Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2346 Ginseng Orchard

"Is that the legendary ginseng fruit tree?! Oh my god?! It's not just one ginseng fruit tree, but a whole ginseng fruit tree orchard?!"

Ouyang Qingwen's sweet voice resounded among the crowd. Under the leadership of Zhen Lingzi, the group climbed over a certain mountain peak and happened to overlook a grove full of ginseng fruits from a high place.

As members of Du Long's family, the three of them have all seen ginseng fruit, and they have all been lucky enough to taste the delicious fairy fruit born from this wood-based spiritual root.

Therefore, Ouyang Qingwen immediately recognized the fruits growing on the fruit trees, and was shocked by what she saw.

"Haha!" Zhen Yuanzi, who was leading the way in front of the crowd, stroked his beard and chuckled proudly and replied: "The female donor has really good eyesight. She actually recognized the ginseng orchard from such a distance!"

"Great Immortal Zhenlingzi!" Ouyang Qingwen tilted her little head and asked curiously: "According to legend, there is only one ginseng fruit tree, and the fruits on the tree seem to be extremely rare. Why can we see it now? Ginseng fruit forest, and the fruit trees are covered with a dazzling array of ginseng fruits?!"

Seeing the ginseng fruits squeezed out of the dense leaves, shining with crystal clear light in the sunlight, just like jade sculptures hanging among the green leaves, Ouyang Qingwen immediately felt like she wanted to shed a light. The feeling of saliva.

"Haha!" Zhen Lingzi chuckled again and replied: "The ginseng fruit tree in the legend of the world actually refers to the ginseng fruit tree whose wood is the root of the ancestral spirit. As for the ginseng fruit trees we see now, they are actually just It’s just a piece of wood spiritual root derived from the wood ancestral spiritual root!”

"I understand!" Ouyang Qingwen has always been extremely smart, and she immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words: "May I ask where the wood-type ancestral root ginseng fruit tree is?!"

Regarding this seemingly simple question, Zhen Lingzi did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at each other with the core members of Wuzhuang Temple around him, and saw a helpless smile in their eyes.

They were not surprised that Ouyang Qingwen would ask this question. In fact, many distinguished guests who came to Wuzhuang Temple for the first time would almost always ask such a similar question.

"Actually... the ancestral tree of wood-type ginseng and ginseng is right in the middle of this orchard!" Zhen Lingzi didn't hide too much: "Senior brother, before leaving Wuzhuang Temple, he reminded us to use the highest level of I would like to receive the Xuantian Dragon Master as a courtesy, if you are interested, why don’t we go directly into the ginseng orchard and have a tour!"

"That's very good!" Before Du Long could politely refuse, Ouyang Qingwen immediately nodded excitedly and said: "Then the Great Immortal Lao Zhen Lingzi is here. The little girl has tasted some ginseng fruits, but has never personally tasted them. It’s exciting to think about picking ginseng fruits from fruit trees and eating them!”

"Haha! The female donor is really a sweetheart!" Zhen Lingzi was not dissatisfied at all. Instead, he laughed loudly and said: "In that case, let's go to the ginseng orchard first! We will go to the fifth village later. It’s not too late to take a look!”

In this way, the group of people turned a corner and flew towards the ginseng orchard instead of heading towards the gate of Fifth Village.

The ginseng orchard is actually an orchard next to Wuzhuang Temple. It is protected by layers of Wuzhuang Temple and a large array of Wuzhuang Temple. It is not easy to sneak in quietly. things.

"Wow!" Wandering in the garden full of ginseng fruits, Ouyang Qingwen, who has a relatively optimistic personality, exclaimed with amazement on her face: "There are so many ginseng fruits! You can also smell the fruity fragrance, everyone is like I’m almost drooling!”


The crowd immediately burst into bursts of good-natured laughter. As Du Long's beloved wife, Ouyang Qingwen acted even more like a young girl than Du Lian'er.

Du Long has always felt guilty about the many confidantes around him. This is also a common psychological problem that occurs in every man who enjoys the blessing of being together.

Although he has arranged a clone at home all year round since he learned the art of transforming three pure beings into one person, it is a pity that he still cannot take care of the feelings of every confidante.

Therefore, when he saw Ouyang Qingwen acting like a little daughter, Du Long not only didn't mean to blame her at all, but also looked at her with tenderness in his eyes.

