Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2540 Holy Lord of Light and Darkness

In the Xuantian Chaos World, five Xuantian Worlds gather together. This is the location of the five-race alliance with the newly added Light and Dark God Clan!

In the Xuantian World of Light and Darkness, Ye Heye stared with bright eyes at the huge world that had changed greatly. Thousands of immortal worlds that originally belonged to the light and darkness clans had migrated in.

As the Light and Dark Clan grew in power, and the four emperors outside the territory did not want to have unsafe factors similar to time bombs in their respective Xuantian worlds.

In the end, the four emperors outside the territory could only cooperate with the God Emperor of Light and Darkness, Yehe Ye, to send these thousands of immortal and mortal worlds into the new world of Light and Darkness Xuantian.

In addition to the thousands of light and dark immortal and mortal worlds, countless new immortal and mortal worlds have been born inside the light and dark Xuantian world. This is an important gain in Xuantian's creation process.

On the surface, Yeheye just sat beside the four emperors outside the territory and practiced for millions of years.

In fact, his Xuantian creation-level clone spent millions of epoch-years immersed in the creation of a space treasure that accelerated time a million times!

After such a long creation process, the Xuantian world in front of us has already reached the point where it can contain countless immortal and mortal worlds, and even the Light and Dark God Realm continent has been successfully born.


In the Xuantian world of light and darkness, Ye Heye's Xuantian creation avatar stood in the void in the Xuantian world he created. He couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh with triumph.

His loud laughter not only sounded in the surroundings, but was also directly transmitted into all time and space within the great world of Light and Darkness Xuantian. All living beings within the entire Great World of Light and Darkness Xuantian heard his laughter.

Just when all the creatures in the world of Light and Darkness Xuantian were confused and confused, they didn't know which lunatic was laughing wantonly in their minds.

"I am Ye Heye, the great creator god of the great world of Light and Darkness Xuantian! From now on, I will be the co-lord of the great world of Light and Darkness Xuantian, and I will be called the Holy Lord of Light and Darkness!"

"The two clans of light and darkness will merge into the clan of light and darkness from now on! The days when the two clans of light and darkness used to rely on others are gone forever! From today on, the clan of light and darkness will stand proudly in the chaotic world of Xuantian! The Dark Gods are eternal!!”

Ye Heye's voice was like rolling divine thunder, resounding in the minds of countless creatures living in the world of light and darkness. Until his last words fell, the entire world of light and darkness fell into a brief silence. Everyone in the party was shocked by the news.

"See the Holy Lord of Light and Darkness! The Gods of Light and Darkness are immortal!!"

"See the Holy Lord of Light and Darkness! The Gods of Light and Darkness are immortal..."


After a brief silence, mainly among the thousands of light and dark immortal worlds, believers who originally belonged to the light and dark tribes continued to kneel on the ground, and they all looked towards the unknown direction with fanaticism. Keep prostrating.

Within the thousands of immortal worlds, there has always been an immortal world under the absolute control of the light and dark clans. There are various light and dark temples inside, and almost all living beings are believers of the light and dark clans.

Throughout thousands of worlds, there are almost endless intelligent beings inside. As these endless intelligent beings all kneel down and worship, an infinite power of faith continues to surge towards the Holy Lord of Light and Darkness, Yeheye. go.

"Haha!" After Ye Heye enjoyed the process of worshiping all the spirits, he laughed again and said: "Very good! With the birth of the great world of Light and Darkness Xuantian, from now on, in addition to the original thousands of In addition to the world of light and darkness, I have also prepared countless worlds of immortality and mortal size for you, as well as a vast continent of light and darkness in the divine world!"

"Children! From now on, you no longer need to be bound to the small and limited worlds of immortals and mortals. The entire world of light and darkness will be your stage!!"

"In the name of my Holy Lord of Light and Darkness, Te Ling'er and others quickly established a new management structure in the continent of Light and Darkness God Realm according to the original power structure in Pangu God Realm!"

"During this process, the Light and Darkness God Clan will send half of their great master gods into the Xuantian world and into the newly emerged secret realm of the Dragon. All those who receive my order are not allowed to resist, and all must assemble and prepare for the expedition!!"

As Ye Heye issued such an order, the entire world of Light and Darkness Xuantian boiled again!

Those selected masters and god-level experts did not dare to resist, and were led and teleported into the void in front of Ye Heye.

