Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2325: Hold on to the formation to save your life

In ancient times, a world-destroying war threatened to destroy the world!

At that time, the Pangu God Realm was not as stable as it is now. Many ancient powerful men from various forces possessed power that could almost destroy the world.

A clue of this can be seen from the extremely powerful and terrifying destructive power Du Long achieved when he first reached the imperial level and returned to the immortal world.

That world-destroying war directly led to the Pangu God Realm, which was originally a land that was countless times wider than the ocean, eventually evolving into what it is now.

Vast tracts of land sank into the vast sea. The battle finally alarmed Pangu Ancestor, the God of Creation. He, who had never easily interfered in the internal affairs of the Pangu world, finally couldn't help but intervene directly. That world-destroying war.

In the end, Chi You, the Great Demon God, was divided into billions of parts and imprisoned in billions of immortal worlds. He has not been able to escape until now!

It is precisely because of this that the Ascended Alliance camp, which faced off against the primitive tribal alliance, could finally win that victory!

In other words, if Ancestor Pangu couldn't help but personally intervene, it's still unclear who will win, and it's hard to say whether the current Pangu God Realm can still have four continents.

It was during such an unprecedented world-destroying war that the Blood Sea, a land originally belonging to the territory of primitive humans, sank. In the long process of evolution over hundreds of millions of years, submarine volcanoes rose up one after another.

Some volcanic eruptions have accumulated and turned into blood sea islands, and some volcanoes have erupted too much material and eventually turned into undersea energy volcanoes. At the same time, they have also become the habitat of many mutant sea tribes on the bottom of the sea!

Year after year in the sea of ​​blood. . . In the long process of changes day after day, the mermaid clan who originally lived in the peripheral waters of the Blood Sea gradually adapted to the dangerous environment of the Blood Sea.

Like many primitive humans who survived by chance, they discovered the huge role of those energy volcanoes, and began to occupy those energy volcanoes crazily, and worked hard to improve the overall strength of the mutant mermaid clan.

As time went by, the mutated sea race inevitably broke out in life-and-death battles with the primitive humans in the process of competing for the energy volcanic island.

The final outcome naturally ended with the complete defeat of the mutant sea race. In order to continue to survive in the sea of ​​blood, they could only move into those submarine volcanoes that had not been discovered by the primitive humans and continue to survive there.

For a very long period of time, the mutant mermaids did not dare to easily confront the primitive humans. They were like injured beasts, hiding in the dangerous submarine energy volcanoes, quietly licking their wounds.

During this period, they did not dare to go to the sea to have a head-on confrontation with the primitive humans, but they also took advantage of the opportunity that the other party did not take them seriously, and continued to risk their lives to search for buildings one after another in the depths of the blood sea. Undersea energy volcano.

As long as they successfully find an undersea energy volcano, they will establish a new secret stronghold there. While constantly using the undersea energy volcano to improve their strength, they are also making various preparations for the three cunning rabbits!

It was during this process that the mutant sea tribe discovered this sea area with three submarine energy volcanoes, and also discovered that the raw energy erupted by these three submarine energy volcanoes was many times richer than other places.

The senior leaders of the mutant mermaid clan at that time did not hesitate to identify this place as the location of their lair, and began to build a large-scale secret headquarters here, which was the largest secret headquarters of the mutant sea clan in the blood sea!

That is, when they started to build this secret headquarters, they unexpectedly discovered an extremely ancient space formation stone buried in volcanic material.

Later, they discovered an extremely powerful ancient magic circle inside the extremely ancient space formation stone, and finally successfully arranged it in this underwater world, forming the powerful protective magic circle that Du Long saw.

Under Shiqian's narration, the mystery of the origin of this powerful protective circle was finally revealed, and it was revealed in front of Du Long!

"That's it!" After listening to Shi Qian's story, Du Long nodded suddenly, but finally said with some disappointment: "If it's just that, it seems that the information you provided is not of much significance to me. Even without your help, I can’t find any reason to keep you alive!”

