Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2436 Preparing for a Breakthrough

The capital of the Tang Dynasty welcomed the negotiation delegation from the light and dark tribes.

The three major headquarters of the Pangu World Alliance received this information, and many people were filled with admiration for Du Long's previous accurate prediction. He was indeed worthy of being the legendary military god commander.

In terms of controlling the overall situation, as Athena said, she has a sensitivity that is different from ordinary people.

Du Long did not immediately receive any members of the envoy, but temporarily put them aside and secretly contacted Athena and Odin to send people to participate in negotiations.

To be honest, after the Pangu World Alliance was established, various alliance forces in the Eastern World continued to contribute, but they did not gain any benefits.

Du Long didn't know much about the situation in the two western continents, and he didn't know what the demands of the western alliance members were, so they had to send people to participate in the negotiations.

Soon, Xiniu Hezhou's side, headed by Athena, and Beiju's Luzhou side, headed by Odin, each dispatched hundreds of negotiation teams.

Prince Du's Mansion, in the outer meeting hall.

Du Long personally met with all members of the two negotiating teams and began to secretly discuss the details of the negotiation demands and other details, hoping to reach some consensus within the alliance before launching formal negotiations with the light and dark tribes.

In this way, it took a full day and night of discussion to reach a preliminary consensus. Finally, the demands of each member of the alliance were listed in detail. Even the Eastern camp also put forward many conditions.

Later, Du Long sent people to invite the negotiation delegations from the light and dark tribes, and began formal negotiations in the main hall outside Prince Du's residence.

It has to be said that after putting the negotiating team of the light and dark clans to rest for a while, they successfully suppressed the other party's arrogance.

During the entire negotiation process, Du Long sat in the main seat and did not say anything. Instead, he allowed Athena and Odin to talk to the light and dark tribes.

The goddess Athena engaged in a verbal battle with the negotiating delegations of the light and dark tribes. Du Long secretly admired her superb language organization skills. No matter what reasons the light and dark tribes came up with, she could always refute the other party into silence.

However, the entire negotiation process did not go smoothly. During the period, the negotiation delegations from the light and dark communities had to suspend the negotiation process from time to time on the grounds of requesting notifications from high-level officials.

Du Long, Athena and others were not in a hurry at all. They allowed them to report the truce conditions and wait for the reply from above. However, the fighting in Beiju Luzhou and Xiniu Hezhou never stopped.

The Pangu World Alliance did not stop because of the negotiations and continued to implement the established strategic plan, which could be regarded as continuously exerting pressure on the light and dark races.

Time passed day by day, and the enemy and the enemy finally negotiated a reconciliation plan while fighting and talking.

In principle, the light and dark tribes agreed to return 50% of the territory of each member of the alliance. From now on, the teachings of the light and dark tribes are not allowed to be spread on the territory actually controlled by the alliance.

Until this moment, a war that affected most of the Pangu God Realm finally came to a halt.

The hostile parties issued a joint announcement, which shocked the world for a while!

Everyone knows one thing, that is, the Pangu World Alliance has finally gained a firm foothold, and from today on it will become one of the top forces in the entire Pangu World.

The two clans of light and darkness compromised and gave up a large amount of territory, which also caused great changes in the entire pattern of Pangu God Realm.

Many people were amazed by Du Long's generous actions. Everyone knew that if he had not taken the lead in this matter, the light and dark clans would never have chosen to give in easily.

"Du Long! Thank you!" At the main feast of the alliance, the goddess Athena toasted to Du Long with great gratitude: "We, the Sun God Clan, have finally regained a large area of ​​lost land in the Holy Land of Heaven. The Hell Realm has also taken back a large part of its homeland!”

Du Long was not polite to her this time. He directly raised a glass and accepted the thanks from the Western goddess of war and wisdom. This time, the Eastern camp of the alliance contributed a lot, but in fact, it did not get much benefit.

He was completely considering the overall interests of the Pangu world and did not miss any opportunity to suppress the light and dark races, so he agreed to Athena's suggestion to form an alliance without hesitation.

But he didn't expect that the light and dark clans would compromise so easily, which made Du Long feel a little disappointed.

He originally hoped that the two clans of light and darkness could be tougher. In that case, there would be the possibility of escalating the war, and then the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism might not stand idly by.

