Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2599 Soul Vein

"Who can tell me what is going on?! Why can that kid teleport to kill people when time and space are blocked? Why doesn't any abnormal space fluctuation occur when teleporting?!"

On the surface, he looked like he was questioning the others angrily, but in fact, he was hiding his guilty conscience that he did not dare to continue chasing his opponent. The gray-haired middle-aged man's roar resounded over the ocean of soul power.

The remaining seven people from the Soul Clan were all looking at each other, not knowing how to answer Zuo's question, because no one at the scene knew what was going on.

"Um..." After the dead silence at the scene lasted for a long time, Lu, the only female team member, finally couldn't help but break the silence and said: "Boss Zuo! What should we do now?! Should we continue to pursue that Xuantian Dragon Lord?" !”

"You're still chasing after shit!" Zuo rolled his eyes angrily and said, "Are you going to catch up again and die?! Without the protection of an energy shield, what other benefits can there be besides chasing you to death?!"

"Then..." Lu was speechless and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Alas!" The gray-haired middle-aged Zou sighed helplessly: "Let's let that kid go for now! We must pass everything that happened here back to the clan, and then study what the kid did. To teleport within the blocked time and space, otherwise..."

He didn't need to say the next words too clearly. Everyone at the scene naturally understood what he meant. Before they understood the enemy's hidden strength, they could only huddle together to save their lives.

Soon after, Zuo personally transmitted these things that happened in the Yangshen Temple space.

As a peak powerhouse at the level of the Creation God of the Immortal World, he led the team this time with the important task of finding the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji. Now that he has finally found the target, he naturally has to do something to the top of the Soul Clan. A report.

"I've received a reply from the senior members of the clan!" A moment later, Zuo's voice rang out again. Everyone on the side looked at him, and Lu couldn't wait to ask: "What did the senior leaders of the clan say?!"

"It's very simple! That is to focus on the inheritance of the Soul King Yu Ji!" Zou Shen Sheng said the content of the letter he received: "In this way, we don't need to continue to waste time and energy on that boy. , but to focus on exploring and finding the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji!"


All the strong soul clan men nodded one after another, all feeling a sense of relief.

To be honest, during the siege of Dulong, they witnessed the continuous decline of the team members around them, and their hearts could only be described as extremely stressful.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

On the jade path, Du Long flew towards the depths of the path without looking back, not bothering to pay attention to the group of frightened soul clan experts.

This long and narrow passage was not a good place to ambush and kill powerful enemies. He did not expect that he could kill the Soul Clan's group here.

Using the secrets of multi-dimensional time and space to perform teleportation techniques is not invincible. For the time being, it is just to take advantage of the enemy who has never encountered this movement technique before. Once the opponent reacts, he will be in trouble.

To give a simple example, if the group of powerful souls from the Soul Clan who have already reached the level of the Immortal Creation God join forces to release a divine soul to attack the dragon snake.

There is not much room to dodge in this long and narrow passage. Du Long will have to race against the opponent's soul attack to see who can run faster!

Before, those people had not yet broken through to the soul realm of the Immortal Creation God level, and launching soul attacks would make him exhausted. Now if he launches soul attacks again after the breakthrough, he really does not have much confidence that he can handle it.

In this way, Du Long directly threw the seven soul clan members far away, and alone along the winding jade path, he continued to fly towards the depths of the soul power ocean.

"Eh?! There's actually a fork in the road here?!" After running forward at high speed for several days, Du Long suddenly stopped and looked at the double fork in front of him in surprise.

Originally there was only one jade path, but now it is divided into two passages to the left and right. The two passages seem to be the same size, and it is impossible to tell the difference between the two.

"Which way should I choose to go?!" Du Long looked at the crossroads in front of him with hesitation, then turned to look at the passage from behind, then gritted his teeth and said: "That's it! Since it looks like There’s not much difference, so just leave it to fate and choose one!”

After the words fell, Du Long no longer hesitated and rushed towards the fork on the left, and then continued to fly forward along the jade passage.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

A figure was running forward at high speed. Du Long had already released the Mahayana Thousand Hands Divine Power, and was just running forward in a fighting form with three heads and six arms.

Running at high speed in the three-headed and thousand-armed state has some effects. Anyway, it is not as relaxed as the three-headed and six-armed state. If you continue to advance in the three-headed and six-armed fighting form, you can maintain a combat alert state without causing too much resistance to high-speed advancement. .

After advancing for a few days, Du Long once again came to another double-fork intersection. This time, he didn't even bother to stop. He dodged and rushed into the passage on the right, and then continued to run forward at high speed.

In the following days, he continued to encounter similar double-crossings, and he did not deliberately choose which direction to go forward, but randomly chose the direction to go.

As a result, it would be extremely difficult for the seven soul clan members behind him to catch up with Du Long on this jade passage.

"It's strange! This space is called a spiritual resting space... I have been running in it for so long, but I don't feel any spiritual resting effect at all?!"

"Looking around is the endless ocean of soul power. It's a bit like the ocean of soul power in the lost world in my hometown. The ocean of soul power in that lost world was just the ocean of soul power of a Heavenly Emperor."

"Could it be that... this is also the soul space of a certain strong man?! This endless ocean in front of you... is just the ocean of soul power of that strong man?!"

"If this is the case, then the owner of this soul power ocean should be very powerful. If not...the powerful soul clan masters who have broken through to reach the level of the Immortal Creation God will not suffer the strong suppression here. . . ”

While galloping forward at full speed, Du Long was still secretly guessing the origin of the time and space in front of him. For the time being, he could only speculate that this place should be an ocean of soul power that far exceeded the realm of ordinary immortal creation gods.

