Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2293 Body Refining Tower

"No, no, still no..."

In the blink of an eye, Du Long was in the gray space on the ninth floor of the Soul Refining Tower and practiced hard in seclusion for nearly a thousand years. Unfortunately, he still could not break through the final bottleneck of the perfection of the Nine Soul Refining Towers.

After trying hard again and again, he failed again and again. Even his other clone had successfully reached the final bottleneck point of Divine Soul Nine Forges. Unfortunately, he still could not find the final opportunity for breakthrough.

"No!" After nearly a thousand years of hard training, one of Du Long's clones finally couldn't help but stop practicing, slowly opened his eyes and said: "Continue to practice the Divine Soul Nine Forging Technique like this, it seems like forever. There is no way to break through this last bottleneck!”

"But apart from practicing hard, I don't seem to have any other way to help break through this bottleneck. What should I do?!"

"Nine Forges of the Divine Soul...I have broken through all the way from the First Forge of the Divine Soul to the Ninth Forge. Although there are bottlenecks in the first eight Forges, it only takes some time. Even if I can break through naturally, why is it so difficult to break through the Ninth Forge? !”

"There are nine different ways to forge the soul in the Nine Forges of the Divine Soul. I can only practice one after another. Is there no other way?!"

While muttering to himself, Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he thought of some important practice method, and he immediately closed his eyes again and entered the state of practice.

In the soul space, a huge gray soul energy dragon is flying and running freely. It is running along the changing route of the nine souls over and over again.


Suddenly, this gray energy dragon was divided into nine parts and turned into nine gray soul energy dragons. Then they surrounded the sword-shaped soul core and began to operate according to the soul one to nine forging skills.

The nine gray soul energy dragons operated according to nine different routes, and the entire soul space seemed to begin to tremble slightly. As time went by, the soul energy dragons that had not seen any changes finally showed some changes.

"There's a show!"

A voice sounded excitedly in Du Long's heart. Not long after the nine gray soul energy dragons started to operate, he was extremely excited to discover the slight change.

The other avatar sitting cross-legged on the side naturally shared this memory, and immediately changed his practice method, and began to try to divide the soul energy into nine, and then forge the skills along the soul from one to nine in order from the inside out. The Dharma circulates.

Time continued to pass, and one day after hundreds of years passed on the Ninth Space Island, Du Long finally successfully completed the Nine Forgings of the Soul.

"That's not right!" Zhou Tian, ​​the clone who was the first to complete the Nine Soul Refining Movements, did not open his eyes and said with a trace of confusion on his face: "The nine different soul refining techniques have different running routes. If I run them at the same speed, They will end at different points in time, which should not be the best outcome!"

"Even if you complete the Divine Soul Nine Forging of the Great Zhoutian in this way, you can still make some progress, but the efficiency of this progress has not been maximized. This is not the most perfect Divine Soul Nine Forging method!"

After the words fell, he began to calculate the running time of each soul-forging method, and then based on the soul-forging method that took the longest time, he began to calculate the speed at which the other eight soul-forging methods should run, so that they would At the same time, a large weekly movement is completed.

With the soul reaching the late stage of perfection of the Buddha, and having almost completed the nine forgings of the soul, Du Long's current calculation speed with the soul was incredibly fast, and it only took him less than half an hour to successfully obtain the final answer.


After exhaling a long breath, he began to control the nine gray soul energy dragons again, running at different speeds simultaneously.

Time passed by minute by second, and as the speed of the nine soul energy dragons changed, Du Long could find that his soul's progress had become much faster.

This discovery made him more convinced of his previous inference, and he immediately shared this discovery with the clone beside him, and then began to work hard and enter the state of spiritual cultivation without any distractions.

Even if he discovers the most perfect method of Divine Soul Nine Forging, he still cannot break through the final bottleneck of Divine Soul Nine Forging in a short period of time. He still has to repeatedly operate the nine Divine Soul Energy Dragons, completing one big cycle after another, to make himself The soul energy becomes more solid and complete!

