Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2601 Wishful Thinking

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

On the jade passage, a figure with three heads and six arms was running forward at high speed. It was Du Long who was simulating a sword of liquid soul power in the soul space as he advanced.

In the blink of an eye, tens or even hundreds of years have passed, and Du Long has been able to successfully condense 512 liquid soul swords in one breath, and no longer make mistakes in the process of merging the two swords.

In other words, he can now successfully condense 512 liquid soul swords in one breath, and successfully merge them into one, until there are only eight liquid soul swords left.

Du Long did not stop there, but continued to repeat the same operation in the soul space, condensing and compressing the liquid soul power sword, and finally disbanding the successfully fused soul power sword.

Through this repeated operation again and again, the time he spent condensing, compressing and fusing the liquid soul power sword was also continuously reduced.

Just as he was condensing the fused liquid soul swords more and more smoothly, an isolated island actually appeared at the far end of the jade channel in front of him, which also shocked the mind of the person who was on the way.

"Is that... the end of the soul vein in front of you?! No... that place that looks like an island seems to have more than just a jade passage connecting it!"

Looking far into the distance, with the help of the Eye of Thunder, Du Long quickly saw the general situation of the island. In addition to several jade passages connecting it, the outlines of many buildings on the island could also be vaguely seen.

He dodged and rushed over without much hesitation. After running on this ocean of soul power for so many years, how could he retreat when he finally saw an island? !

Soon, Du Long came to the island. Looking at it, it should be a small island with a radius of less than a thousand miles. The island is dotted with pavilions and pavilions. There is a pyramid-like peak in the center of the island.

Because the entire space was shrouded in a large amount of soul power mist, Du Long could not see the top of the pyramid peak when he stood outside the island. Even through the Eye of Thunder, he could only see the outline of a triangle.

In the three-headed and six-armed fighting form, Du Long took out his sword and ax and picked up three creation weapons. After preparing for defense, he ducked into the island and walked slowly towards the center of the island along a jade passage.

The steps that seemed to be moving forward slowly were actually miles away. Du Long took stock of his surroundings as he moved forward.

The environment of the entire island is extremely beautiful, with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants growing on it. Almost none of the flowers and plants are Du Long's familiar species.

Waves of floral aroma came from the smelly tip, and Du Long couldn't help but take a deep breath, and immediately felt a very comfortable feeling rushing to his limbs, and even his whole soul had a warm feeling.

"The Temple of Nourishment...the space to nourish the mind! I finally feel a little bit of a sense of nourishment...but what kind of mysteries are hidden in this kind of time and space that should be helpful to the soul?!"

Feeling the comfortable feeling that reached his soul, Du Long couldn't help but express his doubts again. He did not stop with his feet, but continued to walk towards the pyramid in the center of the island.

The entire island was silent, not only could no animals be seen, not even the slightest movement could be seen.

It's as if the beautiful scene in front of you has been frozen and solidified. It feels a bit fake to the eyes, as if the beautiful scenery in front of you is a dream scene.

With this doubt in his mind, Du Long did not try to enter the surrounding buildings, but walked towards the pyramid in the middle of the island without stopping.

"Shen Yang Pagoda?!" Standing at the bottom of the pyramid, Du Long looked at a stone tablet with some surprise, on which were clearly engraved the three characters of "Shen Yang Pagoda": "Apart from these three words... there are still no extra comments?!"

Du Long shook his head helplessly and sighed. This kind of dumbfounded situation made him very speechless. He had no idea where this place was and what the purpose of its existence was.

Since he didn't get any useful information, he had to work hard to find it by himself. Du Long moved his eyes away from the stone tablet and began to seriously look at the towering spiritual pyramid in front of him.

This is a pyramid built with pieces of golden cube crystals. Each golden cube crystal is almost the same size, and each surface is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the figure of Du Long standing there.

"What kind of material are these golden cube crystals made of?! They seem to be the best conductors of soul power?! It can be sensed that a large amount of soul power is flowing in them at high speed..."

"Look at the flow direction of the soul power... Is it flowing towards the top of the tower?! What is there on the top of the tower above the clouds?!"

Looking up at the top of the tower that was obscured by the clouds, Du Long's eyes showed undisguised curiosity. He immediately carefully stepped onto the first step of the pyramid. When he found that he was not under any attack, he began to climb faster.


As Du Long began to climb the steps of the pyramid step by step, a terrifying pressure from the soul came, and this pressure made his steps slow down.

"Soul pressure?! Is this another test?!"

After just a slight hesitation, he no longer took this pressure to heart and began to climb step by step towards the top of the pyramid.

As he went higher and higher, the pressure against the soul began to become stronger and stronger, and the expression on Du Long's face gradually became a little solemn.

"No! At this rate of increase in soul pressure... I can only climb to one-third of the height at most, and there is no way I can successfully reach the summit!" Du Long quickly calculated such an unoptimistic result.

"Does it mean that in the process of climbing...you have to comprehend some kind of mystery of the soul in order to reach a higher position?!"

With such a doubt, Du Long quickly arrived about one-third of the way to the pyramid, and then he had to stop under the influence of a terrifying divine soul pressure.

Looking at the next step in front of him, he felt as if there was a chasm between them. His legs were trembling involuntarily as he was as strong as Du Long.

"No matter! I'll fight you! I don't believe that I can't even take this step with my own strength?!"

After hesitating for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and took that step. Suddenly, he felt a muffled buzz in his head, and his whole body was thrown backwards.


After falling down dozens of steps in embarrassment, Du Long stepped heavily on a certain step and finally stopped his fall.

