Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2615 Eighteen Forged Souls

Time flies, time flies!

Living in the space where time was accelerating a million times, Du Long couldn't feel the passage of time at all, and he kept climbing up more than 3,000 steps.

Ever since he successfully killed several powerful Nine Divine Souls, including the formation, the Soul Clan seemed to have nothing to do with him, and they no longer had the illusion of killing Du Long who had climbed up to the higher steps of the Soul Cultivation Tower.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years passed quietly between the fingers. Compared with the flow of time a million times faster, the real time has only passed more than half a month!

Du Long finally arrived at the 4073rd step, which also represents the final bottleneck of the Eleventh Divine Soul Forging. Once this step is successfully completed, it will be the completion of the Eleventh Divine Soul Forging.

Feeling that the soul-forging realm had once again reached the bottleneck point of cultivation, Du Long exhaled a breath of turbid air subconsciously, and while continuing to forge the soul, he began to think about how to break through this bottleneck point next.

Although it is possible to break through the bottleneck by blindly practicing hard, it will always waste a lot of time and energy. It is best to find the most appropriate way to break through this bottleneck.

After having previous breakthrough experience, he had actually thought of how to break through this bottleneck, but he was not in a hurry to implement it.

Turning his head to look at the bottom of the pyramid, there were still hundreds of figures standing on the three to four hundred steps. They were the powerful soul clan men who had been carrying two layers of defensive shields and receiving soul training there.

‘They had sent twenty teams into the two jade passages before. More than 40,000 years have passed, but they have never seen any team return to the island. ’

‘I don’t know if those teams fell on the road of exploration. . . Or have you found a new opportunity and are you accepting new opportunities and tests? ! ’

'wrong! Those teams should not have found a better opportunity than the God Cultivation Tower, otherwise the hundreds of powerful soul clans below would have rushed there long ago. How could they have stayed to accept the inheritance of the Divine Soul Nine Forges? ! ’

Du Long stared at the many strong soul clan men below with complex eyes, and different thoughts flashed through his mind, obviously speculating on the situation on the soul clan side.

‘That’s all! Regardless of whether they can get other opportunities to test, the soul-forging test they are currently undergoing has not yet been completed, so how can they have time to care about other people's situations? ! ’

Du Long finally decided not to think too much, and immediately expanded the multi-dimensional space-time shadow from his body, completely covering the 3,703 to 4,073 steps.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Immediately afterwards, he began to use the multi-dimensional space-time movement technique, running up and down the steps and teleporting. With the help of teleporting again and again, he quickly found the changing pattern of the divine soul's pressure.

After remembering the changing pattern of the divine soul's pressure in his heart, he returned to the 4073rd step and began to practice soul forging again.

It's just that in his current soul-forging cultivation process, he has added a small section of the changing rules of divine soul pressure that he has just mastered, and the feeling of being able to quickly break through the final bottleneck came to his mind again.

‘Sure enough! ’ Du Long secretly muttered excitedly: ‘Every final bottleneck of the soul has a key that can be quickly broken through, and he has obviously found this key key! ’

With such an exciting thought, Du Long continued to train his soul with all his strength. His previous weird teleportation behavior fell into the eyes of everyone in the soul clan, and no one could deduce what he was doing.

Time continued to pass, and it lasted for another few decades or so one day!

Du Long finally burst out with a powerful soul aura, but this soul aura was restricted to a certain area by the steps of the pyramid, and the powerful soul clan men below could not feel it at all.

‘Finally broke through and reached the perfect state of the eleventh forging of the soul? ! ’ Du Long felt the transformation and sublimation from his soul, and excitedly thought to himself again: ‘I don’t know how much my soul’s cultivation level has improved after reaching this state? ! ’

With the rise of this idea, he began to seriously understand the changes in his soul cultivation, sinking a lot of his mind into the soul space, and carefully observing the huge changes inside the soul space.

