Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2232 Dantian World

The news of the death of the Seraph of Light Tabor soon spread back to the Light Clan. This was already one of the Great God King-level powerhouses who had fallen again in a short period of time between the Light and Dark Clan!

In the Beast Master Forest, two figures were sneaking carefully in the dense forest. They were two powerful men at the level of the great gods (demon) kings of the light and dark clans, the great god of light Hepburn and the great devil of darkness Gucci!

Suddenly, the great god of light Hepburn suddenly froze his figure and took out a few fragments of the soul jade talisman. The dark devil Gucci immediately frowned and asked: "Hepburn! Whose soul jade talisman is broken?" !”

"Alas!" Hepburn sighed softly: "It is the soul jade talisman of Seraph Tabor... We have lost another strong man in the realm of the great god king!"

"Fk!" Although he had expected it, Gu Qi couldn't help but yelled angrily: "This damn Jiuli tribe has tricked so many people to death. Don't give me the chance to leave this place. , otherwise the blood of everyone in the primitive tribe will be used to repay this blood debt!!"

Hepburn glanced at the dense forest around him, seeming to be a little worried about something, but he didn't dare to make a big statement like Gucci, lest he be killed.

"It seems that the hope of meeting up with Tabor has been lost. For now...either to find a way to leave this dense forest, or to find and kill the Buddhist disciple Du Long according to the original plan!" There was silence for a while. Finally, Hepburn analyzed it extremely calmly.

"While continuing to search for that boy's remains, let's look for a way to leave this place!" Gu Qi nodded simply and replied: "I hope that boy has not been able to join up with the other strong men of the God Realm of Buddhism and Taoism! "

Hepburn nodded slightly and did not say anything more. Instead, he and Gucci carefully flew and sneaked along the previous route. Although these two people had the strength of the great god king realm, they did not dare to fly in this beast. The forest is too high-profile.

Let’s not talk about whether they are afraid of the ancient ferocious beasts with beast-level strength in this forest. Once they encounter those ancient ferocious beasts head-on, a fierce fight will inevitably happen. They are not willing to do such a thankless thing.

Somewhere deep in the jungle, after successfully killing Tabor, the Seraph of Light, Du Long continued to sneak cautiously in the jungle alone.

‘Linger! I have successfully killed two ancient ferocious beasts in the Beast Master realm, why can't I still leave this Beast Master forest? ! ’ Du Long asked the Ring Spirit somewhat depressedly.

‘People don’t quite know what the reason is! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er replied in a sweet voice with some uncertainty: ‘Perhaps we need to kill a few more ancient ferocious beasts, or maybe the goal is not to kill the ancient ferocious beasts, but to find the real exit. Not sure! ’

'well! ’ Du Long shook his head helplessly and sighed: ‘The only thing we can do is to think of a solution as we move forward! I really don’t understand what this forest is about, and there’s no hint on how to get out! ’

‘That’s not surprising! ' The Ring Spirit Ling'er replied softly: 'Many people enter the secret realm left by some powerful people, and it often takes them millions of years to gain anything. You have only been here for more than ten years. , it is better to calm down and slowly find a way out! ’

'All right! ’

After finishing the conversation with the Ring Spirit Ling'er, Du Long continued to sneak carefully in the dense forest. In order to balance both, he began to choose a specific direction to move forward, hoping to find an exit out of the dense forest.

Just as Ling'er said, this matter must not be rushed. Once it comes, take care of it. I believe that I will not be trapped and die in this world.

Whoosh, whoosh!

At the top of the treetop, Du Long performed Nuwa's Space-Time Footwork along a certain direction. After taking two steps forward, he flew a long distance before having to fall down.

'no! The third step of Nuwa's space-time footwork was only the final kick, but she still couldn't succeed. . . ’

After trying and failing again and again, Du Long secretly thought with some frustration. He looked at the surrounding world with bright eyes, as if he was observing the difference between this world and the Pangu God Realm.

‘This world. . . There seemed to be a hint of familiarity. . . Why does it make me feel this way? ! ’

Gradually, Du Long seemed to discover the strange feeling that this world brought to him. Two brilliant thunder flames suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he directly used the brilliant thunder eyes to see what kind of secrets were hidden in this world. .