"If there is a super powerful man's soul space here, besides the endless ocean of soul power around him, what are the jade passages under his feet?!"

Part of Du Long's attention was attracted by the jade passage under his feet. The long road was endless and boring, and he actually began to study the jade passage under his feet.

"Eh?! Something's not right... The passage under your feet doesn't seem to be paved with ordinary jade... This passage that looks like jade... should be a whole naturally formed jade crystal?!"

"That means...the jade passage that I have traveled hundreds of millions of miles on is basically a passage like blood?!"

"No! Bloodline only exists inside the physical body... What exists inside the soul space should be called... soul bloodline?!" Du Long murmured as if he was convinced.

"Soul vein?! What is a soul vein?! Why is there no such soul vein in the ocean of soul power within my soul space?!"

"What is the function of this kind of soul vein that is similar to a jade channel?! Could it be used to... transport the power of the soul?! Or does it still have a function that I don't know about?!"

While running for a long distance, Du Long was bored and had all kinds of strange thoughts popping up in his mind. He actually thought that the jade channel under his feet was a soul vein similar to blood? !

"If... this jade passage is really the soul vein of a powerful person... then how is the soul vein formed?! What level of soul must be reached... to form the soul vein? !”

"Could it be that... to reach the soul realm like Sister Soul King Yu Ji, only such a soul vein can be condensed on the ocean of soul power?! But what is the use of this soul vein?!"

"When I entered this space, I arrived at a place similar to a square. In this case, the soul veins under my feet may not all have an end. The so-called spiritual cultivation... should only be met when you reach the end of a certain soul vein, right?!"

Because there were no outsiders around, Du Long would speak directly when he thought of these important issues, and his words would naturally fall into the ears of someone who was interested.

Somewhere deep in this space, an illusory figure is standing silently on the shore of the soul power, staring faintly at the depths of the soul power ocean, and it seems that one can clearly see the figure running at high speed on the jade channel. That figure.

"This son is able to be recognized by Princess Xin and Gen Ling. He is indeed extraordinary...can he actually see that it is a soul channel?!"

"Since I can see that it is a soul channel, I would like to see if he can still comprehend some of the secrets in the soul channel. By then, even if his talent in the soul channel is not too high, maybe he can make an exception and be accepted as a soul channel. Registered disciple?!"

This illusory figure is clearly the energy clone of the legendary Soul King Yu Ji. It should still have the memory of Soul King Yu Ji, but it seems that he is not particularly satisfied with Du Long's talent in the soul.

It is precisely because of this that he always gave Du Long some preferential treatment for the sake of Princess Xin and the Dragon Array Spirit. Otherwise, he might not even take him to heart.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Du Long didn't know that the memory energy clone of Soul King Yu Ji was watching him from a distance. After he didn't get a response from her when he spoke before, he thought that the other party was not in this time and space.

The road was long, and apart from the endless ocean of soul power, the only thing left was the jade passage at the sole of his feet. In order to pass the time, Du Long simply devoted most of his attention to it and began to study the mystery of this jade passage.

With countless distractions, he began to carry out comprehensive research on the jade channel, including research on the material composition of the jade channel, and research on the changes in the route of the jade channel, etc.

During the comprehensive research on this passage, Du Long also vaguely found some clues, but unfortunately he was unable to find any useful information.

Just when Du Long was spending a lot of time and energy to study the jade passage under his feet, the seven strong men of the Soul Clan who were teaming up on another jade fork road were experiencing life and death tests again and again at this moment. .

Oh ho!

The ocean of soul power that was relatively calm on Du Long's side was filled with huge waves in the sky on the side of the soul clan. Along with the huge waves, strange beasts with soul power would fly out, constantly attacking the group of souls. The strong men of the tribe launched an attack.

Facing this kind of strange beast that is purely composed of soul power, the only way to deal with it is to use attacks that restrain the soul power. In addition to being able to use soul attacks, the seven people in the soul clan also took out some magic weapons to deal with soul attacks.

Six of the seven people had reached the realm of the Immortal Creation God. With their combined efforts, they could only defeat those soul beasts without force. They had suffered a lot along the way.

They didn't know that Du Long's side was calm all the way, otherwise they would definitely have discovered a problem, that is, their choice to break through and reach the realm of the Immortal Creation God should be the main reason for triggering the abnormal attack of the soul power ocean.

This ocean of soul power does not seem to welcome such practitioners who have broken through to reach the realm of immortal creation gods, otherwise they would not treat intruders so differently.

Even if Soul King Yu Ji wanted to give Du Long preferential treatment, there would be a limit, and it would not be too obvious like this.

call out!

A soul power dragon suddenly broke through the soul power water surface and instantly hit the body of a strong soul clan man. His body trembled as if it had been struck by an electric shock.

Although his physical body had not suffered any damage, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, as if he was struggling on the edge of life and death, and his face was full of horror and fear.

"No! My soul protection is about to be breached...Save me quickly!!"

In just a moment, this strong soul clan man started asking for help in a panic. However, the other strong soul clan warriors didn't know how to save him. Outsiders could not participate in this kind of life-and-death confrontation that took place in the soul space inside the body.

In the end, everyone could only watch as he let out a scream of death, suddenly lost all life breath, and died on the spot in front of everyone.

"No! What the hell is this place?! Why are there such powerful supernatural beasts attacking us?! Are they going to kill everyone who comes in?!"

After witnessing the death of another teammate beside her, Lu, who had a relatively poor psychological quality, finally broke down and cried. She was obviously frightened by the successive encounters.

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