Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2382 Breakthrough of Dilemma

Above the wasteland, a war is still going on!

As the group of Chou Man's men joined the battle, the advantage Jiang Xiaotian and Xiao Selin had just gained disappeared in an instant, and the two could only passively shrink their defenses.

Those who follow the ugly emperor-level warriors are all those who have reached the peak of the Hunyuan level. The advantage in numbers is definitely enough for the couple to drink a pot.

"You couple of bitches! Weren't you awesome just now?! Why don't you say anything now?! I will cut you into pieces today to satisfy my hatred!!"

The ugly man roared horribly with a ferocious expression, and the ghost-headed sword in his hand swept towards Jiang Xiaotian even more crazily. Compared to Xiao Selin, a beautiful woman, he hated those handsome men even more.

Logically speaking, with his ability to reach the emperor level through cultivation, it shouldn't be too difficult to transform and change his appearance!

However, he is not a real human being. He is half-human and half-demon. His body shape and appearance seem to be restricted by some kind of rules of heaven and earth. At most, he can only transform into his current appearance.

It is precisely because of this that he hates those handsome men even more, and he has been ridiculed by handsome men in the emperor level before.

The fire of hatred accumulated in my heart, because it could not be vented on the handsome emperor-level guys who had humiliated me, was naturally transferred to handsome guys like Jiang Xiaotian with Hunyuan-level strength.

Puff puff. . .

The sounds of gold and iron clashing could be heard endlessly. Jiang Xiaotian and Xiao Selin did not have Du Long's Thousand-Handed Magical Power that was suitable for group battles. The two of them could only rely on each other to fight back to back, which can only be described as full of loopholes.

Suddenly, some wounds began to appear on the bodies of the couple, and their bodies were soon stained red with their own blood.

Du Long, who was watching the battle from a distance, frowned. He had no immediate plans to help. As long as the two of them did not fall into a real desperate situation and their lives were in danger, he would be a loyal bystander.

As a person who has experienced this, he has experienced dilemmas like this many times. Only dilemmas of life and death like this are the best training, and are the most beneficial to those who want to break through.

You know, in the past, he had always faced various life-and-death dangers alone. Today, the other couple can have him secretly plundering the formation for them. At least their lives are guaranteed, right? !

With this thought in his heart, Du Long watched Jiang Xiaotian and Xiao Selin suffer heavy losses one after another, but could not help at such a critical moment, and he couldn't help but feel the flame of anger burning in his heart.

His consciousness swept over him, and then a cold murderous intention emerged from the corner of his mouth, and his thoughts began to distort and deform in a very distant time and space.

Just twisting and deforming, it cannot collapse and shatter time and space in a single thought like in the immortal world, but it is enough for the few members who originally formed the adventure team with Jiang Xiaotian and Xiao Selin to enjoy.

Those people completed a single task again. They were not worried at all that the ugly man and others at the emperor level would be unable to deal with the two targets of the Hunyuan level. They were leisurely ducking away and wanted to return to the small town to harm other Hunyuan levels again. The goal.

Just as they were getting closer and closer to the small town, they were constantly bragging about how perfect this mission was, finding a beautiful iceberg beauty for the ugly strong man, and their words were extremely vulgar and evil.

As the time and space around them distorted, the figures of these people suddenly froze in place.

Immediately afterwards, they could only watch helplessly as their legs began to twist, deform, and break inch by inch under their noses under the terrifying compression of time and space.

"Ah!! What's going on?! Who is plotting against us?!"

The stern-faced man with a hooked nose screamed in horror and lost his voice. His consciousness began to scan the surroundings, trying to find who was dealing with him secretly.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he searched with his spiritual consciousness, he could not find any clues within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, and could not find any suspicious targets at all.

"Ah! Could it be that we have done too many bad things and this is retribution?!" Another team member screamed suspiciously.

"Retribution!" The hook-nosed man yelled angrily: "There must be some bastard hiding in the dark, who is the bastard who has the guts to get out of here!!"