‘The ocean of soul power has expanded by a large circle. . . The sword-shaped soul also seemed to have grown in size. . . Apart from that, there don't seem to be any other changes? ! ’

'No! Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for the sword-shaped soul to be improved? Have you already reached the level of perfection in the supreme realm? It stands to reason that the origin of the soul has been finalized and cannot be improved at all! ’

'However? Because of successfully reaching the perfection level of the Eleventh Divine Soul Forging, the origin of the soul that should have been unable to be improved has once again been transformed and sublimated. . . ’

‘In this way, I should be able to divide the sword-shaped soul from one thousand and twenty-four into two thousand and forty-eight again! ’

'In addition, the power of the liquid soul sword that I can condense should also be greatly improved. It is not clear how much it can be improved! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

As Du Long began to conduct an in-depth exploration of his soul's cultivation, he gradually gained a deeper understanding of his soul's cultivation after reaching the Eleventh Level of Divine Soul.

One thought after another kept flashing through my mind, and I didn't stop until I found nothing else? Then I immediately couldn't wait to start upgrading and practicing the soul, and I was in no hurry to continue climbing to a higher level!

He has basically understood one thing now, that is, every time the soul-forging practice improves, the sword-shaped soul can be divided into two again.

Every time the sword-shaped soul is divided, the number of liquid soul swords he can condense at one time will double, and his cultivation strength in the soul attack will also increase a lot!

Boo hoo hoo. . .

In the Soul Space, one thousand and twenty-four Yuan Shen Swords were still flying all over the sky. Du Long began to divide one of the Yuan Shen Swords? He wanted to split it into two.

This process does not seem difficult, but in fact there is no room for any mistakes. After all, every soul sword is the core source of Du Long's soul. Any mistakes will cause extremely fatal damage.

With the previous successful experience, Du Long's current soul cultivation level has been greatly improved and transformed, and it does not take much time to continue to divide the sword of the soul.

After probably hundreds of years of continuous practice, Du Long finally divided the Yuanshen Sword into 2,048 strands, and in the process of overlapping and dividing again and again, he quickly mastered this multi-divided Yuanshen sword. process.


Watching more than two thousand soul swords flying in front of his eyes with a complicated expression, Du Long exhaled a long breath and said: 'Finally succeeded! Now is the time to practice the sword that condenses more than two thousand liquid soul powers! ’

Suddenly, his mind began to focus on the boundless ocean of soul power in the divine soul space. Swords of liquid soul power continued to condense and form one after another. Du Long began to condense more than two thousand liquid souls at the fastest speed. The sword of power.

‘The power of these liquid soul swords is not powerful enough! I can also compress them to be more powerful, trying to condense the power to a level that is not weaker than before, and the speed must be faster! ’

Above the ocean of soul power, the more than two thousand liquid soul power swords that had just been condensed dissipated out of thin air again, and then re-compressed and condensed into shape. After forming, they were disbanded and the cycle repeated.

Du Long wants to reach the point where practice makes perfect through this continuous training process, so that he can condense the most powerful liquid soul sword as quickly as possible in actual combat in the future!

After practicing like this for more than ten years, one day, after feeling that he could no longer improve in a short period of time, Du Long finally stepped up to a higher level without hesitation.

This time, he did not attack the soul team again after the breakthrough. Just improving the soul cultivation level by one level was not enough to crush the enemy below. After all, there were a large number of breakthroughs within the opponent to reach the realm of immortal creation god-level souls.

With so many immortal creation gods joining forces, it is almost impossible for Du Long to crush the opponent with his own strength!

Starting from the 4074th step, Du Long's soul-forging cultivation speed dropped a lot again, and the time spent on each step suddenly reached two hundred years!

There are a total of 370 steps in the Twelve Divine Soul Forges. Each step takes an average of two hundred years. If you want to reach the final bottleneck of the Twelve Divine Soul Forges, it will take at least 70,000 to 80,000 years.

In this spiritual space that accelerates time a million times, there is no need to worry about taking too long. Du Long can concentrate on cultivating without any distractions.

Seventy or eighty thousand years passed quietly between his fingers. He once again found the key to the final bottleneck of the Twelve Forges of the Soul, and then spent some time to break through and reach the perfect state of the Twelve Forges.

