Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2402 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

"No!!" Johnson, the Great God of Light, screamed in horror: "You...you dare to destroy our cultivation in public?!"

The Dark Demon King Haruk beside him was also horrified. Just like Johnson, he stared at Du Long who had ruined his entire cultivation with a mixture of frightened and angry eyes.

"I just crippled your Dantian world, and you acted so exaggeratedly. If your soul was also crippled, wouldn't you be crying?!" Faced with Johnson's public questioning, Du Long not only did not make any move, In response, he actually said words that made the two of them even more horrified.

"You...what else do you want to do?!" Johnson almost fainted from fright when he saw his murderous eyes.

"What do you want to do?!" Du Long grinned coldly and said: "You dare to deal with me through the dirty method of kidnapping your relatives. If you are not punished today, you two tribes of light and dark will not be able to act more recklessly in the future?!"

Peng, Peng!

Following two muffled sounds, two pale yellow flames began to burn blazingly from the two bodies. Johnson and Haruk wailed and screamed in pain on the spot.

Their Dantian world was destroyed, and their frozen bodies were completely unable to move at all. They could only watch the pale yellow flames spreading continuously on their bodies.

"Damn bastard! The majestic Eastern God of War Xuantian Longzun, how dare you be so untrustworthy? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by everyone in the world?!" The Dark Demon King Haruk finally could no longer remain calm in public and was a little hysterical. He cursed angrily.

"Which of your eyes saw that I broke my promise?!" Du Long said calmly: "From the beginning to the end, I never said that I would trade you unscathed for hostages, as long as I can let your soul If the origin returns to the Western Reincarnation Pond alive, then that’s considered keeping his promise, right?!”

"You..." Haruk was choked to the point of being speechless.

Du Long's answer made him somewhat relieved in his heart. Compared to the Western light and dark races, as long as the soul is immortal, it can be quickly reborn in the reincarnation pool.

It's just that neither of them thought that what they were about to face would not be such a simple result!

There were endless screams, and the two mighty and powerful men in the Western Most Powerful King Realm were cremated by Du Long in front of countless people.

Inside the pale yellow flame, only two groups of soul energy bodies, one black and one white, were left struggling painfully. The bursts of shrill screams not only did not weaken, but showed signs of becoming more and more tragic.

The original pain of burning the physical body was relatively bearable for practitioners, but now the process of burning the origin of the soul is countless times more painful.

"Asshole!! Aren't you going to let our souls go back?! Are you going to break your promise in public again?!" Johnson asked angrily while screaming.

"No! I will not be as despicable and shameless as the light and dark tribes. Once a man has said something, it is difficult to catch up. I will definitely let your soul origins live and reincarnate, but..." Du Long grinned with a meaningful smile. , but at the end he deliberately let it slip.

"Just what?!" Haruk yelled in agony: "You damn bastard, do you still want to trap the origin of our two souls in the flames for a long time?!"

"No, no!" Du Long smiled and shook his head in denial: "I don't have the luxury to waste time with you all the time. No matter how patient you two are, it won't take more than a quarter of an hour at most to get out of the sea of ​​misery!"


The pale yellow flames suddenly became a little more intense, which also made the two groups of divine soul energy bodies speechless in pain, and could only continue to let out bursts of shrill screams.

Many people can see that these two groups of divine soul origin energy bodies are shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. The outermost layers of the divine soul origin energy bodies are being rapidly burned and dissolved by light yellow flames.

This tragic scene could not only be seen by many people in the capital of the Tang Dynasty. It was also broadcast back by various forces through various means. People including the Holy King of Light and the Great Satan of Darkness also saw this live broadcast. .

"Your Majesty the Holy King! That Eastern boy has gone too far. He actually dares to humiliate and hurt God King Johnson in this way when we hand over the hostages. By doing this, he is simply provoking the entire Western Light God Clan!"

"That's right! It would be fine if this incident happened secretly, but it was deliberately spread by the other party. If we, the Light God Clan, did not take any measures to deal with this behavior, wouldn't it mean that all the forces in the entire Pangu God Realm would be destroyed? Ridiculous?!"