The extremely distant Du Long's eyes darkened slightly, and an even more terrifying force of time and space distortion appeared on the hook-nosed man. In addition to his legs turning into flesh, his two arms also began to twist and deform and break apart inch by inch. Come.

This process is both extremely painful and terrifying. What kind of strength can it take to control a person with peak Hunyuan level strength so easily without showing up? !

Time passed by second after second, and Du Long was in no hurry to crush and kill those people!

He directly divided his mind into two parts. One was continuing to monitor the battle over there, and the other was slowly torturing the adventurers who dared to frame Jiang Xiaotian and his wife.


After the anger in his heart found someone to vent his anger on, Du Long was no longer as suppressed as he was at the beginning. After exhaling a long breath, he could maintain a relatively calm state of mind and continue to pay attention to his sister-in-law's battle.

Amidst the sounds of gold and iron clashing, the couple was truly worthy of being a person who could survive on their own strength in the God Realm. The couple's cooperation became more and more tacit, and there were vague signs of a gradual reversal of the unfavorable situation.

"You weaklings! Did you spend too much energy on those girls and your feet are weak?! If you don't use up your energy to feed, be careful not to capsize in the gutter and die here!" The ugly man seemed to feel When he noticed the slight change in his opponent, he immediately shouted to his subordinates angrily.

Those guys seemed to be fighting vigorously, but in fact, the thunder was loud and the rain was light. This gave the couple in the encirclement a chance to breathe.

Under the harsh rebuke of the ugly man, those guys at the peak of Hunyuan realm increased their attacks one after another, and the pressure on the couple once again increased a lot.

The strange-shaped spear in Jiang Xiaotian's hand is like a snake coming out of its hole, turning into deadly sharp edges and shooting out in all directions. In this kind of group battle, it can still exert some advantages of being stronger.

It's just that the sword in the hand of the iceberg beauty Xiao Selin has no advantages. Although the cold sword light is constantly waving out, it seems sharp but it is always missing something.

Du Long, who was watching the battle from a distance, secretly shook his head. The opponent's swordsmanship was a weakness, which reminded him of the Jiutian Xuannv's Ice Swordsmanship of Jiutian Guanghan Palace.

That set of swordsmanship is very suitable for my sister-in-law, especially suitable for use in such group battles.

When the sword strikes, it triggers the energy of the water system of the world to turn into thousands of ice crystal swords. It is like a spectacular sight of thousands of swords firing at once. Once you watch it again, you will definitely have an unforgettable feeling.

"Alas! It seems that if there is a chance, we can still introduce Sister Serin to Jiutian Guanghan Palace. I believe that only the mantle of Jiutian Xuannv is the most suitable for her future path!"

"It's just that once Sister Serin joins Guanghan Palace, Jiang Xiaotian will probably be forced to live apart from her for a long time. Jiutian Guanghan Palace does not allow any man to live in it for a long time!"


Just when Du Long was distracted, due to Xiao Selin's defense loophole, Jiang Xiaotian once again had a bone-deep wound on his body.

Originally, Jiang Xiaotian was able to dodge this attack, but that would put his wife in danger, so he used his body to bear the heavy blow without hesitation.

Xiao Selin, who looked cold on the outside but was smart and clear on the inside, suddenly twitched in her heart. The feeling of hurting her lover but hurting in her heart made her almost go crazy.

For a moment, her icy blue hair started to dance quickly with the wind, and her eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, and her whole aura also greatly increased.

She saw the sword in her hand dancing faster and faster, and the fear that she would be hurt was completely given up. Compared to hurting her lover, she would rather let herself suffer those injuries at this moment.

Perhaps because of the change in her mentality, the sword in her hand became more agile and elegant. As the sword light danced, ice crystals could be vaguely seen emerging from the sword light.

She herself realized that what she practiced was the water element. In the way of swordsmanship, the water element could be transformed into the softness that wraps around the fingers, and it could also be transformed into an incomparably sharp sword of frost.

In this regard, Xiao Selin has vaguely touched the threshold of the last level of water swordsmanship, and is just one step away from reaching the realm of the Emperor of Water and Frost.

