Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 239 Facts Prove

Fengli County, inside the city lord's mansion!

Du Long summoned Uncle Fu, Sun Lin and Xia Ye to discuss the matter here. This is also the first time Xia Ye has participated in such a highest-level meeting since he officially participated in the affairs of Fengli County!

After being courteous to each other, Du Long took out a stack of documents and handed them to Sun Lin, saying, "Sun Lin, you need to organize the Shadow Guards to conduct a detailed reconnaissance of the targets on this list, and indicate them on the list as soon as possible." Find out the content of the reconnaissance, and report it to me!"

"The last general obeys!" Sun Lin stepped forward to take the stack of materials respectfully, then returned to his seat, glanced roughly at the first page of the materials, and could see that most of them were generals from several major legions of the Blue Moon Empire Official names, only a few generals of the Chishui Kingdom!

"Fu Bo! The recruitment of the Xiaocai Legion will continue, but the review conditions can be relaxed appropriately. That is to say, outsiders can also join the Xiaocai Legion. The target is about 10,000 people. These 10,000 people are not allowed to participate in the secret of Heixuantieshan. For the escort mission of the base, you can only participate in the material delivery of a few gold mines!" Du Long confessed to Fu Bo again.

"Hehe, as long as the review conditions are relaxed, then with our treatment, the recruitment speed will definitely be very fast!" Fu Bo replied with a smile.

"No! The recruitment treatment should be lowered appropriately. It is the same as that of Fengli City Guards. It doesn't matter if the recruitment speed is slower. In short, these soldiers and horses are only used to deceive people, so there is no need to rush!" Du Long quickly explained the real purpose. Speak up.

"Oh, that's how it is! Then I understand! Since this matter is not urgent, let Manager Xia take care of it!" Uncle Fu nodded and smiled.

"Uncle Xia! Then I'll leave this matter to you! Of course, proper identity verification is also necessary, but it's not that strict!" Du Long said with a smile and looked at Xia Ye.

"Okay, I will try my best to handle this matter well!" Xia Ye replied without delay.

"Very good! Uncle Fu and Sun Lin go to work! Uncle Xia stay here! Qinglian and I came back from the capital, and it's not too late to go to work after dinner together!" Du Long smiled and said, looking at everyone.

At this point, after Du Long handed over the task, the meeting came to an end. Everyone was very busy, so he stopped talking nonsense!

Taking Princess Huofeng and finishing the meal with the three members of Xia's family, Du Long took his two daughters to Heixuantieshan, where he met Ou Yezi, learned about the progress of equipment production, and dealt with some of the production base's problems by the way. After the important business, he rushed to the monster swamp without stopping.

In the monster swamp, more than half a month has passed, and the place has completely changed!

On the largest land, cattle and sheep appeared in groups in the circle, and outside the barbarian camp, patches of fertile fields were reclaimed, and many seedlings could be seen sprouting from the ridges of the fields!

On the other several pieces of land, tens of thousands of armored water rhino cavalry, tens of thousands of wolf cavalry, tens of thousands of heavy armored water horse cavalry, and light cavalry each occupied a piece of land, and began to conduct military training in full swing!

Of course, the personnel and mounts are all in place, but now the weapons and equipment are not in place. The Black Xuan Tieshan Secret Weapons Factory has increased a lot of manpower and works overtime every day, but it still cannot meet the demand!

Therefore, in order not to let everyone be left behind in training, the experienced general Xu Yin formulated a very scientific training plan, dividing tens of thousands of horses into three batches!

One group is responsible for farming and grazing, one group is responsible for formation attack, martial arts training, etc., and the last group conducts assault and defense training with full equipment. The three groups of troops rotate every half a month!

Du Long took his two daughters around for a tour. While affirming Xu Yin's training method in batches, with the advice provided by the ring spirit beauty, he put forward some suggestions for improvement in farming, grazing, and military training!

In the end, the three of them lived in the camp on the largest land in the monster swamp. Inside the Hu camp, there were several large tents specially provided for other high-level temporary living.

Here, after Du Long finished handling some important affairs every day, the rest of his time was spent on training and refining pills!

There are six golden flame beads to be absorbed and refined, and there are still a lot of spiritual medicinal materials waiting for him to refine into pills, all the time is fully booked. . .

Time passed, and it was the end of 1008 in the star calendar. As expected by Du Long, the Blue Moon Empire used the pretext of Wu Chuo, the head of the Hammer Army of the Chishui Kingdom, to kill nearly a million soldiers at the Chiyue Pass after completing the military assembly. The army of the Blue Moon Empire, in the name of revenge, launched a massive war of aggression against the Chiyue Pass of the Chishui Kingdom!

This excuse is really ridiculous. The Blue Moon Empire launched an aggressive war against Chiyue Pass, and then killed millions of troops, but it is used as an excuse to send troops again? !

But in this world, whoever has a hard fist has the right to speak. Even if others know that they are shameless, there is nothing they can do!

The 600,000 troops of the three legions are attacking Chiyue Pass with all their strength. Judging from the situation, it seems that they will not stop until they capture Chiyue Pass!

Facing the protest from the Chishui Kingdom, the Blue Moon Empire said that as long as the Chishui Kingdom is willing to hand over Wu Chuo to the Blue Moon Empire for punishment, the Blue Moon Empire will immediately withdraw its troops, otherwise, it will never let it go!

