Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2594 Soul Guard

Boo hoo hoo. . .

In the fighting square inside the War Soul Hall, gray soul energy swords were flying in the sky, and from time to time they would launch fatal attacks on one of the scorpion monsters.

As time went by, Du Long had killed four or five batches of scorpion monsters. Each batch had only eight scorpion monsters, but their soul defenses were constantly improving.

In the past, it only took a dozen divine soul swords to kill a scorpion monster. After the fifth batch of scorpion monsters, it would take a hundred divine soul swords to kill one scorpion monster.

And this is the result of Du Long continuously compressing the density of the Soul Sword to continuously increase its lethality. If not, there is no telling how many Soul Swords it would take to kill a scorpion monster.

"Du Long! In addition to compressing the Soul Sword as much as possible, you also have to find a way to merge them into one Soul Sword. In this way, the power will naturally increase!"

Just when Du Long was struggling to expend a large amount of soul energy sword to kill the scorpion monster, the voice of Soul King Yu Ji rang again, which also opened another door for him to attack with soul!

After thanking him excitedly, he immediately started to implement it according to Soul King Yu Ji's reminder, and began to try to merge the soul energy swords into one.

Although this process was a bit cumbersome, he still succeeded. After being distracted and multi-purpose, he quickly merged all the soul energy swords into one, and then continued to launch a full attack on a certain scorpion monster that was locked.

The soul energy swords continuously hit the opponent's head, causing heavy soul damage to it again and again. At first, the scorpion monster was able to hold back and launched a full-power attack at Du Long crazily.

But as the number of attacks increased, the scorpion monster finally reached the limit of what it could endure, and could no longer maintain its composure to defend and attack.

In the later stages, the Divine Soul Energy Sword can hit the scorpion monster's head more easily. Compared to Du Long, the opponent is almost undefended, and is finally completely killed by a certain Divine Soul Energy Sword!


The huge body of the scorpion monster suddenly fell to the ground, and Du Long no longer paid attention to the scorpion monster that had completely lost its life breath, and directly dodged and rushed towards the next target.

"After two soul power swords are fused into one, the number of soul power swords required to kill a scorpion monster has been reduced by nearly half. It seems that the fusion of soul power swords has greatly helped the attack power!" Du Longbian Rushing to the next target, Bian muttered something with deep understanding.

"Since two swords of soul power can be fused into one...then is it possible to fuse two times or even three times or four times?!"

Such an idea suddenly flashed in his mind. He was not in a hurry to kill the other scorpion monster, and directly started to implement this idea.

First, two soul power swords are fused into one. After successfully completing the first fusion, two pairs are fused for the second time, and then the third fusion is completed. . . In this way, after six fusions, it seemed a little inadequate.

So far, he has only been able to cast 512 Soul Power Swords at once. After six fusions, there are only eight Soul Power Swords left.

If calculated in this way, each soul power sword now contains sixty-four of the most primitive soul power swords, and the size of the entire soul power sword has also increased several times.


At this moment, all eight soul power swords were still inside Du Long's soul space. When he drank lightly, one of the soul power swords shot out instantly and shot straight at the scorpion monster he was targeting.

Before launching the attack with the Soul Power Sword, he was distracted and wielding thousands of creation weapons, launching an all-out attack on the scorpion monster. The purpose was naturally to divert the opponent's attention.

call out!

The enlarged version of the Soul Power Sword suddenly shot out, and before the scorpion monster could react, it directly hit the vital part of its head.

The scorpion monster's body suddenly froze, and it didn't even let out a scream. It just fell to the ground.

"Not dead yet?! He probably just fainted..." Du Long instantly judged the opponent's current state, murmured, and immediately fired a second enlarged version of the Soul Sword at the opponent's head.

The sword of soul power shot directly into the scorpion monster's head without making any sound. The only trace of life remaining on the opponent's body disappeared completely as if a light had been blown out!

