Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 259: Encountered Again

In Tianqi City, in an ordinary house in Xicheng District, Du Long and the others successfully found the branch of the Shadow Guard here!

As the lord of Fengli County and the supreme commander of the Xiaoqi Legion, Du Long naturally has the authority to view the confidential information of the branches of the Shadow Guard in various places. With the beauty of the ring spirit, he has already scanned and stored all the data of the Shadow Guard branches.

These members of the Shadow Guard are almost all veterans of the Xiaoqi Legion. Most of them have seen Du Long, and they don’t need to reveal their identities. .

In the living room of the branch, Du Long sat on the chief seat unceremoniously, and Ma Jun, the person in charge of the shadow guards of the branch, stood down respectfully. The arrival of the Lord Lord made him feel nervous and excited at the same time!

Afraid that he had done something wrong, the lord actually came to this insignificant small branch in person, and secretly guessed in his heart whether there was any important task, and the lord actually wanted to come down to explain it in person?

Looking at the hesitant Ma Jun with a smile, Du Long said calmly, "Your name is Ma Jun?!"

"The subordinate is Ma Jun!" Ma Jun hurriedly replied, he never expected that the lord would know his name, and he couldn't help but feel more confident in his guess.

"You don't need to be nervous, I'm actually just passing through Tianzaki City this time, and I'm just passing by to learn about your work progress! You can briefly introduce the work progress of the Shadow Guard in Tianzaki City, and by the way, look at the recent No suspicious information was found!" Du Long waved his hand casually.

"Return to Lord Lord! I have been waiting for several months to establish a branch in Tianqi City, and all work has been on the right track. As for the suspicious information in this area, according to the analysis of my subordinates, there are indeed some strange things!" Ma Jun Replied respectfully.

"Oh! Come and listen to me!" Du Long raised his eyebrows curiously.

"According to the information obtained by my subordinates, the Blue Moon Empire has launched a war against the Chishui Kingdom for several months, and the entire Blue Moon Empire is sending war supplies to Haoyue City and Chiyue Pass! It was supporting the battle of Chiyue Pass, but my subordinates believe that there are many doubts in it!" Ma Jun analyzed with a serious face.

"Tell me what doubts there are!" Du Long asked with a smile.

"First of all, if it is only for war preparations against the Chishui Kingdom, the amount of supplies will seriously exceed the standard! Secondly, the major legions located around Haoyue City only have 400,000 to 500,000 on the surface, but in fact there are at least 600,000 to 700,000. Concealing the actual quantity?! And..." Ma Jun began to talk about the doubts he found.

Du Long nodded after listening to it from the sidelines. This Ma Jun is definitely a talent for intelligence work, and it is worth cultivating carefully!

"Very good! Ma Jun, your investigation is in the right direction. In fact, the Blue Moon Empire is planning to launch a war against the Haotian Empire. We have known this for a long time. Remember, this is a secret that must not be leaked!" Du Long was satisfied. He nodded and said.

"Also, I am now appointing you as the head of the northern shadow guards of the Blue Moon Empire. This appointment will be issued soon. You must take a long-term view and try not to stick to a single city. We need to intensify the investigation of the deployment of troops!"

"Thank you Lord Lord for your appreciation! Ma Jun will be dedicated to his duties and work hard to do his job well!" Ma Jun bowed excitedly.

"Very good! By the way, I'm here this time, and there is one more thing I need you to do..." Du Long then roughly talked about the affairs of Kang Tuo and others, and asked Ma Jun to report to the capital of the Blue Moon Empire. The shadow division in the direction sent its own instructions, and sent two shadow squads to secretly protect these warriors who had just escaped from slavery.

Afterwards, Du Long refused Ma Jun's invitation to stay overnight, and refused to let him see him off in person. Instead of going through the main entrance, Du Long took his two sweethearts and left directly from the remote corner of the courtyard wall like when he came!

Du Long knew that he must be wanted by the Blue Moon Empire at this moment. If someone saw him staying in this private house, he might bring unnecessary trouble to this place.

Therefore, at the time of parting, he specially told Ma Jun that he must strictly order his subordinates who have met him not to reveal the secret of having been to the Tianqi City branch!

After finishing all this work, the three of Du Long directly stayed in a hotel in Tianqi City for one night. They had nothing to say that night. After breakfast early the next morning, they left the west gate of Tianqi City and boarded the westbound bus. official way.

On the surface, outsiders thought they were going to Qingyun Grassland in the west, but in fact, the three of them rode a big lion to a no-man's land, made a sneaky detour, and headed north again.

After all, there are still unfinished tasks in the northern part of the Blue Moon Empire. If you can delay a little longer, you can still explore several important military towns with peace of mind!

All the way to the north, there are three important military towns along the way: Jinlong City, Zhanshan City, Surabaya City!

I have been passing through these three important military towns without encountering any danger, and here I want to focus on the city of Surabaya!

Surabaya City is next to the south bank of the Hans River. The entire Hans River flows from the Chishui Kingdom in the west to Hans City in the Qingyun Grassland to the east, then flows east through Surabaya City, and then flows all the way through the customs and enters the sea!

