Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2237 Crazy Absorption

In the Beast Master Forest, violent energy fluctuations shook it. All the vegetation within a kilometer radius was turned into powder, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust, covering the sun!

The most ferocious beast in ancient times watched this scene with a complex expression. There was no anger or unwillingness on its face, but instead showed a look of undisguised admiration.

‘Is this a breakthrough? ! Faced with an almost impossible situation, this kid actually broke through the adversity and reached the realm of god? ! ’ I muttered with some disbelief secretly in my heart.

‘That golden light just now. . . Is this what these people call immeasurable merit? ! What the hell kind of place is the Heavenly Emperor’s battlefield? ! It can actually allow some people to earn immeasurable merit and achieve breakthroughs to the realm of gods? ! ’

‘What kind of footwork is that? ! Could this kid have entered the Tao through time and space and successfully entered the divine realm of the time and space avenue? ! this. . . Isn’t this too awesome? ! ’

‘That’s the Avenue of Time and Space. . . Even I couldn't truly achieve perfection. . . Tsk tsk! It seems that this guy is not too old and will achieve success in the future. . . He will definitely not be any weaker than that big bastard Chi You! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

At this moment, one question after another kept flashing in his mind, and even his movements were much slower, with most of his attention focused on Du Long.

On the other side, the faces of the strong men from the light and dark tribes became extremely ugly. They never expected that Du Long could forcefully break out with his unparalleled speed and successfully avoid the extremely deadly giant sword of light energy. .

"Haha! It turns out that this is the time and space footwork of the Dacheng Perfection Realm! It's so cool! It's really so cool!!" After successfully dodging the combined attacks of many strong men, Du Long couldn't help laughing excitedly.

Amidst the laughter, he did not continue to think of ways to break out, but under the cover of the smoke and dust, he once again used Nuwa's time and space footwork, and the whole person moved quickly within a limited range at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

In front of everyone's eyes, in a limited area where the smoke and dust had not dispersed, a golden figure turned into afterimages, and continued to swim among the crowd at high speed.

Puff, puff, puff. . .

Wherever the golden figure passed, one figure after another was blasted away one after another. At this moment, Du Long was not only extremely fast with his movement, but also the light of the coiled snake sword he slashed was extremely fast.

The seemingly light sword light cuts through time and space, and can always bombard the enemy's vital parts of the body before he can react. The soul-eating blow of the extreme soul is continuously launched, blasting the shadow clones one after another, and at the same time, the opponent is also The energy of the soul was also devoured.


A shrill scream resounded through the sky, and Du Long was seen passing by the location of a certain Dark Lord's true form. A flash of light and lightning passed by the Coiled Snake Sword, and the Dark Lord's true form was killed with one strike before he even had time to dodge!

At this point, seven strong men from the light and dark tribes joined forces to besiege Du Long, and finally one of them was killed. The sound of Peng Ran could not be heard, and a large number of shadow clones suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

With the fall of the Dark Lord, the shadow clones he released turned into rootless duckweeds and naturally dissipated between heaven and earth.

"You bastard! No matter how strong this kid is, he has just broken through and reached the realm of God. We have three strong men who have perfected their strength in the late stage of God's realm, plus three people who are in the early and middle stages of God's realm. Do we still need to be afraid? He can't do it?!" The Dark Demon King saw the morale on his side plummeting, and immediately roared with some anger.

"That's right!" Hepburn, the Great God of Light, followed closely and said with a gloomy face: "This kid has just broken through and is not yet stable. He has consumed so much energy before. Apart from being a little faster, his true combat power has not become much stronger. , please don’t be fooled by his appearance of being strong on the outside but capable on the inside!”

Although many people knew that Hepburn was boosting morale, the morale of the light and dark tribes still improved, and the encirclement that was about to collapse once again stabilized.

Even if they couldn't kill Du Long in a short period of time, they were unwilling to watch him break out of the encirclement and escape. If that was the case, then all their previous efforts would be in vain.

‘Lord Hepburn, Lord Gucci. . . So how should we deal with this difficult guy in front of us? ! I hope you two adults can come up with an effective plan! ’ As the encirclement stabilized again, one of the Dark Lords asked in a weak voice.