"The female donor doesn't know something!" Zhen Lingzi finally stopped laughing, and then explained: "The closer the ginseng orchard is to the surrounding fruit trees, the thinner the wood spiritual roots contained in the ginseng fruits that grow. The closer you get to the center of the orchard, the higher the quality of the ginseng fruits will be, so we’d better go deeper into the orchard and have you personally pick the ginseng fruits and taste them!”

"Thank you, Immortal Zhenlingzi, for reminding me!" Ouyang Qingwen's pace obviously increased a bit, and she couldn't help but urge: "Then let's speed up a little bit, people can't wait!"


Amid bursts of laughter, the group walked through the ginseng fruit trees and could see that the land under the fruit trees was not idle and was filled with all kinds of precious fairy medicinal materials.

There are countless Wannian Zhizhi that have become immortals. Most of those precious elixirs are full of spirituality. They all blinked their eyes like living creatures and looked at Du Long and others curiously.

"Tsk tsk!" Even though Du Long was used to seeing countless rare things, he couldn't help but exclaimed loudly at this moment: "Sure enough, it is worthy of being the place where wood-type spiritual roots grow. It's just these spiritual roots that grow near the roots of trees. Grass can transform into a rare elixir in the world, and it has also become spiritual because it is contaminated with wood spiritual roots!"

"Of course!" Zhen Lingzi said with a smug smile on his face: "These spiritual herbs and elixirs have been growing here for a long time, and they are almost considered a member of Wuzhuang Temple. Unless it is a last resort, we will definitely not want to It’s easy to injure him at all!”

Du Long secretly rolled his eyes, but he also understood Wuzhuangguan's approach. After all, the divine world is not a small world of immortals, and the lifespan of various creatures is calculated in billions of years.

It is not too rare to have fairy medicine gardens like this that have grown for hundreds of millions of years and gave birth to spiritual wisdom. Many forces basically have some of them. Under normal circumstances, most of them will not have the heart to hurt those who have become spirits in the end. Immortal medicine and spiritual seed.

In Prince Du's Mansion in the capital of the Tang Dynasty, there was actually a small fairy medicine garden that produced spiritual wisdom. His clone once found a way to transplant a few peach trees with wood-type spiritual roots into the back garden of the palace.

As time went by, even though those peach trees were just ordinary wood-type spiritual roots, with the help of the spirit-gathering formation, some fairy medicine spiritual seeds that had grown for many years and possessed spiritual wisdom grew up near the tree roots.

It's just that it's incomparable to the ginseng orchard in front of you. This kind of thing requires an extremely long time to cultivate, and it's not something you can possess immediately as your strength increases.

After seeing the dazzling array of crystal-clear ginseng fruit trees, Du Long still had the idea to transplant a few of them to the back garden of the palace. With the Peach Garden as the foundation, the land had already had strong spirituality. Transplanting a few ginseng fruit trees will definitely not be a problem!

While walking and chatting, the group finally arrived at the central area of ​​the ginseng orchard, and the fragrance of the ginseng fruit became countless times stronger.

"Oh my god! Is that small ginseng fruit tree that is alone covered by the guardian circle the legendary wood ancestral spirit root?!" Ouyang Qingwen's soft cry immediately attracted the attention of Du Long and others. passed.

Looking in the direction of her finger, she could suddenly see a ginseng fruit tree that was much smaller than the other fruit trees around it, growing quietly on the land protected by a light blue energy shield.

Compared with the lush branches of other ginseng fruit trees, this ginseng fruit tree looks a little short and lean, like an old bonsai that has been growing for many years. It is only about two or three meters tall.

Just by looking at it, you can see that there are only about twenty ginseng fruits hanging on this tree, and the size of the fruits is smaller than those on other fruit trees.

But the color of these fruits is different, changing from emerald green to yellow-green and translucent, with little golden lights flashing, making people feel like their eyes are being dazzled.

"The female benefactor has good eyesight!" Zhen Lingzi replied with a smile: "That is the ginseng fruit tree with the ancestral root of the wood system. The maximum number of fruits produced on the tree is no more than thirty. After picking a few at a time, there is a gap between them. Time will grow again!”

"One, two, three..." Ouyang Qingwen actually counted the fruits on the tree seriously, and she stopped suddenly when she reached twenty-eight. She immediately asked in confusion: "Why did I only count twenty-eight?" Woolen cloth?!"