"No! You don't know something!" The body of Shiqian's soul energy suddenly trembled, and in order to save his life, he hurriedly explained: "As far as I know, this ancient magic circle is capable of destroying the world. , is the product of a powerful extraterrestrial world civilization outside the Xuantian world!"

Du Long's body suddenly shook in the real world. He was obviously shocked by Shi Qian's words. As his cultivation strength continued to improve at any time, he gradually began to have a certain understanding of the civilization of the outside world.

Therefore, he understands very well that any product involving the civilization of the outside world will often be very precious and powerful!

For example, in the eyes of powerful civilizations outside the territory, the most basic Nine Forges of the Soul Body and Soul Body Fusion Techniques, compared to the Pangu world, are enough to make the top forces from all sides flock to them.

This set of techniques once indirectly led to the outbreak of the world-destroying war in the extremely ancient period, which ultimately completely changed the pattern of the entire Pangu God Realm!

At this moment, Du Long's expression in the real world changed wildly, but he did not say anything. Compared to Shi Qian in the Demon Suppression Tower, he just continued to remain silent and listened quietly to his continued story. Just go down.

At this moment, although Du Long had a thousand words to say, he did not lose his composure. Once he showed that he was overly nervous about this matter, he could have imagined that the other party would take the opportunity to threaten him with this issue!

Shiqian paused for a moment, and seeing that Du Long didn't question him, he didn't think too much immediately, but continued to follow his words.

"The reason why I say that it is the product of an extremely powerful extraterrestrial civilization is because there is a description of this guardian circle. It mentioned that after a strong man obtained the circle, he was chased and intercepted by strong men sent by countless forces. , and finally, after a near-death escape, he came to our extremely remote world when he was seriously injured and dying!"

"Presumably... Your Excellency, you should have personally experienced the power of this protective array, right?! And this is just a sample of the most powerful power of this array!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Du Long couldn't believe it, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"I admit that the power of this magic circle is indeed very powerful, but if this is just a glimpse of its true power, then... Isn’t that too nonsense?!”

"Sir!" As if he could hear the dissatisfaction in Du Long's tone, Shi Qian immediately explained: "Little Yuan Yuan swears with his soul that I will never deceive you about this matter!"

"Because this magic circle is too difficult to control, I don't dare to use it to kill the enemy easily, because if I'm not careful, we will both die!"

"It's really possible!" Du Long's mind suddenly flashed back to the terrifying scene when the formation showed its power, and he replied with some approval: "When you controlled the formation just now, you did seem a little... powerless! "

"That's right!" Shiqian nodded hurriedly and responded: "The formation is not only extremely complex in structure and difficult to arrange, but also extremely difficult to control. It does not have the life assistance of the formation spirit to control it, and can only rely on the powerful soul of the owner of the formation. He has the power to control it, but the realm of the small soul is really too low!"

Hao Qian was also aware of his own weaknesses, and he did not feel ashamed at all for exposing his shortcomings. He knew very well that the fierce man in front of him could crush him, whether in terms of spiritual realm or real combat power.

"There is no formation spirit to control the array?! Can only control a large array to attack and kill through personal soul energy?!" Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately thought of the origin of the soul that he had successfully completed the Nine Forges.

At this moment, he finally understood somewhat!

Compared to the Pangu world, it is indeed very difficult to control a large formation through the power of the soul. But compared to the powerful civilizations outside the territory, there should be many strong people who possess the Nine Forges of the Divine Soul or even surpass the Nine Forges!

It may not be too difficult for those terrifying beings with extremely powerful souls to control such a super magic circle on their own!

Du Long immediately thought of his terrifying divine soul realm. After completing the Nine Forgings of the Divine Soul, even his master Sakyamuni could no longer compare with it.

To give a simple example, he can now easily cover the entire Nanfangbu Continent with his soul, while Sakyamuni can only cover a small half of Nanfangbu Continent!

