Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2511 Skeleton Man

Genlong Secret Realm, where the core palace wall collapsed.

"Sure enough, there are still loopholes in the defense!" Gu Li said with a faint smile on his face as he looked at the collapsed gap in front of him: "The Dragon Palace, which was once impregnable, is now not full of loopholes?!"

As someone who had visited the Dragon Palace before, Gu Li was very familiar with the situation in various parts of the Palace. Under his personal leadership, tens of thousands of supreme legions came here very smoothly.

"It's all thanks to the good leadership of Young Master Guli that we can come here without any damage!" The middle-aged man in silver armor on the side immediately followed the other person's words and gave him a slap in the face.

As a loyal servant who has followed Gu Li for many years, he is very familiar with the temperament of the dandy young master in front of him. He must not hesitate when it is time to flatter him, and he must not say any nonsense when it is time to shut up!

"Hmm!" Gu Li waved his hand gently and said, "The previous routes are not bad. Once you enter the core area of ​​the Dragon Palace, you may encounter some troubles. Everyone, please be careful not to capsize!"

"Yes! Master Guli!"

Amidst the loud responses, tens of thousands of supreme powerhouses lined up in neat defensive formations, charging into the collapsed gap and marching towards the core area of ​​the Dragon Palace.

Gu Li, surrounded by a group of silver-armored generals, integrated into the Supreme Legion and slowly moved towards the core area of ​​Genlong Palace.

After arriving at the core area of ​​the Dragon Palace, no matter how confident he was, he began to be cautious. He did not relax his vigilance just because there were tens of thousands of supreme troops on his side.

"The 100th man team marched one thousand meters forward to explore the road, and the large forces at the rear were ready to rush to rescue at any time. The whole team must always maintain a state of first-level combat readiness and be ready to fight at any time!" The middle-aged man in silver armor said with an expression. Such an order was given solemnly.

As the important arm of Young Master Gu Li, in addition to knowing how to flatter, he also needs to have certain strength and talent, otherwise he will not be able to sit in this top position.

Under his order, the hundreds of Supreme Team members in front immediately accelerated and moved forward at a steady speed after traveling thousands of meters.

Just entering the core area of ​​Genlong, the obstruction of sight and consciousness was not that serious, and the distance of a thousand meters was just within the visual range.

The large group of people continued to advance in this way, advancing slowly towards the core area of ​​the Dragon Palace, and they did not encounter too much danger along the way.

The passage they were walking on belonged to the ruins left over from the great war. If they could proceed in a straight line like this, they should be able to reach the deeper parts of the core area of ​​the Dragon Palace.

Gradually, as they continued to go deeper, both their line of sight and the scope of their spiritual consciousness were severely blocked!

The middle-aged man in silver armor once again issued a correction order, asking the vanguard team to slow down and be sure to maintain a visual distance from the main force.

This supreme army of ten thousand people, belonging to the Norman family in the advanced civilized world, is cautiously advancing towards the depths of the core area of ​​the Dragon Palace!


Suddenly, the team of 100 people responsible for exploring the path disappeared suddenly out of thin air, as if a large amount of fog suddenly enveloped them.

"No! The vanguard team is nowhere to be seen. The second and third teams are speeding up. Be sure to keep a certain distance to detect any traps ahead, and then report to us!" The middle-aged man in silver armor has been paying attention to the changes around him. , when the vanguard hundred-man team lost sight of them, he immediately gave corresponding instructions.

Immediately, two more hundred-man squads accelerated forward. There was a certain distance between the two teams and they were always in contact with each other.

"Report to General Bone Kung Fu! A psychedelic magic circle appeared in front, and more than a dozen people from the second team were trapped in it!" A moment later, such a message came from the front.

"Yes!" The silver-armored middle-aged man named Bone Gong nodded slightly and said: "No one is allowed to continue to enter that psychedelic magic circle, Bone Seal! Bring your people over and try to crack the magic circle!"


