Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2535 Four against two


In the misty Xuantian Chaos World, four rays of light shone in the sky in succession, instantly breaking through the limitations of time and space and heading straight towards the huge force field ball.

Although the two sides are separated by tens of millions of miles, this distance is not an insurmountable gap for a powerful person at the creation level of Xuantian!

Moreover, although the Four Emperors from outside the territory were taking the initiative to attack, they still had the intention of testing the Norman family, so they did not rush directly to the front in a hurry.

"You are looking for death!!"

The bone demon's angry roar resounded throughout the world, and the surface of the force field ball suddenly bloomed with thousands of brilliance. The huge flying skeleton magic weapon was obviously ready for full defense.

At the same time, facing the joint siege of the four Xuantian Creation Gods, no matter how powerful this huge flying magic weapon was, it did not dare to be enlarged in the slightest.


Almost as soon as the Bone Demon's roar ended, a figure appeared out of thin air next to the force field ball. Seeing that the figure was clearly the image of the Bone Demon simulated before, this guy obviously couldn't sit still.

At this moment, the bone demon has transformed into a sky-reaching giant. The head is at least half the diameter of a force field ball. In his hand, he is still holding a ghost-head sword that exudes sky-blue flames.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately slashed out with all his strength in the direction of the four long-range attacks. His attack target first selected the long-range attack of Lihuang Kuli.

Emperor Li Kuli has always been famous for his amazing physical attack power, which is the main reason why he has a higher say among the emperors of the four clans.

And the attack he unleashed with all his strength had extremely destructive power on the force field ball's defense. Naturally, the bone demon couldn't just rely on the force field ball's own defensive shield to withstand it.


The huge ghost-headed sword cut through time and space, and a force field blade shining with light blue light shot out, heading straight for Lihuang Kuli to meet him head-on with the blow.

Two blades of light slashed out by Xuantian's Great God of Creation approached at high speed, and finally collided hard, instantly erupting into an energy shock wave that could destroy the world.

The two attacks here collided, and the other three long-range attacks hit the surface of the force field ball one after another. First was the Blood Emperor's blood crystal arrow attack, followed by the Corpse Emperor's earth-yellow heavy blow, and finally It was the Soul Emperor's invisible blow.

The blood-colored crystal arrows of the Blood Emperor hit the surface of the force field cover with all their strength. The surface of the already dazzling force field ball quickly bloomed with even more dazzling brilliance. The force field ball with a radius of tens of thousands of miles began to concentrate towards the point of attack with all its strength. energy to resist.

Before the energy of this attack could be completely offset, the Corpse King's heavy blow immediately hit the surface of the force field ball, causing the huge force field ball to begin to vibrate violently.

It was like a water ball that was swaying violently. Judging from the violent shaking, it seemed that it was about to be exploded at any time.


The Soul Emperor's invisible attack finally landed on the surface of the force field ball, and then was offset by more than half at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, there was still a trace of invisible energy that broke through the force field cover and instantly hit the skeleton flying magic weapon inside. .

"not good!"

Although he was resisting the force emperor's blow with all his strength, the Bone Demon was still paying attention to the defense of the force field shield. When he saw the invisible energy without vision field shield's defense, falling directly on the skeleton flying magic weapon, he exclaimed on the spot. Lose your voice.

As a strong man from a high-level civilization, his eyesight is naturally not that bad. He can tell at a glance that the essence of this attack is a powerful divine soul attack.

The soul attack and flying skeleton magic weapon naturally have a certain degree of defense, but it is not its defensive strength. In addition, after suffering two consecutive heavy blows, a huge loophole appeared.

On the surface, it seems that when the invisible energy fell on the skeleton flying instrument, it did not cause too serious damage to it. In fact, the Bone Demon's eyesight naturally understood that this blow would cause devastating damage to the occupants inside. blow.

That was the divine soul attack method released by Xuantian Creator Master, and it could be seen that it was an attack launched by Xuantian Creator Master who was extremely good at divine soul attack methods. He could imagine with his toes what would be inside the skeleton flying magic weapon. What a tragedy it would be.

Inside the skeleton flying magic weapon, just as the Bone Demon feared, an invisible soul shock wave swept directly across. All the occupants inside the flying magic weapon felt that their eyes suddenly went dark, and they lost all consciousness in an instant!