Using the full power of the Thunder Eyes, the world in front of him seemed to be a little different, and the heaven and earth seemed to be enveloped by a layer of aura full of primitive flavor.

'What is this? ! Give yourself an aura of familiarity. . . Is it caused by this kind of energy? ! ’ Du Long thought to himself with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

'Huh? ! ’

Soon he seemed to have made some discoveries, and as he turned his hands, a ball of energy appeared on the top of his palm. It was the energy he had extracted from his own Dantian world.

‘This kind of energy can be seen everywhere in the world of my Dantian. . . It seems to be very similar to the energy that envelopes this world. . . It’s just that they seem to be more mature! ’

'Could it be that. . . The world left behind by the Great Demon Chi You is no ordinary cave world. . . It is a building similar to that created by Xuantian Jue. . . real world? ! ’

Du Long was gradually shocked by his own speculation. He looked at the surrounding environment again with some disbelief. With the help of the Eye of Thunder, he became more and more confident in his speculation.

‘A self-created one-word world? ! Could it be that this cave world is not an ordinary cave world, but a Dantian world created by the great demon Chi You? ! Could it be that he is also practicing? . . Xuantian Jue Kung Fu? ! ’

‘Linger! ’ Du Long thought that he had to seek confirmation from the ring spirit in the end: ‘As the ring spirit of the Dragon Lord Ring and the inheritor of the Xuantian Jue technique, didn’t you have any other master before Zi Yan? ! ’

‘I don’t remember it! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er quickly replied: ‘I only remember that the master before you was Sister Zi Yan. As for whether there was another master before Sister Zi Yan, I don’t remember it at all. . . ’

‘How did you get here? ! When did you start to have memories? ! ’ Du Long asked with some reluctance.

'Can not remember. . . ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er sighed helplessly: ‘It seems that she has been following Sister Zi Yan ever since she could remember. As for what happened next, you all know. ’

‘This shouldn’t be the case! ’ Du Longwu said: ‘The Dragon Ring is a super-artifact-level soul guardian. It stands to reason that you should remember who made the Dragon Ring, and then all its owners will have memories! ’

'But. . . I really don’t remember anything! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er said helplessly: ‘It’s like that. . . It was as if all the memories before that had been erased. . . ’

‘Memory wipe? ! ’ Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly and said, ‘Did Ancestor Pan Gu do it? ! The Xuantian Jue Technique seems to have been passed down from his old man, but why did he erase all the information about the previous inheritors of the Xuantian Jue Technique? ! ’

'I understand, maybe he felt that the previous inheritors of Xuantian Jue Kung Fu failed to create the sixth level of Xuantian Jue that satisfied him. In order not to mislead subsequent inheritors, he chose to erase his memory. Way, want to solve this problem once and for all! ’

‘Did Ancestor Pangu erase Ling’er’s memory? ! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er’s body trembled slightly. She seemed to be a little afraid of the old man with such an extraordinary background, and she believed Du Long’s guess in her heart.

From the perspective of Ring Ling Ling'er, Pangu Ancestor had spent endless years trying to give the Xuantian Jue Technique a proper inheritance, so naturally he did not want to see any unstable factors that might undermine this plan.

‘Xuan Tian Jue. . . Is the Great Demon Chi You also one of the inheritors of this set of exercises? ! ’ Du Long didn’t notice the change in the Ring Spirit’s expression and tone, and continued to murmur to himself: ‘Is the world in front of you created by the Great Demon God Chi You? ! turn out to be. . . The Xuantian Art can really create an extremely real world in the end! ’

After practicing Xuantian Jue Technique to the fifth level, Du Long watched the prototype of a world appear in his Dantian world, and he had some thoughts on the evolution of this set of techniques.

‘As powerful as Chi You, the Great Demon God, and yet the world created in the end is so real, what is it missing? ! Why are you still unable to gain the discernment of Pangu Ancestor? ! ’

‘If this is really the dantian world of Chi You, the Great Demon God, it has already provided him with the strength to compete with the powerful and powerful people in the Supreme Realm, but in the end is it still a failed cultivation direction? ! ’

He stared at the world in front of him dimly, his brilliant eyes seemed to be able to understand all the secrets here, but Du Long still had too many doubts and puzzles.

