals, which is rare even in a year Wear it several times!

People rely on clothes, horses rely on saddles!

Star-eyed and bright-eyed Du Long has taken on a whole new look. Since his physique has mutated, he is full of confidence, and his eyes have become deep and mysterious, revealing a unique temperament. Coupled with this outfit, he looks It became even more dazzling, and Xia Qinglian, who was watching from the side, was a little stunned.

At this moment, the east is already pale, and the sky is beginning to brighten. Du Long looked at the beautiful girl beside him with a smile and said proudly: "How is it? I, Du Long, must be fascinated by my outfit. Is it better than Pan An?" ?”

"In Qinglian's heart, the young master is the most handsome man in the world!" Xia Qinglian sincerely praised with her jade face flushed.

"Master, master! Get up soon..." At this moment, the servant Agui rushed in, and was dumbfounded after seeing Du Long and Xia Qinglian who were fully dressed.

"What's the hurry! Sister Qinglian has helped me dress up, let's go! Sister Qinglian, let's go have breakfast!" Du Long glanced at Agui with a smile, and pulled Xia Qinglian's hand in front of him. Yushou then rushed to the dining hall.

In the dining hall of the east chamber, Du Long's family sat together for breakfast. Of course, there was one more family member today, and that was Xia Qinglian, who was as soft and beautiful as a fairy!

"Qinglian! I have ordered the master tailor in Fuchu to come and measure you later. He will help you to order a few new sets of clothes. Today is the New Year's Eve. Put on new clothes and bid farewell to the past from now on, be happy Welcome to a new life!" At the dining table, Zhou Ruoxue said while helping Xia Qinglian with food with concern.

"Thank you stepmother!" Zhou Ruoxue's concern obviously moved this weak woman who hadn't felt warmth and care for many years. With tears in her beautiful eyes, she almost couldn't eat anymore.

Her appearance made everyone in the Du family feel extremely pity, and in the end Du Long said: "Sister Qinglian! Although Zuixianglou dare not forcefully break into the Du mansion, they will definitely send people to guard the gate of the Du mansion. You Don't go out these days if you have nothing to do!"

"Yeah! Qinglian understands!"

"We won't be able to return until midnight when we enter the palace today. I have already told some clever maids in the mansion to accompany you to spend this New Year's Eve with you. Just tell them if you have any requirements!" Zhou Ruoxue added.

Under the sincere care of the Du family, Xia Qinglian almost ate her breakfast with tears in her eyes, and finally watched Du Long's family of four leave the east chamber reluctantly.

In the Haotian Empire, there is a custom that has been handed down since the founding of the country, and that is the New Year celebration!

Every New Year's Eve, all the civil and military officials of the empire gather in the Chengde Hall of the Imperial Palace, and the officials of the fifth rank and above can also bring their relatives to participate in the New Year's celebration!

From all directions of the capital city, various carriages were constantly heading towards the palace. These carriages were inlaid with the badges of the corresponding families. There were three gates at the main entrance of the palace, and the central gate was closed tightly. Only the emperor's car could enter and exit there.

The gates on the left and right sides are already full of convoys waiting to enter the palace at this moment, and the number of cars lining up at the gate on the left is significantly less. Only senior officials above the third rank can enter and exit here, and the gate on the right is the passage for officials below the third rank to enter and exit.

As the drivers of the second-rank officials, the carriage of the Du Long family of four naturally lined up outside the gate on the left, and the palace guards at the front gate were routinely inspecting each entering carriage, checking their identity information, and taking whatever they brought with them. It is a serious crime for related personnel to enter the palace!

It was precisely because of this kind of security check that the drivers entering the palace formed a long line, waiting bored in the carriage, Du Long simply leaned against his mother's shoulder and closed his eyes to rest.

Du's mother, Zhou Ruoxue, looked at her baby son dotingly, and picked him up again. The brilliance of his whole body made her feel very relieved, but at the same time, she was secretly moved. Thinking of Du Long's sinking in recent years, she couldn't help it. There were tears in her beautiful eyes, but she showed a maternal smile and reached out to caress the sharp-edged face of her precious son.

Seeing this scene, Du Zhentian didn't change anything on the surface, but he was infected by their mother and son in his heart. Thinking about his son's performance recently, he was both surprised and happy. No father would care about his son, but everyone There are different ways of caring!

"Master! It's our turn!" The old servant who helped Du Long's family drive the carriage raised the curtain and reminded.

"Understood!" Mr. Du replied, then looked at Du Long with closed eyes and rested his mind, and smiled, "Good grandson, hurry up and get ready, don't sleep!"

Only then did Du Long open his eyes and sit up straight. Soon, two palace guards came to the carriage. After glancing at the people in the carriage, one of the guards said respectfully: "I have seen Old General Du I have seen General Zhongwu and Mrs. Du, how dare I ask if this son is Young Master Du Long?"

"It's the dog!" Du Zhentian replied with a serious face.

Nodding their heads, the two palace guards glanced casually inside the carriage before saying respectfully: "Okay! General Du, General Zhongwu, your carriage can go in now!"

After a simple routine inspection, the two guards let them go. There is no need to check the car of the second rank official so clearly. After all, this is the palace, and no official will do anything out of line!

The Du family's carriage entered along the palace gate on the left, and then entered the palace gate twice to an area dedicated to parking horses and horses. After the carriage stopped, Mr. Du got out of the carriage first, followed by Du Zhentian, his wife and Du Long. down.

"Old General Du, please get on the sedan chair!" The well-acquainted court steward came over with a sedan chair, and Old Man Du got on the sedan chair unceremoniously, waved to Du Long and others, and left alone.

Du Long understood that his grandfather and the old men were going to the Supreme Emperor's side. Every year, the New Year celebrations were like this. The Supreme Emperor, that is, the grandfather of Princess Huofeng, would gather with his old courtiers to celebrate the New Year. It is also one of the routines to celebrate the New Year!

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