Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2256 Chaos Reopens

"This kid...is he going to create the sixth level of Xuantian Jue?! Should I stop his reckless behavior...or should I let him do whatever he wants?!"

At the top of Xuantian, Ancient Ancestor Pan was staring at the void in front of him with a complex expression on the edge of the water pool. His wise eyes seemed to be able to see through everything, taking in Du Long's situation.

"Alas! I originally thought of waiting until this moment, explaining it to him personally, and then taking the opportunity to create the sixth level of Xuantian Art. However, is that the right thing to do?!"

"Xuan Tian Jue! That is the most mysterious and unpredictable set of skills in the Xuantian world. Even I know only a little about it. Indiscriminate guidance may only disturb the kid's thinking, and I'm afraid it will lead him to the wrong path." It’s uncertain!”

"That's all! Fortunately, I have considered this situation before and specifically asked Hongjun to pass on the Dao Sect's one-qi-transforming-three-purity-cloning technique to him. It's better to wait until the previous two times failed before I intervene!"

After hesitating for a long time, Pangu Ancestor finally decided not to intervene immediately in Du Long's choice of creating the sixth level of Xuantian Jue, but planned to wait and see what happened before making any plans.

In the eighth space-time island, Du Long knew very well what a difficult dilemma the remaining clone would face after his own clone left. Therefore, he must break through the sixth level of Xuantian Jue as soon as possible.

Rumble. . .

At this moment, the Dantian world in his body was undergoing earth-shaking and violent changes. The huge stars were constantly breaking apart, and the two extremely cold and extremely hot stars in the sky were also constantly collapsing.

Under the huge pressure from the outside world, Du Long could only adopt this more radical method in order to break through and stand up as soon as possible. If he practiced in peacetime, he would not be so crazy.

After all, once the Dantian world collapses into an irreversible situation, at least the Dantian will be completely destroyed and the cultivation will be reduced to nothing; at worst, the body and soul will be destroyed along with the Dantian, and this clone will die from now on!

The entire Dantian world seemed to have entered the apocalypse at this moment, and scenes of destruction of heaven and earth could be seen everywhere. Fortunately, there were no real creatures above those energy stars.


At a certain moment, perhaps because he controlled the collapse of his dantian too quickly, Du Long couldn't help but spat out a stream of blood from his mouth. He obviously suffered a backlash if he acted too hastily.

Suppressing the churning energy and blood in his body, Du Long could only use all his strength to control the self-destruction speed of the Dantian world, and strive to prevent it from backfired in his body.

At this moment, Du Long broke through and reached the soul realm of the late Divine Realm, and finally played a huge role beyond imagination!

Everyone knows that the energy inside the human body needs to be controlled by the power of the soul. The stronger the power of the soul, the more powerful the energy it can control.

If Du Long only breaks through one avenue to reach the state of Dacheng and Perfection, that is, if he has just reached the initial stage of the divine realm, then his control over the soul must be many times weaker than it is now, and he may be in the process of self-destruction of his Dantian world. There is no way to control this process.

It can only be said that Du Long's luck was so good that he chose to self-destruct the Dantian world when he broke through and reached the late soul realm of the God Lord, hoping to break through and then return the Dantian world to a state of chaos.

If this were not the case, there would definitely be only one outcome for him to forcefully self-destruct the Dantian world when he did not have enough control over his soul, and that was to die by exploding his body!

Time passed by minute by second. Under the control of the powerful soul power, Du Long tried his best to control the self-destruction speed of his dantian within the range that he could bear.

In this way, although the entire Dantian self-destruction process made him feel extremely painful, it was still within the range that he could bear. This continued until the entire Dantian completely self-destructed and returned to its most primitive state.


Maybe it only took a few hours, or maybe it took many years, but Du Long, who felt like his days were like years, finally managed to survive the last moment of self-destruction in his dantian.

At this moment, what lay before his eyes was an extremely huge dark gray cloud. Apart from this dark gray cloud, no shadow could be seen in the boundless Dantian world.