Others looked at the two of them, obviously waiting for their reply. If there was no effective way to kill Du Long, what was the point of continuing to desperately maintain the current encirclement? !

After Hepburn and Gucci looked at each other, he muttered undecidedly: "First of all, we must find a way to limit the speed of the opponent's movement. Secondly, the opponent's soul realm has broken through and reached the realm of gods. However, there has been no breakthrough in the Dantian world for the time being. There is almost no breakthrough in the body." The energy that was going to be exhausted has not been replenished! ’

‘Therefore, we must continue to consume the little energy left in his body with all our strength on the premise of limiting his speed advantage and reducing our casualties! ’

‘That makes sense! The Dark Lord Gucci immediately agreed: "On the premise of paying attention to your own personal safety, everyone must try their best to limit the opponent's movement range. Even if they try to self-destruct, this kid cannot break out of the encirclement. Under this premise, we must use our full strength." To launch a fierce attack, be sure to exhaust the energy in his body as soon as possible to avoid long nights and endless dreams! ’

'Understood! ’

In the chorus of responses, the six strong men from the light and dark tribes accepted this plan. They also understood that the possibility of killing Du Long in a short period of time was extremely slim. Wei You gave it a try to see if he could Exhaust its energy, otherwise this mission may end in failure!

Puff, puff, puff. . .

Within the encirclement, Du Long ran and moved at high speed within a limited range, and every once in a while he could always find an opportunity to kill an enemy's shadow clone.

However, what surprised him was that there was no chaos in the encirclement. The two tribes of light and dark maintained a very high frequency of attacks, and were unwilling to retreat even if they risked their lives.

'not good! They launched fierce attacks so desperately, clearly preparing to consume all the little energy left in their bodies! ’ Du Long felt his body gradually becoming empty, and immediately thought of the other party’s sinister intentions.

‘I take advantage of the avenue of time and space, and although I try my best to reduce the intensity of each attack, I still cannot avoid spending a lot of physical energy to resist the opponent’s desperate attacks. The energy in my body is always in a state of being unable to make ends meet! ’

'If I continue to consume like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on until I kill all the enemies. It seems that I have to find other ways to solve the current predicament! ’

With his mind racing, Du Long tried to reduce the energy required for each shot as much as possible while thinking hard about how to solve the current problem he was facing.

‘This time, with the help of immeasurable merit, I successfully understood the secrets of the great avenue of time and space, and thus achieved a breakthrough to the realm of gods. However, this realm is only a breakthrough in terms of my soul! ’

'The world of my Dantian is still in the fifth stage of the Xuantian Art, where the lake and the sea condense into thick soil, and the grass and trees are born. It has always been because the Five Elements Avenue has not been able to be perfected, so it has not been randomly improved to create Xuantian. The sixth level! ’

‘Therefore, even if I successfully break through and reach the divine level soul realm, the energy that the Dantian world can provide is not much different from before, and I still cannot get rid of the unfavorable situation I am currently facing! ’

'Could it be that. . . This clone of mine has to create the sixth level of Xuantian Jue in advance. . . No! It's not worth it to have to deny the belief that you have held on to for so many years just for a few little miscellaneous fish! ’

As soon as this idea came into Du Long's mind, he immediately rejected it. Seeing the dawn of victory right in front of him, he really didn't want to let this clone embark on the wrong path of cultivation easily.

‘Since you are unwilling to forcibly create an imperfect path of practice, how can you replenish the energy in your body that is almost exhausted? ! ’

‘I have all kinds of treasures in my body, maybe there are some pills that can replenish my energy? ! ’ As his mind was spinning, Du Long began to use a small part of his mind to ask the Ring Spirit: ‘Ling’er! Help me see if there is any elixir stored in the Dragon Lord Ring that can quickly restore my physical strength! ’

'No! ' Ring Spirit Ling'er replied without any hesitation: 'After reaching the perfect state of combat power in the late imperial stage, the energy replenishment of the Dantian world cannot be achieved with just a small pill. There are countless kinds of pills in the world that can improve physical fitness. Medicine, but the elixir that replenishes the energy of the emperor's perfect combat power is extremely rare! ’

