Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2309 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Prince Du's Mansion, in the back garden of the core area!

Surrounded by a group of confidants, Du Long seemed to be chatting about trivial matters, but in fact he was distracted. Part of his mind entered the ninth space-time island, always paying attention to the improvement of the spiritual realm of the clone in it.

There is also a mind that completely covers the entire Tang Dynasty capital, and is always paying attention to the people's views of the Du family.

At this moment, Du Zhentian was personally summoning all the Du clan members staying in the capital of Tang Dynasty. Tens of thousands of Du clan members had gathered outside the gate of Prince Du's Mansion.

Coupled with the people around the square who came to watch after hearing the news, the entire square outside Prince Du's Mansion was already overcrowded. All this was Du Zhentian's own idea, and Du Long had no intention of interfering in this. .

He believed that since his father, Du Zhentian, who had been a loyal general, was determined to strictly govern the Du family, he didn't need to worry about it at all.

At the entrance of Prince Du's Mansion, Du Zhentian saw that the place was already packed with people, and then he stood solemnly on the steps of the gate, his eyes scanning every corner of the square like a sharp knife.

The originally noisy square gradually became quiet. After those people who were whispering felt the change in the surrounding atmosphere, they subconsciously stopped talking, and then followed everyone's gaze to look at the entrance of Prince Du's Mansion.

"Today, all the members of the Du family are gathered here in the capital of the Tang Dynasty in public. The reason is for no other reason than to announce a few rules of the Du family in public!"

"Before that, on behalf of the Du family, I would like to extend my most sincere apology to all the people of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Because we lack strict control, some of the Du family's children have committed many unforgivable crimes in the Tang Kingdom!"

"We don't want to use the excuse that the number of people in the clan is increasing day by day and we can't take everything into consideration because of the large number of people, to cover up some mistakes that have already happened for the Du clan!"

"Thinking back to those days, thanks to the outstanding talent and strength of my son Du Long, and thanks to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty's discerning talent, we, the Du family, were able to find a place to settle down in the capital of the Tang Dynasty!"

"In recent years, my son Du Long's cultivation realm has been continuously increasing. Today, he has reached the realm of the most powerful Buddha. He has also received the title of Xuantian Dragon Master in Buddhism. Because of this, He made great achievements in the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven and won the glorious title of Eastern God of War!"

"Gradually, some members of the Du family began to become a little forgetful and committed many unforgivable crimes in the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, they also smeared the entire Du family's face!"

"For this reason, my son Du Long has decided not to indulge the misbehavior of those Du clan members, and asked me to establish the Du clan rules on behalf of the Du clan, and they will be implemented from now on!"

"From now on, if a member of the Du family violates the royal law in the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, the chief punishment officer of the Tang Dynasty has the right to arrest and judge him. Once the evidence of the crime is confirmed, the criminal will be transferred to the Du Family Discipline Hall for severe punishment!"

"If the crime is extremely serious, the Du Family Discipline Hall can apply the maximum penalty of execution. If the crime is not fatal but the crime is serious, the Du Family can be expelled. This person will have nothing to do with the Du Family!"


As soon as Du Zhentian's loud words fell, the entire square outside the gate of Prince Du's Mansion was immediately in an uproar. There were countless onlookers cheering and cheering, and even the children of the Du family were chattering loudly.

In the core garden of the palace, Du Long, who was still smiling and chatting with the female family members, gradually disappeared and his brows furrowed.

Under the investigation of his spiritual consciousness, among the people of the capital who were watching around the square, many people actually cried with joy in public, and burst into tears there.

Compared with the performance of the people in the capital, there were actually many people from the Du family in the square laughing and joking. It seemed that they did not pay attention to the performance of the people in the capital, let alone Du Zhentian's public announcement. Keep the clan rules in mind.

"Husband!" The girls gathered around rarely saw Du Long showing such a serious expression, and they all looked at him worriedly for a while. Finally, it was Qin Huofeng who took the lead to break the silence and said: "It's all my fault for not controlling the Du family well. My son, you are worried about this!"