Among them are the Great Lord God of Light, the Great Demonic God of Darkness, and angels at the level of the Great Lord God of Light and Darkness, etc.

These people were once at the top of the various forces, but now they gathered around Ye Heye without daring to breathe, and each of them looked at the Holy Lord of Light and Darkness with eyes full of reverence.

On the other side, on the continent of the God of Light and Darkness, many powerful men of light and darkness who were not selected began to follow Ye Heye's guidance and began to build tens of millions of cities on the continent of the God of Light and Darkness.

It is bounded by a long river that crosses the center of the entire Light and Dark God Realm continent. To the north of the river is the territory of the Dark Gods, and to the south of the river is the territory of the Light and Dark Gods.

Even though the two clans of light and darkness are originally from the same family, the attributes they practice are completely opposite, and their favorite training environments are different, so naturally they need to be divided into two parts.

From now on, the Light and Dark Gods are not only a family, they will also be competitors.

Yeheye provides them with a competitive environment as balanced as possible, and then it depends on their respective strengths to determine how many resources they have.

In addition to the continent of the God Realm of Light and Darkness, there are two supreme spaces.

The first one is somewhat similar to the Holy Land of Heaven in Pangu World, and the second one is somewhat similar to the Demonic Hell Realm of Pangu World!

These two places will be the gathering place of the two different attribute energies of light and dark, and are also the areas closest to the two creation flames of Xuanhuang and Hanzhou. The two attribute energies of light and dark will be extremely rich and powerful in these two places. purely!

In the Holy Land of Heaven, it will definitely be the highest-level base camp of the Light God Clan, and within the Hell Demon Realm, it will naturally be the highest-level base camp of the Dark God Clan.

In the central area of ​​the two holy realms, there is also a small world that outsiders cannot explore. That is the permanent residence of Ye Heye. Both the top leaders of the light and dark gods must eventually bow to him!

It has to be said that Ye Heye spent countless time and energy in creating this great world of light and darkness.

First, the two light and dark clones create the Xuantian world respectively, and then the two Xuantian worlds are merged into a whole, and then there are various layouts within this light and dark Xuantian world.

Ye Heye not only referred to the layout and principles of Pangu Xuantian's world, but also incorporated many elements of his own subjective preferences. What ultimately reflected his own exclusive status and power!

"Have you all seen it?!" Standing in front of all the great gods, Ye Heye opened his arms with some excitement and said: "The great world of light and darkness in front of me... It was my two clones who created the two worlds of light and darkness. Xuantian World, and finally merged into a whole... Just the initial creation is already more powerful than the Xuantian World owned by the four tribes!!"

"The Holy Lord is wise! We will swear allegiance to His Majesty the Holy Lord to the death!"

All the Lords of Light and Darkness bowed and saluted one after another. Their gazes looking at Yeheye were full of respect and enthusiasm for the strong man. Although the Lord of Light and Darkness in front of them seemed a little complacent, there was no one there. I will be unhappy at this time.

"Hmm!" The Holy Lord of Light and Darkness, Yeheye, nodded with great satisfaction and said: "From now on, our Light and Darkness Clan will have the same status and strength as the four races outside the territory. If we join forces with them and enter the Eternal Dragon Secret Realm, we will I won’t just serve as their cannon fodder!”

"Not only will we no longer act as cannon fodder, but we will also fight with the four tribes outside the territory... and all the forces in the Pangu camp to fight for the inheritance within the Dragon Secret Realm. Do you understand the good intentions of this Holy Lord?!"

Yeheye stopped at this point, and his last rhetorical question left many great gods confused, not quite sure what intention he wanted to express.

"I wonder what His Majesty's good intentions are?! Please speak frankly, as long as we can do it, we will risk our lives to fulfill His Majesty's wish!!" A confidant who was Ye Heye asked at the right time. road.

"Hmm!" Ye Heye nodded slightly and continued to speak indifferently: "It's very simple! That is about the ownership of the Dragon inheritance. This Holy Lord has devoted endless efforts for the entire Light and Dark God Clan. After you get the Dragon inheritance When the time comes, this inheritance must be delivered to this Holy Master unconditionally!”

Many of the gods of light and darkness at the scene changed their expressions and looked at Ye Heye with complex expressions. They did not expect that he would make such an ambitious request.

