Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2328 Seafood City

Zhongyu Mountain, Peach Blossom Valley!

After Lu Wu's warm hospitality, Du Long's family of four finally embarked on their journey again and left the free city controlled by the Dongsheng Shenzhou Freedom Alliance.

At the moment Du Long teleported away, Old Taoist Lu Ya stopped at the gate of the Taoist temple, still holding a broom in his hand, staring thoughtfully in the direction of Peach Blossom Valley.

"This kid is finally gone!" After a long silence, Lu Ya sighed and said: "I hope you will break through and reach the supreme realm as soon as possible. Then will be the best time to meet. Even if we meet now, I don't know what we should talk about. What..."

After muttering a few words silently to himself, Lu Ya shook his head and continued to sweep the fallen leaves on the ground with the broom in his hand. The seemingly simple sweeping action actually contained an extremely mysterious rhythm. !

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Penglai City on the east coast!

This is a world-famous seaport city. The reason why it is famous all over the world is that the city has a variety of delicious seafood dishes!

Therefore, the city is jokingly called the Seafood City!

Because Ouyang Qingwen saw this piece of information while reading a lot of books, she, a foodie, secretly made up her mind at that time. If she had the opportunity in the future, she must go and taste the seafood feast here!

It was at Ouyang Qingwen's strong request that Du Long set his next destination after the City of Freedom in Penglai City in the East China Sea!

They did not rush to the seafood restaurant to dine. Instead, they teleported directly to the coast under the leadership of Du Long, and then enjoyed the city's harbor style along the coast.

Penglai City is surrounded by mountains and the sea. There is a huge harbor stretching for thousands of miles close to the sea. The main function of this harbor is seafood trade, and it also has the function of transporting adventure teams to the sea!

The seafood in Penglai City is extremely delicious, but its price is not cheap at all. Especially those seafood that need to go deep into the sea to catch are so expensive that many noble families dare not enjoy them casually!

Most of the wastelands in the Pangu God Realm are extremely dangerous, but compared to the vast ocean, they are nothing but dwarfs!

The vast majority of ordinary fishermen from all over the God Realm can only fish in offshore areas. Once they go deep into the deep sea, they will often end up with a tragic ending of a narrow escape!

Therefore, forming a team to venture into the deep sea to catch those precious seafood has gradually become an important adventure mission around Penglai City!

All major seafood restaurants will announce various rare seafood procurement tasks, and clearly list the purchase prices of various seafood. Only the precious seafood that you can't catch, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it after you catch it. !

It is precisely because of this unique seafood culture that Penglai City has welcomed a large number of high-end tourists like the Dulong family, and the entire city has become extremely prosperous because of this!

At this moment, Du Long's family of four were walking through the bustling seafood avenue. Ouyang Qingwen was dizzy with all kinds of seafood along the way!

Compared to Ouyang Qingwen, a foodie, Du Long, Princess Qingling, and Du Lian'er were relatively calm. Although they were looking at various seafood curiously, they just hugged each other. Just watching it from an appreciation point of view.

Seeing all kinds of seafood jumping alive in the water, even if Du Long didn't know much about the culture here, he knew in his heart that seafood like this directly sold on the street should not be purchased by those seafood restaurants with high prices. Cherish seafood!

The group of people walked through the noisy seafood avenue and walked all the way towards the largest seafood restaurant on the coast. Because they were not in a hurry, they walked for a long time before arriving at the tall seafood restaurant.

Penglai Pavilion!

Looking at the plaque hanging high above the door of the restaurant, combined with the beautiful seascape surrounding the restaurant, which is like a fairyland in a painting, the four members of Du Long's family couldn't help but relax.

"Hehe! We finally came to Penglai Pavilion!" Ouyang Qingwen's phoenix eyes were smiling like a crescent moon because of her happiness. She stretched out her white jade fingers and pointed at Penglai Pavilion. Said: "According to legend, the seafood here can definitely be regarded as the most delicious in the entire Penglai City!"

"Haha!" Faced with such a lovely side of his beloved wife, Du Long couldn't help but laugh and said: "I have long heard that you are a snack foodie. You just received so much Peach Blossom wine from fellow Taoist Lu Wu, and now you have You can taste the most delicious seafood dinner here!”