Then he divided the Soul Sword from two thousand and forty-eight into four thousand and ninety-six, and continued to repeat the processes after the eleventh forging of the soul.

Followed closely by the Divine Soul Thirteen Forge and Fourteen Forge. . . Until the eighteenth year, he continued to practice hard like this, spending a total of more than 1.8 million years.

Of course, the 1.8 million years in the Yangshen Space is only more than a year in the outside world!

"A bunch of idiots!! They have sent so many teams into various secret spaces. More than a year has passed. One or two million years have passed in those secret realms that have a million times acceleration of time. , but still haven’t found the core place of inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji?!”

In the Soul King's Mansion, the angry shouts of King Wei's clone rang out in a large hall. The other powerful Soul Clan men in the hall all lowered their heads, not knowing how to answer his question.

"Are you all deaf?!" Seeing that no one below answered his question, Emperor Wei's clone immediately yelled angrily: "Are you as brainless as those idiots?! What should we do next? ! Should we continue to wait or choose one of the secret realms to enter and accept a certain inheritance test?!"

"Your Majesty!" The black-robed man stepped out and replied: "After all, this is the inheritance left by the Soul King Yu Ji. I think that simply by sending people in to look for it... More than 80% of the time, we can't find it. The inheritance is important!”

"Oh?!" Emperor Wei's clone's expression softened a little, and he asked curiously: "Then what do you have in mind?!"

"According to the inheritance situation of many Xuantian secret realms, if you want to obtain the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji, you will probably need to send tribesmen with relatively high talents in the soul to go to various secret realms to accept various tests. Perhaps only those who pass Only those tribesmen who have been tested will have the opportunity to touch the core of the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji!" The man in black robe explained in a deep voice.

On the main seat, Emperor Wei's clone frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about some difficult problem, and did not speak again for a long time.

"Let's do it!" After thinking for a long time, he finally nodded and made a decision: "In this case, we don't have to stay and wait for the results. Let's start studying how to allocate all the manpower to various secret realms, and then we will separate. Enter those secret realms and accept the test!”

In this way, the main hall began to study carefully along this line of thinking. Through the recent exploration of various secret realms, the Soul Clan has a certain understanding of the conditions inside those secret realms.

Therefore, everyone naturally had a clear idea of ​​how to allocate manpower. Thousands of people were quickly divided into several teams. The largest team was personally led by Emperor Wei’s clone, and more than 3,000 people chose to enter together. A restful space.

Within the Soul Cultivation Space, the most valuable thing is naturally the Soul Cultivation Tower. According to the information obtained by the Soul Clan, it is a Soul Forging inheritance tower, or an inheritance pagoda that far exceeds the Nine Forgings of Souls!

This time, Emperor Wei's clone led tens of thousands of great gods into the Mystic Realm of the Dragon. Previously, they sent two to three thousand men and horses into several secret realms. In just the space for spiritual cultivation, they sent nearly half a man, which is enough to show that they have a deep understanding of the spiritual space. degree of importance.

Pyramid, on step 6666.

Du Long has been trapped on this step for a long time. He has also run back and forth to explore the 370 steps below this step several times, integrating the changing rules of the divine soul's pressure into the soul-forging practice, but he has never been able to Find that feeling of being able to break through the bottleneck.

‘Something’s not right! This step is the final bottleneck of the Eighteen Calculations of the Divine Soul. I am also doing it according to my previous training experience, but why can't I find the feeling of being able to break through? ! ’

‘Nine forged souls. . . Eighteen forged. . . These should belong to two larger levels. Is it because of this reason that we cannot break through the bottleneck according to the previous method? ! ’

While Du Long was thinking about various possibilities in his mind, a team of three thousand people finally appeared at the entrance of the jade passage, formed a long snake and rushed towards the island.

I saw Emperor Wei's clone and the black-robed man in the center of the team. The soul tribe woman named Yin also appeared in the team. She could see that her face looked completely proud of a high-spirited villain. .

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