"Haha!" Zhen Lingzi replied with a patient smile: "I picked two to give away not long ago, so there are still twenty-eight on the tree. It will probably take some time before they bloom again. Two flowers, and two ginseng ancestral fruits will grow again!"

"So that's it!" Ouyang Qingwen asked again with curiosity on her face: "Will these fruits hang on the trees forever if they are not picked?! If they are picked and carefully preserved, I wonder how many years they can be preserved?!"

"The female donor is really discerning!" Zhen Lingzi couldn't help but praise again: "As you said, ginseng fruits can only be preserved for a long time if they grow on fruit trees. Once picked, they can only be preserved for a limited period. time, so we usually choose to let it hang on the tree, but try not to let it get full, and once it gets full, we will pick a small part!"

"You actually have such a habit?!" Ouyang Qingwen said with emotion: "There are so many wonders in the world!"

"Haha!" Zhen Lingzi did not continue to answer her words, but changed the topic and said: "You are the most distinguished guests of our Wuzhuang Temple, so you can pick a ginseng ancestor fruit for consumption. As for these Ordinary grade ginseng fruits can be picked and tasted at will!"

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with this?!" Before Ouyang Qingwen could speak this time, Du Long immediately took over and said: "Even if it's just ginseng fruits born from these ordinary wood spiritual roots, they are extremely precious. How can we pick and enjoy wood spiritual roots at will?!"

"Dragon Master Xuantian is so polite!" Zhen Lingzi replied with a smile: "What are some wood spiritual roots? ! Compared to the Nine Nether Immortal Techniques inherited from the Soul Forest Secret Realm, there are none at all. There’s no comparison!”

"Okay! The female donors must have been greedy for a long time. Those surrounding the ancestral spiritual roots are all top-grade. You can enjoy them to your heart's content. The ordinary wood-type spiritual roots only need a short period of time. It will be able to grow back, dear guests, please don’t be polite to us!”

"Hehe!" Ouyang Qingwen said with a sweet smile: "Then we are welcome! This trip to Wuzhuang Temple is really the right one!"

With cheers and cheers, she immediately pulled Princess Qingling and Du Lian'er, and the three of them rushed towards the ginseng fruit tree on the side. Then they flew up to the branches like three fairies in the garden, and each picked a large ginseng fruit. Eat up.

"Husband, go ahead!" As if seeing Du Long still standing in the crowd, Ouyang Qingwen was embarrassed to pick it. Ouyang Qingwen immediately picked a big one and threw it directly towards Du Long. He could only reach out helplessly to catch it.

"Haha! It's rare for a distinguished guest to come to our door today. You all should be honored too. Let's pick some and taste them!" As if he understood that Du Long was embarrassed to taste the ginseng fruit in public, Zhen Lingzi immediately said to the Taoist priests around him with a smile. .

As a result, all the Taoists, including Zhen Lingzi, also took action, happily picking and tasting the high-level ginseng fruits.

As the saying goes, happiness alone is not as good as happiness among everyone. Seeing everyone picking and tasting ginseng fruits, Du Long put down the burden in his heart and started tasting the ginseng fruits in his hands.

Fruits grown from ordinary wood spiritual roots like this are just a more delicious fairy fruit to him now, but ginseng fruit is indeed an extremely delicious fairy fruit.

After Du Long tasted two, he stopped. Zhen Lingzi then turned over and took out a slender jade Ruyi, plus a snow-white jade plate and said: "Let's go! Let the three of them continue to taste these ordinary ginseng fruits, Xuan Tianlongzun accompanied Pindao to get some ginseng ancestral spirit fruits. This kind of ancestral spirit fruit cannot be eaten directly. It is best to eat it while practicing in seclusion to exert the greatest effect!"

"Do you still need this kind of tool to pick the ginseng ancestor spirit fruit?!" Du Long looked at the jade tool in Zhen Lingzi's hand with some confusion.

"Yes!" Zhen Lingzi replied with a smile: "If you want the ginseng ancestral fruit to be stored for a longer period of time, you must not let them come into contact with any impurities, including sweat stains and dirt on human palms, etc.!"

"I see!"

After a simple conversation, Zhen Lingzi waved his hand to lift the protective circle covering the ginseng fruit tree. A refreshing fragrance immediately hit his face. This fragrance was many times stronger than outside.

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