Du Long stared at the gray cloud in front of him with complicated eyes, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was obviously grateful that he had finally survived the stage of self-destruction in his dantian.

"What kind of material is this?! It's not the energy of the five elements... nor the original energy I've seen before... but a gray substance I've never seen before?!" Du Long looked at the gray in front of him curiously. Yun Tuan muttered to himself: "Gray...chaos?! Is this the initial state of chaos?!"

"Forget it! Then today I will try to recreate a Dantian world in this chaotic yet unopened energy. I hope my choice is right this time!"

In a flash of thought, in order to strive for an early breakthrough, Du Long finally made up his mind!

"Chaos opens again, divides yin and yang!!"

A roar suddenly broke out from the bottom of his heart, and Du Long immediately started the journey of creation as he thought in his heart. The huge gray cloud that was originally suspended quietly in the Dantian world began to move along the path as if it was pulled by an invisible force. Run clockwise.

Rumble. . .

In the world of Dantian, a roar that could not be heard by ears suddenly sounded in Du Long's heart, as if a huge endless millstone was slowly starting up.

The huge gray cloud was slowly rotating, gradually accelerating from extremely slow speed at the beginning. Gradually, the gray energy stopped accelerating after reaching some mysterious speed, but there were vague signs of splitting apart.

From this moment on, Du Long's extremely powerful soul power no longer controls the movement of the gray cloud, but quietly watches its changes without making any changes during this period.

As the master of this Dantian world, he was able to control everything here like a god, but at this moment he suddenly realized something, and then he no longer used his own thoughts to change the trajectory of Dantian's operation.

As time passed by, the huge gray cloud gradually showed two color differences, one of which gradually became brighter, while the other became darker and darker.

The color difference between the two energies continued to deepen, and the originally round gray cloud gradually turned into the shape of Yin and Yang Pisces. The whole process was generated automatically, and Du Long did not interfere in any way.

"Chaos first opened to separate yin and yang?! I didn't even deliberately control the chaotic energy, but it finally automatically formed two energy bodies, yin and yang?!" Du Long's face was full of wonder.

"Could it be said... that all the energy in the world comes from chaotic energy... that chaotic energy is actually a combination of yin and yang qi... and that yin and yang qi determine the universe?!"

Silently watching the huge changes in the world of Dantian, Du Long secretly speculated on the truth behind certain phenomena, and these speculations gave him more insights.

"The two qi of yin and yang determine the universe?! I chose to break and then stand because I didn't want to rebuild the same Dantian world as before. If that's the case, what's the point of taking huge risks before?!"

"Looking at the evolution speed of the Yin and Yang Qi in front of us, it seems that it is a little slow. There is no time for it to be generated slowly now. It must be speeded up a little. The clones from the outside world can't hold on for much longer!!"

Du Long soon made a new decision. With the appearance of the Yin-Yang fish, he once again controlled the speed of the Yin-Yang fish. As the speed increased, the Yin-Yang fish also quickly became solid.

Hoo ho ho. . .

In the Dantian world, the huge Yin-Yang fish was rotating at high speed. The center points of the Yin-Yang fish gradually began to change, with one hot and one cold dot appearing respectively.

It's as if two fish eyes appear on the Yin-Yang fish. The color of these two eye-like dots keeps getting darker. Among them, the dot on the Yang fish is vaguely evolving towards blazing white, while the one on the Yin fish is moving towards Deep black evolution.

Gradually, a pole that was white enough to dazzle the eyes and continuously bloomed with terrifying heat, and a pole that was so black that people were trapped in it and bloomed with terrifying chills appeared in front of Du Long.

"It's not enough! There's still a little bit left..."

As the master of this Dantian world, Du Long naturally came up with this idea in his heart. He did not interrupt the high-speed operation of the Yin-Yang Fish, but continued to let it run at a terrifying speed.

Peng, Peng!

At a certain moment, two muffled sounds suddenly sounded inside the Dantian world, and then a scene that shocked Du Long appeared. The blazing white pole on the Yang fish suddenly rose into a ball of pale yellow light, and the pitch black on the Yin fish At the extreme point, a dark black light rises.