"As expected! It would have taken hundreds of soul power swords to kill these scorpion monsters. After fusion, the two soul power swords can just kill them!" A faint smile appeared on the corner of Du Long's mouth, and he was very concerned about the soul power attack. I have a deeper understanding of power.

Then continue to lock on the next target and start attacking. Although the process of killing the scorpion monster has various twists and turns, you only need to shoot two soul power swords to kill one of the scorpion monsters in this batch.


The last scorpion monster suddenly fell to the ground, and the breath of life on its body disappeared completely. Du Long secretly breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look in the direction of the eight gates.

While guarding against the appearance of another group of scorpion monsters, Du Long was also silently operating the Soul King Professor Yu Ji's Divine Soul Technique. In the center of the Soul Power Ocean within his Divine Soul Space, a huge soul power vortex was going round and round. The ground is moving.

Along with the movement of this soul power vortex, the soul energy that was shot out as a soul power sword will return to this soul power ocean at an extremely fast speed.

Du Long was distracted and multitasked like this, spending a lot of soul power to launch attacks, while running soul power skills to quickly recover the huge consumption!

Ta-ta-ta-ta. . .

He didn't wait too long behind the metal gate. The sixth batch of scorpion monsters rushed out menacingly. Their six slender legs hit the ground and made a crunching sound.

A new wave of battles started soon. Each of the sixth batch of scorpion monsters required four compressed and fused soul swords to kill. This was exactly what Du Long had expected.

After the sixth wave of scorpion monsters were eliminated without any danger, the seventh batch of eight-headed scorpion monsters followed. The seventh batch surprisingly required the use of all the eight fused and compressed soul power swords to kill one of them. .

Then came the eighth batch of scorpion monsters. It actually took sixteen compressed and fused soul power swords to kill one of them. By the ninth batch, it took thirty-two soul powers to kill one scorpion. Strange.

War Soul Hall, in the Fighting Square.

Du Long was currently dealing with the ninth batch of scorpion monsters. He had just successfully killed a scorpion monster and spent thirty-two compressed and fused soul power swords, which made him secretly feel a headache.

The thirty-two fused soul power swords must first be compressed with all their strength into the most original soul power sword, and then fused in pairs and repeated six times.

Just this compression and fusion process takes a lot of time, and killing a scorpion monster requires a huge amount of energy. This is the main reason why Du Long secretly feels a headache.

"Du Long! Your soul power sword is not compressed enough. You should continue to work harder on compression!" Soul King Yu Ji's voice sounded again: "The more tightly the soul power is compressed, the more powerful it will naturally be!"

"Thanks for the reminder, Sister Yu Ji, but...my process of compressing soul power is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. I'm afraid I won't be able to increase my attack power too much in a short period of time!" Du Long replied somewhat depressedly.

"Soul power compression will be very difficult in the early stage. As long as you practice it regularly and for a long time, it will become natural and the time spent on compression will continue to decrease!" Soul King Yu Ji patiently explained.

"I see!"

After Du Long responded, he immediately began to compress the Soul Power Sword with all his strength, compressing as much soul power as possible into the sword. In this way, the frequency of releasing the Soul Power Sword became much slower.

Time continued to pass, and one scorpion monster after another was killed by Du Long and fell to the ground. Until the last scorpion monster fell to the ground with a crash, some beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

It can be seen that the process of compressing and fusing the sword with soul power is very difficult. Even a strong man like him who has reached the supreme peak level of strength can be tired to this extent.


Taking a long breath, Du Long looked at the eight metal gates with alert eyes, quietly waiting for the next batch of scorpion monsters to appear.

"Congratulations! You successfully passed through the first level of the War Soul Palace. This is your reward!"

While waiting for the next batch of scorpion monsters to appear, the words of Soul King Yu Ji came to his ears. A golden light suddenly appeared in front of him, and it was a golden treasure seal!

"Is this the end of the challenge?! And what is this sealing magic weapon?!" The surprise came so suddenly that Du Long couldn't react for a while.

