Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2509 Flying Magical Instrument

In the silent chaotic world of Xuantian, the light produced by the agitation of various chaotic energies flashes from time to time!

Ten figures, covered by the radiance of chaotic energy, continued to shoot towards the secret realm of Genlong Nantianmen. Their target was clearly the huge force field sphere!

These ten figures were fully armed, and a large area of ​​their strong bodies was still exposed under the thick armor.

Compared with those ordinary members of the corpse clan, these strong corpse clans who have reached the strength of the early creation period, apart from being stronger, can no longer see any signs of being patched together like corpses.

Obviously, after reaching a certain level of strength, these zombie clan strongmen will also subconsciously change their physical features to avoid attracting many disgusted looks every time they stay with strong men from the other three clans.

"Have the zombie clan from outside the territory finally been unable to bear it?! It seems that this group of powerful corpse clan warriors with violent tempers have been used as weapons by the other three clans again!" In the Pangu camp, Master Hongjun's eyes fell sharply on the ten men. Dao approached the force field ball at high speed.

"Haha!" The Earth Emperor Ancestor said with a faint smile: "It doesn't matter whether they are being used as guns or not, anyway, we can test the attack power of that force field ball without us taking action, so why not do it? ?!”


Amid bursts of laughter, the ten figures were getting closer and closer to the force field ball, and soon entered the red alert range of a million miles.

Didi didi. . .

Inside the huge force field ball, bursts of shrill alarms kept ringing. After the young man named Gu Li left, the place was under the control of intelligent life. Since any foreign enemies dared to enter the designated restricted area, they could naturally launch an all-out attack.

"All the targets have been locked! The energy is ready! Attack the five targets first! The secondary force field cannon is ready for five bursts...shoot!"

Amidst bursts of rapid sounds, five invisible force field energies suddenly shot out. They were invisible and colorless. They suddenly broke through the limitations of time and space and instantly bombarded the five corpse race creation gods.

Puffy. . .

Five muffled sounds suddenly sounded in succession, and five Corpse Race Creation Gods were blasted away from the sky without even having time to dodge.

Unlike the previous ones that were directly vaporized, the bodies of the five corpse clan experts instantly exploded into blood mist. Most areas of the entire body disappeared out of thin air, leaving only 10 to 20% of the body fragments scattered in all directions.

The scene in front of them made all the forces that had been paying attention here dumbfounded!

Those are five powerful men at the level of the God of Creation. Any one of them has the ability to easily destroy the small world of immortals. Now they don't even have a chance to dodge, and five of them are killed in an instant like this? !

The figures who formed a team with five people and rushed towards the force field ball at high speed were all frightened by the sudden death of their companions, and each of them involuntarily slowed down.

‘Can you actually kill a strong man at the level of a creation god in an instant? ! And kill five targets at once? ! Should the five of us continue to kill him? ! ’ One of the corpse clan strongmen hurriedly sent a message to the others secretly and asked.

‘Anyway, I just sent a clone here, so let’s die! I don't believe that the opponent can quickly organize a second wave of attacks after a full blow! ’

‘That’s right! The longer the delay is, the worse it will be for us. Let’s attack at full speed together and try not to let the other party prepare the power to launch a second wave of attacks! ’

These five zombie tribe warriors still had some blood. Seeing their five companions being instantly killed, instead of turning around and escaping, they actually wanted to speed up and rush over.

After secretly making an instant decision through their spiritual consciousness, the five zombie clan warriors did not hesitate at all and once again accelerated towards the force field ball that was already close in front of them.

The force field ball has a diameter of tens of thousands of miles, and the five zombie clan experts are only hundreds of thousands of miles away from it. Even if it is convenient to teleport in this chaotic world of Xuantian, they can reach it in the blink of an eye.

I saw the five corpse tribe strongmen suppressing the fear in their hearts, and instantly reached the force field ball thousands of miles away, and then directly launched their strongest attack.

The strong men of the corpse tribe have always been known for their brute strength. They can keep pace with the other three tribes outside the territory, so they naturally have their own unique strength!

The five of them joined forces and swung their weapons with all their strength and slashed out. Five rays of creation-god-level swords pierced the sky and headed towards the huge force field ball.

The five sword lights grew from small to large, and instantly turned into five sword lights that were thousands of miles long, slashing fiercely at the force field ball with a radius of thousands of miles.