Feeling the surging energy and blood in his body, Du Long glanced at his surroundings speechlessly, then sat cross-legged on the steps to heal his injuries while secretly thinking about the current encounter.

He needs to think clearly about his current situation, whether to continue to find a way to reach the top of the pyramid, or to retreat from the pyramid and explore other parts of the island.

"No! Without knowing anything about this pyramid, there is absolutely no point in trying to climb to the top blindly. You must find enough reasons to climb to the top before doing so is the right choice!"

After just thinking about it for a long time, Du Long decided to give up his plan to climb the pyramid for the time being. At the very least, he wanted to figure out what kind of existence the pyramid in front of him was.

Dodging directly and rushing down the pyramid, Du Long began to circle around the pyramid and came to another triangular surface. There was only a stone tablet engraved with the God Yang Pagoda, and there was no other written explanation.

After pondering for a moment, Du Long decided to try to climb up from this side to see which step he could climb. But when he stepped onto the first step, he was immediately hit by an extremely tyrannical force. Send it back to Todoroki.

"Isn't it?!" Du Long suppressed the surging energy and blood in his body and muttered speechlessly: "You can't even stand on the first step when climbing from this side?!"

After saying something nagging, he immediately dodged around to the last triangular face of the pyramid, and then climbed up the first step carefully, only to be knocked down again on the first step.

"Soul Cultivation Tower?! One side can still climb one-third of the height, but the other two sides can't even stand on the first step?! It seems that the tyrannical force is only impacting the soul... Do you need yourself? Only when you reach a certain height in terms of soul can you climb up?!"

With a lot of doubts and confusion in his heart, Du Long could only turn his attention to other buildings on the island, and finally locked his eyes on the tallest palace, and then rushed over without hesitation.

Since you can't find the answer you want here in the pyramid, you can only look for it elsewhere.


Just when he left the jade passage and wanted to fly towards the building, he bumped directly into an invisible energy wall, and a luminous energy wall blocked him in front of him.

"Magic array energy wall?!" Du Long suddenly rolled his eyes and said: "Look at the extent of this energy wall, it covers almost all buildings?!"

The energy wall is invisible under normal circumstances. When he hit it like this, the entire area covered by the energy wall was revealed on the spot. As he said, there were only three paths left except the pyramid in the center of the island. The route to the Jade Passage is not covered.

"What should I do?! There are only two ways left for me to go. Either continue to leave along the jade passage, or continue to break into the God Cultivation Tower?!" Du Long looked helplessly at the pyramid behind him, and finally I could only grit my teeth and go back to the third side that I had successfully climbed before.

He directly raised his feet and stepped onto the first step, and then he was not in a hurry to climb up. Instead, he began to look for the mystery contained in the God Cultivation Tower from the pressure of the divine soul.

Time continued to pass, and Du Long stood on the first step and blinked for several months. Before he could find the hidden secrets of the pyramid, an uninvited guest rushed over from the jade passage where he came.

The person who came was none other than the grey-haired middle-aged man from the Soul Clan. After many years of traveling through the jade passage, he finally arrived at this strange island.

"Why is it him?!" Zou saw Du Long standing on the first step of the pyramid at a glance, frowned and thought to himself: "Is this kid accepting the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji?!"

"No! The inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji must not fall into the hands of this son. No matter what the price, we must stop him!!"

A sharp light flashed in Zou's eyes, and he made a decision without much hesitation. The inheritance related to Soul King Yu Ji must not be taken away by others.

I saw him pondering for a moment, and then sent a brief message to the outside world, briefly reporting the situation here to his superiors.

After finishing these things, Zou Dang rushed into the island without hesitation, and then five figures appeared directly beside him. Six people formed an attack team and rushed straight to the pyramid where Du Long was.

"Eh?! They actually came here?!"

After being distracted countless times, Du Long left a piece of his mind to be on guard. Naturally, he also discovered traces of the Soul Clan team, and various ways to deal with them immediately flashed through his mind.

"It took a lot of effort to get here. We must not give up this island without a fight!" Du Long made an instant decision, that is, he was not willing to just run away without a fight, even if he had to face a breakthrough to reach the level of the Immortal Creation God. The same goes for the strong ones.

Under the three heads and six arms, one of the heads faced the direction of the pyramid. He raised his head and glanced at the towering pyramid. He quickly thought of a solution and climbed up directly.

The six strong men from the Soul Clan quickly rushed to the bottom of the pyramid. They also knew that Du Long had discovered his whereabouts and saw that he was constantly climbing towards the top of the pyramid.

"Soul-nurturing Tower?! Haha! This should be the Soul-nurturing Pyramid mentioned in the classics..." The gray-haired middle-aged man stared at the stone tablet with bright eyes and laughed excitedly.

"That's right! It should be this place. I didn't expect that we would actually find this God-nurturing Tower?! Haha! From now on, what if we can't get the Divine Soul Nine Forging Techniques?! It's not like we can still find it in this place?! The ninth or even tenth forging of the soul can be achieved here?!"

Du Long, who was on the steps of the pyramid, moved his ears slightly, apparently hearing the conversation between these strong soul clan men. It seemed that the other party had a much deeper understanding of this island than he did.

"It seems... we have to find a way to capture one or two alive. We must find a way to find out the true secret of this God-raising Tower from their mouths!"

At the bottom of the pyramid, the excited gray-haired middle-aged man looked up at Du Long on the steps, with a hint of envy, jealousy, and a bit of disdain in his eyes.

"You brat! I have to say that you, who has successfully cultivated your soul to the ninth level, have a certain advantage on this pyramid. It's just a pity that it is absolutely wishful thinking to successfully reach the top based on your soul cultivation!!"

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