In other words, the Hans River has actually become a natural barrier for the Blue Moon Empire facing the Haotian Empire, and it is also the second line of defense for the Blue Moon Empire against the Haotian Empire!

As for the first line of defense, it is naturally Qingyun Grassland, Haoyue Border Town, and Tongguan Customs!

After exiting Surabaya City, continue to go north, where Du Long's final destination - Haoyue City!

As long as he finishes investigating the actual situation around Haoyue City, he can go north to the Haotian Empire and end his trip to the Blue Moon Empire!

On this day, three people and one lion left the city of Surabaya, crossed the Hans River, and came to a small village more than three hundred miles away!

This area was deserted for dozens of miles. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Du Long decided to go to this village to see if there was any tavern or other places where he could stay overnight.

The three of them rode a big black lion and walked slowly along the country path into the village. Du Long looked suspiciously at this village that seemed too quiet. No smoke was seen billowing from any houses.

However, out of trust in the ring spirit beauty, Du Long didn't take this abnormal situation to heart, as long as there was danger, she would have already opened her mouth to remind her!

"Hey! There's an inn in front, Xiaolie, let's go and have a look!" Huofeng exclaimed in surprise, pointing at a house with an inn lantern hanging not far away.

The big lion and Xiaolie naturally rushed towards the inn obediently, and quickly brought the three of them to this small inn. Maybe because there is no village in front of this area, and there is no shop in the back, there is such a small mountain village. inn.

"Three guests, do you want to stay in a hotel or have a meal?!" An inn clerk greeted him. Although he had a smile on his face, he seemed a little unnatural.

"I want both! Let's eat first! I'm almost starving!" Huofeng replied softly.

"Okay! Please come with me, three guests!" After the waiter responded, he led the way and led Du Long and the others to the dining room of the inn.

Looking at the quiet inn from the outside, only to find that there are four tables of guests sitting in the dining room, and only the middle table is still empty. Seeing a new guest coming in, everyone turned their heads to look at the inn. come over.

"Three guests, there is just a seat here, please take a seat here!" The shop assistant led Du Long and the others to the only seat in the dining room with a little respect.

Taking advantage of Huofeng's ability to order dishes, Du Long began to look at the inn, and he could see a weird feeling in it from many aspects.

The inn guy's ordering performance was very unprofessional, and the other guests seemed to be eating there casually, but in fact they always cast vigilant eyes on their side, etc.

"Ling'er! What are you doing?!" Du Long, who felt something was wrong, called out in his heart.

"I'm scanning all kinds of information within a radius of 100 miles! What's the matter? Is something wrong?!" The beauty of the ring spirit responded immediately, which made Du Long secretly relieved, he was afraid that the girl would suddenly fall asleep again .

"Oh! It's okay, I just feel that something is wrong with this village and the inn!" Du Long replied.

"Something's wrong?! Let me take a look..." The beauty of the ring spirit quickly responded, and then stopped talking.

"Ah! There is indeed a problem in this village. The sixth prince Jin Shenyun and Pu Junnan hid in a residential house with a dozen masters!" Du Long frowned on the spot at the exclamation of the ring spirit beauty.

"Jin Shenyun and Pu Junnan are also in this village?!" Du Long narrowed his eyes slightly, with a faint murderous intent surging: "I have shown mercy one after another, these two damned guys never take it seriously? ! That being the case. . . '

"Look for yourself!" After the beauty of the ring spirit responded, a picture appeared in Du Long's mind.

In the living room of a private house, the sixth prince and Pu Junnan sat with their legs crossed and chatted: "Your Highness the sixth prince, Mu Jiu's two fiancées are as beautiful as fairies. After the matter is completed, can you give one to the younger one?! "

"Don't think about it! My second brother has already reserved the girl named Xiaolian, and the girl named Feng'er belongs to the prince! As for you... you can help you report the humiliation." Qiu, you should be satisfied, right?!" The sixth prince replied with curled lips.

"Ah! Since it is the second prince's fancy, the little one will not dare to wishful thinking! Hehe..." Pu Junnan said with a flattering smile: "Now we are waiting for those three guys to eat and be killed." * If you get dizzy, it will save us a lot of trouble!"

"That's right! That guy named Mu Jiu's technique is very weird. It's best not to do it, so as not to cause unnecessary losses!" The sixth prince nodded in response.

In the dining room of the inn, Du Long squinted his eyes slightly to hear the conversation between the two people clearly, and roared in his heart: "These two damn guys! Linger! Those who ambush us are all masters of what strength ?!"

"They actually sent six Gangdan masters to ambush us this time! It seems that it will be difficult for you to hide your strength this time..." the ring spirit beauty murmured.

"What's going on?! Why are there so many people ambushed in the village, but you haven't detected their existence?!" Du Long said in disbelief.

"It's very safe this way. I just went all out to scan the terrain within a hundred miles, so I didn't notice the danger around me for a while..." The ring spirit beauty replied innocently.

Her answer still left Du Long speechless. It seems that in the future, he can't rely too much on this unreliable guy!

Chapter two. . .

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