Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2482 Energy Cannonball

Boom boom boom. . .

On the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, three giant dragons of the Five Elements Battle Formation were galloping around. Wherever they passed, they were constantly bombarded by hundreds of millions of armies from the four tribes outside the territory. Unfortunately, they were still as unstoppable as if they were in an uninhabited land.

As soon as the foreign army prepares to assemble its legions to launch a joint attack, it will definitely receive the attention of the three five-element battle formation dragons. After repeated attempts to fail, the foreign army is almost on the verge of collapse.

On both sides of the battlefield, the Supreme Realm powerful men from both sides were watching eagerly, ready to intervene at any time to interfere with the other side's foul play.

Seeing that the Pangu camp was sure to win, Du Long and Guang Chengzi had smiles on their faces, and they were in no hurry to release the other three Five Elements Coiling Dragon Formations in their hands.

Any Five Elements Battle Formation legion is the elite among the elite. Since one's own side already has the advantage, there is no need to release the reserve legion.

In order to avoid overly irritating the powerful people in the supreme realm outside the territory, if the other party attacks desperately, Du Long will suffer heavy losses even if he takes revenge afterwards.

On the other side, the powerful masters of the four extraterrestrial tribes all looked at the chaotic battlefield with livid faces. They could only watch helplessly as the hundreds of millions of soldiers on their side failed to survive the ravages of the three dragons of the Pangu camp. There is no solution.

"A bunch of trash! They clearly have an absolute advantage in numbers, but they can't even do anything to the enemy's 3,000,000 horses. Damn it..." Shen Ku Gong, the leader of the force clan, roared and cursed through gritted teeth.

"Kugong, the Great Lord!" Chen, the Soul Tribe's Lord and God, couldn't help but said: "We must find a way to stabilize the battle situation quickly, otherwise our losses will become greater and greater!"

"These wastes are so useless, what good solution can I think of?!" Ku Gong asked impatiently: "I wonder if you guys have any good strategies to deal with it?!"

"Good advice is not a good idea!" Chen, the chief god of the soul clan, frowned and replied: "Battlefield decisions like this should be made by professionals. It's best for us not to interfere too much!"

"Forget it!" Shenku Gong, the leader of the Li clan, said without any objection: "Then secretly send a message to all the generals. If anyone can think of a good strategy to change the current unfavorable situation, we will definitely reward them heavily!"

Soon, almost all the generals of the four tribes outside the territory received similar messages. Anyone who could come up with a good strategy to reverse the situation of the war would be heavily rewarded.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. The chief gods of the four tribes soon received secret messages and suggestions from many soldiers. The chief gods of the four tribes found several more feasible strategies. After discussing in secret, they immediately chose one of them. to put it into practice.

On the chaotic battlefield, a large number of soldiers from the four extraterrestrial tribes disappeared out of thin air one after another, and soon gathered into uniform military formations behind the main gods of the four tribes.

With the four chief gods from outside the territory blocking the way, the three five-element battle formation giant dragons were really frightened and did not dare to cross the four chief gods to chase down the enemy.

In this way, the armies of the four tribes outside the territory quickly regrouped. Although a large number of troops had been lost by this time, there were still one to two hundred million legions to regroup.


Amidst the roar of a certain general, the neat military formation rushed forward again. Their speed was not fast, and it was obvious that they wanted to keep the formation from chaos as much as possible.

"Everyone is preparing to attack as planned. There are three battle dragons in front of the target. Get ready! Shoot!!"

The regrouped armies of the four tribes outside the territory quickly pressed into the battlefield. They dispersed into military formations of three to five million people, divided into forty or fifty military formations.

These forty or fifty military formations are composed of the force clan as the main force, the soul clan as the auxiliary, the blood clan as the distant attack support, and the corpse clan at the front as human shields to defend against the impact of the battle dragon.

As the attack command was issued, soul shock waves, force field cannons, and blood crystal arrows were continuously fired from within the forty or fifty military formations, blasting towards the three battle formation dragons.

‘Don’t go head-to-head, take a detour and try your best to tear the enemy’s formation apart, and then choose your troops to deliver a fatal blow! ’

Du Long's brows furrowed as he had no choice but to issue such a helpless order. The armies of the four extraterrestrial tribes had violated a minor rule this time and relied on the deterrent power of the main gods of the four extraterritorial tribes to reorganize their armies.

