Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2561 Invisible Black Hand

"That's right! Has Mr. Du succeeded in breaking through the final bottleneck of the eleven-dimensional space-time change laws?!"

Princess Xin stared expectantly at the man sitting next to her. She could see the undisguised admiration in her eyes. She admired Du Long's talent in multi-dimensional time and space.

"We have broken through! Now I will share all the information about the final bottleneck with you. Then we will discuss another issue!" Du Long responded with a smile and wanted to share the memory information.

"A question?!" Princess Xin did not stop Du Long from reaching out to touch her forehead, but she still asked curiously.

"Yes!" Du Long frowned and replied: "It's too early to discuss this issue now. After you have successfully digested the last bottleneck information, it will not be too late for us to discuss it in detail!"

"All right!"

Princess Xin saw that Du Long was unwilling to say more now, so she could only nod and accept his suggestion. A huge amount of information poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, which was the final bottleneck of the eleven-dimensional time and space.

Seeing Princess Xin reentering the state of closed-eyes study and deduction, Du Long knew that she would not be able to digest all the information in a short time, so he immediately closed his eyes again and studied the luminous three-dimensional body in his Dantian world.

A polyhedron is similar to a football. The difference from a football is that a football is a spherical curved surface, while each face of the polyhedron in front of you is made of flat surfaces. The three-dimensional body in front of you is more like a polished transparent crystal!

Inside the three-dimensional body, apart from the extremely rich energy of heaven and earth, no sun, moon, stars or other cosmic stars can be seen. However, the energy contained inside this three-dimensional body is definitely far beyond that of an ordinary cosmic world!

Du Long was almost completely immersed in this three-dimensional body. With countless distractions, he began to study and deduce the internal space of the three-dimensional body from various directions.

The most important one is to try to find a way to integrate the eleven-dimensional space-time change laws that I have thoroughly studied into the three-dimensional body in front of me as much as possible.

In addition, he is still working hard to study all aspects of this three-dimensional body, such as how it should contact the chaotic world of Xuantian and how to absorb endless chaotic energy from it.

Another example is whether the three-dimensional body in front of me can be expanded and expanded. The current state should not be the best and perfect state. Otherwise, I would not be able to sink my mind into Princess Xin's Dantian world and observe this at close range. A faceted three-dimensional body.

After all, Du Long once had a clone who created the sixth level of Xuantian Jue, which caused the vibrations of the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, making it impossible for him to tell any outsiders about his breakthrough process.

In other words, as long as the path taken by the Xuantian Art can lead to the eternal and perfect world, it will be warned by Heaven, and it will never be allowed to reveal any information to outsiders casually.

The multi-dimensional road of time and space that Du Long and Princess Xin took did not attract any warning from Heaven. This also means that his current state is not a road to eternal perfection. It should be very important. There are errors and omissions.

And Du Long must work hard to find out this kind of mistake, and try his best to repair it further, so that his cultivation path can lead to the eternal and perfect world!

Time passed year after year. With time accelerating a million times, Du Long didn't care about the passage of time, but was immersed in research and deduction.

After this continued for hundreds of thousands of years, I heard Princess Xin beside me exhale a long breath, and then slowly opened her eyes, and I could see a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Have you successfully broken through the final bottleneck of the eleven-dimensional time and space?! How is it?! Did Princess Xin also find similar doubts?!" Du Long naturally saw the doubt in the other party's eyes, and immediately asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Princess Xin then turned to look at Du Long, her beautiful eyes gently blinked and said: "I guess Mr. Du must have discovered this problem too?!"

"Well!" Du Long responded in a deep voice: "The law of change in the eleven-dimensional space and time seems to have reached some kind of end, but it doesn't seem to be the end... but more like the end of a certain stage. Between the eleven dimensions There are definitely higher-dimensional space-time changes in the world, but if there is no reference object, we may no longer be able to deduce the changes in twelve-dimensional space-time out of thin air!"

