Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2617 Interfering with Time and Space


Under the expectant gazes of many soul clan experts, Emperor Wei's clone suddenly experienced an extremely strong wave of time and space, causing the space and time in this area to tremble slightly.

You must know that the spiritual space in front of you is a secret realm created by the Soul King Yu Ji, and the stability of time and space is absolutely terrifying.

However, the time and space here are still subject to the fluctuations of time and space released by Emperor Weihuang's clone, and some unstable phenomena have occurred, which is enough to show how powerful Emperor Weihuang is, the clone of the Great Master God.

"Wow! You are indeed His Majesty Emperor Wei! This move is truly extraordinary!" Among the Soul Clan crowd, Yin crossed his arms and pretended to be in admiration, and slapped the rainbow fart with an extremely delicate and artificial voice.

All the strong soul clan men curled their lips secretly after hearing this. Apparently they couldn't stand this woman's unabashed behavior, but no one spoke up to express their objection at this time.

"Um..." Ah glanced at his old subordinate with a strange expression, and then couldn't help but ask: "May I ask what the purpose of your majesty is to release such a powerful time and space fluctuation?!"

"Haha!" Emperor Wei's clone pretended to be incomprehensible and chuckled and replied: "You may not be able to feel that before the kid launched the teleportation, he once expanded a multi-dimensional space-time power to a ten-mile radius area. He also You can only use the teleportation technique within the range enveloped by the power of multi-dimensional time and space, regardless of the locked state of time and space!"

"Now, I have released a special power of time and space, which can affect the frequency of the surrounding space and time fluctuations. Naturally, it can also interfere with the multi-dimensional power of time and space!"

"I understand!" Ah suddenly realized and said with admiration on his face: "You are indeed worthy of being the clone of His Majesty the Soul Emperor. I am ashamed of myself!"

"That's right, that's right! With the interference of the power of time and space released by His Majesty, that Xuantian Dragon Lord will no longer be able to use teleportation to suddenly attack us!"

"Your Majesty is truly worthy of being called the Great God-Emperor of Xuantian..."

Among the many strong men of the Soul Clan, compliments began to be heard continuously. These strong Soul Clan men seemed to understand the nature of Emperor Wei's clone in front of them, so naturally they would not be stingy with casual words of praise.

"Haha!" Emperor Wei's clone waited until everyone's voices gradually subsided, and then laughed triumphantly: "Since it can now interfere with the opponent's multi-dimensional space-time power and make it unable to teleport, there is also a power like the Sky Breaking Pearl. With this powerful attack and killing magic weapon, everyone no longer needs to suffer sneak attacks from opponents, and everyone can safely accept the soul-forging inheritance!"


Amid bursts of excited laughter, many strong men of the Soul Clan breathed a sigh of relief. The days of worrying about being attacked and killed all the time were finally gone forever.

"You guys, please follow me to the top step of the Divine Soul Nine Forges!" Emperor Wei was in a good mood. He smiled and said to the powerful soul clan men around him: "The remaining two from before should also follow. Come up! We must speed up to accept the soul-forging inheritance!"

"I obey my orders!"

Under the leadership of Emperor Wei's clone, a total of nine figures, including him, rushed towards the upper steps of the pyramid, leaving only the envy-filled main gods of the Soul Clan behind.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

The other strong soul clan men did not hesitate for too long, and they all flew up the steps of different levels. They no longer huddled together to receive the soul-forging inheritance on the nearby steps like before.

With Emperor Wei's clone constantly interfering with this space and time, they no longer worried that Du Long would suddenly teleport down to attack them, and they could finally let go and accept the soul-forging inheritance.

Of course, there are only a few people who really dare to completely separate from the large army. The vast majority of people are still in a state of observation and want to wait until it is absolutely safe.

After all, although the words of Emperor Wei's clone were uttered with confidence, they have never been verified in practice. No one knows whether he can really interfere with Du Long's teleportation ability. !

On the high platform, Du Long watched every move of the soul clan members with cold eyes. The other party had not avoided his own eyes and ears through divine sound transmission before. He heard all the words of Emperor Wei's clone.