The strongest among these people are only a few ordinary creation god level beings, and most of them are just ordinary crew members with strength below the supreme level. Facing the all-powerful soul attack of Xuantian Creator God, without the high-level soul guardian magic weapon Under such circumstances, there is naturally no possibility of surviving.

"Alarm! Alarm! Xuantian's creation-level divine soul impact, Xuantian's creation-level divine soul impact, all the crew members inside the flying magic weapon were killed, all the crew members inside the flying magic weapon were killed..."

Inside the skull flying magic weapon, bursts of urgent alarms kept ringing. Unfortunately, no matter how much warning the flying magic array spirit gave, those people could not be saved.

Facing Xuantian's creation-level soul attack, without the protection of a high-level soul, there would be no possibility of survival no matter where he was hiding in the skull flying magic weapon.

As one of the crew members of this flying skull magic weapon, the Bone Demon has a certain degree of control over it. Naturally, he can penetrate it with his spiritual consciousness at the first time, and can also hear the rush of the flying magic weapon's formation spirit. of sirens.

"Damn it!!" The bone demon instantly fell into a state of madness, and his body began to transform wildly: "You damn bastards must pay a heavy price for your actions!!"

Amidst the crazy roar, the Bone Demon transformed at a speed visible to the naked eye under the attention of many eyes, and soon a monster covered with various ferocious bone spurs appeared in front of everyone.

Bone Strength was once forced into a state of madness before. The bone demon's state of madness is very similar to it, but perhaps because the gap in strength between the two is too great, the bone demon's form after becoming mad is many times more ferocious and terrifying. .

His mad transformation was much more thorough than his bone strength. There was almost no flesh and blood on his body. His arms were like two mantis blade arms. Both the back of his hands and the back of his body were covered with extremely sharp bone spurs.

"Wow!" The Corpse Emperor, one of the four emperors from outside the territory, screamed with astonishment on his face: "It is said that the Norman family is a skeleton monster. I didn't expect that their appearance after transformation would be countless times more exaggerated than me! Haha! Ha ha..."

The war situation has reached this point, and it is still unclear that the only person sent here by the Norman family this time is this huge skeleton monster in front of them.

No matter how ferocious and terrifying his appearance was, Corpse Emperor Beitian didn't take him too seriously. As long as the enemy didn't have too many powerful men at Xuantian's creation level, he had nothing to fear.

"A mere Xuantian Creation-level skeleton monster actually dares to brazenly block the entrance to the Dragon Secret Realm?! Let's see if we don't dismantle him into a skeleton today!!" Lihuang Kuli was also full of confidence at this moment. quipped.

"You damn ants!!" After being ridiculed in public by the Second Emperor one after another, the Bone Demon yelled furiously on the spot: "You dare to speak nonsense when you are about to die?! I will definitely cut you into pieces today! !!”

"Bone Spirit! Give me a helping hand. Today we must kill all these bastards who dare to offend the dignity of the Norman family!!"

Although the Bone Demon was furious, he also knew that he might not be able to deal with the four Xuantian Creation Gods on his own. When he put down his cruel words, he did not forget to convey the order to the skull flying magic weapon formation spirit.

"Yes! Lord Bone Demon!" The skeleton flying magic weapon formation spirit immediately accepted this instruction.

According to the rules, after everyone inside the flying magic weapon is killed, the bone demon in front of you becomes the temporary supreme controller, and it can accept various instructions within a certain scope of authority.

The reply of the flying magic weapon formation spirit made the four emperors outside the territory frown slightly, but they did not have any thoughts of shrinking from it. At this point, they had to do their best to kill the bone demon in front of them no matter what.

Once he escapes from here, no one knows whether he will be able to contact the Norman family and find a bunch of helpers again? !

‘Everyone, prepare to fight hard! ’ Soul Emperor Wei’s voice rang in the minds of the four emperors outside the territory: ‘We must not let this skeleton monster escape. If he invites reinforcements, then we may not have a good life! ’

‘That’s right! ’ King Li Kuli agreed in a low voice: ‘If we don’t want to be hunted down by the Norman family and become a lost dog in the years to come, then we should be prepared to fight tooth and nail! ’

‘Just do it! ’ Corpse Emperor Beitian shouted domineeringly: ‘That bastard is not the only one who knows how to transform, I can also transform and scare that bastard to death! ! "

After the words fell, Corpse Emperor Beitian started to enter the transformation state without hesitation. His already extremely strong body expanded violently again, and soon an ugly body covered with various hard pieces of meat appeared like this. In front of the world.

