Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2472 Dark Night World

A thick fairy mist shrouds the space between heaven and earth!

Du Long stood alone among the ruins of the fairy mist, looking at the huge figure lying on the road ahead not far away.

After some persuasion, other people from the Buddhist and Taoist sects finally listened to his persuasion and all entered the cave world he carried with him to temporarily avoid the crisis.

According to Du Long's explanation, since it is a narrow escape route, if everyone moves forward together, more than a dozen team members may die as a result.

But if he was the only one moving forward, according to the ratio of nine deaths, he would either live or die. In fact, he had a half chance of life or death.

Calculated in this way, the original narrow chance of death has become a 50-50 chance. If he successfully overcomes this crisis, he can then release the others together.


With a long breath of turbid breath, Du Long ducked forward and flew forward. With him, the supreme and powerful men of Buddhism and Taoism in the cave world were able to see the outside world in real time.

As the distance got closer, Du Long felt the power of Tao Tian pressing towards him, and his speed also dropped sharply. In the end, he could only move forward step by step.

Every step he took felt like he had stepped through an era. The powerful pressure made him feel like an ordinary person carrying a hill on his back.

You can vaguely see that every time his footsteps fall, there will always be a clear footprint. Each footprint is about two or three kilograms deep.

You must know that although this place has suffered serious damage, it is still protected by a large formation. The materials used to build this place are also very precious, and it is basically difficult to be damaged under normal circumstances.

Whoop, whoop, whoop. . .

Du Long raised his legs and moved forward with all his strength. Every time he raised his legs, he would make an extremely heavy breathing sound, just like the coolies carrying the creatures forward step by step with great difficulty.

After a long time, he finally came to where he could clearly see the figure lying there. Then he stopped, panting heavily, and raised his head to look at the huge immortal corpse in front of him.

"Huh?! This is actually an immortal corpse with a dragon head and body?! Could it be that... all the members of the Genlong clan are in this form?! Could the person in front of me be Emperor Genlong?!"

Du Long was instantly shocked by what he discovered. The immortal corpse in front of him was covered with tattered armor, and the head was clearly in the shape of a dragon's head.

It's just that the appearance of this dragon's head is completely different from the image of the dragons in the Pangu world. There are some obvious differences in the pair of dragon horns and other aspects.

But even with this difference, Du Long can still tell at a glance that it is a dragon-headed human body. This shows that the main feature of its head is still biased towards the shape of a dragon's head.

"And this armor... is clearly a creation-level armor. Even if it is badly damaged, it is still not something that I can easily destroy!"

"It's just that I didn't see the magic weapon in his hand. It must have been taken away by the enemy as a trophy, right?! A magic weapon that can be used by such a powerful man must be the most powerful among the creation magic weapons. Does it exist?!"

Standing in front of the immortal corpse, Du Long commented on it. On the surface, he seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact, he was exchanging opinions with other people in the cave world.

"Junior Brother Du Long! There seems to be a line of words engraved on the opponent's armor belt!" In the cave world, Thousand-Hand Guanyin suddenly reminded him.

Du Long's eyes lit up and he immediately looked at the belt of the huge figure. He saw that there were indeed a few words there, but because of the way the other person was lying on his back, he could only see a few words on the side.

"Eternal Dragon War?!"

Du Long immediately read out the three words he observed, but the other words ran directly above the immortal corpse. Because the other party's body was so huge, the distance between the two was like a gap between a mouse and an elephant. Proportion.


Out of curiosity, Du Long suddenly gritted his teeth and used the magical power of the heaven, elephant and earth. In this environment, he did not expect to be able to fly to a high place to watch.

His figure suddenly rose from the ground, reaching a height of dozens of feet in the blink of an eye. He panted and stopped until he could clearly see the top of the immortal corpse.

"Eternal Dragon Armor, National Protector King Kong!"

Du Long quickly read out the string of words on the belt of the armor. Just when he couldn't bear the pressure and wanted to regain his normal shape, his eyes were attracted by a token on the belt.

"The Eight King's Diamond Order to Protect the Country?!"

Subconsciously reading out the string of words on the surface of the token, Du Long knew that there must be very critical information printed on the other side of the token. He immediately gritted his teeth and reached out to flip the token over.


Just when he successfully turned the token over, a terrifying energy immediately swept away and swallowed him whole in an instant.

In the moment before he was swallowed up, the information on the other side of the token suddenly flashed in his mind, with the three simple characters "Prince Zhong" clearly engraved on it.

After one's cultivation reaches a certain extremely high level, the information carried by words will often carry the power of mind that affects the spiritual consciousness. Even if there are different words between different civilizations, the correctness of them can be clearly identified through the power of spiritual consciousness. meaning.

With his last bit of consciousness, Du Long instantly fell into boundless darkness. When his consciousness recovered again, he had already appeared in an unknown world.

This is a desolate and lonely dark world. There is no light source in the sky. Only a few plants on the ground emit very weak fluorescent light, and these weak fluorescence are the only light sources in this world.

Standing in this unknown and desolate world, Du Long swung into a three-headed and six-armed form, and then began to observe the surrounding environment, hoping to detect useful information.

Looking around, he could only vaguely see the endless black peaks in the distance, and his location should be a long and narrow valley.

Du Long subconsciously wanted to release his spiritual consciousness, but was shocked to find that his spiritual consciousness could not be released. This was essentially different from the suppression of his spiritual consciousness, but it was completely unable to be released.

He was trying to get in touch with the cave world he carried with him, but he was once again shocked to find that he could not contact the inside of the cave world he carried with him. The reason was that his spiritual consciousness could not be used.