"This is none of your business!" Du Long waved his hand and said without looking back: "I know that you have only been responsible for taking care of the affairs in the core area of ​​​​the palace. As for the outside affairs, they are left to other managers. !”

"Having said that, but..." Qin Huofeng wanted to continue, but was directly interrupted by Du Long: "Stop talking, as the saying goes, we can't kiss for more than three generations. From now on, only people after me are allowed in Prince Du's Mansion. Three generations have lived there, and the others can either settle in the world of Julan Cave, or move to the territory of the Tang Heavenly Kingdom!"

"Those properties belonging to the Du family will be handed over to the Su family of Jinbao from now on. They will be given appropriate shares at regular intervals. All members of the Du family are not allowed to engage in business or politics!"

"From now on, only those with outstanding talent and strength in cultivation will be eligible to enter the core level of the Du family."

"The Du family will only focus on practicing one religion from now on. As for those clan members who insist on doing business and politics, they will no longer enjoy any rights of the Du family. It is recommended that they voluntarily withdraw from the Du family!"

When Du Long was discussing with Tang Emperor Li Shimin, he originally had no objection to his tribesmen engaging in business and politics. However, after witnessing the performance of those tribesmen in the square, this idea changed instantly.

Once a person engages in business or politics, issues of interest will inevitably be involved!

As the saying goes, interests drive the heart. When the Du clan wants to obtain certain benefits, they do not necessarily have to use heinous means to obtain them.

They can find countless seemingly legal means to obtain various benefits. Just because of their status as members of the Du clan, countless competitors have to choose extremely unfair concessions.

In short, in order to allow the Du family to grow healthily in the Pangu world, Du Long finally decided to let the Du family concentrate on the path of spiritual practice.

In this world, cultivation strength is king, and the number of strong men in a family is the basis of its strength. As long as a family is strong enough, the money is nothing more than an external possession.


On the square outside the gate of Prince Du's Mansion, invisible waves of time and space descended on the laughing and playing Du clan members out of thin air. These people were struggling desperately but could only watch their bodies rising.

The originally noisy square instantly fell silent. Many people looked at the Du clan members with puzzled faces as they were lifted into the air by invisible forces. For a moment, they didn't know what unusual change had occurred.

Many guards in the direction of the entrance of Prince Du's Mansion formed a defensive formation, as if they thought that a foreign enemy was attacking the Du clan. The atmosphere in the square became extremely tense for a while.


Suddenly, the time and space above the square began to distort, and soon a huge transparent face appeared in front of everyone. It was Du Long's face.

Du Zhentian, who was still a little worried at first, immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Then he realized that his son couldn't help but come forward in person. Looking at the people he restrained, Du Zhentian naturally understood that he was preparing to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

"Participating in a conference organized by the Du Family Discipline Hall, how dare you play and laugh there?!"

"You people will be expelled from the Du family directly from today on, and you will have nothing to do with the Du family from now on!"

"Anyone who has any grudges or disputes with you is a personal act. The relatives and elders behind you are not allowed to intervene, otherwise they will be expelled from the Du family!"

"From now on, all members of the Du family are no longer allowed to engage in business or politics. Anyone who violates the order will be expelled from the Du family!"

Puffy. . .

In full view of everyone, the Du clan members who were bound in mid-air were thrown out to the street outside the square like human sandbags, with endless teeth-searing crashing sounds.

"Grandpa, have mercy on me! This is your first offender to be an unworthy descendant. I will never dare to do it again from now on..."

"Grandpa, have mercy on me..."

On the street outside the square, the disciples who had been expelled from the Du family ignored the pain on their bodies and began to cry and kneel there one by one, kowtowing to the huge transparent human figure in mid-air and begging for mercy.

It's a pity that the huge human face didn't bother to look at them again, and just disappeared without a trace!