"That's right!" Princess Xin frowned and nodded slightly in agreement: "Have Mr. Du been studying and deducing this problem all these years?! I wonder if you have discovered anything?!"

Du Long directly revealed some of his discoveries in recent years, and then changed the topic: "This is what I know. I dare to ask Princess Xin if she has any other opinions in this regard?! Regarding the multi-dimensional time and space within the Genlong Royal Family, Is there any information about this in the information?!"

Du Long has been waiting for many years to ask Princess Xin this question. Some information needs to be slowly studied and understood, but questions like this often only require a little guidance from insiders to find the right direction.

"This..." Faced with Du Long's inquiry, Princess Xin frowned and said undecidedly: "I only know that there should be a higher dimension of time and space above the eleventh dimension, but I have never heard of the eleventh dimension. There are still problems like this between the higher-level space-time dimensions..."

"Well!" Du Long shook his head with some disappointment and sighed: "I always feel that above the eleventh dimension, there should be another extremely mysterious high-dimensional space-time. Maybe... the twelveth dimension may be the eternal perfect world! "

"When it comes to information about the eternal perfect world, it is always deliberately hidden for some reason. This hiding seems to have been upgraded to the height of heaven. Even some information carriers cannot record any information related to the eternal perfect world. ..."

"That's right!" Princess Xin's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "My father once said similar words. My father said that there seems to be a pair of invisible big hands in this world, controlling everything secretly!"

"Really?!" Du Long raised his eyebrows suddenly and said, "That's right, I always feel that there seems to be a powerful force, and I don't want to see too many eternal and perfect worlds appear?!"

"That's right!" Princess Xin nodded fiercely and said: "Father also said this, and... I always feel that the destruction of the Dragon World is not an exception... There used to be many powerful beings who reached the level of eternal perfection. Forces will also suddenly suffer devastating blows due to some inexplicable reasons!"

"Isn't it?!" Du Long became a little uneasy and asked in astonishment: "Could it be said... that the world of Genlong has attracted powerful enemies just because it is close to reaching the level of eternal perfection? ?!”

"Maybe?!" Princess Xin sighed sadly: "My father once had an extremely uneasy premonition, but I didn't expect that this premonition would eventually come true."

"You must know that in our Dragon World, there are many people with very high levels of cultivation in the field of reincarnation and numerology. Under normal circumstances, as long as there are other forces that want to harm us, they will be sensed and calculated immediately."

"However, the Dragon World did not receive any warning until the moment it was destroyed. In the end, the entire Dragon World was destroyed, but it is still an unknown unsolved case within countless super-civilized forces!"

"Isn't this too exaggerated?!" Du Long murmured in disbelief: "Once a huge force like Genlong World is wiped out, the countless super civilized forces in the entire Xuantian Chaos World don't even know Who were you killed by?"

"Yes!" Princess Xin's eyes flashed with cold light, and she almost gritted her teeth and replied: "Similar to the situation where the Dragon World was destroyed, it is not unique in the entire Xuantian Chaos World!"

"Many forces believe that a powerful force should use destruction to devour the Dragon World, and then allow themselves to achieve a world of eternal perfection."

"But I always feel that the truth is not the case. The reason is very simple, that is, no force that has not reached the level of eternal perfection can quietly destroy the world of Genlong like this!"

"What's more, even if several worlds that are infinitely close to reaching the level of eternal perfection join forces to deal with the Dragon World, we should be able to sense and calculate in advance that the disaster is coming, and we will not be suddenly attacked without warning. Destroyed!"

Du Long looked at the princess of the Genlong royal family in front of him with a complicated expression. She had obviously put a lot of effort into the destruction of the Genlong world. Unfortunately, she could only infer ambiguous conclusions from some superficial information.

"What Princess Xin said makes sense!" Du Long nodded in agreement after listening to the other party's words: "It seems that if we have the opportunity to reach the level of infinite perfection in the future, we must be even more careful. Some, don’t reveal your strength too early to avoid getting into trouble!”