The other three emperors from outside the territory looked at each other speechlessly, and immediately held their breath in a tacit understanding. After this girl's transformation, she couldn't control her body perfectly. Who can stand the disgusting corpse odor? ? !

Although they were very speechless, the other three emperors could only start to transform.

None of the four races outside the territory are human, and their bodies are also different. The Blood Emperor is a vampire with black flesh wings. The Strength Emperor and Soul Emperor are relatively better-looking. At most, they just have various scales and horns on their bodies.

The four emperors from outside the territory transformed one after another. As powerful men at the level of Xuantian's creation god, they transformed into four sky-reaching giants. At least they were not much smaller than the skeleton monster of the Bone Demon.

The two opposing parties entered into their strongest fighting form without any reservation, and then immediately dodged to attack the other party, and the long-range attacks between the two parties were also released without hesitation.

Xuantian's creation master's level of long-range bombardment, the Bone Demon and the force field ball cooperated to fight against the four foreign emperors. This scene was absolutely rare in the world, and the eyes of Xuantian's creation master Xuantian's creation from the Pangu camp shone brightly.

"Following the world-destroying battle back then...how many years have we not seen a battle scene at Xuantian's creation level?!" Old Taoist Lu Ya murmured with emotion.

Others nodded in agreement. Most of the people here had experienced the world-destroying battle that year. The world-destroying war that broke out between the Pangu world camp and the four camps outside the territory seemed to be still vivid in their minds.

Compared with others who were just a little emotional, the expression of God Fuxi was a bit heavy. In that battle, God Nuwa burned her life to mend the sky and blocked the enemy's attack. This brought back so many years of peace for the Pangu World camp. .

For powerful men like them who have survived for endless years, the pain of losing a loved one is often heavier than that of ordinary mortals. This can be seen from the fact that the Great God Fuxi has not been able to get over it so far!

Boom boom boom. . .

The war was about to break out. The four emperors from outside the territory were defeated by four enemies and two. In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought together at close range.

The expected one-sided defeat did not occur. The Corpse Emperor faced off against the force field ball alone. The Force Emperor, Soul Emperor and Blood Emperor teamed up to besiege the Bone Demon. From the beginning of the war, they went all out and did not hold back at all.

The Power Emperor faced off against the Bone Demon head-on, and behind him were the Blood Emperor and Soul Emperor who launched long-range bombardments. The three emperors only had a certain advantage when they joined forces, and the possibility of defeating the Bone Demon in a short time was very low.

The bone demon transformed into a skeleton monster has long and flexible mantis arms. Not only can it be combined with the Xuantian Creation Divine Weapon Ghost Head Saber in his hand to attack, but its own skeleton bone spur arms can also be used as weapons.

Faced with the joint siege of the three emperors from outside the territory, although he was at a disadvantage, he still had the power to fight. From time to time, he would give Lihuang Kuli an unexpected fatal attack, which almost scared Lihuang half to death. .

On the other side, it would be more correct to say that the Corpse Emperor Beitian was fighting against the force field ball alone, but rather that he was blocking the force field ball's charged attack for the other three emperors.

While constantly blocking those powerful attacks, the Corpse King would also continue to bombard the force field ball, trying to make its charging process no longer so smooth.

With the confrontation between the Corpse Emperor and the force field ball, the other three emperors basically don't need to worry about being suddenly attacked by the force field ball, and can concentrate all their energy on dealing with the bone demon.

'This is how the same thing? ! The three of you can't deal with that skeleton monster even if you work together? ! Do you want me to come over and help? ! ’ Seeing that the other three emperors were still unable to resolve the battle, the Corpse Emperor said impatiently.

The other three emperors looked at each other helplessly. They didn't know how to answer Corpse Emperor Beitian's question.

Although the bone demon in front of me is only a strong man at the level of the Xuantian Creation God, his cultivation level of integrating heaven and earth is obviously much higher than the three of them!

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