Because the main gods of the four extraterrestrial tribes did not take action, they just stood there, and it was not easy for Du Long to ask for an explanation.

After receiving his order, the three five-element battle formation dragons immediately spread out, dodging with all their strength to avoid the enemy's large number of joint long-range attacks, while surrounding the enemy to find defensive loopholes to break the formation.

It has to be said that after the armies of the four tribes outside the territory were dispersed into dozens of military formations, it had a great impact on the lethality of the Five Elements War Formation dragons. Each Five Elements War Formation dragon had to face more than a dozen military formations at the same time.

The five-element light wave can only attack at most one of the military formations. When approaching the opponent to explode a force field cannon, he will also have to withstand various powerful long-range attacks from more than a dozen other military formations.

The Five Elements Battle Formation dragon did not have the guts to face the attacks of more than a dozen force field cannons. The destructive effect caused by the force field cannon explosion just now still makes everyone feel lingering fear.

In this way, the three five-element battle formations of the Pangu camp were running back and forth outside the military formations of the four tribes outside the territory, but they were never able to break into the enemy's formation and kill the enemy at close range.

The long-distance attack methods of the Five Elements Panlong Battle Formation are relatively weak. Similar to the Five Elements Light Wave Cannon, its speed is extremely fast, but its power is limited. It is not enough to pose a fatal threat to the enemy's military formation composed of millions of troops.

As a result, the battlefield situation immediately fell into a stalemate, and neither the enemy nor ourselves could do anything to the other.

That kind of long-range attack method is like fireworks blooming in the sky, but in fact, they are all dodged by the opponent.

‘Du Long! It seems that since the emergence of the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone Formation, the enemy has already thought of a way to deal with it. Energy field cannons like this jointly used are clearly attack methods specially prepared for the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Formation! ’ Guangchengzi said with some helplessness.

'yes! ’ Du Long also shook his head speechlessly and sighed: ‘Any kind of powerful attack method, once the enemy knows it in advance, will definitely be able to find various ways to deal with it. ’

'When the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cone Formation first appeared on the battlefield, it was because the enemy didn't expect it at all that it was able to show off its power on the battlefield. Now if you want to show off its power, you may have to find another way. ah! ’

‘I wonder if Fellow Taoist Du Long has any good ideas to change the current predicament? ! ’ Guangchengzi’s eyes lit up slightly, and he looked expectantly at the legendary military god in front of him.

'The only way is to improve the long-range attack capability of the Five Elements Panlong Battle Formation. If the defense of the enemy's formation cannot be broken through remotely, then we can only fall into a situation with the enemy country where no one can do anything about the other, and we can only see who can survive it. It’s the end! ’ Du Long stared at the battlefield in front of him with sharp eyes.

Three giant dragons in the Five Elements Battle Formation were running back and forth, but unfortunately they were unable to get close to the enemy's formation and could only fly around in vain far away from the enemy's formation.

At this moment, inside the cave world that Du Long carried with him, three other five-element battle formation legions were assembled and on standby, and all the soldiers were watching the virtual battlefield scene in the sky.

The entire battle scene outside was virtualized by Du Long. The three Five Elements Battle Formation legions in the Dongtian World could clearly see the entire battle process.

"Why didn't Marshal Du Long let our three legions take action before?! In that case, even if the enemy army can still gather, there probably won't be so many military formations!"

"Yes! I believe that if we could go to war before, we would definitely be able to kill tens of millions of enemy troops!"


In the cave world, 30 million troops watched the virtual screen and chatted there without saying a word.

After seeing three other Five Elements War Formation giant dragons killing enemies wantonly outside, the 30 million men and horses in Dongtian World had long wanted to rush out. Unfortunately, without Du Long's permission, they could only stay quiet. Just wait here.

"Everyone, be quiet!" At this moment, Du Long's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears: "The reason why I didn't let you go out to fight just now is because I don't want to overwhelm the strong men at the level of the Great Lord God from outside the territory. Got it!"

"Once the other party is forced to panic, and then they will jump over the wall and deal cruelly to you at all costs, then even if I can avenge you afterwards, it will be too late!"

