Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2409 Perform with all your strength

Pangu God Realm, deep in the vast outer space!

Many people find it difficult to imagine that in the star system where an extremely distant star is located, a clone of Xuantian Dragon Lord Du Long is staying there at the moment, quietly exploring and studying one star after another.

Even he, a perfect being with nine divine souls, teleported at full speed for nearly ten thousand years before arriving at one of the closer star systems.

If it were an ordinary powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, it would take thousands of times more time to reach a certain star system like him.

All in all, everyone knows that the stars in the outer space of the God Realm are far away, and there are no resources there to attract various forces.

This also caused the star systems scattered in Pangea's outer space to turn into lonely civilization systems one after another.

All the forces are simply too lazy to go to such a distant place, nor are they willing to build an extremely expensive ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

Without the intervention of external forces, these star systems scattered in every corner have been able to preserve their most original features.

Even if some technological civilizations are born among them, the level of those technological civilizations is relatively low because of the lack of resources on those living planets.

Those technological civilizations are at best only slightly more advanced than Earth's technological civilization. They cannot even cross the star system, let alone expect them to be able to use the advanced flight methods of high-tech civilization to conduct ultra-long-distance interstellar flights.

Time keeps passing. . .

Du Long never expected that just exploring and researching the divine space would take countless times more time than he spent exploring and studying the immortal world.

The main reason why this situation occurs is that the distance between each star system is too far!

A large part of Du Long's time was wasted on the road. As for the time actually spent exploring and studying the star system, it only occupied a relatively small part.

The speed of exploration and research on these star systems is relatively fast. The main directions of exploration and research are similar, and almost all answers can be found in a very short time.

Even so, some exploration studies were relatively abstract, which also consumed Du Long's time and energy.

For example, in the process of gradually moving away from the planet of Pangu God Realm, during the period when the stability of time and space is continuously declining, whether there will be some differences in the various mysteries of heaven, etc.

Under normal circumstances, the mysteries of heaven and earth should not change with the stability of time and space, but the mysteries of the avenue of time and space will still be affected to some extent.

Exploring and studying the impact of these changes will deepen Du Long's understanding of the mysteries of the Avenue of Time and Space, and will be of great help to him in continuing to understand the second stage of the Avenue of Time and Space.

Time is passing by in units of hundreds of thousands and millions of years. Du Long's trip to the outer space of the God Realm has spanned dozens of epochs in the blink of an eye.

This is dozens of epoch-years, equivalent to tens of millions of years of real time, not including the time he occasionally uses the Space-Time Pagoda to accelerate!

It only took a few epochs of real time for Du Long to grow to the level of the most powerful god. This shows how long this journey into outer space took.

For a long period of tens of millions of years, Du Long was only exploring the star systems he passed along the way in a nearly straight line.

Because of this, he is constantly moving further and further away from the planet of Pangu God Realm!

On this day, after he finished his exploration and research of the star system in front of him, he finally walked out of the Time and Space Pagoda.

Looking back at the starry sky, you can still vaguely see an extremely distant light blue starlight, which is the location of the planet Pangu God Realm.

No matter how far apart the two are, as a powerful man in the realm of the most powerful Buddha, Du Long can still see a little light of the divine planet with his eyesight.

Du Long knew very well that the brilliance of the divine planet he was seeing at the moment was actually radiated from the divine planet an unknown number of epochs ago.

If he could see the scenery on the divine planet clearly, then what he would see would be the history of the divine planet. The reason for this phenomenon is that the speed he was traveling at was countless times faster than the speed of light!


Exhaling a breath of turbidity out of habit, Du Long turned and looked in the direction away from the planet of Pangu God Realm. There were almost no stars shining in front of him.

"Unexpectedly, after spending dozens of epochs and years, I actually used my own speed to rush out of the starry sky in the Pangu God Realm space?!"

"It stands to reason... that outside the space of Pangu God Realm should be the great world of Xuantian Chaos... but why can't we see the boundary between the two at all?!"

Du Long murmured to himself in confusion, as the scene in which the Earth Emperor Ancestor took him to stand outside a dozen Xuantian worlds appeared in his mind. The largest world in the central area was the Pangu World.

"So, my current location is still very far away from the edge of the Pangu world..."

"Then do you want to keep moving forward...or just go home?! Or continue to circle around the planet Pangu God Realm and explore and study the star systems that have not yet been explored?!"

Standing at the intersection of the starry sky and the void space outside the Pangu God Realm, Du Long began to ponder and hesitate. He now faced three choices. Because the early stage took too long, he was unable to make a choice quickly.

“A good horse never turns back, so returning the same way is not the best option!”

"As for taking a detour to continue exploring those star systems, there seems to be no need. That would waste a lot of unnecessary time and energy, and the final results will most likely be repetitive!"

"But if I don't choose these two paths, my exploration and research of the divine space in front of me is not thorough. At least for the time being, I haven't found the inspiration to break through the sixth level of Xuantian Jue..."

"Could it be that... I want to continue to move forward along this pitch-black space with no end in sight?!"

Thinking of this, Du Long frowned and looked at the dark universe with no end in sight.

"As long as you are still inside the Pangu World, you will definitely reach the end one day. The so-called end should be the edge of the Pangu World and the Xuantian Chaos World, right?!"

"But how long will it take for me to finally reach the boundary membrane of Pangu World?! What is the meaning of continuing to move forward like this?!"

With such hesitation, Du Long stood in space and pondered for a whole day and night, and finally made a very bold decision.