However, it was this last threshold that had trapped her for millions of years. The more eager she was to break through, the more she was unable to break through!

It was precisely because of this that she was so eager to drag Jiang Xiaotian out to carry out the adventure mission, hoping to find the opportunity for a breakthrough in the process of completing the adventure mission.

Swish, swish, swish. . .

Between the sky and the earth, sword lights flashed one after another, and sharp frost appeared constantly wherever the sword lights passed. Sometimes there was also a white mist-like mist, leaving trails behind where the sword lights passed.

The sword light didn't seem to be that powerful, but it had the ability to affect the enemy's attack speed. After being hit by those sharp frosts, there was still a stinging sensation of the sharp blade slicing through the skin.

"No! This damn woman is using battle to gain insights and improve her strength. We must not give her a chance to break through the last threshold!" The ugly man who had been there immediately discovered some clues and shouted angrily on the spot: "Give it all to me. Launch an onslaught with all your might!”

Under his urging, those subordinates finally understood the seriousness of the situation and began to increase the intensity of their attacks, all eager to interrupt Xiao Selin's state of enlightenment and cultivation.

Jiang Xiaotian on the side looked happy and hurriedly stepped up the offensive with all his strength. The strange-shaped spear in his hand turned into snake shadows, constantly trying to stop those people from attacking his wife.

As a result, Jiang Xiaotian naturally gave up a small part of his own defense, and more defense loopholes appeared on his side!

The ugly man originally wanted to join the blocking battle against Xiao Selin. After discovering this loophole, he immediately turned his gun and launched an all-out attack on Jiang Xiaotian again.

The war seemed to reach its peak in an instant, but Xiao Selin, who had caused all this, remained unmoved. The sword in her hand continued to interpret the mystery of the water-based frost.

The layers of ice condensed faster and faster, and the power displayed became more and more astonishing, until Jiang Xiaotian was struck in the arm again by the Ghost Head Sword because of her, and one arm was almost completely broken.


An invisible power of heaven and earth descended on this piece of time and space. Xiao Selin's whole body seemed to be automatic without wind. Her beautiful ice-blue hair was dancing in the wind, and the aura on her body was also exploding at a terrifying speed. Go up.

"No! This damn woman has broken through! Mission failed, everyone run away!!"

Although the ugly man was perverted, he still cherished his life very much. When faced with an existence that had just made a breakthrough, he even wanted to run away without hesitation.

"Want to escape?!" A cold and extremely cold voice rang out. Xiao Selin, who had just achieved a breakthrough, had a dazzling light flashing in her eyes, and stabbed the ugly man directly with the sword in her hand: "Go to hell! You ugly man" man!!"

Roads of crystal clear sharp ice wrapped around the long sword and Xiao Selin's body. At this moment, the person and the sword became one, like a huge sword light that shot straight towards the ugly man.


The ugly man only had time to let out a horrified scream. The ghost-headed sword in his hand had no time to block it, and his body exploded after being bombarded by the sword.

I saw an ugly head, just like a frightened bird, trying to escape from this area in a hurry, but to my horror, I discovered that a sword light struck like lightning, and instantly exploded its head together with the source of its soul.

The battle scene was deathly silent, and those people at the peak of the Hunyuan level were all dumbfounded. They were also at the early stage of the Emperor level. Why was there such a huge gap between the two? !


Among the many people who were sluggish, some people woke up first and immediately chose to turn around and run away without hesitation, hoping to take the opportunity to escape from this place.

However, an extremely powerful divine space force suddenly came down, and his movement speed instantly dropped to the extreme, making it difficult to even move.

Compared to Chou Man's power of divine space restraint, Xiao Selin's strength is much stronger. It seems that Chou Man's title of emperor-level trash really didn't come out of thin air.

"You all deserve to die!!"

Amidst the screams, sword energy shot out one after another. Xiao Selin launched several sword lights with the latest insights, instantly blasting away those unable to move.

"Haha!" Almost at the same time she took action to kill the group of people, a familiar voice rang across the world: "Congratulations to Sister Serin! Successfully broke through and reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven!!"

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