Different from the lively scene where the alliance held a grand celebration banquet, the morale of the Western light and dark tribes became very low because of this incident. Although they hated Du Long deeply, they could not do anything against him.

Just kidding, if there was any way to deal with him, we should have gone all out to kill him when he was in the Dark Holy City, and there was no need to delay it until now.

"Dragon Master Xuantian!" The God of Thunder Odin walked towards Du Long with a wine glass in hand, followed by three figures of different sizes: "We in the Northern Club Alliance are also very grateful for your help, which allowed us to recover a large amount of Homeland!”

Next to Odin, the God of Thunder, were Ymir, the leader of the Western Giants, Buffenni, the queen of the elves, and Carusan, the leader of the dwarves. The three of them also raised their glasses and said words of gratitude.

"You're welcome!" Du Long raised his cup and said with a faint smile: "Your ancestors once sacrificed their lives for the Pangu world, and in exchange for many years of peace in the entire Pangu world, no one in the Pangu world will forget it!"

Although his words were very plain, they still moved everyone in the Northern Club League so much that almost every one of them had red eyes and poured wine into their stomachs with tears in their eyes.

"Dragon Lord Xuantian! From now on, you are the most distinguished friend of all members of our Northern Club Alliance. You are always welcome to visit World Tree!" Odin put down the empty cup and spoke again in an extremely sincere tone.

"Okay! If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely go and see the legendary World Tree!" Du Long readily accepted the invitation.

The celebration banquet lasted for a long time before it ended, and people from all parties in the alliance who came to the banquet gradually dispersed.

After Du Long sent all the guests away, he returned to the core area of ​​Prince Du's Mansion. After explaining to everyone, he ducked directly into the ninth space-time island.

Because he has been busy with various affairs in the alliance, he has delayed his own affairs. Now that everything has been dealt with, he finally has free time to deal with personal matters.

In the ninth space-time island, Du Long's three clones gathered together and finally shared memories without any suppression!

Buzz, buzz!

The soul aura of two of the clones began to explode, and they successively reached perfection from the late stage of the divine realm to the early and middle stages of the supreme realm.

It wasn't until the soul realms of all the clones stabilized that they resumed division of labor and cooperation.

The more unusual clone in the Dantian world could see through inner vision that the tiny light spot in the Dantian world had obviously become much larger, and it was vaguely visible that time and space were twisting and collapsing around it.

Du Long could clearly feel that the basic combat power of his clone had increased many times, reaching at least the strength of the middle and late stages of the divine realm. This discovery made him secretly happy.

After observing for a while, he began to enter the state of enlightenment and practice. This clone needed to spend a lot of time to increase the size of the small light spot. In the future, I am afraid that he will have to stay in the Ninth Space Island for a long time to practice hard.

On the other two clones' side, as the soul realm improved to the middle stage of the Supreme Realm, they successfully broke through the final bottleneck of the second stage of the Avenue of Time and Space, the second stage of the Avenue of Five Elements, and the first stage of the Avenue of Reincarnation.

This also fulfilled the basic requirements he set for himself to create the seventh level of Xuantian Jue. It was also time for him to start thinking of ways to create the seventh level of Xuantian Jue.

Otherwise, even if he has the Soul Realm of the Supreme Realm, these two clones still only have the basic combat power of the Divine Realm!

Without the help of the super space locking formation to fight, let alone killing a powerful master god, it would be good if he was not killed by the opponent.

All in all, without a breakthrough in basic combat power, Du Long is actually an existence in the realm of the most powerful god.

Time is passing day by day, and Du Long's three clones are all comprehending the secrets of practicing various heavenly ways, but two of them still have a small part of their mind, thinking about the seventh level of the self-created Xuantian Jue technique. Methods.