"Yeah!" Ouyang Qingwen didn't feel shy at all because of Du Long's teasing. Instead, she nodded confidently and said: "The biggest wish in people's hearts is to eat all the delicious food in the world. If you go out once in a while, you can't miss the legendary food. , the most delicious seafood feast in Penglai Pavilion!”

"Let's go!" Du Long stretched out his hand and rubbed Ouyang Qingwen's little head dotingly and said: "Then we will benefit from your favor today, and I hope we can do this at all costs!"

"Don't worry!" Ouyang Qingwen vowed: "In the entire Pangu world, I'm afraid you can't find any seafood that can make it more delicious than Penglai Pavilion! Let's go! Everyone can't help but want to bleed. I’m drooling!”


Amidst bursts of laughter, the group of four strode into the magnificent Penglai Pavilion gate. Then, with the warm welcome of the store clerk at the door, they climbed all the way to the top floor and found the best seaside box to sit down.

Soon, four extremely beautifully made recipes were delivered to the four people. Each recipe was an inch thick and contained hundreds of pages of dish illustrations.

What opened the eyes of Dulong's family of four was that there was only one dish on each page of the recipe. In addition to clear pictures of the original ingredients and exquisite pictures of the processed ingredients, there was also a detailed introduction to the dish at the bottom.

For example, on the first page of recipes!

The Abyss Golden Arowana is produced in the underwater world in the far reaches of the East China Sea. It possesses divine power at the level of gods and humans when it is born. Later, when it grows into adulthood, it can reach the full strength of the late Hunyuan Stage.

A very small number of Golden Arowana Kings have strength that is not weaker than the Perfect Realm of the late Emperor level. They are an extremely rare and powerful seafood species in the depths of the East China Sea. According to legend, they possess a certain amount of Golden Dragon bloodline!

This fish is not only delicious, but after eating it, it can also improve the natural strength of Hunyuan level experts. . .

This abyssal golden arowana dish is placed on the first page of the thick recipe. The original ingredient picture shows a fish-shaped creature with golden dragon horns. It is obviously regarded as the most valuable specialty of the store!

"Abyss Golden Arowana?!" Du Long saw the name of the dish at a glance and subconsciously read out the name of the dish: "It's actually an undersea species with the blood of a golden dragon?!"

"Yes! Sir!" The shop assistant who had been waiting next to him immediately started to explain respectfully: "This dish is divided into three grades. One is the underage Abyss Arowana, the adult Abyss Arowana, and the Abyss Arowana. king!"

"No way?!" Du Long quickly scanned the information about this dish while speaking, and immediately asked with some surprise: "Is there an abyss golden dragon that has reached the imperial level in your store? Fish King?!”

"Haha!" The store clerk's attitude was still respectful, but he couldn't help but smile a little smugly: "I'll tell you the truth! Our store just happened to acquire an Abyss Golden Arowana King today. It was caught hard by an Emperor-level adventure team. !”

"Emperor-level adventure team?! They actually went out to sea to fish?!" This time, before Du Long could say anything, Princess Qingling couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart.

To be honest, if Du Long and Du Lian'er hadn't shown their strength at the late imperial level, their family of four would never have had the chance to come to the top box of Penglai Pavilion.

At this moment, hearing Princess Qingling ask such a layman's question, the shop clerk, no matter how good his qualities were, couldn't help but cast a deep look at her, obviously not interested in her Hunyuan level strength.

"The girl doesn't know something!" I have to say that Penglai Pavilion's management of the store clerk is very good. Although the store clerk is not very fond of Princess Qingling, he still maintains a relatively respectful attitude and explains: "As long as the girl can see the abyss clearly, With the price of the Golden Arowana King, you can probably understand why some emperor-level experts are willing to take this risk!"

"The Abyss Golden Arowana King is sold according to its grade. The price of the Abyss Golden Arowana King is two low-grade super artifacts in the early imperial stage, one middle- and low-grade super artifact in the middle stage, and one middle-high-grade super artifact in the later stage?! "Princess Qingling quickly found the price of the Abyss Golden Arowana King at the bottom, and was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

No wonder she was so surprised. It was just a dish, and the price was actually calculated using a super artifact. And it seemed that this dish was more expensive than a super artifact!

"I wonder what grade the Abyss Golden Arowana your store purchased today is?" Compared to Princess Qingling's shock, Du Long continued to ask in a much calmer voice.