From this point, it can be seen that the spiritual realm of his apprentice has surpassed that of his master. Although Sakyamuni has the strength to kill him in an instant, the reality that the spiritual realm is weaker than his still exists!

"After this magic circle is deployed, can it be taken back again?!" After thinking about all this, Du Long finally couldn't hide his eagerness and asked the most worrying question in his heart.


He only had the simplest one word to answer him. After Shi Qian, the ancestor of the mutant mermaid clan, only responded to this one word, he was completely speechless.

"Very good!" Du Long instantly understood that the other party was raising conditions again. The reason why he praised the protective array to the sky was just for this moment: "Tell me! What requirements do you have before you are willing to use this protective array?" Hand over the magic circle, as long as you don’t go too far, maybe I can agree!”

"Sir! I want to use this formation to save my life. I hope you can make it happen!" Shiqian said his request eagerly, and you could hear a trace of vibrato in his words. This guy is obviously Saw the last hope of survival.

"There is no problem in sparing your life!" Du Long deliberately pondered for a while before replying: "But in order to keep the secret of this magic circle, I absolutely cannot let you go!"

"Sir, are you going to imprison me here forever?!" Shiqian wailed unwillingly: "Instead of being imprisoned in this dark space, it would be better to execute me directly! Sir! I am willing to make a mistake. Make a soul oath and never mention any information related to this guardian circle from now on!"

"No!" Du Long rejected Shi Qian's request on the spot and said: "There are loopholes in the soul oath. You may not dare to mention the word magic circle, but as long as you mention something like I have the products of a powerful civilization from outside the territory, you will be fine." It’s enough to put me in an extremely dangerous situation!”

"At most..." Seeing that Shi Qian was going to continue arguing, Du Long immediately said in deep thought: "At most, instead of imprisoning you in this closed space, I can place you in a place with beautiful scenery and picturesque scenery. Go into the cave world where billions of creatures live!"

"This..." Shi Qian heard Du Long's unquestionable tone and hesitated for a moment: "If the master can obtain such a rare and powerful extraterritorial magic circle, can't he give the villain a true freedom? ?!”

"Let's do this! I'll take a step back in the end!" A compromise method flashed through Du Long's mind again, and he immediately said with great seriousness: "I won't trap you in that cave world forever and ever, until one day... .When I prepare to leave the Pangu world, or when I successfully create an eternal world, I will return your freedom!"

"You want to leave the Pangu world?!" Shiqian was suddenly shocked, obviously not expecting Du Long to have such a plan: "And... you actually want to create your own eternal world?!"

"That's natural!" Du Long was unwilling to explain too much to the other party and said coldly: "As for the reasons behind it, it is not your concern. I will ask you one last time, do you accept this condition? If not, If you are willing to accept it, then wait to endure the pain of endless years of soul-burning flames!"

"Okay!" After pondering for a long time, Shiqian finally chose to compromise between life and death: "I am willing to accept the plan of the adults. I also ask the adults to swear a soul oath to promise not to deceive me. Then the little one will immediately complete the plan." Leave the outer magic circle to your Excellency!"

"Very good! I, Du Long, am willing to swear an oath with my own soul..." Du Long was very straightforward and swore a soul oath directly in front of Shi Gan.

Then, under his expectant attention, a simple formation stone flew out from the opponent's soul energy group and arrived in front of Du Long in the blink of an eye.

"This is a formation stone that can be stored in the soul space and can freely control the outer guardian formation. The younger one has released the recognition of its owner. The adult can directly recognize its owner with a drop of blood. Then he will naturally understand how to control it. Yes!" Shi Qian saw the confusion in Du Long's eyes and immediately explained.

A drop of bright red blood flew out and instantly submerged into the formation stone. A vast amount of information instantly poured into Du Long's soul, and he began to immerse himself in examining and researching this information.

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