"Well!" Princess Xin let out a breath of sullen breath, and then replied in a deep voice: "In the entire Xuantian Chaos World, various Xuantian worlds, large and small, are fighting each other. Only a handful of Xuantian Worlds can grow all the way to infinity. Close to the level of eternal perfection, but yet falling on the threshold of success, this chaotic world of Xuantian often makes people feel very depressed and desperate..."

"Don't think too much!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "Everything has advantages and disadvantages. It's better to be better than worse than worse! Compared with ordinary people who only have a few decades of life, we practitioners have survived. The extremely long years have already been earned in themselves!”

"Have you earned it?!" Princess Xin's expression moved slightly, but she quickly shook her head and sighed: "Maybe! Maybe I am too greedy. I once lived in the powerful Genlong royal family and owned many people, including my father. After living carefree for endless years with the care and love of all the royal family and friends, have you exhausted all your luck?!"

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The moon waxes and wanes, how can there be no joys and sorrows in life?! Everything is fate, and the worst is to die, so why should we worry too much?!"

"Of course, if you have the ability to carry a blood feud, you will naturally be happy with your grudges and work hard to avenge all your relatives and friends. No matter whether you succeed or fail, you will have no regrets!"

"Okay!" Princess Xin finally showed a relieved smile. Du Long's words seemed to lift a huge stone that had been pressed in her heart for many years: "As Mr. Du said, Xin will definitely be happy and have no grudges. No regrets!”

"That's good!" Du Long said with a slight smile: "It's over now. It's time to leave here and rush to Genlong Palace. I don't know whether Princess Xin plans to stay... or go into Genlong Palace with me. ?!”

"Since we have successfully deduced the laws of change of time and space in the eleventh dimension, there is not much point in staying any longer. If Mr. Du does not dislike it, Xin is willing to follow him!" Princess Xin made the choice without hesitation.

"That's good!" Du Long replied with a smile: "You and I are only at the supreme level. We just happen to be able to walk around the Genlong Palace. I hope we can support each other and improve our strength together. If possible, we may be able to join forces in the future. We might even fight!"

The two chatted for a few more words and then left the inner space of the White Jade Palace, returning to the cosmic space under the ten-dimensional time and space. Finally, after looking at it for a few more times, they left the fragment of the ten-dimensional time and space.

Standing outside the huge fragment of ten-dimensional time and space, Du Long murmured thoughtfully: "What height did the strong man who attacked the world of Genlong reach in the multi-dimensional space and time?! He was actually able to survive in the multi-dimensional space and time! When I take action, such ten-dimensional space-time fragments naturally appear in front of me?!"

"It should be at least twelve-dimensional or above!" Princess Xin on the side immediately replied: "If it is only eleven-dimensional, then we should also be able to take our turn, but the fact is that we can't do it yet. ..."

"Yes!" Du Long nodded slightly in agreement: "That's true, multi-dimensional time and space...could it be possible to integrate into some kind of attack in some way that we don't know?! Otherwise, the endless space in front of us How are the multi-dimensional space-time fragments formed?!"

"Xin has also thought about this problem!" Princess Xin replied in a deep voice: "Unfortunately, I have not been able to come up with a reason. It seems that multi-dimensional space-time is more than twelve dimensions, and it seems to be a taboo!"

"I don't know Princess Xin...Have you personally experienced the war in this area?! Have you ever witnessed with your own eyes how the powerful multi-dimensional space-time creator took action?!" Du Long asked curiously again.

"I don't know anything..." Princess Xin simply shook her head and sighed: "Before, Xin once said that she had several divine soul clones, but this is just the weakest one among them. In that world-destroying battle, After it was over, when I found out, I was already in this broken time and space!"

"So that's it!" Du Long suddenly shook his head and said, "It must be your true self...or maybe other tribesmen put your clone into some broken time and space, so that you can survive. !”

"Yeah! Xin thinks so too. By the time I successfully walk out of the space-time fragment, the entire Dragon World has been reduced to ruins..." Princess Xin sighed sadly.

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