"Haha!" Ye Heye could see the resistance in many people's eyes, and smiled softly: "Without the efforts of this Holy Master, everyone here would have no chance of entering the Dragon Secret Realm!"

"Of course, people will have their own selfish motives, and I am not an unkind person. Anyone who receives the Genlong inheritance will not only receive very generous rewards, but also enjoy the privilege of accepting the Genlong inheritance with me. that power!"

"Okay! That's it! Those who are willing to accept this condition will come forward. Those who are unwilling to accept this condition can go back to their respective homes. This Holy Master will never force you!"

At this point, Ye Heye didn't bother to waste any more words and directly let the many major gods at the scene make their own choices. If they were unwilling to accept his conditions based on their posture, they would lose even the chance to enter the Dragon Secret Realm.

This is just as Ye Heye said, he worked hard to get the opportunity to enter the Dragon Secret Realm. If you want to enter, you need to accept his request, otherwise you may not even have the chance to enter!

On the surface, everyone at the scene did not speak, but secretly they were communicating through spiritual sound transmission. From time to time, everyone would look at Ye Heye, and saw that behind the other person's smiling expression, there was a hint of faintness hidden behind it. murderous intent.

He is not giving others the power to choose for themselves. This is clearly testing their loyalty.

If anyone dares to oppose his conditions, he may let you leave on the surface, but behind the scenes, he may kill someone or even wipe out the entire clan!

Many people felt chills in their hearts. As Ye Heye successfully created the world of Light and Darkness Xuantian, the entire Light and Darkness God Clan must be under his control from now on.

Without his permission, even if everyone can create the Xuantian World, they can only create an immortal world at most. This is just like how the light and dark clans were trapped inside the Xuantian World of Pangu. .

In the blink of an eye, many great lords who had clearly seen the reality came out of the battle team. These smart people knew that the sooner the team could gain the trust of the Holy Lord of Light and Darkness in the future.

With one person taking the lead, others followed, and no one who could cultivate to the level of the Great Lord God was an idiot. In the end, everyone chose to accept Ye Heye's unreasonable request.

"Haha! Very good!" Ye Heye looked at the group of wise masters in front of him with a very satisfied smile and said: "Since everyone here has chosen to accept the request of this holy master, then don't resist now, I will Leave a small mark on your body, and you must not lose this small mark on your body when you return from the Dragon Secret Realm, otherwise it will be equivalent to betrayal!"

Buzz buzz. . .

As Ye Heye finished speaking, he opened his hands and instantly condensed a large number of mysterious marks, and flew towards the great gods.

Facing Ye Heye, who was at Xuantian's creation level, many powerful masters at the level of the Lord God did not dare to resist. They knew that the consequences of accepting the other party's request and daring to resist would definitely be extremely serious! !

One after another, the soul marks entered the soul space of the great gods one after another, and floated quietly in the soul space. This kind of soul mark was not a very powerful existence, and everyone on the scene had the ability to erase it instantly.

"Very good!" Ye Heye saw that everyone accepted the soul mark without resistance, and then said with satisfaction: "No need to worry, everyone, it is just a very ordinary small soul mark, they will only record you The various experiences of people in Genlong Secret Realm will not cause any harm to you!"

"Okay! Everything is arranged. Everyone will enter the cave world of this Holy Master first. I and the other four emperors will escort you to the entrance of the Dragon Secret Realm together!"

There was no resistance even when the divine soul mark entered the body. Naturally, the great master gods of light and darkness would not refuse Ye Heye's request, and disappeared without a trace without any resistance.

Ye Heye looked at the empty void with a very satisfied smile, then left the Xuantian World of Light and Darkness in a flash, and reappeared next to the four foreign emperors in the Xuantian Chaos World.

"Yeah Heye! You finally came out!" King Li Kuli was the first to say hello. Since he has accepted the Light and Dark God Clan as a member of the Five Clans Alliance, he naturally has no choice but to accept this fact.

"I have kept the Four Emperors waiting for a long time!" Ye Heye was full of enthusiasm, but pretended to be embarrassed and apologized with his hands raised: "I have arranged the affairs of the Great World of Light and Darkness Xuantian, and now I am a step too late!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Soul Emperor Wei forced out a fake smile and said: "Since everyone is here, let's go straight to the entrance of Genlong Nantianmen's secret realm!"

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