Puffy. . .

Amidst five muffled sounds in succession, five nearly devastating attacks struck the force field ball one after another. Originally it was just a transparent force field ball with a trace of blue and white light, but now it suddenly bloomed with an extremely dazzling blue color. White glow.

A large amount of blue-white light continued to converge towards the location where the five sword lights struck. During this period, a spherical flying magic weapon with its traces hidden was finally revealed behind the blue-white light.

It was a flying magic weapon that resembled a silver-white skull, and was completely covered by a blue-white transparent shield on its surface. At this moment, because the shield was trying its best to defend against the impact, its invisibility was only revealed after being interfered with. true form.

Regardless of whether it was the four extraterrestrial tribes or the Pangu camp, the top management of both sides saw the skull flying magic weapon hidden behind the force field shield. The Pangu camp side was better off, but the four extraterrestrial tribes seemed to associate something with it.

"Suffered from five creation-god-level energy attacks, recharged, ready for the second wave of counterattack! Target locked, shoot!"

In front of everyone, the skull's eyes suddenly fired two invisible force field cannons, which instantly bombarded the two corpse clan strongmen among them.

At such a close range, the two strong corpse clan men were blasted away on the spot. Whether it was their armor or most of their bodies, they were all reduced to rubbish by the terrifying blow.

"Continue to attack with all your strength! I can't believe it. There are actually flying magic weapons that the Great Power of Creation cannot blast away!!" One of the surviving corpse clan strongmen roared with red eyes.

Under his leadership, the last three zombie clan strongmen also became ruthless. It was probably too late to escape now anyway, so they might as well just give it a try.

The three powerful men of the Creation God of the Corpse Clan waved their ghost-headed knives and continued to attack with all their strength. The sword rays bombarded the defensive cover one after another, like fireworks in the chaotic world of Xuantian. bloom.

Their all-out bombardment failed to blast away the protective shield on the surface of the force field ball. Judging from the vibration and fluctuation of the energy on the surface of the defensive shield, it seemed that there was still a large gap between it and its limit value.

These three strong men of the zombie clan are using their own sacrifices to test the defensive power of the force field ball defense shield, hoping to help the subsequent decisions of the four races outside the territory.

While they were launching an onslaught with all their strength, the huge force field ball continued to charge energy again and again. After two more waves of bombardment, the last three strong zombies were also blasted, leaving no bones left!

The originally fierce battle came to a halt when the last corpse clan strongman was exploded!

Calm returned between the entrance to the secret realm of Genlong Nantianmen and the huge force field ball. The huge force field ball became invisible again. Only when some of the Xuantian energy hit the surface of the defensive shield, a trace of light blue would bloom. of light.

"Did you all clearly see the flying magic weapon hidden behind the shield?! It turned out to be a huge silver skull flying magic weapon?! In addition to the Norman family that the other party mentioned before, could it be said..." Outside the Territory Where the top leaders of the four tribes gathered, Emperor Li murmured solemnly.

"It should be the extremely powerful Norman family in the legend!" The Soul Emperor followed closely and said in a deep voice: "The one named Bone Strength should be the direct young master of the Norman family, otherwise how could he lead such a powerful family? The team is here?!"

"This time we are in big trouble!" The Blood Emperor said with a sullen face: "If the other party is really the direct descendant of the Norman family, then the Dragon Secret Realm that we have been tracking for many years will probably be given away!"

"Hmph!" Corpse Emperor Beitian snorted coldly: "I still have the same opinion as before. No matter which major force they come from, if they dare to come and snatch the inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm from us, they must be prepared to be destroyed. !”

The emperors of the other three clans looked at each other. Although they did not agree with Beitian's words, they still nodded lightly, and none of them were willing to let go.

"Although what Beitian said is a little extreme, it still makes sense! Why should we give up the secret realm of Genlong, which has been tracked for endless years?! What about the direct young master of the Norman family?! Unless it is the entire Nuoman family. The whole Man family is mobilized, otherwise we don’t need to give in at all!” Emperor Li sat up straight and made a decision with a firm expression.

"Second!" The Soul Emperor echoed again: "If our four tribes fail again this time, whether we can grow into a powerful force is another matter. We may not even be able to pass the Pangu camp. In the end, I'm afraid You will end up being exterminated!"