"No matter! Since you have chosen to enter this outer space, let's go all the way to the dark side! If you can't find the way back, then let the clone shamelessly ask the Emperor to take you home. Not too late!"

Because he had a special method that could make contact in various time and space, Du Long was not very worried that he would be lost, so he immediately made such a bold decision.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Now that the decision has been made, just do it with confidence and boldness. Du Long gritted his teeth and immediately teleported out in a straight line towards the dark space.

At this point, he finally began to embark on a simple journey. During the boring and boring journey, he could only devote countless thoughts to enlightenment and practice.

After dozens of years of exploration and research, he has gained a lot of insights and understanding of the avenue of time and space, and he just took this opportunity to practice hard.

Time continued to pass year after year, and Du Long gradually moved deeper and deeper into the starry sky away from the God Realm. He was like a meteorite that had been lonely in space for a long time, just like this, he kept moving forward in the darkness.

In the blink of an eye, more than two hundred epochs of time passed quietly between the fingers!

More than two hundred epochs of real time, equivalent to more than two hundred million years, have passed like this. Unknowingly, Du Long has reached a certain bottleneck point in the second stage of the cultivation of the Avenue of Time and Space.

Because he encountered difficulties in practicing the Avenue of Time and Space, he had to wake up from his cultivation state. With a few calculations, he knew that he had teleported at full speed in outer space for more than two hundred epochs.

This discovery shocked Du Long himself. Then he subconsciously turned around and looked in the direction of the Pangu God Realm planet. As a result, not only could the Pangu God Realm planet not be seen, but even the stars in the sky outside the Pangu God Realm could not be seen. They are also missing.

What stood in front of Du Long was not a completely dark cosmic space, but the starry sky where the Pangu God Realm was located had disappeared.

What Du Long saw in front of his eyes was a huge black airspace. On the periphery of this pitch-black airspace, there was a sky full of stars.

"The starry sky where the Pangu God Realm planet is located has disappeared?! There are actually stars all over the sky orbiting around this pitch-black space?!"

"No! The light surrounding the pitch-black space is not the light emitted by the stars. It is clearly... the light emitted by billions of immortal worlds!!"

Du Long was quickly frightened by his discovery. After the brief shock, he was followed by a ecstatic surprise!

"The cosmic space I am in now... is almost the same as the space of the immortal world! Could it be said that there is no obvious boundary between the space of Pangu God Realm and the immortal world?!"

"The space of Pangu Divine Realm and the world of billions of immortals are one and the same?!"

"Based on what I see now, the space where the Pangu God Realm is located can no longer see the sun, moon and stars in it with the naked eye. That is because the light in it is too far away... In addition to the differences in the stability of time and space, and It can’t be extended here!”

"In this way, the space of Pangu God Realm is like a different kind of black hole. It is located in the center of billions of small worlds of immortals, and then drives the small worlds of billions of immortals, running over and over again like a galaxy? !”

At this moment, without anyone's help, Du Long discovered the super secret of the entire Pangu world with just his own strength and efforts!

"Eh?! Standing in this cosmic space where the God Realm cannot be seen, you can vaguely see the boundary membrane of Pangu World?!" As Du Long continued to observe the surrounding environment, he unexpectedly came across another very unexpected thing. Discover.

At this point, he had a completely new understanding of the internal structure of the entire Pangu world.

The great world of Pangu is like a huge sphere. The center point of the sphere is the divine space. With the divine space as the center, it attracts hundreds of millions of immortal worlds. It revolves around the divine space along a trajectory similar to that of a galaxy. Shut down.

Du Long observed everything in front of him with bright eyes. After a long time, he began to focus on other things, either exploring and studying various information in this time and space, or understanding whether there was any change in the mystery of the heavenly law in this time and space.

Gradually, he directly entered a state of selfless practice without using the Space-Time Pagoda.

While comprehending and practicing, I was studying the structural principles of the entire Pangu world, and then used these principles to think about how I should create the sixth level of Xuantianjue.

In the blink of an eye, another ten epoch-years passed quietly!

Du Long has made great progress both in the mysteries of heaven and in various explorations and studies of this time and space!

Part of his mind is still immersed in the study of the Xuantian Jue Technique. Rather than destroying the Dantian world again and re-entering the sixth level of the Xuantian Jue Technique, which is divided into yin and yang, he needs to find a new path. the way.

After ten epochs, the countless parts of his mind gradually decreased, and a large amount of energy was transferred to the sixth level of the self-created Xuantian Jue technique.

Gradually, other minds gradually became unified, and all his minds were immersed in it.

It seemed that he was concentrating on creating the sixth level of Xuantian Jue, but in fact all his mind was recalling over and over again the principles of the universe and space that evolved the three realms of gods, immortals and mortals.

It was as if there was a perfect world that was giving birth to an embryo in his mind, and then it was constantly improving and growing independently.

This was just a simulation and deduction in his mind. It seemed like a simple process, but in fact it required Du Long to fully invest his extremely powerful soul into it.

This is like a supercomputer performing full-power calculations. During this process, Du Long is not allowed to be distracted at all.

Du Long was simulating a perfect world that would gradually sprout and grow from an embryo in his mind, and the Dantian world in his body was also naturally undergoing abnormal changes.

On that huge dantian planet, time seems to have been accelerated, and the entire planet is constantly developing and growing!

Volcanoes erupted, the earth cracked, lakes and seas evaporated and dried up, the temperature of the entire planet continued to rise, and finally the land was gradually engulfed by blazing lava paddles.

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