‘Interfering with the changing laws of multi-dimensional space-time by releasing space-time fluctuations? ! Could this King of the Soul Clan really have such a powerful ability? ! ’


In a flash of thought, Du Long immediately released the multi-dimensional space-time shadow again. Wanting to collide head-on with the space-time fluctuations released by Emperor Wei's clone? To verify his multi-dimensional space-time power? Will it really be affected? !

The invisible multi-dimensional space-time shadow slowly expanded, and soon collided with the space-time fluctuations released by Emperor Wei's clone. Du Long's consciousness paid full attention to the collision in front of him, not wanting to let go of what appeared after the collision between the two. Any unusual changes.

'coming? ! ’

On the 3333rd step, Emperor Wei's clone's eyes suddenly lit up. He stared at the subtle fluctuations of time and space in front of him. As the multi-dimensional space-time shadow collided with the space-time fluctuations he released, he immediately discovered the wave. Extremely subtle abnormal fluctuations.

Whether it's Du Long's multi-dimensional space-time shadow, or the space-time fluctuations released by Emperor Wei's clone? Both are energy releases without any lethality.

This auxiliary effect of energy release is much stronger than the actual lethality. When they collide with each other, they will not erupt with strong energy fluctuations. At most, they will only undergo some changes at an extremely microscopic level.

Two different energy fluctuations collided together, just like two breezes colliding with each other. If ordinary people didn't pay attention to the subtle changes in energy fluctuations, they wouldn't be able to detect its existence at all.

"Oh my God?! So that's the multi-dimensional power of time and space released by Xuantian Dragon Lord?! Has it collided with the time and space fluctuations released by His Majesty?!"

As the relatively powerful master god of the soul clan, a strong man standing next to Emperor Wei's clone noticed something unusual and immediately screamed.

His screams immediately alerted the others, who all looked at the collision point of the invisible energy wave, and naturally discovered the collision of the two invisible energies.

I saw an existence that looked like a ball and a prismatic energy body, expanding from the direction of Du Long, and then collided with the space-time fluctuations released by Emperor Wei's clone, forming an invisible wind wall between the two. Energy curtain.

"It's really an invisible and colorless multi-dimensional space-time energy body?! If it weren't for the interference of space-time fluctuations released by His Majesty, we wouldn't be able to detect its existence through our spiritual consciousness!!"

"That's right! His Majesty Emperor Wei is so powerful! He can actually block the multi-dimensional power of time and space released by Xuantian Dragon Lord!"


Until this moment, countless strong men from the Soul Clan truly believed that Emperor Wei's clone could successfully interfere with the multi-dimensional power of time and space released by Du Long. While each and every one of them continued to flatter him, the last trace of worry in their hearts was completely let go.

‘Have you really been disturbed? ! ’

Du Long frowned and sensed the abnormal changes in the multi-dimensional space-time shadow. As the person involved, he could clearly sense that his multi-dimensional space-time shadow was like colliding with a wall and could not continue to expand forward. go out.

‘Multidimensional space-time body. . . Is it so fragile? ! If that's the case, then what's the point of taking the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation? ! ’

Du Long thought with some reluctance. The fact that the phantom of the multi-dimensional space-time body was successfully blocked by Emperor Wei's clone made him feel a little shaken about the path of multi-dimensional space-time creation.

'No! The multi-dimensional space-time creation path can also achieve eternity. . . Among the powerful people who destroyed the Dragon World back then, there should have been at least one powerful person who created the multi-dimensional space and time! ’

‘Since the multi-dimensional space-time creation path can create such a powerful being, there should be nothing wrong with embarking on this creation path yourself! ’

‘Therefore, it’s not that the path to creation of multi-dimensional time and space is too weak, but that my current understanding of the path to creation of multi-dimensional space and time is still very shallow. After all, it is an achievement that I have been self-taught along the way! ’

‘My practical application in multi-dimensional time and space is still very shallow, otherwise I would not be easily disturbed by the time and space fluctuations released by the other party! ’

‘It’s a good thing to be able to discover the flaws of multi-dimensional space-time so early. I must find a way to resist interference as soon as possible, otherwise in the future, any cat or dog can interfere with the fluctuations of my multi-dimensional space-time. It would be ridiculous! ’

On the 6666th step, Du Long, who had been distracted countless times, was constantly changing his mind. From doubting the path of spiritual practice he was taking at first, to finally regaining his confidence unswervingly, it only took a few breaths before and after. effort.