‘The sixth level of the Xuantian Art of my two clones is a state of yin and yang. The extreme point of yin is the creation cold universe flame, and the extreme point of yang is the creation black yellow flame! ’

‘How should I create the seventh level of Xuantian Jue by myself? ! If this were the first and second levels of Xuantian Jue, after the division of yin and yang, it would be the founding stage of the universe. . . ’

'etc! The beginning of the universe. . . Isn’t that the Yin and Yang Realm? ! Yin is the Netherworld and Yang is the Pangu God Realm? ! ’

‘The two realms of yin and yang must be integrated into the six realms of reincarnation. All living things in the world have a cycle of life and death. Only in this way can the cycle of life and death be endless. . . ’

‘The two realms of yin and yang are all-encompassing and can evolve into the five elements and myriad ways. . . It can integrate time and space, battles, formations, reincarnation and other avenues into one, and all the avenues must eventually be unified. . . ’

‘. . . . . . ’

With time accelerating a million times, various ways to create the seventh level of Xuantian Art were constantly popping up in Du Long's mind. Among them, this path seemed to be more reliable.

This is not the result of his sudden thought, but an idea that he had early in the morning, but now he is working hard to study various issues in details, and he must strive to be as perfect as possible.

As the saying goes, sharpen your sword and chop firewood by mistake. Only by making sufficient preparations can he create as perfect a skill as possible.

You know, even the Pangu world created by Pangu ancestor when he created the world still has many flaws and loopholes. He does not think that he is more awesome than Pangu ancestor.

After spending hundreds of years in the Ninth Spacetime Island with his eyes closed, he decided to let one of his clones follow this path to create the seventh level of Xuantian Jue.


In the vast and boundless Dantian world, the Yin and Yang energy began to slowly accelerate. As the Yin and Yang energy accelerated, the two creation flames at the Yin and Yang poles also bloomed with dazzling brilliance.


The two creation flames penetrated the world barrier with Xuantian's chaotic world one after another. Two surging chaotic energies continued to pour in. Under the burning and refining of the creation flames, they quickly transformed into yin and yang, and continuously injected into the Dantian world. middle.

The Dantian world that had already reached its limit began to expand continuously with the injection of a large amount of Yin and Yang Qi, but Du Long did not deliberately control the Yin and Yang Qi to make any changes!

But in his mind, there was a picture of the two realms of Yin and Yang. This picture was so mysterious and abstract that even he himself didn't know what it would look like in the end.

Time passed by minute by second, and he gradually felt waves of swelling and pain coming from inside the Dantian world, but he didn't pay attention to it, but kept meditating on something in his heart.

On the top of Xuantian, on the isolated island.

Ancestor Pan Gu was sitting on the shore of the lake fishing when he seemed to sense something and suddenly raised his head to look at a certain area of ​​air.

"This kid...has he finally decided to create his own seventh level of Xuantian Jue?!" Pan Guzu murmured: "This seems a little too eager, hoping to successfully break through and achieve perfection. Perfect the seventh level of Xuantian Art!"

As Du Long begins to break through, the Creation Flame will penetrate the barrier between the Pangu world and the Xuantian chaotic world, and naturally there will be no way to escape the eyes of Pangu Ancestor.

You know, he is the creator of the Pangu world. It would be really funny if someone in the Pangu world penetrated the world barrier and he didn't know about it.

At this time, Ancient Ancestor Pan had no intention of fishing anymore. He was watching Du Long's breakthrough progress with bright eyes, and he could see the deep expectation in his eyes.

Although Du Long's growth time was too short, he was the existence that Pangu Ancestor placed infinite hope on, and he was even more valued than the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Xuantian Creation God.

You must know that the worlds created by many Xuantian Creator Gods, including him, have many flaws, and they can never be perfected to achieve an eternal and perfect world.

Therefore, now he puts his only hope on Du Long, hoping that he can successfully create a truly eternal and perfect world. Only in this way can countless creatures in the entire Pangu world gain an eternal living space.

In the Ninth Spacetime Island, Du Long didn't know that Ancient Ancestor Pan had discovered it and was paying attention to his breakthrough.

At this moment, his three clones are all paying attention to the progress of the breakthrough. They are sharing their memories in real time to prevent the clone from suddenly having an accident during the breakthrough process, and then there will be no time for memory sharing.

In the world of dantian that is making breakthroughs, since the yin and yang qi have already reached the limit that the dantian can bear, Du Long continues to forcefully absorb Xuantian's chaotic energy and transform it into yin and yang qi. The pressure on the dantian can be imagined.

The yin and yang qi continued to grow, and Du Long felt that the entire Dantian world was getting more and more painful, as if it would explode if it continued like this.

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