Then, under his shocked gaze, the pale yellow light ignited like a flame, and the deep black light also burned like a black flame.

Hoo ho ho. . .

The yin and yang fish continued to rotate at high speed, and the entire Dantian world seemed to be shaking like a storm. As the master of this Dantian world, Du Long was in great pain, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered.

He seemed to know that if he didn't bite the bullet and persevere, it would be difficult to speed up the Yin-Yang Fish if it slowed down, and it would probably take even longer for him to break through.

However, what he lacks most now is time, even if he knows that accelerating the breakthrough may cause adverse consequences!

As time goes by, the two flames of different colors become more and more intense, as if the Yin and Yang fish are constantly injecting energy into them, which also allows the two flames to grow rapidly.

Click, click!

After this continued for a long time, two crisp sounds like glass breaking were heard, and the location where the two flames were located suddenly cracked, and then suddenly shattered.

Rumble. . .

Suddenly, two terrifying energies spurted out from the location burned by the flames. The Yin-Yang fish that had been maintaining a fixed size suddenly grew in size at this moment.

Hoo ho ho. . .

Like blowing up a balloon, the huge Yin-Yang fish exploded crazily at this moment, expanding crazily and growing at a speed that Du Long could not imagine.

Until this moment, Du Long finally felt that the energy in his body had increased qualitatively. Since he reached the fifth level of Xuantian Art, his basic combat power has not increased, and what is increasing now happens to be his biggest shortcoming. Basic combat power!

Feeling the qualitative growth of the power in his body, Du Long's excitement was beyond words. However, he turned his attention to the two holes burned through by the flames.

Through these two holes, the blurry scene of the outside world could be vaguely seen, and an eternal and vast aura rushed towards his face. This aura made Du Long feel extremely small.

It was like a frog at the bottom of a well suddenly saw the extremely vast world outside, and was shocked by everything he saw on the spot.

"Could it be that... outside those two caves is the legendary... Xuantian World?!" Du Long murmured to himself in a low and solemn voice: "Being able to increase one's basic combat power so quickly, Let the energy in Dantian World show a qualitative increase. Apart from Xuantian World, I really can’t think of any other place that can provide such powerful energy!”

Just as he looked at the two holes burned through by the flames, the Yin-Yang fish in the Dantian world was still growing, and in the blink of an eye it was many times bigger than before!

And Du Long's basic combat power has also advanced all the way from the Emperor level, to the early and middle stages of the Divine Realm, and has been improved all the way to the later stage of perfection!


On the eighth time and space island, Du Long felt as if his Dantian world was about to explode. As the energy and blood in his body surged, he looked up to the sky again and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"not good!"

He woke up from his sluggish state in an instant, exclaimed and immediately began to control the yin and yang fish in the Dantian world with all his strength, and began to control it with all his strength to reduce its operating speed.

The speed of the high-speed Yin-Yang fish slowed down sharply, and the speed of the energy spurting out of the two holes quickly slowed down. The feeling that the Dantian was about to burst was gradually relieved.


After successfully escaping from danger, Du Long breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to observe the world of his Dantian, as well as his current state of cultivation.

"The Yin-Yang Fish has grown countless times... The basic combat power has reached the perfect state in the late stage of the Divine Realm... It seems that I have finally created the sixth level of the Xuantian Jue technique, but I don't know that such a Xuantian Jue Is the sixth level the most correct direction?!"

"Huh?! Those two holes are still there. As the Yin-Yang Fish no longer rotates at high speed, they no longer spurt energy in at high speed, but there is still energy slowly pouring into the Dantian world!"

"Two flames?! One yellow and one black?! One is extremely hot, and the other is extremely cold?! What kind of flames are these?! Could it be said that from now on, they are the real fire in my body?!"

As his cultivation level stabilized, Du Long began to secretly sort out the gains and losses of this practice, and found that there were still many things he didn't understand.

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