At this moment, he had the illusion that he had died and his soul had arrived in the underworld.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable, unable to contact anyone. Living in such a dark and lonely world, the feeling of isolation was not something ordinary people could bear.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person. He once practiced in an underground cave for endless years and quickly adapted to it, and began to study the dark world in front of him through other aspects.

First, Du Long began to sense the mysterious rules of heaven and earth in this world, and this sense made him secretly relieved.

Although the dark world in front of us is endless, the mysterious laws of heaven and earth are still functioning normally, and it seems that the level of the laws of heaven is similar to that of the ruins of the Dragon Palace.

This means that inside the dark world in front of you, there is an environment of heaven and earth rules that is almost eternally perfect.

"It's not bad!" Du Long said with a self-deprecating smile: "At least the rules of the world here are very sound. Even if you are trapped here, you can still understand the mysterious changes of the world. I guess the time will not be too difficult, right?!"

Perhaps because he opened his mouth to speak, the originally silent world suddenly began to make some noise, and then a scene appeared that made Du Long feel his scalp numb.

Between the dark mountains on both sides of the narrow valley, little dots of light like stars were constantly flashing. These light dots ranged from faint green to dark red.

They began to swarm towards the valley where Du Long was standing. As the distance got closer, Du Long finally saw the truth behind those light spots. They were all unknown ferocious beasts!

And those light spots emitting various fluorescent colors were clearly the pupils of those ferocious beasts. Looking at the dense and almost endless number of light spots, Du Long knew that his trouble had finally come to his door.

Oh wow!

Accompanied by a furious roar, a certain night beast running at the front looked up to the sky and roared, then immediately spread its hooves and rushed towards Du Long.

The starlight spot, which was still a little quiet at first, immediately let out various beast roars, and then charged towards Du Long crazily.

"It's another environment where you can't fly in the air. Is this just a feeding ground?! I'm just a piece of food that was put here?!" Du Long muttered helplessly, and immediately entered the three-headed thousand in a flash. The fighting form of the arm.

Without any nonsense, an inexplicable war broke out!

Among the swords and snakes crisscrossing the sky, unknown night beasts were slashed and exploded one after another. With warm blood splashing everywhere, Du Long finally understood that all this was not an illusion.

Not only did the bloody killings not scare away those night beasts, but they rushed towards Du Long even more excitedly. What's more, some of them were not in a hurry to attack him, but started to eat the same kind that had been killed? !

Facing such ferocious beasts of the night that he didn't know to fear, although Du Long didn't want to waste his energy with them, there were ferocious beasts with no end in sight in all directions. Unable to fly in the air, he could only fight with all his strength.

Under the three heads and thousands of arms, the swords and snakes in the sky intertwined into a web of sword light, constantly slashing and exploding those fierce night beasts that were not afraid of death, and then the killed dark night beasts immediately transformed into other beasts food.

A process like this kept going on and on, and Du Long couldn't stop at all. Either the night beasts that besieged him died, or he turned into the opponent's food. There would be no third outcome.

Gradually, some creatures with hard and thick scales began to appear among those dark night beasts. Du Long could only kill them with the Creation Divine Weapon. Ordinary super divine weapons could only leave some not deep marks on the opponent's body. .

This made Du Long feel a crisis. If the night beasts that besieged him were of this type, then he might be in danger.

And his hunch soon came true. The number of those dark night beasts with extremely powerful defenses was increasing, and it seemed that the trend of beasts with weak defenses would soon be replaced.


A super artifact sword was bitten by a certain dark night beast, and then the scene that made Du Long feel his scalp numb appeared again. He saw that the dark night beast actually bit into his mouth with a clicking sound in front of him. Chewed up a corner of the super artifact and swallowed it? !

This girl must have been eating hard ores in this dark world, so she has survived to this day, and the super artifact in her hand seems to be a piece of delicious food in their eyes? !

Seeing that the super artifacts in his hands began to suffer a lot of damage due to the long battle, Du Long had to put them away, and then his body flashed into a fighting form with three heads and six arms.

With three heads and six arms, in addition to the creation weapon Zhan Jian, there are five other creation weapons such as a battle axe, a battle knife, and a broad sword.

Du Long began to use a limited number of weapons to try his best to integrate the world and the earth to fight. He must use the minimum consumption to achieve the maximum results.

In the dark and desolate world, Du Long lost contact with others and fell into an inexplicable endless battle alone.

On the other side, all the members of the Buddhist and Taoist sects in the cave world also looked confused.

They also lost any contact with the outside world. Not only were they unable to contact Du Long, the master of this cave world, they were also unable to freely enter and exit this cave world.

The inner space of the boundless cave world has now become a prison for them, a group of supreme and powerful men. It is impossible to see any abnormal changes happening to Du Long in the outside world.

"What should we do?!" True Lord Daode murmured anxiously: "I don't know what kind of situation Du Long is in, but he can actually block the connection between him and the world of the cave?!"

"Yes!" Thousand-Hand Guanyin's usually indifferent expression could not help but reveal a hint of anxiety at this moment: "We only know that Junior Brother Du Long is still alive for the time being, and the rest can only silently pray for him!"

After a group of people lost contact with Du Long, they were trapped in the world of Portable Cave, unable to enter and exit freely. For a while, they could not think of any way to get out of this predicament.

Time is passing by. A while ago, everyone was very anxious. As time goes by, they gradually become numb.

Faced with the long and boring wait, most people began to enter a state of seclusion and practice, hoping to use practice to pass the time until they could contact Du Long.

There are also some people who do not practice in seclusion, but travel around this portable cave world. With the strength of their supreme realm, their spiritual consciousness can cover the entire cave world at all times.

They only need to keep a small amount of their attention on whether they can contact Du Long, and there is no need to stay where they are and wait for the result.

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