"What our store acquired today is the Abyss Golden Arowana King that has reached the late emperor level!" The store clerk's face was once again filled with unconcealable pride, and he answered with some excitement: "It should be the first time for these distinguished guests to come here. Because Penglai City doesn’t know something, it’s extremely difficult to acquire ordinary Abyss Arowana, let alone an Abyss Arowana King who has reached the Emperor level or even reached the late Emperor level!”

"Therefore, I can assure you that among the countless seafood restaurants in Penglai City, our restaurant is probably the only one with such an Abyssal Golden Arowana King that has reached the later stage of perfection!"

"Hmm!" Du Long was finally aroused by the other party, and immediately asked curiously: "I wonder at what price your store paid for this Abyss Golden Arowana King?!"

"Our store has a high-grade super artifact to buy this Abyss Golden Arowana King. If any customers are willing to enjoy this dish, then our store will make a net profit of a mid-grade super artifact!" The store clerk faced the emperor Du Long. In the later stage, those who are strong and perfect are more polite.

"That's it!" Du Long finally understood his doubts and immediately nodded and said: "Let's do it! It's rare to come to Penglai City from hundreds of millions of miles away to taste the seafood feast. Naturally, I didn't miss the best signature dish of your restaurant. The truth is, since your store has this dish of Abyss Golden Arowana King today, please make it for us and bring it to us!"

"What?!" The waiter suddenly froze there, obviously not expecting Du Long to order this dish.

He has been entertaining countless guests, and many of them have questions similar to those of Du Long and others, and he will explain them patiently.

There are two reasons why he patiently explained. One is that he is a guest, and the other is that while introducing this super signature dish, he is also advertising Penglai Pavilion!

And when he was patiently explaining this dish, he didn't expect the guests to order this dish at all. Even the price of ordinary Abyss Arowana was ridiculously expensive.

Because of this, when Du Long said he wanted to order the Abyss Golden Arowana King, the store clerk was dumbfounded on the spot. He really couldn't believe his ears for a while.

"I want to order this dish called Abyss Golden Arowana King. Is there any problem with that?!" Seeing the waiter standing there dumbly and making no movement, Du Long had to repeat his request.

"No... no problem!" The waiter, who was speaking very fluently at first, now stuttered a little: "It's just... it's just because this is your first time visiting our restaurant, and this dish is too expensive. Because...according to our store's rules...I'm afraid we have to charge you first!"

"No problem!" Du Long flipped over his hands and took out two super artifacts, which were of the upper and middle grades. These were trophies he got from an unknown unlucky person.

Looking at the two super artifacts that exuded Taotian's power, the shop clerk almost stared out of his eyes. Apparently, he didn't expect that Du Long would be so happy.

"Sir... Your Majesty!" After finally waking up from the shock, the store clerk continued to speak stammeringly: "I want to contact the steward on this floor, and the steward on the floor will contact you personally. thing!"

"Okay! Please contact us quickly, and we can order a few more dishes!" Du Long did not embarrass the other party, and immediately started to look through the heavy menu in his hand again: "Qingwen, Qingling and Lian'er! It's rare to come here!" When you come here, don’t save money for me, just order any seafood dishes you like!”

The three girls all agreed. They knew Du Long's identity. If he couldn't afford a big meal even in the realm of the most powerful Buddha, then there really was no need to continue opening the Penglai Pavilion.

If even Du Long can't afford it, then there really aren't many people in this world who can spend as much as they want in this store, so why should they have to pay to their death? !

Soon a floor steward rushed over. He quickly confirmed that the two super artifacts were of the correct grade. When facing Du Long, he almost bent his waist at ninety degrees to serve.

Du Long and his party then ordered many more dishes, but the prices were no longer so exaggeratedly expensive. Even if there were some slightly inferior dishes, they had to give up because of the lack of ingredients.

Immediately afterwards, Penglai Pavilion began the long process of preparing dishes, while Du Long and his party were greeted first by the best tea and snacks in the box.

Their trip itself was to see the beautiful scenery in various places, and they were not in a hurry. Instead, they enjoyed the sea view outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows while sipping tea and snacks.


While they were patiently waiting for the dishes to be served, bursts of noise suddenly came from outside the box, and then the door of the box was suddenly pushed open and hit hard in the corner, making a loud noise.

The smile on Du Long's face froze in an instant. Under his cold gaze, a young man in gorgeous clothes, surrounded by many figures, barged in menacingly.

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