"His Majesty the Holy King..."

In the holy land of the Western Paradise, in the main meeting hall of the Temple of Light, there were constant shouts of indignation. Many senior members of the Guangming clan were outraged by the virtual live broadcast in the hall.

"Shut up, my king!" Staring at the virtual live broadcast, Alibert listened to the constant buzzing in his ears, and finally roared unbearably: "From the time that bastard Du Long grew up to this day, Are there not many king-level experts who have died in his hands?!"

"If there was a way, how could we let him live happily until now?!"

"You talk so much nonsense, but you actually come up with some constructive ways to deal with this matter! Do you only know that there is no point in talking about it?!"

"That's the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Do you know how many powerful men in the Eastern God Realm are gathered in the secret realm of the Soul Forest to receive the inheritance of skills in Prince Du's Mansion, the capital of the Tang Dynasty?!"

"Tell me, do you want me to launch a camp war against the Eastern world at all costs?! Do you think the supreme gods above will agree to this?!"

"If the supreme gods of the two clans of light and darkness are unwilling to start a war now, just rely on you trashes to go to the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Just one Xuantian Dragon Lord will be enough to destroy you all!"

In the Temple of Light, Albert's almost hysterical roar reached the ears of everyone present, instantly extinguishing the anger in everyone's hearts like a basin of cold water.

As Albert said, the current capital of the Tang Dynasty is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Even if the entire Western world's light and dark races concentrate their full strength, they will not be able to gain any benefits there.

It's not that they haven't thought about asking the superior gods behind them to take action. However, once the powerful masters of the main gods of the light and dark tribes take action, the powerful and powerful masters of the supreme realm in the Eastern world will never stand idly by.

Putting aside the comparison in strength between the supreme powerful men in the Eastern and Western worlds, the mere fact that Pangu, the Great God of Creation, favored the supreme powerful men in the East was enough to intimidate the entire western light and dark tribes.

In the Nether Hell Realm, the interior of the Dark God Yan is also a scene similar to the Temple of Light.

The Dark Demon King Satan and many senior members of the Dark Clan could only watch as Du Long used raging flames to burn the source of the souls of the strongest kings of the Light and Dark Clan in front of countless people.

The senior members of the Dark Clan were shouting and cursing with indignation at first, expressing that they could not allow Du Long to continue to act so unscrupulously.

However, after Satan poured cold water on them, these senior members of the Dark Clan who were usually arrogant and domineering were speechless on the spot.

When dealing with those weak forces on weekdays, they can be said to be nightmare-like existences in the eyes of countless people. Now they have finally kicked an iron plate, and it is an iron plate that even the Western Light and Dark Clans cannot defeat.

They could only watch as Du Long severely punished the most powerful king of the light and dark tribes in public. They could only watch as he trampled the faces of the light and dark tribes in the west under his feet, but he didn't even give a damn. Dare to let one go!

Whether it is Satan or Albert, they both know very well that the light and dark tribes were at fault in this incident. Now even if the light and dark tribes stand up and say a few words to threaten each other, it will have no meaning.

Not only would this not save the face of the light and dark tribes, but it would also show the world that he was helpless towards Du Long. Not only would he not be able to threaten the other party, but it would also cause embarrassment for both the light and dark tribes.

In short, the only and most correct thing for them to do is to remain silent, let the world guess how they will take revenge, and then let time dilute the huge impact of this matter on the two races of light and darkness.

Hezhou, Xiniu, the headquarters of the God Killing Society.

The new Dark Lord Riester, the leader of the Godslayer Guild, and others gathered together. They were also paying close attention to the development of this matter. There were also live broadcasts transmitted from the headquarters of the Godslayer Guild.

Dark Lord Riester's face was as pale as paper, and he was as powerful as a powerful man in the Demon King realm. His back was already soaked with sweat.

Compared to the leader of the God Killing Guild and others, he, the client who just ran over desperately to negotiate with Du Long not long ago, now only has boundless fear deep in his heart.