A silver-armored general named Gu Feng immediately took the order and rushed forward with a ten-man team, and soon arrived at the outer area of ​​the psychedelic circle.

Bone Seal arrived at the scene of the incident and immediately became busy with the people around him. They continued to take out various equipment for arranging the magic circle from the space ring, and then began to explore the reality of the psychedelic magic circle in front of them.

I have to say that this group of people is very powerful in the magic circle. Their division of labor is extremely clear. Everyone knows what they should do. A set of extremely sophisticated detection equipment was quickly deployed.

These devices started to work quickly, and psychedelic blue-white rays of light continued to emit. Wherever they passed, countless formations could be vaguely seen beginning to appear.

Didi didi. . .

These devices, which integrate advanced technological civilization and the working principle of the magic circle, began to continuously analyze the properties of the psychedelic magic circle in front of them. By calculating the changes in the constantly revealed formation patterns, a rough psychedelic magic circle gradually appeared. on the screen.

"Report to Master Bone Strength and General Bone Strength! This is a purely psychedelic array and does not have any offensive properties!" Not long after the results were obtained, Bone Seal immediately reported the results.

"Can we crack it directly?!" Gu Li said calmly.

"There's no need!" Gu Xinxin said with heart: "Although this array is very simple, it is not easy to find the base of the array and crack it. We can just gather everyone together to break through the level directly, and there is no need to waste it at all. Time to crack this magic circle!"

"In this case, let's gather everyone together and break in directly. Since this magic circle is not offensive, there is no need to pay too much attention!" Bone Li immediately issued this order. It can be seen that he still believes in Bone Sealing. Probing results.

Tens of thousands of horses shrank and gathered together, then jointly released a defensive shield, and then broke directly into the psychedelic magic circle with the huge shield.

Inside the psychedelic circle, there was still a scene of fog and ruins, but the more than a hundred people who had entered before could no longer be seen.

"Bone Seal! Where are those people who entered before?! Do you need to send someone to look for them?!" The middle-aged bone master in silver armor frowned and looked at the bone seal in charge of one side of the magic circle.

"Absolutely not!" Gu Feng shook his head without hesitation and stopped: "Our team must not spread out, otherwise the number of missing people may increase!"

"Are we going to let those people lose their traces?!" Gu Gong said slightly dissatisfied.

"At best, they will just disappear!" Bone Seal hurriedly explained: "At least they can't die in this psychedelic circle space, but if we spread out, the number of missing people will definitely increase! "

"Okay!" Gu Gong could only helplessly shake his head and sigh: "In that case, let's do as you said and not look for those missing people for the time being. I hope we can break through this psychedelic circle space as soon as possible! "

Gu Li did not interrupt the conversation here. He looked at the surrounding environment with a slightly complicated expression, and seemed to find it difficult to accept that he and others were trapped in the psychedelic circle.

"Bone seal!" Gu Li finally couldn't help but asked the general in charge of the formation: "Looking at the situation we are facing, I guess the spirit of the Dragon Secret Realm has not died, right?!"

"Yes, Master Gu Li!" Gu Feng nodded in agreement: "There are various signs that the formation spirits inside the Dragon Secret Realm should still be alive. It seems that the world-destroying war that year... ended in a hurry! "

"Hmm!" Gu Li nodded slightly and said, "Then what do you think...Princess Yao Xin of the Genlong Royal Family...is there any possibility of surviving?!"

"This..." Faced with the issue of bone strength, everyone at the scene could only look at each other in confusion. Gu Feng was stunned for a moment before he responded honestly: "This subordinate dare not make any rash assertions. I can only say that although the possibility is extremely low, it is There is also a certain probability, after all... Everything is possible. The world-destroying war broke out too suddenly, and the Dragon World was destroyed before other forces could react!"

"Yes!" Gu Li Ruo said with some emotion: "Who could have imagined that the Dragon World, which was once infinitely close to reaching eternal perfection, would actually become... overnight?"