In the blink of an eye, another long period of nearly a thousand epochs has passed. Du Long himself did not know how many times he had completed the Nine Heavenly Calculations of Divine Soul. He only knew that the energy of his Divine Soul was changing all the time.

This change is very mysterious. On the surface, there does not seem to be any obvious change, but as the master of this soul space, Du Long feels that changes are happening all the time.

It seems that the size of the nine divine soul energy dragons has shrunk by about 10%, becoming more and more solid, and the divine soul energy that was originally only in a liquid state seems to have begun to become viscous.


On this day, while repeating the soul-forging practice, Du Long felt a sudden roar coming from his soul space!

Immediately afterwards, the nine gray energy dragons began to solidify rapidly, instantly turning into nine bright white crystals, which continued to revolve around the sword-shaped soul core.


A feeling of comfort came from his soul, and Du Long couldn't help but let out a soft cry. His whole body was completely immersed in this feeling of comfort that emerged from the depths of his soul.

In an instant, he seemed to feel that the whole world had changed. Although he did not open his eyes, he could clearly see the surrounding environment. This feeling was different from what he usually saw with his spiritual consciousness, just like opening his eyes. The picture you see when you open your eyes is just as real!

In addition, just when he looked inside to find out the changes in his body, the picture that appeared in his mind made him couldn't help but exclaim.

"Wow! I seem to be able to see a clear picture inside every cell, and I can clearly see all the energy transmission routes inside the body, as if every cell in the body hides a world?!"

At this moment, just as Du Long said, his spiritual consciousness could clearly detect the most minute details in his body, and the picture under the microscopic world shocked him.

"The Nine Divine Souls have reached perfection, and the Divine Soul energy can be condensed into a solid state. My Divine Soul energy is estimated to be many times more powerful than other deities who have reached their later stages of perfection!"

"The core of my sword-shaped soul seems to have undergone a qualitative change, but this change is not reflected in the appearance. At this moment, I really feel like I have become an omnipotent god!"


Sitting cross-legged on the Ninth Spacetime Island, Du Long, who had successfully completed the Nine Divine Soul Forges, was happily exploring the many changes in his body, and various novel discoveries kept coming to his mind.

He also made a major discovery, that is, after completing the Nine Forgings of the Soul, the energy of the Soul that had already reached its limit seemed to be slowly growing again.

Continuing to control the nine soul energy crystals to rotate along nine different routes and around the sword-shaped soul core, Du Long found that his soul energy grew much faster than normal.

"Huh?! After the completion of the Nine Soul Crystals, it seems that I don't need to deliberately control the operation of the nine Soul Crystals. As long as my mind moves, they will naturally operate along the correct route. In this way, wouldn't I be able to make the nine Soul Crystals operate naturally? They will always maintain the running route of the Divine Soul Nine Forges, and continue to run over and over again?!"

Du Long once again discovered an important change. This kind of thing that only true gods seemed to be able to do could now be done easily.

"The Avenue of Reincarnation... The Avenue of Time... The Avenue of Space... It seems that after the completion of the Nine Divine Souls, I have a much deeper understanding of these avenues, and it seems that some new insights are constantly coming to my mind. . . ”

Seeing that the other clone was still continuing to refine his soul, Du Long was not in a hurry to leave the ninth space-time island, but slowly closed his eyes and re-entered the state of enlightenment and practice.

As the soul completed the Nine Forges, he began to have new insights into several avenues. Naturally, he would not waste such a rare opportunity and began to work hard to understand the mysteries of these emerging avenues.

Time continues to pass. Du Long's completion of the Nine Divine Soul Refining this time did not cause huge changes in the sky. No one in the outside world knew that he had made the most important breakthrough and transformation in his life.

This is a huge breakthrough and transformation in the soul, and it will have an extremely significant impact on his future growth. The sooner this breakthrough comes, the better. Once the breakthrough reaches the supreme realm and the Nine Forges of the soul are completed, it will be a little too late!


On this day, another clone of Du Long finally completed the Nine Divine Soul Refining. Because of his previous breakthrough experience, he was not too excited this time and quickly observed the changes on his body.

