Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2227 Abnormal Time and Space


Du Long was very experienced in dealing with this move of fang collision. He easily dodged it and then flashed behind the opponent with ease. It was obvious that he wanted to use the previous move to kill the black male. beast.

call out!

A flash of black lightning came, and it was the tail of this male black beast that was like a long whip covered with scales and barbs, and it instantly struck Du Long's body.

'So fast! ’ An idea suddenly flashed in Du Long’s mind. The male black beast in front of him had a strong sense of fighting, and its attack speed and attack power were much stronger.

With no other choice, Du Long could only use his new Five Elements Wind and Thunder footwork with all his strength, and tried his best to move sideways to the distance, trying to dodge the frontal attack of the whip shadow in front of him.


Almost at the same time as he started, the male black beast stomped its forelimbs heavily, and an invisible energy wave radiated, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged in Du Long's heart.

'not good! ’

At the same time as he secretly said something bad, the hairs all over Du Long's body stood up. While dodging the bombardment of the tail at full speed, he was always paying attention to everything around him, and was alert to the unknown methods of this male black beast. .


It's all a long story. Almost at the same time that Du Long secretly exclaimed something bad, there was a roar from the ground, and then the ground covered with debris suddenly bulged upwards with terrifying spikes!

This is a group of spikes covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters in radius. The extremely sharp spikes suddenly stab out from the ground. It is really a huge threat to Du Long who cannot maintain his flying state.

Because he was trying his best to dodge the opponent's tail bombardment, Du Long would just enter the area covered by ground thorns with a radius of several hundred meters. It would be extremely difficult to rush out of this area in a short time.

He could only subconsciously jump up, and the sword light in his hand slashed downwards one after another. In an instant, it collided with more than a dozen extremely sharp thorns, causing a roaring sound of gold and iron clashing.

Click click click. . .

One after another, the ground thorns shattered under Du Long's full force, and he was able to escape the threat of these ground thorns, and his whole body jumped hundreds of meters high!

Oh ho!

Another angry beast roar resounded through the sky. When Du Long secretly felt something bad, a black whip shadow swept over like a shadow, instantly breaking through the limitations of time and space and appearing in front of him.

‘Damn it! ’

At this moment, Du Long had just dealt with the threat of the ground thorn, and his body was falling downwards under the influence of the huge gravity of the earth's center. He could not move flexibly and freely. Facing this extremely fast whip shadow attack, he could only react subconsciously. The enemy used Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond to resist!

Boom! !

Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond suddenly launched and collided heavily with the sudden whip shadow. Du Long was instantly blown away like a ball, and he went straight into the dense forest in the distance and crashed heavily into it!

Oh ho! !

The male black beast seemed to have no intention of letting him go. After knocking it away with one blow, he immediately dodged and pursued it without hesitation. All kinds of forest fragments were flying everywhere in its path, and it could only be described as smoke and dust covering the sun. It’s not an exaggeration.

‘Damn it! It turns out that this is the real terror of the black beast! ’ Du Long cursed secretly as he threw it away: ‘The female black beast before the relationship was too weak, which made me think that this ancient ferocious beast was not good! ’


The ring spirit Ling'er couldn't help laughing and said: "None of the ancient ferocious beasts are good at it, especially the ancient ferocious beasts that can be favored by the great demon Chi You. You must not underestimate any of the beasts in this forest." An ancient ferocious beast! ’

This time, Du Long did not refute the Nazgul. He encountered several ancient ferocious beasts in this forest, but there were really not many good encounters. This also made Du Long feel a little afraid of the ancient ferocious beasts in his heart.

Boom, boom, boom. . .

Behind him, the roar of flying hooves kept coming, and he could see the male black beast with red eyes, chasing him fiercely.

Cursing secretly in his heart again, Du Long suddenly stepped on a tree pole with the soles of his feet. The new Five Elements Wind and Thunder Footwork was activated again. This time, without looking back, he flashed lightning in the direction away from the male black beast. And passed away.