He was secretly congratulating himself. Fortunately, Du Long didn't look down on his ordinary demon king's strength, and he was able to escape unscathed because he didn't want to alert the enemy.

Du Long was obviously playing a long game to catch the big fish. By letting go of the two negotiating teams one after another, he made the light and dark tribes relax their vigilance and listen to his opinions, sending two powerful king-level experts to the big battle. Negotiations in the Tang Dynasty.

Johnson and Haruk were like a sheep in a tiger's mouth. Although they were both powerful men in the realm of the strongest kings, they were completely powerless against Du Long even when they joined forces.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the Eastern War God Xuantian Dragon Lord has definitely reached the extreme level of the God Lord. I am afraid that only existences of the level of Albert and Satan can be on par with it, right? !

The leader of the God Killing Guild stared at the virtual live broadcast with deep eyes. His mood at this moment was only heavier than that of Lister. You must know that he could be regarded as one of the main culprits in killing Du Long's eldest son.

Since Du Long grew up in the immortal world, many attacks against him are inseparable from the God Killing Society!

In short, Du Long's extremely terrifying growth rate gave the leader of the God Killing Guild a very urgent sense of crisis, and he always felt that his life was entering a countdown state.

This feeling made it difficult for him to sleep and eat well, and he was often awakened by nightmares. Even when he was practicing in seclusion, it was difficult to calm down.

The capital of the Tang Dynasty, in Prince Du's Mansion.

Wrapped in pale yellow flames, the screams of the two groups of soul energy bodies became weaker and weaker, and they could be seen shrinking by more than 90% in size.

People outside can only see the changes in the size of the divine soul's original energy body, but cannot sense the strength of the divine soul's original aura. Only the person involved, Du Long, can clearly sense the two groups of divine soul's original aura, which has dropped from the realm of the most powerful king to Around the early stages of Paladin.

'It feels like it's almost done. If it continues to be burned, it will probably collapse. What's left is the soul origin of the early stage of the Emperor of Heaven. Even if the reincarnation is successful, it won't pose much of a threat, right? ! ’

Du Longxiao looked at the two groups of divine souls in front of him, and he made a decision in a flash of thought. The two groups of light yellow flames immediately dissipated out of thin air, and the bursts of screams suddenly stopped.

"Okay! Your punishment ends here. From now on, no matter what force or individual dares to attack my relatives and friends, the final outcome will definitely be countless times more miserable than the two of you! You can go back. !!”

Du Long's voice resounded in everyone's ears, and many people now understood that the reason why he punished people so cruelly was actually just to scare the monkeys.

The two groups of divine souls were still trembling slightly, as if they had not yet fully awakened from the intense suffering of the flames, and were unable to react to Du Long's words for a moment.

Du Long didn't seem to want to continue to face them. He simply waved them away and flew them out of Prince Du's mansion, and then let the two groups of soul energy float in the sky above the capital of Tang Dynasty.

Buzz, buzz!

Two energy vortices, one black and one white, flashed over the capital of Tang Dynasty, appearing just above the two groups of soul energy bodies, and then were sucked directly into the vortex and disappeared without a trace.

Du Long stared at the two energy vortices passing by with his eyes faintly, and in his heart he had a new understanding of the methods of the light and dark tribes in the west.

There is an endless ocean between the eastern and western worlds, but they are able to cross such a long distance and bring back the energy of the two souls? !

After sitting there and waiting for a while, but seeing no further movement, Du Long suddenly appeared next to Mo Xueyun, Qin Huofeng and others.

Everyone looked at him with all kinds of strange looks, as if they admired him for solving the matter easily, and there was also a layer of ambiguity.

"Ahem!" Du Long coughed twice, subconsciously touched the tip of his nose and said, "Why are you all looking at me like this?! Is it possible that there are flowers on my face?!"


Amidst bursts of cheerful laughter, Mo Xueyun said with a complicated expression: "Du Long! Thank you for helping me!"

"No, no!" Du Long waved his hand and denied, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been taken hostage. You can be considered implicated by me!"

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