"Second the proposal!" The Blood Emperor also said in a deep voice: "We are bound to win the inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm this time. Gods will kill the gods and Buddhas to stop the Buddhas. No matter any powerful force wants to stop it, we must fight with each other desperately!! "

"Haha!" The Corpse Emperor laughed excitedly: "That's right! If our four clans have been united for many years, if we can't even defeat a direct young master of the Norman family, then why are we still coveting the Dragon Secret Realm?! Let's just go to each other! Just run around and live an ignoble existence!"


Amidst bursts of laughter, the four kings from outside the territory finally reached a consensus, and they decided to do whatever it takes for the inheritance of the Dragon Secret Realm!

Pangu world, the top of Xuantian!

All the creation gods from the Pangu camp were still gathered on the isolated island. The atmosphere at the scene seemed a bit solemn, and the faces of all the creation gods showed thoughtful expressions.

"Alas!" Just when everyone didn't know where to start, Pangu Ancestor sighed softly: "For the current plan, we must wait quietly, but we still have to remind Du Long in advance and let him wait. The Dragon Secret Realm is well prepared, after all, the descendant of the Norman family who suddenly appeared has already entered the Dragon Secret Realm with tens of thousands of people at the Supreme Realm!"

"It's better for the poor monk's clone to take a trip!"

The Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng responded simply, and then he saw a figure wearing a cassock suddenly appeared, and then disappeared without a trace, and had already rushed to the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

"Ancestor!" Seeing the clone of Randen Ancient Buddha leaving, the Earth Emperor Ancestor couldn't help but said: "Since Du Long is a key figure in the matter of Genlong Secret Realm, why not let him participate in the meeting here? Woolen cloth?!"

Ever since he had contact with Du Long, the Earth Emperor ancestor had been more concerned about this junior and liked to think about everything for him.

"The time has not come yet!" Ancestor Pan shook his head and sighed: "Du Long is still only at the supreme level. The three clones have not created a perfect eternal world. They stay with us old men whose thinking has long been rigid. If we stay together for a long time, I’m afraid it will have an extremely negative impact on him!”

Ancestor Hongjun and others on the side nodded one after another, obviously agreeing with Ancestor Pan's statement. Everyone here was a creation god level figure, and everyone was like a giant in front of Du Long.

Once Du Long gets too close to the people here for a long time, he will indeed be affected by their creative inspiration, and the world created by then will probably be bound by similar thinking.

This was also the situation that Pangu Ancestor was least willing to see. He couldn't see through Du Long's future destiny, and naturally he was unwilling to deliberately interfere with his growth path.

The Dragon Secret Realm is a secret realm with abundant wood rules.

Du Long is working hard in an environment where time is a million times accelerated. With three heads and six arms, he uses his sword and ax to pick up three creation weapons, and is constantly bombarding one lava flame giant after another.

The outside world has just spent a few years, but he has been fighting and practicing for millions of years in this secret realm. Under such long years of practice, he has successfully killed countless batches of lava flame giants with amazing defense capabilities.

'Huh? ! ’

While he was fighting and comprehending the fighting method of integrating heaven and earth, he was suddenly shocked with countless distractions. One of his minds discovered that another prisoner had died in the prison cave.

"Suspected to be a high-level civilized force in Xuantian's chaotic world... A young master named Gu Li from the Norman family led 10,000 Supreme Realm troops into the Dragon Secret Realm?!"

"Block the entrance to the secret realm with a huge force field ball outside the Dragon Secret Realm, and prohibit any personnel from entering the Dragon Secret Realm?!"

"First, he killed two supreme-level powerful men in seconds, and then he killed ten creation gods of the zombie clan in a row?!"

Du Long frowned slightly and murmured softly to himself: "It seems that this Eternal Dragon Secret Realm is really a piece of cake?! First, the four tribes from outside the territory have been tracking for many years, and then the children of high-level civilization forces led tens of thousands of supreme powers to catch up. Come here?!"

"The Dragon Secret Realm, which was originally extremely chaotic, will probably become more and more chaotic with the entry of another powerful force!"

"That's all! No matter how chaotic the Dragon Secret Realm is, you just need to devote yourself to the battle understanding and work hard to accept the test of the Dragon Secret Realm!"

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