"Everyone here is the most elite soldier in Tianwaixian City. I am not willing to let everyone suffer unreasonable disasters. I hope you can understand this!"

"Okay!" After explaining a few sentences, Du Long changed the subject and said: "I believe everyone has seen the enemy's response methods, right?! You all should stop watching here and immediately gather into formations. Get up, I'll teach you a more powerful long-range attack method, and it depends on your three legions whether you can tear apart the enemy's formation!"

"Why are you still standing there?!" After Du Long's voice fell, many people on the scene had not yet reacted. One of the legion commanders yelled on the spot: "Why don't you quickly form a formation in accordance with Marshal Du Long's instructions?" stand up?!"


In the Dongtian World, bursts of excited cheers immediately erupted. The soldiers who had been itching for a long time took action one after another. Three huge five-element battle formation dragons appeared directly in the Dongtian World.

"Okay! I will now introduce the long-distance attack method of joining forces into everyone's mind. You must work together according to that method. When can you master this method proficiently, go out to kill the enemy!" Du Long's voice It was transmitted into everyone's mind again, and then pieces of information were passed over.

In the sky, three battle dragons were suspended there. All the soldiers were quietly accepting the information they were responsible for performing, and kept this information firmly in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, the three battle dragons began to move slowly. During the movement, each legion commander began to give orders. Whenever he gave an order, everyone had to work together and carry out the tasks assigned to each person.

This method of joint attack seems simple, but there is a troublesome point. As long as any node among tens of millions of people fails to keep up, everyone's efforts will be in vain.

All in all, when launching a joint attack, you must be able to do it with ease. Any mistake by one person will cause a certain joint attack to fail.

In the sky, the three giant dragons were constantly experimenting with new attack methods. The repeated failures did not make them feel discouraged. In comparison, this joint attack method was much simpler than when they first started training the Five Elements Battle Formation.


At a certain moment, one of the Five Elements Battle Formation dragons finally shot out a multicolored light ball, which shot towards a distant mountain peak like a cannonball.

Rumble. . .

As everyone watched with great anticipation, the colorful ball of light hit the mountain peak instantly, and then a shocking scene appeared.

The mountain peak, which was hundreds of thousands of meters high, was actually destroyed by one blow, and was directly vaporized in a mass of energy explosion. There was only a huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky.

"Haha! Success!!"

Waves of cheers and cheers continued to sound, and many legion soldiers were shocked by the terrifying power of this ball of colorful light, and they all couldn't help but cheer.

"Haha! Well done to the Fifth Regiment! Our Sixth Regiment can't lag too far behind. Everyone, hurry up and keep working hard. If anyone dares to hold me back again and again, be careful when I go back and punish him to be benched in the reserve army!" The legion commander laughed loudly and cursed his men.

Amidst the many laughter and cheers, the three legions calmed down from their excitement and started training again.

Time passed slowly, and balls of colorful light were shot out one after another. The mountains and rivers in front of them were immediately affected, and were directly bombarded with devastation.

"Very good!" It wasn't until the three legions had mastered this long-range attack method that Du Long's voice rang again: "It's time for you to show off your power. Be sure to let the four tribes from outside the territory." The invaders should have a good taste of the power of this five-element energy cannon!"

On the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, the enemy and we are in a stalemate, and no one can do anything to the other!

Suddenly, three five-element battle formation dragons appeared on the battlefield out of thin air. Their appearance was not unexpected by both the enemy and us. Both sides knew that the Pangu camp had such a reserve reinforcement as early as the expedition.

"Hmph!" Shen Ku Gong, the leader of the Li Clan, snorted at Du Long with disdain and said, "Just adding three battle formation legions will not help at all. If you have the guts, send out more than ten or twenty five-element battle formations." The formation army comes out, in that case we will immediately admit defeat and withdraw our troops!"

"Really?!" Facing Ku Gong's sarcastic words, Du Long smiled coldly and said, "Whether you can evacuate this place alive is still a question, let's wait and see!"

The two people talked in the air without avoiding the others. The three newly added five-element battle formation dragons had already rushed into the battlefield impatiently, cooperating with the other three legions of their own camp to harass the enemy.

They are not in a hurry to launch the five-element energy cannon attack, but are waiting for the best time to take action. Otherwise, if they do not take action, the enemy will definitely pay a heavy price!

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