There are very few weak points in his body, and now his weak points are still well defended. Du Long, who has always been crisp and clear-cut, is not willing to run over and ask for trouble again, to continue fighting with an uncivilized ancient ferocious beast.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In the dense forest, as Du Long deliberately accelerated his escape, he gradually distanced himself from the black beast. The other party seemed to have noticed his intention. He suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, and at the same time, a pair of front hooves struck the ground hard. He stomped up and down.

Rumble. . .

An invisible wave of energy quickly radiated towards Du Long, and then the ground beneath his feet suddenly bulged upwards, and extremely sharp thorns rushed out of the ground one after another, bombarding the sky indiscriminately!

Crash. . .

Towering trees shattered under the bombardment of the ground thorns, and a stone forest with a radius of about a kilometer appeared out of thin air at Du Long's feet. However, he himself could barely avoid the ground thorns' attack, and narrowly missed falling on several sharp roots. the gaps between the spines.

Oh ho!

A roar came from far away, and the crazy male black beast came flying at high speed. It was obvious that he had no intention of letting go of Du Long, a hateful human being who killed his partner!

Du Long, who had just escaped the sharp thorn attack, did not dare to stay too long and continued to fly between the ground thorns that were more than half the height of a towering tree, instantly rushing out of the kilometer range covered by the ground thorns.

As soon as he rushed out of the area covered by the ground thorns, Du Long immediately dodged and flew up the tree, and then tried his best to move along the branches of some towering trees. He did not dare to continue advancing on the ground. If he was hit by the ground thorns, he would probably not die. To peel off the skin.

Rumble. . .

However, the male black beast did not stop using the ground spikes to attack just because he flew up the tree. Another group of ground spikes covering a radius of one kilometer appeared, instantly covering the area where Du Long was!

Pieces of towering trees were shattered and collapsed one after another, including the big tree Du Long was flying over. He could only try his best to jump back and forth among the fallen trees, as if he was dancing on the edge of a knife. .

Fortunately, the height of those ground thorns was limited and could not reach the highest point of the towering tree. Although Du Long fell in a slightly embarrassed state, he was not in much danger.

Unfortunately, his speed was still affected to some extent, and the black beast that had just been pulled away a short distance appeared again at the edge of the stone forest.

Oh ho!

This time, the male black beast did not rush into the stone forest. Instead, he stamped his foot on the ground again and launched a new round of ground thrust attacks.

Another thorn forest with a radius of one kilometer rises from the ground, covering each other and overlapping the old thorn forest to form two circles. If you look down from the sky, it looks a bit like a flatter Arabian number 8!

Rumble. . .

Du Long, who fell into the stone forest with the broken trees, was a little shocked to find that the ground was bulging upward again. He could think with his toes that the male black beast was once again using its ground thorns to attack him.

'Depend on! Can this thing also cover overlapping attacks? ! Is this over yet? ! ’ Cursing secretly, Du Long could only fly into the air with all his strength, constantly using his strength to fly upward among the messy and broken trees, and mustered up all his energy to guard against the movements under the ground.

One after another, the extremely sharp ground thorns came fiercely. The speed of this kind of ground thorns bombardment was extremely fast. Du Long's chance of completely dodging it at close range was extremely small.

Seeing a sharp thorn stabbing him, he could only use all his strength to throw out the sword snakes in the sky, and then transformed into the Chi You Poison Dragon Drill and slammed into the ground thorn!


A violent roar erupted when the two collided head-on. Du Long was hit by a huge force and was thrown upwards. In an instant, he flew to the highest point that the ground thrust could reach!

'Fight! ’

Du Long didn't want to fall into those stone forests again. With a roar in his heart, he took a step forward without hesitation and directly performed the first step of Nuwa's time and space footwork!

call out!

In mid-air, his figure suddenly shot forward. Although the speed was extremely fast, it did not fly an unknown distance instantly like Nuwa's time and space footwork in the outside world.

He only felt that he quickly rushed out of the area covered by the two stone forests, and then continued to fly deep into the dense forest. Although this speed was very fast, it was not so fast that he could not control it!

'this. . . Nuwa's time and space footwork is used here. . . Is this the effect? ! ’ Du Long secretly thought with surprise and joy: ‘What is the reason that caused all this? ! ’

In a flash of thought, the time in the air for the first step of Nuwa's Time and Space Footwork ended. Just as he was about to fall, he subconsciously took the second step, and the second step of Nuwa's Time and Space Footwork followed. go out.

call out!