There is not much difference from the breakthrough of another clone. With the memory shared at all times, it is enough to leave one clone to continue to comprehend and practice the mysteries of heaven.


After exhaling a long breath, Du Long's clone finally opened his eyes and ended his retreat. After taking a look at the clone who was still practicing hard with his eyes closed, he stepped away from the Ninth Space Island.

"Congratulations on your successful completion of the Nine Divine Soul Refinements! Compared to Chi You back then, you are many times better. You are truly worthy of being able to create the sixth level of perfect Xuantian Art!"

Almost the moment he appeared in the small training space, that extremely smart voice immediately rang out. It seemed that Du Long's completion of the Nine Forges of the Soul could not be hidden from the other party's eyes.

"Haha! Thank you for the compliment, beautiful sister! Can I now directly enter the time and space gate on the ninth floor of the Soul Refining Tower and enter a higher level of space?!" Du Long asked with anticipation.


As time and space changed, Du Long arrived at the hall on the ninth floor of the Soul Refining Tower. He didn't stop any longer and shot straight into the time and space gate, then disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Congratulations to Buddhist disciple Du Long for successfully breaking through the ninth floor of the Soul Refining Tower!"

The smart voice rang in the ears of everyone in the Soul Refining Tower. It was not unexpected by everyone for a while, but it still caused a sensation. People speculated where Du Long, the first one to successfully break through, would be teleported. go.

In a certain quiet space, a figure suddenly appeared there. It was Du Long who was teleported after stepping into the space-time formation gate.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately began to look at the surrounding environment impatiently, and found that the space was as simple and clear as ever. Apart from a huge square, there was only a huge stone monument standing in the middle, plus a stone monument above it. Space-time array gate.

"Isn't it?! Why do I feel like I'm back on the first level of the Soul Refining Tower?! Is it above the Nine Divine Soul Forges... and the Divine Soul Ten Forges?! Is this still over?!" After looking around clearly After the situation, Du Long couldn't help but mumbled a little depressedly.

"No!" A smart voice sounded at the right time, with a hint of embarrassment in the voice: "This is not a nine-story soul refining tower, but a nine-story body refining tower!"

"Nine-story Body Refining Tower?!" Du Long's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Could it be that...this is the inheritance of the legendary Nine Nether Immortal Kung Fu?!"

"That's right!" Ling Dong's voice patiently explained: "The so-called Nine Netherworld Immortal Body Refining Technique is actually just the name of this set of exercises in your Pangu world. In fact, it is the same as the Divine Soul Nine Forging Technique. The method is the same, this set of Nine Divine Body Forging Techniques is still just the most basic body training method in the outside world!"

"A body-training technique as powerful as Jiuyou Immortality is still just the most basic body-training technique in the outside world?!" Du Long muttered with surprise on his face.

"Yes!" The smart voice continued to explain: "To put it simply, the Divine Body Jiuxin just allows your body strength to reach a level similar to the so-called super artifact in the Pangu world!"

"In addition, if you want to complete the Nine Forges of the Divine Body, you need to be assisted by the realm of the Nine Forges of the Divine Soul Basics. Therefore, only those who have completed the Nine Forges of the Divine Soul are qualified to enter this place!"

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly nodded: "Beautiful sister! Then how should I practice the Divine Body Nine Forging Technique?!"

"This is the first floor of the Body Refining Tower. You can directly enter the space-time array gate until you reach the seventh floor of the Body Refining Tower. Then you can start practicing from the seventh forging of the divine body!" the smart voice replied with a smile.

"Start training directly from the seventh forging of the divine body?! Don't I need to practice the first to sixth forging of the divine body?!" Du Long asked in confusion.

"You have already reached the level of perfection in the Sixth Formation of the Divine Body before, so now you only need to continue practicing from the Seventh Formation!" Lin Dong's voice explained with a smile.


Du Long was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had practiced the previous part of the Nine Nether Immortal Body Refining Technique, but the divisions here seemed different from the outside world. The Body Refining Technique was actually subdivided into nine different part.

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