'In fact, my Dantian world could have been upgraded and transformed again a long time ago. However, I have been suffering from the lack of a suitable transformation plan, and I want to wait until the Five Elements Avenue is completed before considering this issue, so I have to postpone it until now. . . ’

‘Could it be said that this world is the product of Chi You, the Great Demon God, who has not yet fully understood the Five Elements Dao? ! Is it because of this that Pangu Ancestor abandoned it here? ! ’

Gradually, Du Long seemed to find some possibility that was closest to the truth, and when he looked around again, the many details he saw seemed to verify his guess.

‘The Five Elements Avenue is not perfect. . . The world created is flawed. . . Lack of water. . . Shortage of gold. . . Lack of fire. . . Could it be that Chi You, the Great Demon God, was made of earth and wood? ! ’

‘It is precisely because of those flaws that the world cannot be perfect. It’s just that the great demon Chi You seems to have extremely high achievements in the avenue of time and space, so he uses his insights on the avenue of time and space to forcibly stabilize this world. . . ’

'However, the Tao is natural, and the stability obtained by force is just an appearance. The world has never been able to escape from the primitive stage because these defects can no longer be compensated? ! ’

‘Five Elements Avenue. . . It is the foundation of the existence of all things in the world. . . Only by fully understanding the Five Elements and the Great Way can one reach the state of great perfection. . . Is the world created at that time a truly perfect world? ! ’

Above the treetops, one idea after another popped up in Du Long's mind. These ideas were not made up out of thin air, but were comprehensively inferred based on certain information he had obtained.

And the fact is exactly what he guessed. The legendary cave world of Chi You, the Great Demon God, is actually the world he created by practicing the Xuantian Jue technique.

When some people from the primitive tribe entered this world, they thought it was a cave world that Chi You, the Great Demon God, carried with him. They did not expect that this was actually a world created by him.

Chi You, the Great Demon God, is actually the first inheritor of the Xuantian Jue Technique. As for the origin of this set of Xuantian Jue Technique, almost no one knows it. It is estimated that only Pangu Ancestor in the entire Pangu world knows its origin. ? !

"Haha! Before the Five Elements Avenue is fully realized, any thoughts are in vain. The road has to be taken step by step. After you have successfully understood the Five Elements Avenue, it is not too late to consider this issue again!" Lang laughed, Du Long finally put aside these thoughts and embarked on the journey again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In the dense forest, a golden figure shuttled through the forest at high speed. From time to time, when it felt safe, it would use Nuwa's time and space footwork, flying quickly over the top of the treetops for a long distance.

Time passed day by day, and several years passed quietly through the fingers in the blink of an eye. Du Long had been sneaking in the dense forest for many years, and he had never killed any ancient beast in the beast master realm.

When he encountered someone who was stronger, he had to retreat. When he encountered someone who was weaker than him, he would either turn around and flee, or call his friends to come to support him, giving Du Long no chance to kill the opponent at all.

Because the two ancient ferocious beasts he killed before failed to leave this world, Du Long is not in a hurry to kill the third ancient ferocious beast. If conditions permit, he will not show mercy. If there is no suitable opportunity, then It doesn't hurt to wait a little longer.

After deducing that the world in front of him was the Dantian world of Chi You, the Great Demon God, Du Long was no longer in a hurry to leave here. He also wanted to walk around this world and carefully explore what was abnormal about this world.

He believed that this was very important to him. As the contemporary inheritor of the Xuantian Jue technique, he had to make various preparations in advance to create the sixth level of the Xuantian Jue.

A world like this, which may have been created by the Xuantian Art, is something you can only encounter but cannot seek. This is definitely an excellent reference. Once you pass this village, there will be no such store!

Oh ho!

A roar of a beast suddenly sounded from the front, and an ancient ferocious beast with wings on its back and purple scales rose up from the air and shot straight at Du Long.

"An ancient ferocious beast that can fly?!" Du Long was frightened by the ferocious beast in front of him. When he saw that the other party could actually fly in the air, and the speed was extremely fast, he exclaimed: " And it’s also a powerful beast that has reached the late stage of Beast Master Realm?!”

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