The body that had started to sink was shot forward again. At this moment, Du Long was almost flying in the air close to the top of the treetops. His speed seemed extremely fast, but it was only relative to this space, and relative to the outside world. It is estimated to be the normal flyby speed!

'this. . . It actually succeeded? ! Could it be that. . . In this extremely attractive time and space. . . Can he maintain normal flying status with the help of Nuwa's space-time footwork? ! ’ Du Long thought to himself with some surprise.

In this cave world, even Jesse, a powerful man in the realm of gods, could not fly, and was finally killed by Du Long. One can imagine how difficult it is to fly in the air here.

On the ground, the huge male black beast looked at the sky in the distance with some dumbfounded eyes, watching the hateful human flying far away. This scene was beyond its imagination.

On the other side, as Nuwa took the second step of space-time footwork, Du Long's body fell downwards again, and he took another step forward. In his opinion, he should be able to continue to fly forward. right.

However, something puzzled Du Long. Instead of continuing to fly forward, his body was accelerating and falling downwards.

'How is this going? ! ’ Du Long secretly exclaimed as his whole body fell uncontrollably downwards. After a brief moment of astonishment, he immediately continued to perform Nuwa’s time and space footwork in mid-air.

First step, second step, first step, second step. . .

However, he seemed to be doing useless work. No matter how he used Nuwa's space-time footwork, he could not continue to fly forward, and his body continued to fall downwards.

With his head full of confusion, he landed on the top of a towering tree. You could see that his face seemed to be filled with countless question marks, and he stood there blankly thinking about something.

'Why? ! Why is this happening? ! It was obviously successful the first time, but why didn't it work later? ! ’ This question kept flashing in Du Long’s mind: ‘The space where this cave world is located. . . The biggest difference from the outside world is that the gravity is so strong that even powerful people in the divine realm cannot fly in the air. . . ’

'And all this difference. . . And what does it have to do with Nuwa’s time and space footwork? ! Why was it that when I used Nuwa's space-time footwork, I was able to fly in the air at first? . . What if it doesn't work in the end? ! ’

'do not care. . . Try it first before talking. . . ’

As his mind was spinning, he immediately decided to try again. He immediately took a step forward and directly performed Nuwa's time and space footwork. And he once again felt that he had the feeling of flying again, and his whole body directly Lightning shot forward quickly.

It wasn't until his body started to fall downwards again that he took the second step of Nuwa's space-time footwork. Without any help, he flew forward again.

call out!

Feeling the joy of free flying, Du Long held a trace of expectation in his heart. At the moment when he was about to fall, he once again performed the first step of Nuwa's time and space footwork. However, an abnormal change that disappointed him occurred again. No matter how he performed Nuwa's time-space footwork, Wa's time and space footwork will only result in continuing to fall.

In the distance, the male black beast, which had lost sight of Du Long for a long time, roared unwillingly, and then dragged heavy steps back to his lair.

Du Long, on the other hand, once again stayed at the top of a towering tree, thinking about something with a dull expression on his face. . .

‘The difference in space. . . Back then, I had just ascended from the immortal world to the divine world. . . Others were unable to fly when they first ascended, but I was able to fly freely in the God Realm. . . There should be a certain connection between the two! ’

'At that time. . . It was because he had successfully comprehended the space mysteries of the immortal world that he was able to fly freely in the God Realm in the realm of gods. . . ’

'But at this moment, I have not been able to reach the perfection of Dacheng in the Great Way of Time and Space. . . Nuwa's time and space footwork has only reached the second step of practice, and there is still a third step that has not been completed. . . ’

‘Could it be that this is why I failed? ! Only by cultivating Nuwa's time and space footwork to the state of perfection will he be able to fly freely in this world? ! ’

‘It is estimated that more than 80% of the cases are due to this reason. . . Is it just that the gravity of the world in front of us is relatively strong, which makes many strong people unable to fly in the air? ! ’

‘I don’t think so. . . There must be some secrets in this space that I don't know about. . . If you can find out this secret, maybe you can. . . Have you successfully understood the Great Way of Time and Space? ! ’

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