"With your current strength, you can only successfully pass the first level of the War Soul Palace!" Soul King Yu Ji's voice sounded again: "This is a high-level Soul Guard Seal, which should be enough for you to use Xuantian The strength is at the level of a creation god!"

"High-level soul guardian seal?!" Du Long looked at the golden seal in front of him with some curiosity and said: "Dare you ask sister Yu Ji... How should the soul guardians be divided into grades?!"

"You don't even know this?!" Soul King Yu Ji seemed a little surprised, and then she smiled in relief and said: "That's right! I forgot that you are a practitioner from a remote and backward civilized world."

"There are many levels of soul guardianship, but starting from reaching the Creation God, this level of soul guardianship is usually divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. Although there is the so-called first level above this, it is very rare. Existence, very few people can get it!”

"Upper, middle, lower...and top grade?!" Du Long frowned: "How should the strength of these grades be measured?!"

"It's very simple!" Soul King Yu Ji replied with a smile: "Based on the level of soul power attack you have reached so far, your strength can only break through the lowest-level soul guardians at most!"

"Me?! Destroyed the lowest-level soul guard?!" Although Du Long had some speculations, his face was still full of doubts and confusion.

call out!

He saw another golden light suddenly appear in front of him, and it was a ring from Gu Pu. Just when he didn't know what it was about, he heard the voice of Soul King Yu Ji rang again.

"You can divide the smallest part of your soul, and then condense it into an ordinary energy clone and wear this soul guardian ring. Your original body can launch a soul attack on the soul clone. You will understand after you experience it for yourself. !”

Du Long understood quickly and immediately separated a small sword-shaped soul. This sword-shaped soul extracted some energy from the Dantian world and condensed it into a small energy clone with the soul.

In this way, this small avatar of the energy soul has independent consciousness, and can also share its own memories with Du Long in real time!

The clone of Yuanshen directly picked up the ring and put it on. A golden mesh energy film enveloped the sword-shaped Yuanshen. Du Long instantly understood that this golden mesh energy membrane should be the soul guardian energy. membrane.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Swords of soul power shot out from Du Long's true body one after another. One of them shot directly towards the small clone of Yuanshen and shot into the clone's head in an instant.


Inside the head of the Yuanshen clone, a gray sword of soul power suddenly struck the golden mesh energy membrane, and the entire energy membrane immediately began to sag inward crazily.

It just stopped when the depression reached a certain limit. It was obvious that the soul energy sword attack launched by Du Long himself failed to break through the defense of this golden energy film.

This scene all fell into Du Long's eyes, and he understood everything naturally. In this way, he could intuitively see the scene of the soul guard being attacked.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Unable to explode it once, Du Long no longer hesitated and fired several soul swords one after another, constantly bombarding the soul guarding energy membrane.

This was a sword of soul power that had not yet been compressed and fused. Although there were many of them, it could not blast away the golden soul guarding energy membrane. After trying this for a while, he began to compress and fuse it with all his strength into the sword of eight soul powers.

The eight soul power swords shot out with all their strength and continuously bombarded the golden soul guarding energy membrane. Although the first few soul power swords bombarded the energy membrane to vibrate and tremble, they still could not explode it. Come.

It wasn't until the eighth compressed sword of soul power bombarded the energy membrane that the golden energy membrane exploded, finally reaching the limit of what it could defend!

After successfully blasting away the soul guardian energy membrane, the remaining massive soul power sword continued to shoot at the sword-shaped soul. Although it seemed to hit the target with great force, the thunder was loud and the rain was small, but it did not cause any damage.

The attacked Soul Sword and the Soul Power Sword are from the same source. The collision between the two is like fish hitting water, and there will be no harm to each other at all.


Du Long breathed a long sigh of relief and directly dismissed the small clones of the soul. He already had a deeper understanding of the so-called soul power attack intensity and the level of soul protection.

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