On the square, all the Du clan members were in a state of silence. After learning from those people's mistakes, they all stood upright and no longer dared to think lightly of this family gathering.

There was endless discussion around the square. Many people were originally skeptical of Du Zhentian's words. After Du Long personally came out to scare the monkeys, people finally began to believe that the Du family was playing tricks.

In the back garden of the core of the palace, many female relatives looked helplessly at Du Long, who had just expelled thousands of clan members. It was obvious that they all understood that he was determined to govern the Du family strictly.

"Haha!" Facing the many helpless confidantes, Du Long could only laugh dryly and said: "I guess among the children who were expelled from the Du family just now, there should be some faces you are familiar with, right?! I hope you don't blame me. My husband is too cruel and ruthless!"

"Husband, you are worrying too much!" In the crowd, Ouyang Qingwen, a resourceful and talented woman, said with a faint smile: "As you just said, we can't kiss for more than three generations. After dozens of generations in the immortal world, almost all of them have become passers-by! "

"From now on, the Du family will develop according to the husband's decision. Only those who have a breakthrough in strength and reach the emperor level can enter the core high-level. As for those disciples who have been cultivating endlessly, let them go to fend for themselves!"

"Then there is no need to be so unkind!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "The rules set by the husband are strict. If any of you here have a family member who is more likeable, it doesn't hurt to pay special attention to them! "

"There is only one requirement for a husband, that is, as a son of the Du family, in addition to being loyal to the Du family, he must also be a loyal, righteous, courteous and filial person!"

"We will never allow those treacherous and evil tribesmen to smear the face of the Du family. No matter how talented the tribe is, if their character is bad, they will be shut out and will never enter the core of the family!"


In the back garden, everyone was constantly expressing their opinions. After such a long time, since they have decided to strictly manage the family, the problems they face are naturally multifarious and cannot be clarified in a few words. .

Within the Tang royal family, a clan meeting related to the Du family is also being held at this moment. As the Du family cleans up the family in public and promotes some major clan rules, all the senior members of the royal family show expressions of joy on their faces.

In recent years, because the Du family has become increasingly powerful and domineering, many people in the Tang royal family are worried that the Du family will usurp the throne and take away the world that originally belonged to the Li family.

"Shimin! You didn't seem to say before that the Du family will never engage in business or politics from now on?! Why did His Royal Highness Prince Du raise this matter in public just now?!" A highly respected elder of the Li family of the royal family asked Li Shimin with some confusion. asked.

"Haha!" Li Shimin replied with a smile: "Prince Du probably didn't have this plan before. This should be his sudden idea, right?!"

"Haha! That's great!" Another elder of the Li family laughed loudly: "From now on, the Du family will become a spiritual family in the Tang Dynasty. We should give King Du a more respected status. We hope that the Du family and the Li family will always have good relations and work together. Protecting the great foundation of the Tang Heavenly Kingdom is ours!"

"What Uncle Wang said is true!" Li Shimin agreed happily: "The Du family is no longer in politics, but it does not mean that the Du family cannot become the princes-in-law of the Tang Dynasty. I think we should encourage many outstanding princesses from the royal family to strive to marry the Du family. The children of the family who have outstanding spiritual talents!"

"Wonderful! Only the in-law relationship can bind the Du and Li clans together more firmly, and can the Du and Li clans be on good terms forever!"


As Li Shimin put forward this suggestion, everyone at the scene expressed their support. For a time, it was extremely rare for the Tang royal family to reappear an atmosphere of unity and harmony.

Ever since the Du family couldn't lose its head, various dissent within the Tang royal family had continued. After Du Long decided to heavily rectify the Du family, these contradictions naturally disappeared.

In Prince Du's Mansion, Du Long nodded thoughtfully. Perhaps it was because Li Shimin deliberately allowed him to probe, and the internal discussions within the royal family did not guard against his spiritual probe at all.

After learning about the Li family's decision, Du Long was not dissatisfied. On the contrary, he felt that it was a good choice to continue the marriage relationship with the Li family.

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