Now that he has firmed up his belief, he will not hesitate to start soul training while distractedly looking for loopholes and weaknesses in the multi-dimensional space-time shadow!

With Emperor Wei's clone as a free whetstone on his side, Du Long tried his best to expand the multi-dimensional space-time shadow in his body. In the process of constant collision with the space-time fluctuations released by Emperor Wei's clone, he was also constantly looking for improvements. and ways to close the loopholes.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

Time continued to pass day by day, Du Long released the multi-dimensional space-time body 24 hours a day, constantly colliding with the space-time fluctuations released by Emperor Wei's clone.

Even though he knew that he could not break through the blockade, he still continued to expand the multi-dimensional space-time body again and again, violently colliding with the fluctuations of space-time.

Du Long's abnormal behavior finally aroused the vigilance of Emperor Wei's clone. He quickly thought that Du Long was using himself to practice multi-dimensional space-time, and wanted to find his own shortcomings through collisions again and again.

Emperor Wei was still a little nervous when he discovered this problem, fearing that he would really become his whetstone, which would eventually allow him to achieve another huge breakthrough in multidimensional time and space.

But as time continued to pass day by day, Du Long was still unable to change the current situation, which also made the worry in Huang Huang's mind and body gradually weaken, and finally became almost numb.

‘Hmph! It's just a collision of two invisible energies. I don't believe that you can find any way to change the current situation in this subtle energy collision! ’

With a secret snort, Emperor Wei's clone stopped paying too much attention to this issue and allowed Du Long to continue to collide and study it.

This can't be blamed for Emperor Wei's clone not putting away the interference of time and space fluctuations, because as long as he does not continue to interfere, Du Long may teleport and sneak attack on his people again.

It can be said that Du Long is blatantly borrowing the hands of Emperor Wei's clone to practice, and Emperor Wei's clone has no way to stop this, unless he is willing to retreat from the scope of the God Cultivation Tower and give up the soul-forging inheritance here!

However, Emperor Wei's clone is obviously unlikely to give up all this. You must know that the Soul Cultivation Tower has a heritage of forging souls from one to ninety-six. It is a road to heaven that can forge souls and become saints.

This is also the main reason why he finally chose to enter the Soul Resting Space instead of going to the Frightening Pavilion and War Soul Hall first!

Time continues to pass under the stalemate between the enemy and ourselves. In the blink of an eye, decades have passed and it has not changed the current balance point. For the time being, no one can do anything about anyone.

On the 3333rd step, Emperor Wei's clone frowned. He seemed to have encountered a serious problem on the last step of the ninth level of the soul.

Just like Du Long did before, he had clearly completed the Nine Divine Soul Forges, but in the end he was unable to successfully step onto the 3334th step that represented the Divine Soul Ten Forges.

Although there was only one step left, he could never successfully take this step, because once he took it forcibly, he would be pushed back by the pressure of the terrifying soul.

‘What is going on? ! I have obviously successfully reached the state of perfection of the Nine Divine Souls, but why am I still unable to climb to the next level? ! ’

As time went by, Emperor Wei's clone gradually became a little impatient, irritated by the fact that he could not climb to the next level to receive the Ten Forgings of the Divine Soul.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

At this moment, Du Long, who had been standing on the 6666th step for the same length of time as him, actually began to teleport back and forth between the more than 300 steps. This strange behavior made Emperor Wei's clone feel confused. Puzzled.

‘The 6666th step this guy is on should be the last step of the Eighteen Souls, right? ! Could it be that he also encountered similar problems to himself? ! ’

Emperor Wei's clone quickly deduced Du Long's situation, which also made him feel less restless and restless. After all, he was not the only one who was blocked at the bottleneck and couldn't break through.

'etc! Not quite right! Before that kid came here, he should have only reached the Great Perfection of the Nine Divine Soul Refinements. Now that he has almost completed the Eighteen Divine Soul Refinements, it also means that he has successfully broken through the bottleneck of this level! ’

'Could it be that. . . I want to break through this last bottleneck. . . Do you need to run back and forth within the steps of this forge like he did, and then find some kind of special fluctuation change? ! ’

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