‘Isn’t it? ! ’ Du Long replied somewhat depressedly: ‘Is it so difficult for me to recover some of the energy consumed in my body? ! ’

‘Actually, the fastest recovery is to rely on yourself to use the Xuantian Art to absorb the free energy between heaven and earth! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er continued to explain: ‘I suggest you think more about this. Even if you eat the Five Elements Ancestral Spirit Root as food now, you will not be able to use up your nearly exhausted spirit in a very short period of time. Empty Dantian is filled with energy! ’

'All right! ’ Du Long could only sigh helplessly. He probably never thought that one day in his life, he would worry about the ubiquitous energy in the world, right? !

Continuing to run the Xuantian Jue technique in his body with all his strength, Du Long could only secretly shake his head and smile bitterly as he felt the energy changes that were still beyond his means.

"Haha!" King Hepburn, the Great God of Light, seemed to feel that Du Long was trying his best to reduce energy consumption, and immediately laughed with great excitement: "This guy is trying his best to avoid excessive consumption of energy. It seems that my previous analysis is completely correct. Let's continue. Work harder, and when this kid's strength is exhausted, what's the difference between him and the meat on the chopping board that's being slaughtered?!"


Bursts of laughter rang out one after another. The strong men from the light and dark tribes swept away the previous gloom and laughed wildly in cooperation, obviously intending to interfere with Du Long's will to fight.

Facing the powerful men of the light and dark tribes who were launching more and more crazy attacks, Du Long shouted angrily: "It's not that easy to kill me. Even if I die, I will drag some people to hell with me! "

The two tribes of light and dark did not take his threat seriously at all. Each of their deities tried to stay away from the central area of ​​the encirclement. Hundreds of shadow clones surrounded Du Long in layers, and those deities were facing each other. Launch a fierce attack from a distant position.

'energy. . . Is it so difficult to restore energy in the body? ! ’ Du Long thought to himself while fighting hard, and a small amount of his mind sank into the world of Dantian, observing the extremely huge world in front of him from the perspective of a bystander.

It can be felt that this world seems a little dull, which should be the impact of excessive energy consumption. The world that was originally full of endless energy and vitality has now undergone such huge changes.

‘The energy stored in such a large dantian world can destroy countless small immortal worlds. However, after resisting for so long against a powerful person in the divine realm, the energy in it is still not enough in the end! ’

‘In such a huge dantian world, once the energy is exhausted, it really cannot be restored to the original state with the help of certain elixirs. It can only be replenished by absorbing energy from the outside world! ’

'However, even if Xuantian Jue Technique is operating at full strength, my physical meridians cannot quickly replenish the huge loss in the Dantian world. It would be great if the energy from the outside can be directly replenished. . . etc! ’

As his mind was spinning, a bright light suddenly flashed in Du Long's mind, obviously thinking of some possibility.

The mind that sank into the world of Dantian moved, and immediately made contact with the mind of the outside world, and then directly began to try to absorb the energy from the outside world directly into the world of Dantian.


Inside the huge Dantian world, it was as if a huge hole had been opened. A large amount of energy full of primitive energy poured in from this huge hole, and was continuously injected into the almost exhausted Dantian world.

Outside, the energy of heaven and earth moves automatically without wind. Du Long's body is like a vortex on the sea floor, which begins to swallow up the energy floating between heaven and earth. With him as the center, a visible energy whirlwind is formed, like a tornado born out of thin air. In this dense forest.

Hoo ho ho. . .

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the aura on Du Long's body began to surge. His abnormal changes fell into the eyes of everyone present, and anyone who was not a fool could guess what happened.

"How is this possible?! How can this guy absorb the energy between heaven and earth so quickly?! Didn't he refine these messy energies and inhale them directly into his body?!" The Great God King of Light was shocked in disbelief. shouted.

As we all know, the energy between heaven and earth has various attributes. Only by absorbing and refining the energy that suits you can you avoid chaos in the energy of your Dantian world.

Absorbing all kinds of energy randomly without refining it, the most serious thing is to go crazy, and then detonate your own Dantian world, blowing yourself into powder!

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