The king of the Chishui Kingdom would not be so foolish as to think that after handing over the famous general Wu Chuo, the Blue Moon Empire would never invade their own country. It is estimated that after they got Wu Chuo, they just retreated and turned around, then turned back immediately It might even come to launch an attack!

In a word, the Chiyue Pass where the famous general Wu Chuo is present is an impenetrable dangerous pass. Once the famous general Wu Chuo is lost, the Chishui Kingdom will surely be destroyed!

Under the attention of all countries in the mainland, the Blue Moon Empire launched a war with such a shameless excuse. From the initial 600,000 troops, it has grown to nearly one million all the way. It continues to attack Chiyue Pass every day, and the battle is fierce. Incomparable!

The outbreak of this war shocked many generals of the Haotian Empire, including the old and new emperors. The target of their shock was not the war itself, but just a few months ago, the youngest man in the continent The words of Du Long, the fourth-rank Xiaoqi Zhonglang General!

Everything has come true!

Especially the old and new emperors, only they listened to Du Long's detailed analysis of what kind of troops the Blue Moon Empire would use this time to attack Chiyue Pass. war!

From the analysis of the received information, when the Blue Moon Empire launched an attack on Chiyue Pass this time, it seemed that it used a large number of troops. In fact, it launched an attack every day. Before each attack, it always used large siege equipment Throw a large number of stones to Chiyueguan in advance, and then send people to rush up. Once you feel that nothing can be done, you will immediately withdraw your troops!

In other words, they mainly focused on long-distance attack and supplemented by melee combat, which was clearly in line with all the situations Du Long said!

At the time of the new year's celebration at the end of 1008 in the star calendar, the Blue Moon Empire, which had just started the war for less than half a month, actually took the lead in announcing a truce, expressing that it would seek justice from the Chishui Kingdom after the new year's celebration was over.

Since the attacker took the initiative to strike, the Chishui Kingdom is of course happy to see the success, but there are still nearly a million troops outside the Chiyue Pass, and the Chishui Kingdom is always on their backs. Obviously, this New Year's celebration cannot be so comfortable!

For the Haotian Empire, this year's New Year's celebration can't be so comfortable. As early as the late stage of the army of the Blue Moon Empire, the high-level empire issued a second-level combat readiness order to several legions adjacent to the Blue Moon Empire. Several main generals have returned to their posts one after another, ready to meet the sudden attack of the Blue Moon Empire at any time!

For the second-level combat readiness order, the Haotian Empire does not need to mobilize for national wars. It only needs the legions that receive this readiness order to be on alert and prepare for all kinds of wars!

As the chief general of the Zhongwu Army, Du Zhentian can only stay inside the Chilongxia Zhongwu Army's garrison for this New Year's celebration. He has no way to return to the imperial capital to spend the New Year with his family!

After a few months, Du Long's strength has improved by leaps and bounds again, from the first level of Qi Sea to the fifth level of Qi Sea, with an average increase of one level every month. This is the result of his efforts to suppress it under the advice of the ring spirit beauty!

Every time his strength increases by one level, the weight on his body increases a lot, and then there is a whole month of devil-like extreme training, so that his body strength can adapt to the speed of strength growth as soon as possible!

Only in this way can the foundation be guaranteed, and it will be more beneficial to the growth of strength in the future!

With the fifth-level strength of Qihai, in the dantian space, five liquid energies are slowly circling in a mysterious trajectory, just like an ocean vortex, which is both beautiful and spectacular!

During the Chinese New Year in the capital, Du Long naturally had another secret discussion with the old and new emperors. Although the new emperor was convinced of him, he still did not believe that the Blue Moon Empire would launch a fierce general attack on Chiyue Pass for a whole year. In order to deceive others, there is no need to pay such a high price!

The new emperor has always underestimated the ambitions of the Blue Moon Empire. They can patiently spend decades planning for the Haotian Empire. Seeing that it is time to close the net, even if they use the power of the whole country, they must ensure that this grand plan can be achieved. Successful implementation!

After the New Year, Du Long returned to the territory again!

After another three months, Du Long, who had reached the eighth level of Qi Sea, could no longer improve his strength by taking the third-grade spiritual liquid. He uses psychic liquid to improve his strength, and every time Ganghuo doubles, he can take the third-grade psychic liquid one more time!

It's a pity that he only got six Golden Flame Beads in total, which is only enough to increase the chance of taking the third-grade spiritual liquid six times at most. Therefore, after reaching the eighth level of Qi Sea, Du Long, who has exhausted the Golden Flame Beads, has to rely on his own hard work to improve his strength!

Of course, if he can find Jin Yanzhu again, he will be able to use the spiritual liquid to improve his strength again!

It's a pity that after eight months, let alone Jin Yanzhu, he was hunting for treasures in the monster forest, but he couldn't even meet Ziyan Zhu again. The Golden Yanzhu reached 150 million, and there was still a price but no market. Du Long immediately dismissed the idea of ​​buying Jinyanzhu!

During the three months after the new year, the Blue Moon Empire once again launched continuous attacks on Chiyue Pass. A large number of stones were thrown to Chiyue Pass every day, and a large number of stones piled up like mountains at Chiyue Pass. The defenders had to send troops out to clean up the rocks.

In this regard, the army of the Blue Moon Empire unexpectedly did not stop it. Outsiders don't know the reason, but Du Long and the old and new emperors know it well!

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