It can be heard from Gu Li's tone that this guy still seems to have never forgotten Princess Xin of the Genlong Royal Family. You must know that Princess Xin was a noble and beautiful flower in the world of advanced civilization, and she once attracted countless super powers. The young disciples were all secretly attracted to him.

The silver-armored generals around Gu Li seemed to know about this. Seeing his emotional expression, they all understood it but did not dare to say anything more.

Inside the core area of ​​Genlong Palace, in a certain hall.

"Hmph!" A soft hum suddenly sounded: "This annoying skeleton monster actually wants to eat swan meat, and he still misses Princess Xin to this day?!"

"It's a pity that they actually walked together in a group and had no intention of spreading out. If that's the case, let's do the surgery on those more than a hundred people first!"

Shrouded in mist, more than a hundred separated figures disappeared without a trace one after another. When those people appeared again, they had already appeared in a closed space.

The space was like a room with a staircase leading directly to the upper floor and nothing else.

"What the hell is this place?!" More than a hundred people were teleported here, and the scene immediately became crowded. One of them screamed: "Why were we teleported here?!"

"Did we trigger the test level in the Dragon Secret Realm?! This is one of the tests?!" Another person replied excitedly.

"It's very possible! The passage leading upstairs must be the way to receive the inheritance, right?!"


Hundreds of figures were trapped together, and they all began to guess the origin of this confined space. They gradually became excited from the initial fear.


Just when this group of people was hesitant about whether to go to the second floor, time and space suddenly distorted somewhere in the crowd, and a strange figure appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Du Long, who was in fighting form with three heads and six arms and was wearing a golden battle armor, looked at the hundreds of figures around him in astonishment. Not long after he reached the second level of integrating heaven and earth, he was sent here by the Dragon Array Spirit.

"Who are you?!" After a brief period of astonishment, a Supreme Realm expert from the Norman family immediately yelled, "Why are you here?!"

"Are you... warriors from the Norman family?!" Du Long did not answer the other party's question, but subconsciously asked back.

"You actually know about the Norman family?!" The general of the team who started scolding said with confusion on his face: "Who are you?! Why do you appear here?"

"Haha!" After figuring out the identity of the other party, Du Long immediately smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is... you shouldn't come here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took action without hesitation. Without releasing the three-headed and six-armed fighting form, he used the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill very simply, and his whole body turned into a poisonous dragon that ate and shot out with electricity.

Puffy. . .

Under the second level of integrating heaven and earth, Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond was used to attack with all its strength. Wherever the poisonous dragon passed like a whirlwind, there was a bloody scene of broken arms and limbs scattered everywhere.

These supreme warriors from the Norman family have light blue blood flowing out of their bodies. They don't look like normal living bodies at all, but rather resemble skeleton robots.

A skeleton with a layer of extremely tough skin, and the light blue blood in the body should be the source of its power. As for how they understand the mystery of the rules of heaven, and how they have such powerful strength, it is unclear.

Du Long was quickly killing one target after another, and he was also curious about the strange characteristics of these people. The evaluation of them by the Dragon Formation Spirit could not help but flash in his mind.

"No wonder...Eternal Dragon Formation Spirit would call these guys skeleton monsters! How dare they themselves not be normal life forms, but similar to artificial skeletons?!"

With such a doubt, Du Long showed no mercy in his hands. With the help of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill, the power that burst out from the second level of the Fusion of Heaven and Earth was enough to drink a pot of those skeletons.

Hundreds of skeletons never expected that Du Long would suddenly start a battle. In addition, his Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond combat skills were unstoppable, and it was impossible to organize an effective joint attack formation on the scene.

In the blink of an eye, a Chiyou poisonous dragon fought two or three times among the hundreds of skeletons. There were originally a hundred or more figures, but now only twenty or thirty people remained.

"Damn it!" the general who should be the squad leader roared angrily: "How dare you kill so many elite warriors of the Norman family?! No matter you escape to Tianya Haijiao in the future, you will definitely suffer the full force of the Norman family. Chase!!”

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